Two men arrested on Cayman Brac for drug crimes

| 18/05/2023
Cayman News Service
La Esperanza, Cayman Brac

(CNS): RCIPS officers on Cayman Brac have arrested two men over the last week who were either selling or using drugs. The two Brac residents, both in their 40s, were arrested on two separate occasions, one accused of selling drugs and the other on suspicion of using cocaine outside a bar.

Chief Inspector Malcolm Kay, Area Commander for the Sister Islands, said the police were taking concerns about illegal drug use on the Brac seriously. “These arrests are part of our ongoing drug enforcement strategy, as we work together with our partners to reduce the prevalence and impact of drugs in our community,” he said.

On Wednesday morning, 10 May, the police on Cayman Brac received information that a man appeared to be selling drugs at Pop-A-Top Park in Watering Place. Officers attended the location and found the man in possession of items that contained suspected cocaine and ganja. The 46-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of cocaine and ganja, as well as for an outstanding warrant.

He was subsequently transported to Grand Cayman to attend court in relation to the warrant. The drug matter remains under investigation, police said.

Then on Saturday, 13 May, shortly before 10:30pm, police officers checking an event outside La Esperanza bar on Watering Place Road as part of their patrols saw a man who appeared to be consuming illegal drugs.

The officers informed the 42-year-old man that he was under arrest on suspicion of possession and consumption of cocaine, and possession of a drug utensil. He resisted arrest and attempted to escape from the officers, but was subsequently detained by officers and further arrested for resisting arrest. He has been granted bail as investigations continue.

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