Royals mix and mingle at governor’s reception
(CNS): The Earl and Countess of Wessex landed safely on Monday on a British Airways flight from London. They were greeted at Owen Roberts International Airport by Governor Martyn Roper and his wife, Lissie, Premier Wayne Panton and his wife, Jane, and the rest of Cabinet. Prince Edward received a Royal Salute and his wife, Sophie, was given flowers by the Girl Guides. The couple were then taken to Government House for an invitation-only reception with members of the public and various officials.
On Tuesday, the Earl flew to Little Cayman, where he visited the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) to mark the 20th anniversary of his Royal Patronage of the research centre, while the Countess attended the 100 Women in Finance events as one of their Global Ambassadors.
Edward will open the 54th Cayman Islands Agricultural Show on Ash Wednesday before handing out Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards at Government House.
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Category: Local News
I would someone to explain to me what a royal is, and how they differ from ordinary humans?
I read with great interest and enthusiam that Bodden Town Primary School Students was provided with a tour at our Aviation Premises
The kids are the future and we owe them the best and the most oportunities to suceed academically and professionally
This is a great eye opener for our youths to exaime career fields and to begin early academic career paths to preparing themself for univerisity studies after they graduate from high school
I am excited and extremely grateful that Mr McLaughlin took the time to give these kids an Aviation Tour with visual insights into a career in the Aviation Industry
Geeee suuummmm, i only hope that there teachers did not stop at the sight seeing tour and asked each student to write a story about there aviation tour and what was the most exciting thing they were intrigued about
I certainly hope that this is the first of many more Primary School Sight Seeing Tours to come………
Congratulations Bodden Town Primary School Teachers, Staff and Mr Andrew McLaughlin for creating such a creative and positive direction that will hopefully lead to the next generation of Young Professional Caymanians
I will say this much, the lack of people of colour at these receptions is obvious. Seems that the merchant class Caymanians are just fine with that as is their Premier. Sad Sad state of affairs but I will be branded the bad guy for pointing out the obvious!!
You are not alone in your observations
The ‘people of color’ as you put it, were Infact in the majority.
I never gave it a thought until your ignorant devisive post , which has no place in our community.
Yes, by definition, you are a racist for viewing all things in racial terms.
Look at people as individuals.
You will enjoy life much more and be a better person.
Mmm not true! I looked around the gathering of people there and saw a good mix of Caymanians and others and a good mix of darker people and lighter people. What is obvious and sad is the state of affairs you are trying to create.
Royals are outdated and irrelevant!!!
Hope they had to queue in the airport when they arrived like the rest of us mere mortals. Hope they had to queue in the traffic for the agricultural show like the rest of us mere mortals.
Pathetic the brown nosing going on around these drains on society and people too blind or stupid to see it. Like flies round $hit.
But your own er not so bright politicians are treated as dignitaries and get whisked through customs and don’t have to line up. Is that ok with you, doofus @10:05?
No that isn’t ok either – makes me feel sick.
Will they be stopping in at brother Andy’s old stomping grounds of Little St James while they are in the neighborhood?
2 Epstein/Andrew apologists in Cayman so far. Can’t wait to see how many more out there.
Not really our neighborhood.
Bah, humbug! Hobnobbing about on the taxpayer’s dime at a time when so many are suffering. And all for nought! Oh dear!
To be fair and FYI 10.57, and 9.15, the guest list included a majority of civil servants, as well as private sector individuals with a record of continued quiet service to the community .
It was not a gathering of the rich and famous as you are suggesting.
Civil Servants who showed up to work more than 60% of their contracted hours, or just parents of sitting government ministers?
Do they have the required work permits?
Government work conveniently does not require permits.
Where are the Cayman royals wid there Royal Dulton tea cups and saucers and low class manners and their wealth management team the true Cayman ambassadors and political dingbats of this BOT. As DMX would say wey the Dogs AT!
Dem all in Little Cayman this week.
I should have checked the mail. my invite must have been there.
There appears to be a deficit of darkly complected folk at the Governor’s Soiree. Also, a clear absence of the working class. I shouldn’t wonder that both our invitations were ‘governed’ by those ideals.
I have no problem with the Royals. They are born and mature within context of a completely different mindset than that of our own; they are of a different tribe than my own, and not necessarily an adverse one, just different.
I don’t expect that our social circles will ever overlap, but wouldn’t that be a grande thing should it come to pass? Imagine a future world in which they needed us as little as we need them. Still, I like seeing them here; reminds me of a time in which there was an order to things, and everyone seemed to work toward common goals.
11.54 I wish you had been there to see how wrong you are.
Every strata of our population was well represented, and it’s just so distressing that you should have written such bitter opinions based solely on your twisted perceptions.
I wonder why someone who likely wasn’t there would write up something so inflammatory?
Especially when their premise is so far off from the reality of what happened.
The words “chip” and “shoulder” come to mind.
11:54 am: I wasn’t at this event and I carry no truck for the royals (the only one I respected was the late Queen Elizabeth), but I know the normal procedures for government house events. Many persons are involved in proposing attendees and on perfectly acceptable criteria.
No need to stir up controversy where it doesn’t exist. Lots of other concerns that would benefit from scrutiny.
Welcome to the Cayman Islands! My most admired couple of all the Royal family,. A lovely couple that exude class and dignity.
How many times have they been driven past the stinking shitpile that is our National Monument, the dump?
Two years from now, it will be a monument to Wayne’s ineptitude, piled high in the middle of the ETH.
Is that their fault as well.?
That’s nice. Have they fixed the damn dump yet?
fix your dumb attitude