Waterfront phone shop robbed in broad daylight
(CNS): Digicel’s waterfront store in George Town was robbed by two masked men late Friday afternoon as staff were shutting up shop. This was the seventh robbery so far this month. Both men were said to be brandishing firearms as they entered the store on North Church Street at around 5:30pm and demanded cash from the register and safe.
According to an RCIPS release, the robbers then fled with an undisclosed quantity of cash through the back door. No shots were fired and no one was physically injured.
Police officers who responded to the 911 call soon located and recovered a vehicle in George Town that they suspect had been used by the robbers. It is currently being processed for forensic evidence. However, so far, no one has been arrested in connection with the armed stick-up, the latest in another spike of robberies in and around the capital.
Anyone with any information or who may have witnessed anything suspicious in the area around the time of the incident is asked to contact George Town CID on 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Tip Line at 949-7777, or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to caymancrimestoppers.com.
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Hello everyone! I hope you will be protected against the evils days.
If I were the police chief, I would announce the next gun amnesty.
Now if you are one of them that knows how drug’s get into the Cayman Islands then you should know how easily one or two guns can slip through. It probably has happened over a dozen times over the years.
The only people that should be equiped with a firearm are sworn officers, and certified private security guards.
Now back to the topic on ‘gun amnesty’. You guys need to talk about gun amnesty. The crooks that stole Digicels money using deadly force have alerted my threat watch.
Unlike the average local, the
hooligans are armed and dangerous.
A long enough pocket knife could also make a person armed and potentially dangerous. However, this could be refuted in the court of law.
A new gun amnesty act could give some people a chance to start over.
People can change. Love from family can do that to a person. Forgiveness. A new name. It can be theirs.
I love what you’re saying but unfortunately criminals are criminals and family creates criminals if they don’t actually give the love that children are needed. And I see too many kids running wild without any parents disciplining them.
Dozens of times? Probably hundreds of times. I may forgive, but I don’t forget. And forgiveness comes with taking responsibility and serving your jail sentence if assigned. In the end the highest concern is for the protection of the law-abiding public – remove the offender who cares not for being a positive member of society.
Very some comment. Just dismantle and throw it in the sea. Duh
Tonight i see they put a security guard outside lol. Like they coming back right? Reactive regime
Hi vis vest in a robbery? Makes a change from the usual black hoodie.
“no one was physically injured” We need to change the narrative. Is a physical injury more important than the sheer terror the staff must have gone through? Not trying to be critical of the writer, just pointing out that physical injuries are only one of the injuries people suffer during a crime.
CNS: This is a simple crime report, not an opinion piece. We insert the word “physically” as an acknowledgement that it’s not the only form of injury but we have no knowledge about any others. We could seek out the victims every time there is a robbery and ask them about any mental injury they may have suffered but that would be a) intrusive b) not helpful to the police investigation c) an enormous use of our time trying to find people who probably don’t want to be found and are now off-duty, and d) all we would discover is the bleeding obvious (they were scared and/or traumatised). Sometimes readers just have to use their emotional intelligence.
Thanks for the reply CNS.
If the police and business owners need the public’s help to catch criminals so much, why is it that we’re drip fed info on these crimes? Can you request it? It’ll boost your engagement.
If not, why? Do they withhold all evidence and just give these lackluster descriptions?
No CCTV? No description of accent?
CNS: We sometimes ask for clarification but it’s not worth the time asking for more info. The RCIPS tends to give all the info they’re prepared to give in the release.
We’re “sandwiched” between two of the most crime ridden countries, Honduras & Jamaica, and importing labor from both countries. All our MLAs are wanting to create stronger ties with these two countries too. But no one can see the future is dim.
Lots of local criminals too, but that doesn’t fit the classic “blame everyone else” narrative.
The fact is, criminal proclivity has been appealing to Caymanians for a couple generations now. Long before 2003 status grants, and before work permit numbers skyrocketed. The majority of Cause List named and inmates in HMP Northward are born Caymanians. They are not imported permit workers.
Ridiculous argument. Check any region in the world and the cause list will be primarily locals. Regardless of this obvious fact, just because we have local criminals means we should continue to import poverty and crime? Utter foolishness, and a bad faith argument at best.
Great for the tourist product. Only a matter of time before a member of the public gets shot.
It turns out members of the public are the ONLY people getting shot in Cayman. We are not at war. Even Dr Frank McField famously got shot…who shot him?
Patrick Duppy?
Big Up!!!
Pathetic that the police can’t catch these robbers within hours on a tiny island. Clearly one or two of the same gangs doing the crimes. Unless the police are in on it, they need sacking. Pathetic. In the UK they’d have been arrested within an hour.
yes in UK criminal get caught very quickly because public help the police meanwhile in cayman no one help the police! Someone knows who it is!
The JDF — err, RCIPS — are fairly obviously involved in the crime. They have repeatedly “allegedly” (
) leaked details about informants, and it is not safe to cooperate with them until the “few bad apples” (again, 

) are dealt with.
Maybe Anonymous Sherlock should join the police.
Seriously, unless you have names from the start, or police somehow get eyes on them, it’s very easy to disappear for a while here.
Meanwhile, our cellular providers rob us every month with top billing for obsolete tech, coverage gaps, random disconnection threats, and false geo settings.
Welcome to PactRock.
Its a free for all again it seems
So what, our police and elected officials are not doing anything to stop it. Let it all keep going as Cayman needs to fall off its high horse.
To be fair Digicel and Flow have been robbing the rest of us in broad daylight for decades.
That is a very poor comment about a business that was robbed… and I’m being polite in my language. Nobody forced you to use their services.
This was comedy gold
At least the robbers had the decency to wear a mask
We soon be Jamaica #2. Welcome bredren.
But the good news is that robberies in narrow daylight are rare.
The idiots probably spent it all right away on Hennessy and stuff and now sitting in some dirty house dreaming about KFC. Wtf is wrong with some of you out there ? Rhetorical question, if you know what that means. Take a bath, pull up your pants and get a job. So frigging dumb.