NRA cuts exit options at Grand Harbour roundabout

| 12/05/2023 | 190 Comments
Congestion at Hurley's Roundabout after the changes
Artist’s impression of Hurley’s Roundabout after the changes

(CNS): As part of ongoing efforts to reduce traffic congestion for commuters who live east of George Town, the National Roads Authority (NRA) is making changes to the Century 21 (Grand Harbour) Roundabout so that drivers exiting the shopping area can only turn left and must use the roundabout at Red Bay to make a U-Turn. This will also prevent commuters from Selkirk Drive from cutting their commute time by using the shortcut into Bimini Drive and through Hurley’s car park to get to the roundabout in the mornings.

In a press release about the proposed change, which will be implemented on 5 June, officials said the restriction is for safety reasons as well as the functionality of this significant bottle-neck.

Drivers exiting Grand Harbour at the roundabout will no longer be able to turn right onto South Sound or Crewe Road. Instead, they will have to travel east along Shamrock Road and circle the next roundabout, then head west and back towards Hurley’s, where they will be able to pull off onto South Sound Road or cross the roundabout onto Crewe Road.

“As an urgent safety concern, the NRA has decided that it would be in the best interest of the public to close off the westbound right turn from Grand Harbour around the Century 21 Roundabout. Once the Edgewater Connector is complete, the NRA will revisit this decision,” NRA MD Edward Howard said.

With the number of cars on our roads ever increasing and with the congestion seen on a daily basis in the area, the decision to close this lane of the roundabout was made to improve public safety and reduce the risk of collision, the NRA release stated.

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Comments (190)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The accident risk is the stupid layout of bollards placed on the roundabout. Nuts! whoever came up with this nonsense should be canned! Get rid of the bollards and let drivers negotiate the roundabout.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is absolute nonsense; no solution at all; will increase the congestion at the Hurleys round about. The bollards on this and other roundabouts are causing a hazard and slowing down traffic. Drivers exiting Hurleys use the line of bollards as a junction and stop in the middle of the round about!! Get rid of the bollards and let the traffic flow! The total IQ of the NRA is in single figures. Watch as this stupid move creates chaos in the area.
    .this dtupid move will be one

  3. Anonymous says:

    Good luck to all of the tenants at that new God-awful ugly building beside Hurleys.

    Especially the business tenants.

    Why would anyone travel to Grand Harbour for anything?

    I get it, people live out there.

    If everyone stopped going to Hurleys and the other Grand Harbour shops then that would cut down on traffic.

    George Town Rules!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    So everyone who is exiting Grand Harbour to go West, has to continue sitting in traffic until the next roundabout and then turn around and come back?

    How about I don’t shop at Grand Harbour?

    Problem solved.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I live West of Grand Harbour. I NEVER travel to or shop at Hurleys or any other store in the area.

    I know that this is not an option for most people but as far as I’m concerned, screw that roundabout and screw Grand Harbour

  6. Anonymous says:

    I have my own solution to the traffic near grand harbor.

    I simply never travel in that direction and I have given up shopping in Grand Harbor.

    • Anonymous says:

      Happy for you. Unfortunately all who live East of Grand Harbour have no choice but to get stuck in the daily gridlock because there’s only the one way we can go… Hurleys freaking bottleneck

  7. Anonymous says:

    Couldnt it just be from 7-9 and 4;30 to 6:30 and then at all other times, the turn offs remain as current?

    and can’t we just reclaim land like every other country in the world and put major road networsk across the lower part of north sound into dump/camana bay? seriously, thisisnt rocket science

    • Anonymous says:

      We cant even get people to signal correctly when navigating a roundabout. You expect these same people to handle the concept that the rules will change depending on the time of day?

  8. Anonymous says:

    next up … cutting agnes way access to industral park via crewe road/Smith road roundabout

  9. Anonymous says:

    there should be an exit from the Kings roundabout to the other side of Grand Harbor development, not through the Kings car park though. It should have gone right where that church is (still) under construction. that would have allowed a lot of traffic to exit (and enter) there instead of at Hurleys. Next the entrance to Hurleys with a large roundabout should have been near the entrance by the RBC instead. We shouldn’t have had South Sound connecting into Hurleys roundabout as well as the entrance and exit for Hurleys and the apartments and homes by Harbor Walk.

  10. Anonymous says:

    One thing the government can do that would benefit the greatest number of people would be to fix the unbearable traffic congestion for everyone east of GT.

    There’s always money for all kinds of pie in the sky initiatives but things that will actually have an immediate and great benefit to the largest number of citizens gets window dressing fixes, empty promises or nothing.

    Rip the bandage off and get it done. Now is the time, later the coffers may not allow for it. And do it right, no half measures.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The biggest cause of traffic in cayman is poor local drivers, and no uk expats. Everyone should be made to take a uk standard practical and theory driving test as we have a uk based road system. So many driver do not use roundabouts or indicate correctly, and do not use the left most available,lane on the highways so traffic builds up as you have two cars going slow in both lanes. Every day I see big trucks driving on the outside (right hand lane) and people having to undertake them. You should never have to overtake someone on the left. Roundabouts are the best and most efficient junctions you can have, much better than lights (and no idea why there are still dangerous 4 way stops in cayman that would never be seen in any first world country), but people don’t take proper driving tests. The worst is when I see people indicating right but going straight on at a roundabout, which is a dangerous and utterly stupid thing to do. You indicate right if you are going right and the roundabout, not straight on!

    • Anonymous says:

      Your argument loses effect when you begin using “us” vs “them”.

      • Anonymous says:

        Plus being incredibly stupid about 4-way stops, which exist in many first world countries. You don’t have to like them but in many ways preferable to 4-way Give-ways and uncontrolled crossings (which are often unsigned in the UK).

        Overall the argument that everything would be fine if people were just as good drivers as back in the mother-country is silly.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I live in that area and to be honest I only cut through Hurleys in the morning. Every other time I just turn left and go thr long way round.

    Usually during peak times you get stuck behind someone who isn’t confident in entering the roundabout.

    Why not allow us to cut through Hurleys in the morning and then block it off the rest of the day?

    • Anonymous says:

      Because that’s private property with pedestrian traffic and not a public roadway.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because the Hurleys and car park access roads are just that. They’re not highways. People are already treating them as if they are, and unless something like this is done there will soon be a nasty vehicle/pedestrian accident.

      Astonishing you feel the need even to ask.

  13. Anonymous says:

    You have the most to lose financially. You need to be the frontman.
    Start the ball rolling. Set up a meeting at Saltys or in the seating area of the store.
    We need to go to court and get an injunction first.
    If our politicain is not intested we say goodbye to them.
    lets get this started.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good luck with that. It is a safety issue cutting across three lanes of fast moving traffic. I see it all of the time — someone pulls out of GH and waits in the middle lane.

      No one is going to stop shopping at Hurleys because they have to spend a couple extra minutes going down the road to the next roundabout. Doesnt seem to deter anyone from going to the Peanuts gas station/Burger King on that road.

    • Gern Blenston says:

      Salty’s ? Synonymous with Mensa ? That Salty’s LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      Yay, a junction injunction.

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is precisely why a flyover is required at this location so that through traffic keeps moving.

  15. Anonymous says:

    the whole section of road network between tomlinson roundabout and grand harbour roundabout is a clusterf*ck. heading west for no apparent reason, the two main roads cross over each other, then separate, then merge again.

    i think the result could be decent if the following road layout was tested in traffic simulation software:

    get rid of tomlinson roundabout and grand harbour roundabout entirely (dont replace them with traffic lights). reconfigure the roads to have two parallel two way roads that never merge or cross over eachother during this stretch. the southern road would connect spotts straight to south sound road and the northern road would connect crewe rd to the EW arterial (skipping the first bit of it that ends at lantern point).

  16. anon says:

    Residential property values in Grand Harbour plummet.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup. The ripple effect of poor planning will be felt.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ridiculous. Because of an extra 1 to 2 minutes of driving.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s not though is it?

      • Anonymous says:

        Make that 1-2 hours. It’s the major cause of all backups both ways. 10 years ago my journey one-way on the daily commute was 30-45 mins from NS. Now it’s 1-1.5 hours from BT.

        • Anonymous says:

          Correct. It all started at Grand Harbour more than 10 years ago. Instead of fixing it they ignored it for a few years. Then they added more lanes, resulting in more traffic piling up at the bottleneck, more traffic backing up further both ways. Along comes a massive influx of tourists, construction and work permits and you end up with the perfectly foreseeable and avoidable mess we have today. Then they added those crazy red poles and its all a hot mess. Their solution? Leave Hurleys and instead cut a new road through the wetlands without an independent EIA, which translates to $ for some, more development and more traffic piling up at Hurleys, backing up further both ways on a perpetual basis.


    • Anonymous says:

      When have property values ever really plummeted? Turn left, troll.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Traffic lights vs roundabouts (traffic circles), which is better? (I am a civil engineer and used to be heavily involved in designing traffic and road solutions. No longer involved, but here is what the general consensus is).

    At times of low traffic volumes, roundabouts are much more efficient, as there is less inefficient stopping time, and multiple traffic directions can proceed.

    In times of high traffic volumes, the advantages of roundabouts are completely lost and can exacerbate gridlock. It is much more efficient to have traffic lights that allow continuous traffic movement in two directions during the green period, then alternate to the other two directions. (the directions that have higher volume have a longer green period).

    BUT, there is only so much either solution can do; traffic volume over a given road surface area is the primary driver. Either less traffic or more road surface area or new road routes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Roundabouts are an order of magnitude safer. Very high traffic roundabouts can be controlled with traffic lights in peak times to get the advantages of both.

    • Tom McCallum says:

      Both ?

      In the U.K. they often put traffic lights at each junction on busy roundabouts (eg at Motorway junctions).

      They can be turned off outside peak times.

      No more endless reconfiguring.

      However, none of this addresses the source issue of reducing motor vehicle use as Cayman grows. We need public and active transport to be heavily invested in.

  18. Anonymous says:

    This will make a rats nest at the other roundabout in the mornings.

    • Anonymous says:

      Put in stop lights. Then every one will stop and go as directed. Less confusion, less chance of accidents. There will be more movement and less congestion. The congestion will only be at the red light.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or, hear me out, place traffic police at the congestion points at peak times like the first world does.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure that would fix the issue. People drive through many seconds after the light has turned red, which is super dangerous, and very often block the intersection on a red light meaning the other side of the traffic is stuck even if their light is green…

        • Anonymous says:

          A stop light camera would being issuing tickets to those who enter an intersection when it is unsafe to do so. Traffic tickets are an effective deterrent.

    • Anonymous says:

      Traffic might flow better without everyone coming out of Hurleys and cutting in on their way to town.

      • Anonymous says:

        If only they would do the same with the entrance stop cars from East and SS doing the same thing on a night. Make them drive round and filter across more naturally. That roundabout and King’s are dangerous.

  19. A Caymanian says:

    With all the missing and groaning I don’t hear anyone calling for massive firing of NRA Executives and the Board. Y’all think that the same medicine that is not curing the ailment will eventually cure or what? Come on Caymanians get a life and get value for your money which you pay these people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only so much NRA can do. You either need more roads or less cars. Only so much NRA can do with existing road routes if people and traffic growth continues unchecked.

      • Anonymous says:

        All we need to do is:

        1. Raise driving standards by improving the practical driving test and like UK drivers from JA and certain other countries should have to take the test too.
        2. Raise roadworthiness standard of vehicles by improving all vehicle testing, including mandatory emissions (noise and pollution) testing, also headlight realignment for LHD vehicles.
        3. Have a good presence of police who know their role and enforce the law.

        There was never a need to ban imports when there are more sensible, less drastic solutions would have a bigger impact on our roads and sustainability goals.

        • Anonymous says:

          These are sensible and valid points.

          Unfortunately they will also be ignored completely for the following reasons.

          1. By enforcing real driving tests and enforcement of licensing the DVLD would actually be required to work more than 45mons a day. As a caymanian majority staffed department this would be unpopular

          2.Enforcing legitimate vehicle worthiness testing to UK standards would take a massive number of dangerous cars off the roads. It would also cut the income of garage owners selling dodgy pass certificates and as such take money from those same caymanian pockets.

          3. Now your just be silly! Expect RCIP to actually enforce laws they only have a basic grasp of? Most can barely communicate in English never mind understand Law.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why has no one held these civil servants accountable for this mess?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Plow the roundabout away. Make a square intersection with traffic lights. Somehow in Florida traffic lights work when you need to move a (WAY LARGER) large volume of traffic.

    Traffic lights would also allow crosswalks, a novel idea for safety.

    • Big Ben Matters says:

      Naw. The teapot contingent would have a conniption fit that their cult of roundaboutery could ever be threatened with something that makes sense, let alone be fit for purpose. Besides, what is really necessary is an overpass. Maybe if Blue Charlie comes along and swats over the head with a tail swipe they’ll be willing to listen to reason.

      • Anonymous says:

        Funny how roundabouts work just fine when drivers use them properly. Crossroad accidents where traffic is either head on or perpendicular are far more serious than roundabout knocks where everyone is travelling in roughly the same direction; a major reason US killed and serious injury (KSI) stats are 4 times worse per capita than the UK and the rest of northern Europe. Four times worse. Sorry but it’s simply a stupid idea to copy a demonstrably inferior system.

        • lil Bobo in East End says:

          You will find that your glorious statistical difference goes away when you adjust for number of vehicles per capita and then distance driven. A straight up comparison simply doesn’t work. There are fewer people driving in the U.K. and those that are driving are driving fewer miles. You can throw in other differences like relative size of vehicles but to imply causation here for even your base statistic is laughable.

          Most countries use a combination of lights, traffic circles and even uncontrolled crossings.

          The basic issue is that roundabouts are indeed superior for average traffic flow, but they are worse for peak flow so less effective during periods of congestion than timed and monitored lights.

          We could do quite a few things to shift or spread-out peak loads such as different start times for Gov;t vs Private schools, staggering shifts for CIG employees. Or even building a second GAB in Bodden Town given the amount of secondary office space CIG is renting at high rates in GT.

          • Anonymous says:

            lol. you’re making that up to suit your opinion. the analysis is the same whether you look at per capita or per 100,000 vehicle miles. The US has very poor RTA stats relative to Europe across ALL measures. It is comparable in the Northern US states and gets worse the further south you go with Florida being terrible. Its a horrible system to copy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good point on the crosswalks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol. Florida has horrible traffic accident statistics in fact only just slightly better than Cayman’s which is almost 10 times worse than the UK’s.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Talk about a roundabout way to screw traffic up even more than it is already. Are these NRA idiots using a dartboard with half baked sticky note options pinned to it? Take another shot guys, you just might pull one out of the hat. What are the odds they’re going to solve this mess by recycling traffic back to another roundabout. I wouldn’t bet a plug nickel on it.

  22. round & round incircles we go says:

    We have to work to the level of the lowest common denominator.

  23. Anonymous says:

    my truck will make sort work of your stupid red posts.
    NRA are idiots.

    so now we will have Grand Harbour Bimini and Selkirk all turning left, cutting accross 3 lanes of traffic.round the circle snd cut accross another 3 lanes for SS.

    Saftey my arse!
    only people benefiting will be the gas companies.
    Polution will be up.

    Time to lawyer up.

    • Anonymous says:

      ok fool fool, you do you

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, you can continue in the left lane to access roundabout by the old car wash.

      I do it all the time. I figure its better than the alternative….packing and leave Cayman because I can’t have my way all the time.

  24. Anonymous says:

    The clown show continues with an even longer clown show commute into clown town in the morning.

  25. Idiots says:

    NRA- builds a 3 lane roundabout

    Also NRA- “please stop using the roundabout as a roundabout, it’s too dangerous with 3 lanes. Left turn only please”

  26. Anonymous says:

    The Red Bay Roundabout is already a complete mess in the mornings. Cars drive all the way down the middle lane up to Red Bay Primary and then turn left at the roundabout to skip traffic. The cars coming from Grand Harbour to join this roundabout are in for a treat. That area will now be completely grid locked. Government need to build to two lane overpass heading West at the Grand Harbour roundabout. This will resolve all of the issues here. This move is going to make traffic worse and Red Bay Primary school area dangerous.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Why has the third lane heading east past the Lion’s Centre not been completed?


    Dear Fellow Motorists,

    One way that we can all participate is to ensure that, if we are driving in the right-hand lane of a dual carriageway (4-lanes with two lanes in each direction), we are not holding up traffic behind us. If you are driving below the speed limit in the right-hand lane, please move to the left lane if faster moving traffic is approaching you from behind. The road code makes it clear that slow moving traffic should not hold up other traffic. I simple way to remember this is, “Slow traffic keep left”. Thanks, and happy motoring!

    • Anonymous says:

      THANK YOU! This is my biggest peeve here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lol never change with all the idiot drivers on island.
        Seriously driving here is a joke!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Grind up that road code, dump it into your gas tank and blow it out your tail pipe. This is the only mileage that document will get.
      For now it’s your lane, my lane, any lane will do to get past you. It’s a free for all! The RCIPS haven’t and will never fine any driver for such ignorant behaviour either.
      Your best bet is to make your next vehicle a refurbished BMP from Ukraine, they’ll be going real cheap soon if there are any left.

    • Anonymous says:

      Doesn’t matter what speed you’re driving. The Cayman Road Code is clear that the right hand lane is for overtaking and you should return to the left unless overtaking or about to turn right. The simple answer to the atrocious standard of driving in Cayman is a proper UK/European driving test where driving in the RH lane for no reason would likely result in a fail.

      Page 20…

      “Use the right-hand lane for overtaking or turning right. As soon as practicable after overtaking, you are to move back to the left lane.”

      Anyone who has taken a real driving test would know this.

    • Anonymous says:

      This drives me crazy as well!! This creates so much frustration on the roads. Can’t even count the numbers of times traffic was held up behind 2 cars driving next to each other at exactly 5mph below the limit and blocking everyone. The car on the left lane is fine, but the one in the right lane need to get out of the way!!

  29. Anonymous says:

    It’s been nice shopping with you Hurley’s, and the other retailers, as well as the restaurants.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Trying to exit Hurley’s at the Grand Harbour traffic circle was hell and because of that, I cut back on my shopping trips there. This brilliant move by the NRA to have the public exit onto Shamrock Road ensures that I will stop shopping at Hurley’s in the future because of the insane speed at which the traffic ramps up to making it even more hair raising to get to the lane you need in order to exit the Red Bay traffic circle and head back to South Sound or Crew Road. Why is it nearly everything the NRA “fixes “ is truly a sh*t show?

    • Anonymous says:

      You do realise that you could always turn left at the Hurley’s round about if you lacked the confidence in your driving to get across to the inside lane. Why would you only use that option now once it’s the only option. Can’t fix stupid

    • Anonymous says:

      “insane speed” LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      The entrance needs blocking too so they all enter and exit past the roundabout onto the third lane that feeds into Grand Harbour by the bank. Three lanes all the way round left lane only for Grand Harbour (with a barrier to prevent zig zappers.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Have NRA found a new Board chairman yet?

  32. Anonymous says:

    I going Foster’s then.

  33. Anonymous says:

    this is the real reason

    This will also prevent commuters from Selkirk Drive from cutting their commute time by using the shortcut into Bimini Drive and through Hurley’s car park to get to the roundabout in the mornings.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Many wouldn’t drive at all, if there were functional bike lanes integrated into the transport matrix like in countless urban examples of the world. Fire the NRA leadership. They are the reason everyone has to sit in traffic – including our visitors!

    • Anonymous says:

      The only functional bike lanes would be ones with a physical barrier between road traffic; otherwise, taking your life into your hands. Even on roads in Cayman with a bike lane (separated only by a road line marker) it is dangerous.

      Not just a Cayman thing really. This is why sidewalks are raised from the road. A pedestrian or a cyclist is not going to win in a bumping match with a car.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Lol. Even as someone who lives east, anyone wanting to now leave Hurleys / Grand harbour now has to spend 20 mins in the traffic in the morning.


  36. Anonymous says:

    At least we won’t have to deal with those fools who jump and stop in the middle of the round about holding traffic so that they can then get into the inside lane.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Excellent and thank you. Next, please close off the SSound exit onto Hurley’s Roundabout… this ensures the traffic flow priority on Shamrock ALWAYS has right of way and a straight path east.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a good plan, but is there anyway that the road could be shared with the east west traffic? If only there was some sort of signal that would allow traffic to alternate. A three colored light of some sort.

  38. Anonymous says:

    What an asinine decision. Just move the congestion to the next circle

  39. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, is there anyone with even half a brain in charge around here? Everywhere you look, one idiotic decision after another.

  40. Anonymous says:

    I mean, about half the problem is half-wit drivers, the other half is the sheer volume of traffic. This ain’t fixing anything.

    That said, if people can’t even use their indicators to help their fellow drivers, there’s no hope. I’ll quite happily keep using my motorbike.

  41. Anonymous says:

    At this point just close every lane off cause sometimes you could walk to work faster

  42. Anonymous says:

    For safety reasons, I 100% agree with this. That hard right turn from the GH exit, from a standing stop, across 3 lanes of fast moving oncoming traffic is a dangerous death trap.

    When approaching that roundabout, I drive defensively and crawl through (staring closely at that exit!) as numerous times I had to break or dodge someone doing three-lane-cross hard right.

    (The traffic congestion is a separate issue, but this safety issue had to be addressed).

  43. Anonymous says:

    Gotta love it. Just put more congestion on the next roundabout

    • Anonymous says:

      The football bat approach!

    • GT Easr says:

      We are heading to a Armageddon of total gridlock very soon you can see it coming a few fender benders at the wrong time and place and total carnage
      Let’s finish asap all the road improvements and see from there the solution
      For such a small island we have built more roads this last few years than anywhere else but also brought more vehicles so no real gain
      The medicine is not going to taste good on this one

      • Anonymous says:

        And yet, remote work is free and worked during the worst of the pandemic, but as this is the Cayman Islands, we strive to reinvent the wheel every single time.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Adds approx 2km to your journey when leaving GH to South South via SSR

  45. Dusty Stroads says:

    Using band-aids as a substitute for major surgery.

    The doom loop of more lanes and more traffic will continue.

  46. Anonymous says:

    As a commuter from BT – I am happy to hear of this change – BUT it will still create a bottle-neck at the Red Bay round-a-about and cause further lane crossing in an already crazy area leading up to South Sound’s entrance.

    Perhaps NRA can install a stop light system for those exiting Hurley’s, much like the South Sound one that helped traffic flow a bit but has been out of service for a little while now.

    That way it would create bigger gaps in the traffic flowing into the round-a-bout but still give Eastern district traffic that’s heading into town *much needed* precedence, and also allow people to pop to Hurley’s for breakfast/lunch and get back on their commutes.

    Just a thought.

  47. Anonymous says:

    both grand harbour and harbour walk should sue cig for pure incompetence

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup. I bet some recent purchasers would have considered otherwise if they knew this was going to be put in place.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did the developer assess the impact on traffic in the area with the added people living there? I’m sure their concern was to flip an investment. If buyers were too stupid to see that traffic would be an issue living there, that’s on them.

        • Anonymous says:

          hey that Aura development issnt mentioned…wha boout dem

        • Anonymous says:

          CPA should have considered it when grants the planning permission for Grand Harbour. It was always going to be an obvious choke point – but what the developers want CPA grants.

        • Anonymous says:

          Isn’t that what planning are supposed to do?

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ll get my popcorn.

  48. Anonymous says:

    idiots…welcome to more traffic hell.
    where else in the world has anybody seen such a mess of a roundabout with dividers between lanes?
    sad reflection on driving standards here and cig who oversee this whole mess with pure ignorance.

  49. Anonymous says:

    This is madness without the Edgewater connector. Finish that first or this will only cause further traffic chaos. Why can’t the NRA ever finish what they started.

    • NotToday says:

      Have you noticed that CUC have not moved their poles yet? Without those poles moving, the NRA cannot proceed with the road works. I do not think that is rocket science. There are several other players involved in the project beside the NRA.

    • Anonymous says:

      Finally someone mentions this connector. Now ANYONE with a brain should be able to follow me here:

      -This new rule means anyone in hurleys, grand harbour or selkirk cannot go through hurley’s and then take the roundabout west towards CREWE Rd right?
      -When they build the connector…every single one of the aforementioned will take the damn connector and come out at King’s and have right away of the main traffic to go west on the main road.

      Cure #1 is undone entirely by Cure #2 and nobody wants that stupid connector anyway which is going to cut through a residential neighborhood and ruin the vibe that exists with Selkirk/Bimini/Arvia/Grand Harbour/Harbour Walk and all the residential homes in that area. It’s unforgivably stupid and so is this change.

      If roundabouts actually worked then we wouldn’t have to run around blocking off various exits here and there and adding lights like the one (currently down) coming east from S. Sound road. You could achieve identical traffic flows with a standard intersection and lights that used a combination of programming and sensors to adjust to the predominant traffic and get everyone going where they needed to much better.

      All the senior managers and board at NRA need to go and hire people who have actually done this successfully somewhere else to do it successfully here. We don’t have time or money for never-ending failed experiments from these fools!

  50. Anonymous says:

    This is being closed due to poor drivers, I don’t think Hurleys will be too happy + everyone in grand harbour. if the NRA had opened the Edgewater way access before doing this that would have been better. All they are doing is now make the morning traffic worse by sending it back down to queue even further. Brilliant!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      nail on head with first sentence. This is being done due to people for whatever ridiculous reason thinking it’s fine to pull onto a roundabout and stop to wait for an opening. Rather than strongly dealing with a minority of bad drivers (who I bet don’t reside in GH, but are visiting), we’re making this roundabout even worse. Honestly the incompetence is farcical.


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