Climate policy wins public backing

| 28/06/2023

(CNS): Caymanians are demonstrating that they are very concerned about the impact climate change is going to have on these islands in the coming years. Government officials report receiving very positive feedback about the draft Climate Change Policy during the current public consultation period, which ends Friday.

With just a few days left for people to take the survey or submit comments, the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency is urging members of the public who have not yet given their feedback to take a few minutes to do the online survey or submit comments directly.

Lisa-Ann Hurlston-McKenzie, the ministry’s senior policy advisor for the environment and resiliency, said the feedback has been overwhelmingly supportive.

“Based on the feedback we are receiving, the Cayman Islands community is largely supportive of the need for a climate change policy that will help our islands navigate the serious challenges posed by sea level rise, increased air and sea temperatures and more intense rainfall events and tropical storms,” she said.

“We have received some very constructive insights that will help refine some of the proposed strategies. The community understands the impacts of the status quo on their health, their cost of living and their quality of life, and they want to see our islands move towards greater climate resiliency and a more sustainable economy while protecting our environment. Overall, the feedback has been clear that this policy is something the Cayman Islands urgently needs,” Hurlston added.

In the final week of public consultation, the ministry is completing a series of targeted stakeholder focus groups with key local sectors, such as real estate, planning and development, financial services, reinsurance, tourism and education, Chief Officer Jennifer Ahearn said.

“These meetings are important to ensuring collaborators in the public, private and non-profit sectors feel the proposed strategies meet the stated goals, are workable and start discussions that will feed into implementation planning, which will begin as soon as the policy is approved,” Ahearn said, as she encouraged the wider public to review the draft policy and provide comments.

The policy aims to build resiliency against the most severe climate risks, position the country to take advantage of low-or zero-carbon economic opportunities and protect the important services provided by our unique natural ecosystems.

Visit the Climate Change Policy webpage and the public consultation hub

Watch a virtual presentation of the draft policy below and take the CNS straw polls.

Climate Change Policy

Do you believe that a climate change policy is necessary?

Cabinet understanding of climate change

Which of the following ministers really understands the climate change issue?

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Category: Climate Change, Science & Nature

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Serious question here. Assuming that most of the Ministers were able cast a vote for themselves, and maybe a second vote using their smarter-than-them phone, who are the other 5 people who think that Jon Jon understands climate change?

  2. Stop what is happening to Cayman says:

    Since they are so supportive why doesn’t govt stop increasing the population on these Little islands with those who simply don’t give a damn about the destruction they are doing to the environment.???

  3. Anonymous says:

    China outputs more carbon in an hour than we do in a year.

    China has a population of 1,400,000,000, Cayman 80,000

    There are 8,760 hours in a year.

    Chinas Population is 17,500 times larger than Cayman.

    Using your analogy, a resident in Cayman pump out over 3 times more Carbon, that one resident in China.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I wanted to vote that none of the above ministers have any proper understanding, unfortunately I can’t .. minimum 1 vote needed. So my vote goes uncounted.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Just about the most idiotic policy imaginable for Cayman to be concerned about.

    • Anonymous says:

      Having a climate change policy that talks about how to mitigate some of the consequences of climate change isn’t a bad idea, but if you really delve into this climate change policy and the ramifications it will have on the cost of living, the quality of life and land usage, it is absolutely insane. Environmentalist might say it’s great, but if this is implemented anywhere close to the way it’s written, it won’t take long for the majority of people to realise it’s a terrible mistake. It will cost every politician associated with it their jobs, of that I am certain.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only an idiot would say that.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What?! I cant make out what youre saying over the noise of the diggers and concrete mixers!

  7. Anonymous says:

    This hocus pocus climate change nonsense is a psychological operation masterminded by the same unaccountable globalist cabal that brought us safe and effective, lockdowns and masks.

    What’s to fear?

    • Anonymous says:

      The rising sea-levels perhaps?
      If it is due to mankind or not, they are still going to rise!

      not preparing for it, is similar to not preparing for Cat 5 hurricane bearing down on Cayman, because scientists said hurricanes are going to get worse with Climate change.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Waste of money, fix crime and education. Those things can actually be fixed unlike the climate change boogeyman

  9. Concrete Sales says:

    Fire up the diggers boys!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Sadly the goal set out by the Paris climate accord of limiting temperature increase to only 1.5 degrees is not achievable without major detrimental side effects to civilization. While trying to reduce carbon emissions is a noble goal, we need to be practical about it, and focus also on building resilience to a changing climate. Focusing too much on reducing carbon emissions means other more practical solutions might get sidelined.

  11. Anonymous says:

    We should absolutely prepare for climate change. However, low carbon or carbon tax policies are not needed. China outputs more carbon in an hour than we do in a year. set backs for structures from the beach, more flood prevention and mitigation strategies, sagassum removal strategies and waste strategies are the most important items for Cayman to worry about. I don’t think anyone who is leading government knows much about climate change if they think all of us driving electric cars will solve all the problems.
