Customs officer admits having two illegal guns and ammo

| 01/02/2023 | 24 Comments
RCIPS van outside the courthouse

(CNS): Timothy Earle McKenzie (45), a customs officer for more than two decades, has admitted to the illegal possession of two handguns and over 50 rounds of ammunition. The veteran civil servant, who has no previous convictions, appeared in court Wednesday and entered guilty pleas to two counts of possession of an illegal firearm and two counts of possession of ammunition. McKenzie had previously denied the charges when he appeared in court last October and had been on bail.

Following his admissions, McKenzie asked for his bail to continue so that he could get his affairs in order before going to prison, but the court remanded him in custody. Prosecutor Scott Wainwright raised concerns that he is now a flight risk as he faces a very lengthy prison term, and given the seriousness of his offence, his potential to commit other crimes outweighed the need to sort his affairs. Justice Cheryll Richards directed a prison officer to assist McKenzie in dealing with his personal affairs once in custody.

Wainwright offered no insight into the circumstances that led to McKenzie possessing the weapons. In August 2022, the police raided his Newlands home, where they recovered two semi-automatic pistols, a Taurus 9mm and an Astra .45, as well as multiple rounds of ammunition for each of the guns.

The judge ordered a social enquiry report and set the sentencing hearing for the end of March when the crown is expected to outline the details of the case. McKenzie had been on required leave on full pay, but given his guilty pleas, it is expected that he will now be fired from the CBC.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (24)

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  1. Same old bad Vibes says:

    For all those wondering how Mr McKenzie has found himself in such a predicament look know further than those he chose to follow and seek guidance from right at CBC the sad part our govt and political leaders appears to hold these seem persons in such high esteem and for much praise yet their corrupting influence like a virus continues to spread through out the CBC and elsewhere in govt. Sad part some will say they are weeding out corruption in the ranks but unfortunately it’s the latter it’s corruption exposing itself because it’s has become far too common place in our government nowadays.

  2. Anonymous says:

    funny how people crying that the canadian who brought guns in got bail. Caymanian officer who is paid to uphold the law was only put on paid leave while he was dealt with…..the laws need to change. Both are obviously a risk to society and never should be let out to roam the island let alone be paid while waiting trial. then been given a court appointed officer to sort their affairs. suck it up buttercup. live by the sword die by the sword. you forfeit your rights when you are a criminal, not get more….

  3. Anonymous says:

    I know a CBC officer who actively lobbies against the legalization of weed, but grows it in their attic. A bit smarter than the one who helped to smuggle it through – it’s a plant after all.

    When I kindly asked them why the hypocrisy, they said, legalizing it will stop it from being so profitable.

    And out the door I went with my $25 a gram herb.

    • Anonymous says:

      In Jamaica, legislation permits an adult to cultivate 5 cannabis plants for personal (not commercial) use (on a per premises per household basis) and 2 ounces (or less) is decriminalized in public areas.

      Commercial sale of any amount of cannabis, without being licensed to do so by Jamaica’s Dangerous Drugs Act (as amended in 2015) or without otherwise being legally authorized, would be a criminal offense of supplying and, if the cannabis came from another jurisdiction illegally, there would be exposure to a trafficking offenses.

      If legalizing or decriminalizing helps take the profit out of crime, then this could be said to furthering the public interest aims of AML legislation.

  4. Island Time says:

    They should not go light on this person considering his positions CBC. One would wonder how many people he knows that have illegal guns due to his position.

    XXXX (ongoing case)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Have guns, get fired.

    Welcome to the revolvering door of prison.

  6. Anonymous says:

    A bit cheeky asking for time to get his affairs in order when he’s had since October on full pay to get his affairs in order. He should get additional time for wasting the court’s time when he knew he was going to plead guilty.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Please 6:40pm you need to stop right there as he will soon be nominated for a Pioneer award and give a promotion up the ranks only the best for our world Class civil service eh Mr DG and Deputy premier !

  8. Anonymous says:

    What has Cayman become to ?. Sad so very sad indeed.

  9. Anonymous says:

    what i don’t understand is. Why have a gun?

    You really can’t use it, because if you get caught. it’s jail.
    And whatever else they can add to your sentence. murder. or a lesser charge
    if you don’t use it and get caught, it’s jail.

    It would be better to have a knife for protection. you are not getting 10 years for that.

    I love guns, but not enough to risk prison for one.

  10. Anonymous says:

    he’s such a good guy that made a wrong choice. stay safe & keep your head bro!

  11. Elvis says:

    We have no chance. Customs officer with illegal guns?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sock it to ‘im, sock’it to ‘im, sockit to ‘im!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Customs sounds like they have some criminals. Deputy Premier, what’s going on with CBC?

  14. Amigo Compromiso says:

    Aaah boy Timothy all those who cloaked you in illegality now like the devil will be amused by your predicament. Heads up bro prisons are made for us all.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The DG has a public duty to not only fire this guy yesterday, but file civil action to clawback the full pay, pension contributions and other benefits from the instant of his arrest last August to entry of guilty plea (if that even coincides with moment of termination). The promise of full pay, while wasting valuable court time, is rewarding serial liars that don’t deserve this grace or credit.

    • Anonymous says:

      As wrong as this man is for breaking the law, and is deserving of the price he has to pay, it baffles me how heartless some of these comments are about taking back the earnings of what he is paid by his job. don’t you think he has a family including children he has to provide for. I bet many of you posting on this forum would be singing a different tune if is was you in his and many others positions. the problem with a lot caymanians is that we are quick to judge and condemn, and in the same breath are creating issues in society such as not raising your own children right, who later become menaces to society. big problem!!!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Also on full pay, he was running something else (leave it alone, clearly) that required duel firepower for dangerous side-profession. But not to worry, the thoughtful judge will read the nice reference letters from his mom, and pastor about what a nice boy he once was and cut the sentence. We will also fully-discount the not guilty court time wastage, and he’ll be back out in no time, with some great contacts. /s Round and round we go.

    • Anonymous says:

      since you knew so much, why didn’t you report it then? this is the problem, some of us see things happening and don’t say anything. that’s why criminals go free sometimes.


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