Bryan shows support for fired Cabinet colleague
(CNS): Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan MP (GTC) was introduced by his former Cabinet colleague, Chris Saunders MP (BTW), on Thursday evening at what turned out to be a self-congratulatory mid-term political rally that was very short on policy announcements. Bryan spoke for over an hour, recapping what he said were his achievements over the last two years, taking credit for the growing visitor numbers and surplus fees collected from tourists.
But the political public meeting on the George Town waterfront opened with Saunders, the former deputy premier who was fired by Premier Wayne Panton because of allegations that he had harassed and bullyied staff at his ministry. Saunders said that politics is not for the faint of heart, as he praised Bryan’s work as tourism minister.
Saunders, who was labour minister before he left the PACT front bench, also lauded Bryan for supporting him when he froze thousands of work permit applications ahead of the border reopening to help get local people back into work before imported labour. Saunders said the current low unemployment rate among local workers of 3.6% was due to the decision he and Bryan made.
As Bryan came to the stand, the two men hugged for several moments, sending a message about their continued support for each other. Acknowledging that people may be surprised to see Saunders at his meeting, Bryan said his introduction showed that “regardless of circumstances, we believe in the principles of mutual respect and we recognise no matter where in parliament we sit, we both have jobs to do, and I am happy we can be so mature and show the discipline to the young people that we love and respect each other”.
However, Bryan made no comment about the allegations made against Saunders by government workers, including accusations of sexual harassment, as he stressed his friendship with the ex-minister.
The minister soon moved on to what he claimed as his achievements over the last two years and everything that has happened since he and his colleagues took office, from the rollout of free school meals for all government students to the continued surplus from tourism fees.
Bryan said he had not been deterred by criticisms about him taking on tourism and people saying that he wasn’t capable of doing the job and was “a loose canon”. He said he had got on with the job and had got the borders open.
“Because they expected me to fail, I worked even harder every day,” he told his constituents after listing the accolades he has gained since becoming a minister, including the Caribbean Tourism Minister of the Year award.
Bryan said that things were progressing on the new waterfront tourism training and attraction facility on land that the government purchased last year. He also unveiled the architect’s ambitious conception plans for Scranton Park in the heart of his constituency.
Although the meeting was billed as an update at the mid-way point of this administration, especially on the status of the government’s referendum on gambling and ganja, there were few notable announcements. Most of the ministers and backbench government MPs reviewed claimed accomplishments.
Premier Wayne Panton urged the audience to tune in or attend parliament next week when he will deliver the PACT’s strategic policy statement outlining their plans for the next two years.
See the full meeting on Cayman Life TV below:
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Category: Politics
Kenneth Bryan is the absolute proof of failure of the One Man, One Vote system. Saunders a very close second , but vying for first place also.
Yeah, they’re two of a kind…. NERDS!
From the moment these 2 idiots Kenneth and Chris Saunders took to the stand to defend Marl Road Sandra the island should had realized they weren’t no good. This just takes the cake!!
I couldn’t stomach watching the whole thing but saw enough to make me vomit! Who the hell does Kenneth think he is! According to him he is responsible for making the sun shine. What a bunch of clowns – hey Wayne everyone is laughing their ass off at you as a first class foo foo. Give it up and call a fresh election man before it gets even worse. I see that Andre can’t stomach this bunch of fools and has gone into hiding. BTW he still has his PPM membership card. Must be carrying a lot of guilt for the vote that brought these idiots to power.
Kenneth Bryan forgot to take credit for the beach looking blue and the sun shining while tourist are here.
Bragging about tourism revenues. Idiot.
Pleeease name some intelligent persons…
Intelligent persons? Well, first we gotta find them….. and that is almost impossible!
Time for pretty boy Bryan to go back to modeling beach wear and sunglasses…..
All around this was an epic embarrassment for anyone who spoke on the platform. Sub par amateurism.
Question: Where in the World in Andre Ebanks???. He missed the BTE meeting couple weeks ago and now the GTC meeting, is he ashamed to show his face now ? Has he resigned from the PPM yet? People want to know Andre. You sold out for power, now own it baby own it!!!
Me thinks Andre is ashamed of the whole lot and has more class than to associate with KB’s crowd.
Wasnt too shamed face to join them and become Minister tho!!!
No he wasn’t. What does that tell ya?
Andre llost any credibility he might have once had when he signed on with this bunch of clowns.
Too much desire for power.
He was probably working.
Maybe that’s true. Maybe it’s not.
I’m not Caymanian but have spent time here (long stretches) and watched politics closely. The people of this wonderful nation deserve so much better from their government and the people who pretend to govern. You need to nominate QUALIFIED individuals. There are many here eligible to serve. It seems to me it’s always retreads…the same names every election year and the same lack of real leadership. But it is a new world. You can’t govern the way it was 20 or 30 years ago. FIND NEW QUALIFIED people who will understand what is needed and who have a vision of what needs to be done and get it done right.
“Retreads” is such a deliciously apt characterisation. Well done and well said. I wish that for us also.
So far, there haven’t been a field of 19 qualified that are also eager to tarnish their name by joining this arena. When convicted felons are eligible to share the same podium, can you really blame them? Elections Law needs fundamental voter-initiated changes to bar those that would be ineligible for a private sector first round interview.
Apartheid Cayman style will not permit this…
Central Scranton Park looks like a nice place for the homeless and the crackheads to sleep.
Kenny’s people.
Kenny, Chris, Mac and Jay, first Cayman bobsled team. Cool runnings!
Proper based. I love it.
Watched the whole thing and didn’t hear one mention of a leaf blower ban and when we might expect one. These people really need to get their priorities straight.
Leaf blowers will never be banned.
We, The People Against Nasty Ass Leaf Blowers (PANLAB), are here to prove you wrong.
We will march on Parliament, we will not back down, we will not be defeated!
These abominations must be banned and they must be banned now, for the sake of future generations and society as a whole.
Jamaica inbound. Good luck everybody.
I mean who doesn’t love an egotistical bully? Two idiots, same character.
What an idiot! Taking credit for a natural economical rebound in tourism.
This guy blows smoke up peoples A$$es!
Kenny you didn’t fail as you didn’t do the things you’re taking credit for. Taking credit where no credit is due is right up your alley.
And you still flaunt the illegal billboards. You must think we are all as stupid as your constituents. You make it obvious you feel you’re above the law.
Would you be willing to take an IQ test and make it public?
Put the results up on a big old billboard.
No surprise same political sponsors !
What has Bryan accomplished in his time in government? I really see nothing. He is a lazy ex drug dealer. Do better next time Cayman. Your smarter than this right? And Saunders can go with him.
He is an ex dealer. People keep bringing that up. If anything, it makes his rise in life more impressive. He had a very tough childhood, so maybe stop bringing this up? I also know him personally and he is a workaholic. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be called out when he’s done wrong, but the fact he sold drugs a million years ago is simply no longer relevant.
You inflate him too much. Mediocrity implies he is doing something ok!!
Best part of the evening was Wayne hollering and whooping it up with a fake Towna accent that he must have learned from the Caymanain slang dictonary, the only thing I could think while watching that display was, “Ill bet he won’t address the new Governor like this tomorrow!”.
So fake and transparent and the sheeple were applauding —vomit!
And what is with Sabrina and Heather talking to George Towners like they are the scourge of the earth when it comes to litter and derelict cars? At one point Heather promised to bring tougher laws and put people in Jail!! Now I am all for a clean environment, but do I want to hear someone I voted for talking about locking people up? does she even unerstand that isn’t her job?
Sabrina was hollering and scolding EVERBODY!! I mean who does she think she is ? My primary school teacher? GTFOH!
Heather hasn’t seen a broom and rake she didn’t want to get her hands on. Just an overpaid gardener- not putting down a gardener but she is really overpaid for the job.take her salary to bump up the environmental workers pittance.
You know who else was a shit gardener? Bird of a feather…
Wayne is just a blubbering dimwit! He wanted to be Premier so badly that he probably wasted millions of dollars to recruit these money grabbing jackasses to make it happen. Wayne why are trying so hard to be “down” with them. You know they do not like you, they do not support you and daily they are undermining you. You know you are not comfortable applauding them, they haven’t done anything, you haven’t done anything. If you care anything about Cayman please just dissolve the government, call a new election so that intelligent persons can come it to ssve us.
The uneducated confuse Shouting with Leadership.
I hope that these two jokers, and the rest of that mess called PACT, will be a distant memory after the next election.
Love the Bromance
You can’t make this stuff up. This is like a soap opera. Days of our lives, Cayman Edition…
Go on Kenneth, take credit for the sunrise as well why don’t you.
Chris is becoming like Roy McTaggart now, doing anything to remain relevant.
Kenneth, if i were you I would remain friends but if haven’t heard the saying yet, I will give it to you straight…If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Mac is going to be gone next XXXXX. Kenneth, is this the company you want to keep? Remember you have two young daughters that you need to be setting an example for. Endorsing these two XXXX speaks volumes about you and what you stand for..Have some balls man and stop depending on them to secure your political future. I would rather resign than have either on my platform ever again…
Kenneth, this was wrong.nothing wrong with claiming Chris as your friend but Chris is on his way out XXXXX. The people of Bodden Town West are so disappointed in Chris. I just hope that someone credible and not so full of himself will stand for our district next time..Right now I am so disappointed that my vote no longer means anything and that my representative instead of resigning and giving us the opportunity to vote for someone else decides that he is all power and will stay there despite the fact that we no longer see him as a representative..
Well then it is up to the rest of us to identify and support someone else. I didn’t vote for so it is easy for me to ipass him by. I worked with him for two years- that was all Of him I could take.
7.53 According to the Constitution he is still the MP for Bodden Town West (Representative for Bodden Town West)
Commenters appear to be loving themselves some hatoraid.
Don’t stop the Carnival!
Ken Bernie and Jay are going to follow Saunders to the unemployment line. just watch. the civil service vote is powerful and those 4 have lost it.
That is our problem right there, the CS. Need Elon to cut it back 80%
Dangerous Duo!!!
Did Kenny say what he planned to do about those persons with illegal billboards scattered around our once beautiful islands?
Don’t it just make you want to spit? Two idiot peas in a pod
Kenneth you just lost my vote.
This says a lot about your character and what you stand for.
You will never represent me again. Shame shame on you.
The Premier should fire you for undermining him.
All of this makes it clear to be that this grass roots experiment has failed miserably.
We need politicians with high intellect and standards.
What we have now is a bunch of boys who behave like they are on a football team not like Ministers of Cabinet.
makes me want to vomit
Birds of a feather. The big fight coming up in the future will be between these two jackasses because both of them think they can be Premier We are in deep ………..t.
Still an idiot
We must not allow these two and Duhwayne to drag us down into the cesspit of Jamaican ghetto politics, followed by their self serving ambitions of Independence.
absolutely correct. it’s hard to quantify how damaging to the long term future of these wonderful islands having these divisive, self serving, hypocrites in charge would be. using just a single example,the visible degeneration of public beach wholly supported by Kenny and the garrison style bigotry championed by Saunders, make prospects look increasingly bleak if these two vile individuals remain prominent in public life.
Again to reiterate the point, there are untold problems just over the horizon if individuals like this continue to dictate the political direction of these precious islands. genuinely frightening.
Poor Kenny thinking he can get DP In Saunders regime. They both going get a rude awakening.
What makes you think there will a be “Saunders regime”?
Perhaps you should reread the last sentence.
I think that’s the OP’s point.
You down wid OPP?
. Saunders said the current low unemployment rate among local workers of 3.6% was due to the decision he and Bryan made.
You mean kind of like that decision he made to lie to the recipients of the stipend that it was going to be terminated when there weren’t real positions to fill, that kind of decision Mr Saunders ?
Two peas in a pod. Why would Minister Bryant comment on the allegations as he was a Big Mac supporter.
Caymanian voters need to propel the most rudimentary Elections Law reform to disqualify those with criminal records from positions of trust, budget handling, and political life. In many lesser countries, felony disenfranchisement prevents criminals from voting, sometimes permanently, ineligible for public office, or even civil service work. Kenny and others should be flipping burgers.
Agreed, and government should not award multi million dollar contracts to people who have been found guilty of a criminal offense.
He is suffering from delusions of mediocrity.
Mediocre? You’re giving him too much credit