British ambassador to succeed Roper

| 09/12/2022 | 55 Comments
Cayman News Service
Jane Owen

(CNS)): Jane Owen (59), a career diplomat, has been appointed as the Cayman Islands’ next governor when Martyn Roper leaves next year. Owen, who will be Cayman’s second woman in the job, will be coming from her current post as the British ambassador for Switzerland and the non-resident ambassador to the neighbouring principality of Liechtenstein. Owen began her civil service career with the Foreign Office in 1987 as the desk officer for the Central America Department.

Since then, she has served in Japan, Vietnam, India and Norway as well as Switzerland, with stints also working for the department of trade and the FCO in London.

According to a release from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Owen said she was delighted with the appointment, which she will take up in April. “I look forward to developing a close partnership with the elected government and I will do my utmost to support the people of all three Islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman,” she said.

She may also become the first Cayman governor who will not reside on Seven Mile Beach for her full tenure, as Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan has announced that government is considering moving the governor’s residence, Government House, and taking it over to create a bigger attraction at Governor’s Beach for local people and tourists, given the lack of access elsewhere along the famous stretch.

Speaking in parliament this week, Bryan repeated the idea he spoke about last month, and said it had the backing of his Cabinet colleagues. He said that the next incoming governor should be told that they might be moved during their time here.

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Comments (55)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The UK representative here has not always lived on the beach, but in the capital like other jurisdictions. So relocating them should not be a huge deal. However we do need to ensure that the land is placed in perpetuity for we the people, unlike our once main public beach that has been allowed to be assigned to commercial interests large and small. Time to stop this madness.

    • Anonymous says:

      To stop the madness Kenny must be recalled.

    • Anonymous says:

      Kenny has a big mouth when it comes to suggestions, but no brain or education to implement.
      So far we have Kenny beach …Nothing happening .
      Scranton park…all talk and no substance.
      Now we have Governor’s beach. All bravado playing to his uneducated voters.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If she had any sense she would suspend the Government and implement direct rule now for at least 5 years. Get rid of the current members and let a new generation of politicians apply for the job.

    Kick the Southern Irish COP out and replace him with someone from a decent police force in the UK that will clamp down on this crap.

    Less Jamaicans, less Canadians, less Americans and more Caymanians, more sensible moralities, more stability. Stop the great reset.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dear lady, you will be coming up against a host of loudmouth elected officials without good manners and decorum, who will hurl insults and ignoramous comments at you so please research some of Mrs. Thatcher’s tactics to keep them inline if you want to survive and thrive in your job. Apart from the aforementioned you should have a jolly good time on our. 2×4 Rock. On another note the PACK is adept at flying up their hot air balloons to divert our attention from their absolute lack of getting anything done that benefits the Islands and Kenneth can take first prize.on that project. What exactly is his problem?

    • Anonymous says:

      Leave if you hate it so, 10:37am. Or are you one of those colonial Toms?

      • Anonymous says:

        They will constantly bitch, criticize, and complain, but one thing they will never do is leave. I wonder why that is.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh my god. Stop with the Brown nosing. You know nothing of this woman or her politics. Yet she is already hailed as a savior to some. What makes you believe she has no agenda that doesn’t include you in it ! lol

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hands off the Governor House!
    Smith Cove was saved and so must the Governor’s House.

    Give them a finger, and they’ll take the whole hand.

    • Anonymous says:

      We had the whole beach along the old west bay road which government gave to Dart. It is not too late to change zoning to make it all public beach again. Dart can develop on the other side of the road.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 5:53 am

      We all know why Kenneth wants the governor’s house moved and it’s not for the Caymanians ‘ benefit. We all know who owns the hotel next to it. He wants to move us from Seven Mile Public Beach and we know who owns that hotel next to that. He’ll soon tell us each district have their own beach. West Bay has it’s little stretch of public beach, George Town has Smith’s Cove, (can’t even keep the original name), Bodden Town has their own public beach, North Side has theirs and so does East End. He’ll tell us we need to stop being so greedy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    In my opinion, she should get to stay in the current 7MB Governor house. Then after some time in the house, she can talk with K. Bryan to discuss plans for the house surrounding area and new inside renovations to accomodate class-working stewards and tourist display attractions.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The poor lady. I suppose she’ll have a nice life while she is hear, live very nicely on the government dollar and not really have to achieve anything.
    I miss that guy who was only here a short time and was really shaking things up – so he ruffled the wrong feathers and they got rid of him. He seemed to be the only one who had any backbone.

    • anon says:

      11.50am Maybe he had a backbone but he certainly had a brain, which is clearly missing in your case. Try”here” next time.

      • Anna says:

        An unnecessary retort as OP’s simple error should not detract from the point being made.
        Instead, it is you who are made to look like a buffoon.

        • anon says:

          8.41pm I’m sorry you had a stroke, but that didn’t stop you belittling the position of Governor and wrongly criticising the lady before she even arrives by saying she does not have to achieve anything. Try directing your ire at our local politicians who truly deserve it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Apologies for my error. I’ve had a stroke and now have language difficulties which sometimes result in wrong spellings. I try my best. Thank you for the correction, however it could have been done more kindly.

    • Anonymous says:

      Taylor had backbone, he stood up to Mac and even stopped Mac’s port deal with the Chinese.

  7. Anonymous says:

    From one dodgy tax haven to another.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your pathetic attitude is not in keeping with the times. We are merely a low tax jurisdiction.

      • Yup says:

        I.e. a tax haven. Any jurisdiction that has different rules for local companies incorporated there and ones intended to do business elsewhere is almost always a tax haven.

        • Anonymous says:

          You obviously don’t know anything about Cayman and even more obviously don’t live here. There is no direct taxation in Cayman of any kind, regardless of whether you are a local company (I run two btw so I know what I’m talking about) or one intended to do business elsewhere.

          Try again, preferably once you’ve educated yourself.

          • Yup says:

            You’re the one showing your ignorance with your comment. Exempted companies, designed to do business mainly abroad by definition, register in Cayman exactly because there is no tax. That is the biggest red flag of a tax haven of them all. You keeping digging, it’s funny.

        • Anonymous says:

          As dense as this poster’s naive post seems, it exemplifies the very poor education and advocacy job that has been done by successive Financial Services Ministries and Industry members since the 1990’s. Posters like this, still genuinely believe Cayman is a “secret” haven for tax criminals, despite a couple generations worth of compliance work that opposes that assertion. When will Cayman retain the PR and legal horsepower to counter popular media portrayals? Who is going to do it, if not us?

          • Why? says:

            Why was the post dense? It makes a valid point and your clichéd response shows your ignorance.

      • Anonymous says:

        Of which none want to leave. Oh how we hate the Caymans and the locals, but can’t find the gumption to go back home….sigh

        • Anon says:

          The money is too easy, the work is easy and the competition is non-existent. Take the cash, suffer the place, look forward to spending the cash one day.

      • Anonymous says:

        tax neutral actually

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman itself is happily tax neutral, self-funded from responsible consumption-based duty collection, and is not a haven for foreign tax payers or entities where taxes might be due. We do not author or seek to amend foreign tax codes, many of which contain home-grown defects. Those defects may be exploited by well-versed tax practitioners from that foreign country. Cayman cooperates fully with many tax agencies, and has done so for decades…see Tax Info Exchange Agreements, many of them automatic for at least 5 years:
      If you are a foreign tax payer and believe there exists a problem or error with your home tax code, take it up with your tax collection agency or government representative and petition to have your tax code amended. Have a nice day.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Moving Government House must be part of the lucrative Invincible Investments Westin Causerina 10 story developer ask list. They will not have enough beach for that concentration of guests and will need to fan them out over several neighbouring properties.

  9. Anonymous says:

    What, if anything, does she know about cockroaches and rooster fights?

  10. Anonymous says:

    The one snd only unspoiled place on SMB is the Governor’s house. Just like with Smith’s Cove they want to destroy it. Time to organize and protest.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Leave Governor’s house alone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not theirs, that house belongs to we the people who built it from about 1959 or so and we maintain it up until this day.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Cryin’ Bryan is an empty vessel. He’s trying his very best to whip up the same rhetoric as his mentor McBeater Bush. Unfortunately, there are plenty of woters who will fall for those balderdash.

  13. lil Bobo in East End says:

    Please keep Kenny’s hands off the Governor’s house and beach. No good will come of it…

  14. Anonymous says:

    Welcome governor Owen. First course of business get rid of all ministers cause we didn’t voted them in and replace them with qualified people who know how to make the country a safe place to work and live. Anyone noticed the amount of serious crimes that are ongoing and not a word from our politicians or COP? Cost of living out of control as well. My light bill has doubled for $475 to $1,000 bucks a month. Your excellency please help us.

  15. Junior says:

    Welcome your majesty

    Please don’t fall for flattery and skin up smiling teeth.

    You will befine

  16. anonymous says:

    Welcome to our glorious island. Looking forward to having another lady in the job.
    The last lady Governor Miss Kilpatrick did a great job and was a breath of fresh air in these islands.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Welcome aboard your excellency madam Gov. I hope the mess we’re in doesn’t scare you. You’ll certainly have plenty of pressing issues to preside over. But at least you’ll be spared from having to deal with our most infamous politician scoundrel.

    Good luck and God bless

    • Anonymous says:

      3.56, the scoundrel will still be a feature, behind Kenneth, Jay Saunders and Seymour.
      This Cambridge educated experienced and intelligent Governor , is going to have to lower her intellect to communicate with these simple minded fools , elected by their own kind.
      Good luck madam.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I feel sorry for her.

    And Kenny has lost his mind trying to change the last unspoiled place on SMB left for us to use now and moving the Governor. We should be having a referendum on this too. I don’t believe there would be many supporters.

    If they want to be more inclusive, why doesn’t government use a website to show all these insane ideas ministers have, and let the public vote on what THEY want before wasting time and public money chasing whims to appease a few people.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hate to say what I am about to say in fear that it might get construed but I have felt for a long time that a well secured off the beach Governors residence should be built but certainly not for the purpose that Kenneth and his Cabinet have up their sleeves. Cayman is no longer safe for a person in such position to live on the beach. Especially persons who rely on the C.I. government to keep them safe. I am mindful of all persons living in similar environment but private citizens is responsible to keep themselves safe. This in no way means that Kenneth and his Cabinet can take this property and turn it into a “higglers retreat” that would be a gross insult to the Caymanian people and the dignity of its present and past residents. I would prefer to see the house kept in its pristine condition as a tourist attraction for visitors to tour; with archived materials ( both videos and
      paper content) of the families who were fortunate to reside there. Kenneth also need to be mindful that even if he has Cabinet agreeing to his hare-brained idea the rest of us, the Cayman population also has a say. The house belongs to all of us!

      • Anonymous says:

        I have two minds on this. I don’t trust this government with anything. Why doesn’t the Government buy land somewhere else? How about getting some of the land from Schilling in Cayman Brac. That’s where the locals swim and have picnics but no Kenneth would rather Schilling destroy it. This is also the location of several dive sites. How about Point O Sand and Owen’s Island? Why don’t government try to procure them? This government talked about sustainability, but they just back the big money people. They are worse than PPM. We have more cruise ships than we know what to do with. This government has no cajons. They need to get rid of the riff raff on public beach. I want a referendum on the Governor’s house. Kenneth voters don’t own it, we all do. It is for all of the people of the Cayman Islands to decide. The Governor is for all three islands not Kenneth’s one two people.


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