Traffic cops focus on speeding in Eastern Districts

| 16/05/2023 | 45 Comments

(CNS): Police issued 50 speeding tickets last week during Operation Borage, the RCIPS’s latest clampdown on rogue drivers, focussing on the Eastern Districts, where residents have raised concerns with the traffic police about dangerous driving, especially at weekends. The enforcement operation also led to an undisclosed number of tickets issued for other offences.

Officers issued several more tickets for expired registrations and three people were warned they could be prosecuted for other traffic offences.

“Our officers will be carrying out Operation Borage this weekend and for the foreseeable future,” said Superintendent Richard Barrow. “We will be targeting speeding, DUI and dangerous and reckless driving as a priority to curtail the occurrences of serious and fatal collisions. However, other offences that are observed during the operations will also be dealt with.” He said the aim was to make the roads safe for everyone, motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

Police also plan to focus on complaints about motorbikes, which have been disturbing the tranquillity of the community and undermining road safety in the early hours of the morning. “We suspect that many of these motorcycles are unregistered and not insured,” the police said.

The RCIPS stated, “In these instances, the vehicle will be seized by the police, the rider may be arrested or warned for intended prosecution, and the motorcycle will not be released until proof of ownership is provided.” The owner must then remove the motorbike on a trailer or similar method, as they are not permitted to ride an uninsured or unlicensed vehicle on a public roadway.

Officers warned the cost of speeding in the Cayman Islands can be high, as drivers are fined $20 for every mile over the speed limit drivers are travelling, up to $500. Anyone driving in excess of the top fine will be warned for prosecution and if convicted, fined and disqualified for at least six months.

Anyone travelling at double the speed limit may be automatically disqualified from driving and warned for intended prosecution.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (45)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Will they be breathalysing everyone who crashes in to light poles?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I can fix it. Ok, get speed cameras and put them up. Use the new plates that transfer data and license number to ticket people. Put it against thier license and registration. If not paid. revoke both. You’re welcome.

    • Anonymous says:

      The problem with speed cameras are they will catch the “wrong” people.

      FOI request for the number of government or statatuory body owned vehicles that were caught?

    • Anonymous says:

      Great idea, but you have to play it out. What will keep drivers off the road that have no licence or insurance. The answer is nothing. You could literally drive for years in Cayman without valid registration, car inspection and insurance. Just look at the vehicles on the road. Daily I see vehicles with the old yellow plates that are so old and sun damaged that you can’t even read them. The main problem in Cayman is always enforcement.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nah, I just take my front plate off

  3. Anonymous says:

    They need to be out between 10pm while 6am.

    Suggest they start at Cotton Club and then be stationed every couple of miles all the way to the shitty nightclub near Czech Inn in BT (Everglow I think it’s called). And not have their blue lights on whilst parked up.

    Really not hard.

    • Anonymous says:

      The best way to crack down on careless and lawbreaking drivers is to deploy a squad of plain clothes RCIPS officers in rental cars with marked cars stationed at strategic points to snag the offenders.

      And not the Camry everyone knows. A month of this will straighten all the crooks out.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Genuine question: why can’t we get average speed cameras here? They would help a LOT!

    • Anonymous says:

      Because the postal system is so woeful and the lack of vehicles with correct up to date registered owner details make it a futile exercise unfortunately.

  5. Anon says:

    This is great, I hope that they will also be looking at:
    -people removing or not placing at all the front licence plates (the law says you need the plates back and front), seems every Tesla driver now thinks the front one ruins the aesthetic of their car
    -people driving with old plates, weren’t these all supposed to be updated by 31 December 2022? I see at least 2 every time I drive
    -broken tail lights and brake lights
    And when they are stopped I do hope they are looking through all documentation to ensure that the vehicle and driver are insured.

  6. Anonymous says:

    But yet all the speeders in the mornings are free to terrorize from prospect to west bay.

  7. ELVIS says:

    Thanks for the tip off then i guess?

  8. Squealer says:

    They going after the Sunday morning big ride? Or is that RCIPS approved?

    Until all this newfound focus is applied on a consistent and impartial basis, the mayhem will continue.

    The driving culture is lawlessness. It will take years to establish law and order.

    • Anonymous says:

      For real. A dummy in a tiny lorry passed a car observing the speed limit in a curve on south sound road.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Why not target speeders and drunk drivers at the places and times when people get seriously hurt and killed? For example, between 10am and 6am from Friday to Monday on major roads…how hard is this? I am sure out of 380 cops there must be one data analyst…if there isn’t, my 5 year old can help.

  10. Anonymous says:

    What do they plan to do about all of the electric bicycles and scooters being ridden illegally on our roads?

    • Anonymous says:

      What do they plan to do about all of the illegal tint and removal or front plates?

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t ask too many questions like this – assume you’ll be in the market for one soon since you can’t import a 15 year old Fit anymore.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many poor people rely on these for work, but I would love to see the bird nonsense banned along with the idiotic 3 wheeled GPS “cars”.

      • Anonymous says:

        Saw a person using the one-wheeled self-balancing scooter on a road the other day! Thankful the person was wearing helmet, elbow and knee pads, and gloves but OMG is this person vulnerable to some of the crazy speeders out there!

    • Anonymous says:

      Of all the bloody things you can complain about.

      While you clog up traffic and the atmosphere with your emissions spewing F250 truck that you commute alone in, you twiddle your thumbs on your phone to complain about traffic, and ironically one of the few viable solutions to it.

      Electric bikes/scooters and motorcycles are the solution if public transport cannot be modernized to tracked app-linked walk-on walk-off busses.

  11. Anonymous says:

    These punishments don’t go far enough. Why should they have illegal bikes back if they provide proof of ownership. Surely providing proof of ownership means that owner should be prosecuted and the bike destroyed. We’re all sick of the leniency or the lack of law enforcement on the islands which is making life ‘fun’ for criminals and miserable for the rest of us.

    • Anonymous says:

      They get it back because they’ve proven it is THEIR property dumdum. It is seized not because it is illegal but because it is unregistered/uninsured. This is considered law & order in a civilized state (you’re not in a communist nation).

    • Anonymous says:

      None of them can provide proof of ownership. That’s the whole point. The PoPo know this.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not on the police, they can only act within the law. The law needs to change to allow vehicles to be crushed. Not insured and used on the roads? crushed.

      It works in the UK, and it’d work here.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Awesome news!

  13. Anonymous says:

    This is wonderful news. I hope our Police will make this a daily occurrence and make our roads safe for all motorists

  14. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS wouldn’t even be able to catch covid in a wuhan bat factory.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Wrecked away !!!!!! why can’t they just say towed , always complicating things and going no where.

    CNS: I have received the clarification of what they meant by that and updated the article.

  16. Anonymous says:

    go guys go! they in linford highway as well…

  17. Anonymous says:

    They should try Prospect Point Road in a morning. That will inconvenience the drivers who enjoy speeding through just to save a minute in traffic and in doing so cause people who don’t use the rat-run to wait at the roundabout, as well meaning souls let them in at Red Bay roundabout.

    They’ll find cars with no front license plates, unroadworthy vehicles, as well as your garden variety of urban speeders who don’t see pedestrians, cyclists, dog walkers etc as something to be considerate of.

    • Anonymous says:

      They need to block off the lane to south sound all the way from the red bay round about. Too many idiots can’t wait and they speed down that lane then cut into traffic at the top. They are arseholes.

  18. Anonymous says:

    That’s great and all but I was behind a police Ford Explorer this morning; it crossed a solid white line to change lanes off a roundabout, no indicating this move, it then sped between 5 and 15mph over the limit between Shamrock Road and cricket pitch traffic lights. It wasn’t responding to a call. Maybe do some in-house training before giving out pats on your own back.

    As for the story, great, but can this be done in all districts, every day and night?

    • Anonymous says:

      Today a police car in front of me in no hurry at all, turned left when indicating right. I don’t know whether to give him props for using an indicator or to cuss him for the confusing signal 🤔 😆

  19. Anonymous says:

    Well I guess it is a start, so this is welcome news. But there is still a long long long way to go.

    Tailgating and speeding is still rampant on the bypass and Shamrock Road.

    And how many cars can make an illegal u turn by AL Thompsons right next to the numerous NO U TURN signs before one is stopped and ticketed by an officer? I see it about 50 times a day at least because I work close by. It is constant.

    And cars with no license plates too. I see that very often.

    I say the rcips need to double, or even triple the amount of traffic police on the road and start impounding uninsured cars and excessive speeders.

  20. Deranged motorbike rider says:

    “In these instances, the vehicle will be seized by the police”

    Only if you can catch me bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, so you’ll be the next rider we read about that had to be scraped off of the road after they crashed at high speed? Good to know.

  21. Anonymous says:

    For many years, it has been known that there is a speeding issue in the eastern districts.


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