NAU clients to get $150 Christmas bonus
(CNS): Anyone receiving the government’s permanent financial assistance through the Needs Assessment Unit will get an extra $150 on top of their monthly payment in December for additional support during the holiday period. André Ebanks, the minister responsible for social development, said, “Our government recognises that there are many vulnerable persons in our community who are either permanently disabled or older persons, or who served honourably as veterans and seafarers. We therefore wish to provide added support to lessen their burdens, all within the spirit of the holiday season.”
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Category: Politics
Whatever happened to the simple Continuation of benefits form that Andre promised for seniors on permanent financial assistance? There’s one for Seafarers thats quite simple but none for seniors on Permanent poor relief. Also the Public Service Pensions board uses a simplified ‘Continuation of benefits’ form that could be used as a guide instead of the 10 page firstbtime applicant form kod avaliable on NAU website.
its already available
Your welcome!!!
Enjoy my hard earned money…..
crackheads will be happy. That who get most of Govt money. Room and board too
Many Government pensioners receive under $100. per month pension and many are over age 60. This is a fact that National Pensions is well aware. Is MP Andre Ebanks aware of this? If he truly have interest in assisting those who are truly in need, he would address this matter and include all pensioners or at the very lesst, all who receive under $1,000. per month. No pensioner should be receiving less than $950. per month anyway. This is appauling and truly a crying shame.
06 @ 1:03pm – You’re absolutely correct. I know someone with well over 20 years with a Government SAGC and was retired on $400 a month pension. That was 9 years ago. It’s still under $500.
No retirement health plan, the person is covered under the spouse.
Damn shame!
Yes. Many still work within government companies full time, in responsible positions, making less than 3,000. And have their healthcare insurance and pensions deducted from that!
Unbearable sirs
liquor store and the topup men on the Brac dancing for joy now. NAU and the DTF are the main issues here!
When people get used to getting handouts, they no longer have the desire to work. Cayman is going, if not already, going to have a whole section of society that will just depend on others to feed, clothe and house them and will not desire to work toward attaining these basic needs themselves. I am not talking about those truly in need (the elderly or special needs).
Seriously? People are getting a Christmas bonus for being out of work? The NAU should be making payments to people based on their NEEDS. Not give them a bonus so they can treat themselves.
I’ve been living off my savings for 3 years now since my very small employment pension came to an end. I scrimped and saved my entire life to make my meagre money last and have never resorted to asking for a hand out.
Where is my bonus for being careful and doing without so that I never had to ask for money from the government?
If I spent all of my savings on things I didn’t need, and had next to nothing left, I’d get free money then from the government. Where is the sense in that?
Our current policies just encourage laziness, frivolent spending, and an ongoing situation that I’ll hold my hand out for free things without working, because my parent(s) did the same, and my kids will too.
I exclude from my citicism of course those with disabilities, infirmities and old age that prevent them from working. There is a huge difference between the deserving poor and those who make a living from living off the government.
“Our current policies just encourage laziness, frivolent spending…”
Where does that spending go?
Only the permanently disabled, older persons, seafarers and veterans received this. Not able bodied persons. Thank you MP Ebanks!
The bonus is for “permanently disabled or older persons, or who served honourably as veterans and seafarer”… it is right there in the article…
So what about the PENSIONERS ????
what about them?
check under their mattresses…in their over -sized homes with zero mortgages…
Are statistics released of many people receive NAU benefits?
The “searchable” Seafarer’s Registry does not provide a transparent alphabetised register, and lacks credibility. It includes hundreds of names that are indicated as having submitted theoretical applications, pending application review and approval. eg. Searching the common letter “a”, returns 366 hits, with not a single “approved” member in good standing in CISA. Also interesting that we can’t find any of the “Board Members” listed:
Am I right in saying that this should also apply to those dozens of civil servants suspended on full pay whilst awaiting trial for a deemed criminal offence, as they are in effect receiving “permanent financial assistance”.
How “many” veterans and seafarers on NAU in addition to savings, pensions, and Seafarer stipends? What is the true headcount?
what the latest on means testing all nau recipients?
Here you go:
As PACT continues to develop PPM’s welfare state…..greedy weak men only concerned with their inflated salaries and development kickbacks.
A welfare bonus? LOL.
Vote buying.
you spelt wote wrong.
Wote buying is what would apply to Vest Bay.
Bodden Town and East end would be “buying vote Dem “
Other areas combination of the above.
Cayman hater you
Seem like Andre is just continuing the trend, no real thougth has gone into how we get Caymanians off welfare and into self sufficiency, work, something other than social wellfare. Where are the bright ideas Andre claimed to have ? Havent seen very much “innovation”, just more of the same.
Two heads of lettuce and a pack of rizzlas.
Electric lettuce no doubt knowing the majority of NAU “clients”
Wellp, jokes aside current market prices for ounces of smuggled Jamaican cannabis are still ~$50-100 a piece so your quote is actually on point.
Legalize local production and maybe some of these NAU clients can go into agriculture and/or retail.