Premier taking ‘hard look’ at PACT progress
(CNS): Ahead of the midway point of this administration, Premier Wayne Panton has admitted that PACT may not be getting everything right and said he would be taking a hard look at the situation to meet the promises to be a “different kind of government”. Addressing Chamber of Commerce members last week, the premier said that “bold, decisive action is necessary” to deliver on commitments, such as building affordable housing, tackling traffic and improving government efficiency, during the rest of the term.
“We came into office promising to be a different kind of government, a more transparent government, a government that grew our economy while at the same time ensuring that Caymanians are not left behind,” Panton said at the Chamber AGM.
“This is a delicate balance, and I can readily admit that we do not always get that balance right. During this midterm evaluation, I will take a hard look at both the successes we have had and the challenges we have faced. It may mean that bold, decisive action is necessary to make sure that we accelerate the progress over the next two years,” he added.
The premier told the business community that the strategic policy statement will be delivered in April ahead of this summer’s budget for 2024/25. It will cover the second half of the current administration and the policy position of PACT as it works on balancing “the preservation of our Caymanian heritage, culture, environment and opportunity while simultaneously protecting and growing our economy”.
Panton revealed that the government is in the process of formulating a comprehensive sustainability agenda. Topics will include an adjusted minimum wage and additional support for the community college, as well as working with public and private sector initiatives to train Caymanians to earn and keep good high-skilled jobs, from trades to the boardrooms.
He also said more affordable housing must be built. “Building more affordable housing means the construction of apartment blocks and single-family homes. But, it also means examining our laws to allow us to take advantage of the land we have to increase density and build more homes.”
Panton spoke about building up two or three floors and not thirty storeys, a reference to the current contentious debate about potential changes to the law to allow high-rise developments. He said building affordable apartments would allow the government to conserve land and add more units to bring down costs. Denser communities would also help with transportation and health issues by improving walkability, he added.
Despite his push for sustainability, Panton said the development of a comprehensive transportation plan would include more roads as well as incentives for car sharing, biking and a new clean, reliable public transport system.
“Make no mistake, there are no overnight solutions to the traffic issues,” he said. “We have imported more than 13,000 cars in the last four years, the equivalent of more than 25 miles of cars, and some of it can’t be undone quickly, but we can slow that down to something more manageable.”
Addressing the cost of living is a priority for PACT and dealing with energy prices is an important factor as it is a significant portion of everyone’s costs. “We are reviewing the National Energy Policy and will do all in our power to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy at both the utility and household level,” the premier said, before announcing a new plan to help local homeowners in the short term.
He said the government would be helping to retrofit homes to make them more energy efficient, which would contribute to the economy and improve energy efficiency. Panton said more details would be revealed about this project later this month. “We hope to help dozens of eligible Caymanians retrofit their homes before the hot summer season.”
The premier also raised the question of the government’s policy in relation to work permits, immigration and the preservation of Caymanian culture. But he didn’t fully deal with concerns over the complex issues relating to the government’s tightly woven labour and immigration system, which frustrates both local workers and employers.
“I have heard your frustrations. I know that in order to grow our economy, we need to improve government’s efficiency,” he said, as he made a commitment to do that. People who submit accurate paperwork don’t deserve to be met with bureaucratic delays, he said.
“We must let the private sector grow and thrive. While we seek to improve government efficiency, we simultaneously seek to ensure the unique culture of the Cayman Islands is preserved and honoured,” Panton stated.
“We will make sure that everyone who joins our community knows about our history, our values, our culture and our people. When we welcome them into our community and they bring with them their cultures, their culinary specialties and their own customs, they must come into our community with respect for our history and our culture as well.”
The premier said the government must not forget its social agenda and build a fairer society where everyone has opportunities. He revealed that a draft sexual harassment bill will soon be released and that there were plans to decrease “the economic and social stress in our society”.
Panton said the Cayman Islands is strongest when everyone works together and a part of the mid-term evaluation would include public input. “I urge you to tell me who and what is working and what needs improvement. Let us have these important conversations, even if they must be tough conversations.”
The premier said it was now time to accelerate the progress made over the first two years, which would mean making tough, decisive decisions.
See the full address below:
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Let us access an additional $10K from our PENSIONS again as an immediate relief while you plan to decrease “the economic and social stress in our society”.
Building more roads in the middle of a national environmental mangrove wetland is not the answer to our traffic woes nor placing the port in Breakers. Destroying our environment is not a wise decision. I’m very disappointed to know mr. Panton you stood on a platform and stated you would protect our environment. What is this? Right now we have an excavator clearing to make way for the extension of the east west bypass but you state transparency by your government.
People struggling to make ends meet and the only law your government has past after 2 year is don’t feed the chickens or cats. The bunch of you should all be ashamed of yourselves including the PPM government.
$4.50 /hour minus health and pensions
Or $6.50 minus same deductions
= Cayman is a bad new Slave Labor island!!
Unless the traffic travel times improve PACT does not stand a chance in the next election. So he can look but he will be looking from the outside as far as this commuter from BT is concerned.
You lost big time when government threw aside all the good workers who sacrificed during COVID,working on Travel Cayman and HSA.
YOU forgot that we were promised jobs and help after yet hundreds of new hires of expats since then, and hundreds of us locals are still unemployed. Jeez Louise!
All that selfless effort and personal risk.
Now we suffering on our own worse than pre Covid!!
Update the LCCL and TBL to allow Caymanian local businesses to attract non Caymanian equity investment without the need for government consent. Seriously. It’ll stimulate successful business here and bring us if not into the 21st century then at least into the 20th in terms of competing with other jurisdictions.
Every elected member knows that one of our most major problems that will only get worse and is already affecting the NAU, is the poorly funded under performing pension fund. While I diligently saved and saved for retirement with the pension fund and even though have a good amount in there, I can only get 1000 a month because of GOVERNMENT rules. They will happily make rules for the rich to get richer and rules for themselves to draw a huge pension after just serving a few years. The premier is fine with his own wealth, multiple houses big boat etc, but how much does he actually care about his own people?
Increase minimum wage.
Find a way to restrict Air B and B to free up some capacity in the rental market (Yes Govt will lose income from this, but sure they can just find a way to bill financial services for something or other to make it up).
School buses for private schools. Yes, people don’t want any expats children getting a free ride but this benefits everyone and the misery and ever increasing journey times we all face, given we all know the public transport issues are just going to get kicked down the road to successive governments.
Speed cameras on trouble spot roads. Nobody wants this but it is time and very much needed. I am sure it is difficult with transient populations to enforce the tickets but with number plate recognition and other considered restrictions surely it is not impossible.
Stop the posturing and self aggrandizing. Action is needed and you are leaving a terrible legacy.
prohibition never works
Why would “People” not want children of expatriate families getting a ride to school , as you put it ?
Interested to hear the dialogue on this. Remember , we are talking about children who are traveling to attend their education.
May be badly worded, but no reason why private schools cannot pay for transporting their students. It should be mandatory for all private schools to offer a bus transport service for the students.
I do have a constructive criticism to offer CIG. Why are there no recycling bins in every Government facility for plastics, paper and metal? I’ve suggested this to various MPs many times. I’ve also suggested a paper recycling bin at every post office (to the P.O. regional manager at SMB) for as long as we’ve had recycling. Come on CIG… lead by example please! It would also provide beneficial work that a person could be proud of for whichever Caymanian would be given the job of collecting from all of those bins. You don’t know me if you don’t think I would take that job in a heartbeat.
Anon 400pm you are forgetting
The state of Corruption Successful and increased by 1000%
The state of Racism an anti Caymanian sentiment Successful and worst than it has ever been.
The state of Destruction of Cayman history and culture Successful almost nothing left. Wayne Panton stop this extremely foolish population expansion program your predecessor embarked on before it manifest into some unfortunate circumstances for Cayman! British Governor Lloyd prophetic words and advice in the 1980’s about the Fiji Problem unfortunately rang true in 2000.
Wayne and his lot will be forced into retirement by the end of this term. The problems are rocket science and addressing them should start sooner than later. Me personally i dont care what patch work ya’ll manage to achieve in the next two yrs my vote is gone!
Nothing this past two years..the sleeping beauties just woke up and realized less then two years election time rolling around. Two years and your health system is a disaster insurance policies from shic doesn’t cover s..t education system is appalling allowing cuc to raise our rates when they are making these large profits just like the gas stations. This government is a joke oh yea 500000 fine for feeding wild chickens and cats when a rapist or a child molester gets barely a slap on the wrist
The chicken and cat feeders need to be locked up for life.
Live and let live
Progress in the CI is measured by only 4 things:
#1 The state of the Waste Management System
#2 The state of the Public Transportation System
#3 The state of The Public Education
#4 The state of the Natural Environment Protection
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
You know until I read this I was giving PACT the benefit of the doubt but you are quite right! What have they done ?
I was at least cautiously optimistic about Wayne Panton’s leadership potential when he was first elected, but as soon as he made a deal with McKeeva Bush and gave so much power to Chris Saunders it was over.
3:44pm. Is difficult to see and understand that he is surrounded by back-stabbers and devious persons. Imagine JJ trying to play possum, running to the other side, hoping to make changes to the government he was a part of. How many more are in that camp?
Successes??? What successes? PACT is a total failure. Premier Panton has no leadership skills, no backbone, and allows his wild horses to keep on galloping on their feral track. The Progressives didn’t do everything right obviously, but they were 98% better than PACT. Those former Progressive members who jumped fence to join Wayne’s PACT showed their true colours and are a good riddance to the Progressives. I hope the voters remember. The Woke people got scammed.
I don’t think he will look to hard to see what a joke his government is. Saunders, Ebanks and Bryant are making there moves already to get big positions so old Wayne will be out and they will slide on in.
they are all failures, not just pact. we need to vote ISLANDS WIDE for representatives, get rid of this huge district nonsense for such a small place. 1 GT, 1 WB, 1BT… ect… then we vote for premier, not the clown show.
Are you sure the Progressives are 98% better than PACT? Which government made it possible to give themselves 3 months pay for anyone who lost an election? Civil servants have to work a lifetime to earn a pension but legislators only have to serve a four year term. Is that fair and just?
Finalize the Regen contract.
Dear Premier Wayne Panton please stop my foreign neighbor who has imported over 40 vehicles last year and has no business license yet their there is no law to stop him and this foolishness .He is not contributing a single dime to the enormous strain on the infrastructure here in the Cayman Islands and all his profits he is making of the sale of these vehicles is either going to his personal wealth or his country of birth . We can go to their countries and do this why are they allowed to come here and get away with in Cayman Mr Panton. Stop This Now Please!
10:39, But your neighbor is making a large contribution to CIG coffers as he pays a large tariff on every car he brings in.
Isn’t that neighbor contributing to the frustration on our roads? Why are people on work permits allowed to import cars? Those vehicles should be impounded and their work permits cancelled. They are carrying on an illegal business without a T&B license.
Mr. Premier might I suggest a stronger glasses prescription since you clearly can’t see what if any progress has been achieved. Might I also suggest an overseas consultant to help show you what real tangible progress looks like.
still waiting on stamp duty exemptions as promised by CS. alot of chatter in regards to affordable housing…guess what PACT. here’s one way. Will this just be a hail of Mary around election time ?
Third world should always represent third world.
I was at the meeting where he spoke to the Chamber. Firstly never have I heard someone who can drone on so unenthusiastically and speak so many words while saying nothing.
Half of his speech was commending his team on all the progress they’ve made which I do not believe a word of.
With the exception of Andre Ebanks this government is a laughable failure and they have done absolutely nothing.
Until yesterday there has been a 2 year inability to put solar in your roof. PR applications taking over a year to be heard. No real improvements to the roads. No real improvements to our schools. No real improvements to Planning/BCU or DCI…try opening up a new business in a space previously used for something else and then tell me about how you’re helping the private sector thrive.
The private sector thrives in spite of government ineptitude not because of government support. It thrives because all of us in the private sector need it to so that we can earn a living. The side effect of our success is higher government revenues which they pat themselves on the back for and pretend is a result of fiscal responsibility but really it’s just because import duty is higher and all the other things that contribute to government revenue are up.
Wayne, I’m sure you’re a nice guy but enough is enough. Your team is not cut out for this and you’re the one that cobbled them together. Time to actually be accountable and fix it or move on so someone else can.
why do they all have plastic water bottles. surely the government can do better than that
By the looks of it , if they strategized as much as they partied we should be in good situation after this.
On the plus side, at least they are at the one property which was responsibility built with sustainable setbacks from the HWM
On The Job Training. What a waist of time and Money.
Gray Matter – “waist”? No, “waste”!
I think the point is that their waist is expanding.
Wayne ole buddy, when you have Ministers the likes of Jay, Chris, Bernie and KB in your Cabinet you should know all too damn well that your progress will be sorely lacking. I have never ever in my years of following politics seen such a disconnected, uneducated and sad government. I agree, we have had some very piss poor governments in the past, but none can even come close to the shame this one is. The behavior alone of some of these Ministers is appalling such as leaving civil servants in tears, calling civil servants incompetent- ALL because those civil servants would not acede to their request for rules and policies to be broken and because civil servants rejected their nasty advances.
Wayne the time is NOW to do something or you just might have to tuck your tail between your legs and scurry off like a dog.
We have some real astronauts as ministers:
Jay wants to import breadfruits (as though we have no trees in Cayman)
KB wants to move Government House. WHY?
Bernie is flapping his gums and not saying anything.
Chris needs a lesson or 2 in the English language (CS it is pronounced “I think” and NOT “I tinks”)
JuJu masked up as though it’s Halloween.
Sabrina…..just out of her league
Andre- without a doubt the smartest and most adapted to being a Minister
Wayne- needs new wardrobe but seemingly able to carry a ministerial seat.
Best analysis of the government I’ve seen 11:21
Direct rule now. We can’t go on like this.
You are right 6:40. The massive problems we have now are beyond the capabilities of the CIG and both political factions here.
We really need major help from somewhere before we become a second Jamaica.
A bit late 1:54. We are already second Jamaica.
We are overrun by them and their littering culture.
6:40pm. The problem was created by those who campaigned for ‘One Man, One Vote’. Those jackasses have us where we shouldn’t be, now they realize the big mistake.
If only the progress was as efficient as when John John calls after crashing into a pole
one of the best comments ever.
So what? He wants a do over now ? You formed Government with the wrong set of people buddy! Resign now
@7:13pm..Not saying he did or didn’t but when your only alternative is the PPM…What is one to do?
Mr Premier, I’m going to skip this opportunity to scathe the softball you’ve offered, – and anyway by the time looking at the midterm evaluation has drawn any conclusions there’ll likely be only be nine months left.
Mr Premier: just look at the former Ormond Panton property on Crewe Road. It is a microcosm of the awful situation that now exists in Cayman. A piece of property that had one dwelling for countless years, releasing one, maybe two, cars a day onto Crewe Road. Now it is jam packed with townhouses releasing God knows how many cars onto Crewe Road every day. And no, this isn’t Dart or furrin investors that can be blamed for this ….IF any blame goes to anyone. This property was sold to developers by one of Cayman’s most respected families. THAT is part of the microcosm.
Whilst on Queen’s Highway I am told I cannot divide my property into less than 1 acre parcels. I can understand this somewhat for property more than a thousand feet inland, as the zoning is “single home / farmland”, but along the roadsides – where there is nothing but cliff rock?
Premier Panton, it is quite evident, over-development is a serious problem and you are not concerned enough to slow it down. Address this issue now, because the run away train is.headed for derailment.
Updating the Tenant and Landlord Law (1998 Rev) by making the Residential Tenancies Law, 2009 active (after moderning). Affordable housing including affordable rental units separate from affordable home ownership. Working class and working poor (almost at or below poverty level) and those at or below poverty level are being left to rent rooms and share bathrooms and kitchens. Families.
I applaud the Premier for broadening his shoulders and accountably acknowledging this. An admirable position to stand up and take. He is recognizing what people, electors, are venting about, unfortunately.
Well well, I don’t think it is about broadening his shoulders , I think he has finally come to the realization that he picked the wrong wild horses to draw his carriage. Not as easy to govern them as it was to recruit them but I suppose he and the rest of us are stuck with them for another two years! A shuddering and scary fact.
Now all you have to do is persuade developer To build those low cost units, when the demand for higher end housing is so high they can make 5 times as much for any given piece of land by building higher cost housing.
@11:55 am.Your point acknowledged but would still not meet the need for housing for low income and working class Caymanians. That is the hardship in our islands presently; The same points you are making. Developers [only thinking of profits] [not helping] our people with and through affordable housing (home ownership and rentals). But…in this case the developers I was referencing is our government (who are standardly responsible for developing housing for low income and working class).
Kenny has made good progress in convincing me he’s incompetent
Maybe he and Jay will be the first to earn a PhD in incompetency
That was Frank.
A good place to look is his email inbox.
Fix the damn dump Wayne!
If you need a reminder of how much progress you haven’t made, have a look out your window at the stinking shit heap that is our national monument, the dump.
Hurry up and come back Sir Alden, you are our hero and now you are a knight in shining armor!
Sir Alden our national zero with sensitive hairdo.
Well well, I don’t think it is about broadening his shoulders , I think he has finally come to the realization that he picked the wrong wild horses to draw his carriage. Not as easy to govern them as it was to recruit them but I suppose he and the rest of us are stuck with them for another two years! A shuddering and scary fact.
shame on the chamber to sit there and listen to that garbage.
when will the chamber stand up and ask the hard questions?
Another institution that contribute very little to Cayman. ONLY IN THE CAYMAN ISLSNDS!
nonsense update.
the reality is no-plan-pact have achieved little or nothing and will continue to do so for the remainder of their tenure.
they are just fortunate cayman is awash with cash …which they will continue to waste….
“We hope to help dozens of eligible Caymanians retrofit their homes before the hot summer season”
Wow. Dozens will be helped. Try not to over do it Wayne. You are no leader and nothing will get done. Facts
“Make no mistake, there are no overnight solutions to the traffic issues,” he said. “We have imported more than 13,000 cars in the last four years, the equivalent of more than 25 miles of cars, and some of it can’t be undone quickly, but we can slow that down to something more manageable.”
The average car is 14.7 feet long. (14.7 x 13,000)/5280 is 36 miles without any space between them.
Considering the person who has been appointed as Minister of Finance, 25 is close enough to 36 in round numbers.
Anyway, doesn’t matter how many cars you import, it’s the importation of drivers that’s the problem. More car importation hopefully means less crap cars with fake inspections on the road.
To run another sum for a scarier result, if you input Grand Caymans overall square mile land area , we have a density of about 990 people a sq’ mile, I am assuming with a Pop’ of just 75,000 at the moment.
The current degradation of the quality of living here is directly related to this population expansion, or should I say ” Explosion”.
Too many people are the problem and a road network that isn’t fit for purpose
Let me make it easy for you. You haven’t made any.
I honestly don’t understand this thing about importing cars. It seems to be some sort of mental stumbling block. I will spell this out – One. Person. Can. Only. Drive One. Car. At. A. Time.
How difficult is that to understand? I could import 12 cars but can only take one on the road. The issue is too many people driving the damn cars. Jeez.
Ah yes, but Wayne is alluding to the Bermuda solution of not letting certain people own or operate cars – so for example an expat family would only be allowed one car – at which point your math of one person driving one car at a time becomes some people having to share a car or some not being able to drive at all.
Pretty sure Bermuda is one car per household, there was no discrimination as far as I’m remember.
its pure waffle…and the caymanian way of not addressing the real issue at hand.
The issue with importing cars is that no-one is importing 12 cars. 12 different people are importing or buying them and clogging up the roads. It’s not difficult to understand.
Too many people
or poor planning and all people going to same area…smb/gt.
free money making solution:
Sell goab and build new goab east of frank sound.
That will give CIG more excuses for inefficiency.
World class inefficency though
Agree. The main issue around importing cars is that there’s plenty of vehicles brought over that will be junked within 5 years…or at least should be junked.
The abandoned vehicles on roads and in yards are an eyesore and really make areas look like ghettos.
yes they are called tourist!
Exactly! I can’t believe the number of people I’ve had to explain this to also. Additionally the person who owns more than one car has paid multiple import duty fees, and annually pays multiple licensing fees, Insurance fees and maintenance costs…which contributes healthily to the economy, whilst the cars are mostly parked at home!
As always, rather than looking directly at the cause of the issue, which is too many people using a road infrastructure that can’t cope, they take the lazy nonsensical approach.
“accelarate the progress made over the last 2 years”. might help if the car was actually running big fella.
Wow, this is refreshing a nd we don’t see this much, an actual politician and Premier stepping up and instead of bragging, admitting he and his government have not met the mark and need to do better.
It is good that also that he continues to ask for the people’s input. I wish though that those in his Cabinet would be a bit more open and available. It takes the sum of all parts to make everything run properly. Ministers need to understand that they just don’t get elected and then forget about the people who elected them or hide in their offices away from everyone. You may be doing actual work but you need to be more visual and available.
I had great faith in this government after finally being able to rid ourselves of the self serving PPM. No one expects any government to cure the ills of a country in just one term but there should be goals set and achieved within those 4 years, if they intend or for that matter want to get elected again.
Thank you Mr. Premier for being open and honest and admitting where you and your government have fallen off. I hope the rest of the elected members will now get on board and work earnestly for the betterment of the country and everyone that lives here.
It is refreshing. But given he clearly can’t control his own ministers, you have to question what difference it makes to the outcome what Wayne thinks or says.
Refreshing? I find it disappointing! Almost two years and nothing to boast about. We should be requiring more for our precious vote.
when you have standards this low and you think pact is doing a decent job…there is no hope for this place.
Admitting failure is not something he should get Kudos for. Running a country doesn’t allow for trial and error, you fail you resign and get out of the way!
Anonymous 2:11, along with comments regarding our run-away population I find yours to be the most accurate assessment of our situation. Wayne is, in my opinion the best man for the job of steering us into a future that my 9 year old son could live in. UDP and PPM’s vision was myopically economic growth through population growth at any cost to the environment, which would never get my vote. My hat’s off to Premier Panton for taking on the “high wire” balancing act of appeasing those who would build this island into the next Hong Kong for the benefit of the few vs those who would leave renewable resources for the benefit of all. If he has to deal with MPs who have no sense of balance, that’s not his fault, it’s the fault of their myopic vision and the districts who put them into office. I still have great faith in our Honorable Premier… Mr. Premier, you’re our only hope (a Star Wars reference).
Elaborately stated.
Walk your words, Wayne…
Just walk. Exercise is needed.