Robber flees with cash after sandwich shop stick-up

| 01/11/2022 | 38 Comments
Location of Subway in East End

(CNS): Police are on the lookout for yet another armed robber after a stick-up at the Subway sandwich shop at The Reef Resort on the Queen’s Highway in East End around 7pm Monday. A masked man entered the shop wielding a firearm and demanded cash from the staff. He then fled the scene with an undisclosed quantity of money in a silver sedan. The suspect was about 5’10” tall, of light complexion, and dressed all in black, including his mask, gloves and shoes.

This is now the sixth robbery police are investigating in Grand Cayman over the last month, five of which involved guns. So far this year there have been at least 18 armed robberies at stores, gas stations and on the streets. It follows a robbery at the weekend at a gas station in Bodden Town, where three of the four armed robbers had firearms and made off with cash, booze and cigarettes.

This latest heist is under investigation by Bodden Town CID. Anyone with any information is asked to call 947-2220. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the RCIPS website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (38)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    To the people that did not like their subway sandwich, I hope you have a better experience if you go back.
    Folks, at least we know the robbers will never try to stick up big companies between the span of West Bay and George Town.
    The chopper will not stop until it scoured the entire island.
    The robbers are targeting isolated, small businesses.
    It is a cause for alarm because they could pick off people anyway over store petty merchandise and cash. Since it happens to the very least, the force might not declare it cause for a state of emergency.
    But when it happens every week and remains that way, well hopefully the force stays on patrol longer than the trends.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If he took a tuna sub as well, you won’t be seeing him for at least a few days. I speak from experience.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Of course the comments blame Jamaicans. The article said the suspect has a light complexion, and statically, most Jamaicans are black, and most Caymanians are light skin, so this is most likely a Caymanian. How about we raise our youth right before pointing fingers.

    • Anonymous says:

      true but you can always have a non existent Jamaica father. which is the elephant in the room.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Import third world, become third world.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Poor young locals being led astray by Jamaican wannabes who could NOT survive in USA or UK gangs

  6. Anonymous says:

    Can we please at least hear from our commissioner of police!!! It is very disconcerting to see the number of gun crimes skyrocketing in Cayman and no one says anything. Are we not at a point of a state of emergency? Do we need to wait until people are murdered in their homes or at their business. If we dont halt this now we will be no better than Jamaica. Come on Wayne, Franz, Commissioner –

    • Anonymous says:

      but they’re not sky rocketing! I don’t fear being robbed at gunpoint, nor when I’m visiting bars and restaurants.

      Yes, it’s depressing and can be chalked up to numerous factors, but I can almost guarantee that the people committing these kinds of crimes do so repeatedly. It’s a special kind of stupid that does this, so by definition it’s a rarity.

      Catch the idiot(s), lock him/them away for a long time.

  7. Anonymous says:

    We live on a tiny island, surely cctv tracking can catch these people in a matter of hours. How do you rob a place by east end fosters and get away with it? With a gun! If this was a small us or uk town. Which on average are far bigger than cayman, the guy would be in jail by now.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:10pm They had a dog that was a good tracker but he died while in their custody likely from neglect.

      What about Baron RCIP managers?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cayman safety….

  9. Anonymous says:

    SMB gone, 30 storey buildings proposed, low income workers over crowding residences, environment being destroyed and armed crime on the increase, – so they paved paradise and continue to **** everything up besides the parking lot

    • Anonymous says:

      Not really. The real downfall has been sharing our Island with the scum that has come to live here and make Cayman home. You might be here, but you are not Caymanian. The law will reflect this in due course. Wait, watch.

      • Anonymous says:

        You do know the caymanians are the worst drivers on caymans roads and often incapable of doing the jobs that make the island run, right?

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually 5:30, you might want to check the statistics on your claim.

          While I will not state which nationality it is, I will say I CAN SPEAK with certainty it’s not what you have stated.

      • Anonymous says:

        2:00 nice to think that way, and wish, but that’s far gone from happening now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Anything you’d like to say about the not canadian ‘scum exports’ living in Canada that were arrested and convicted for sex trafficking and the other sentenced to life for murder ?

  10. Anonymous says:

    We are letting these JA criminals in and in return they are turning these islands into another Jamaica. When will the madness stop?

  11. Anonymous says:

    I was nearby and have video of the car involved but don’t trust the police. How can I send it to the news company?

    CNS: You can email it to us

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand and respect this yet here we are, incredible, – are you listening COP Byrne.

      Good stuff CNS 👍

    • Anonymous says:

      It is evident to me that the majority of the public has zero faith in the RCIPS. This is in part why I decided to decline a job offer there. It’s like the only thing they can accomplish is catching people doing 53 on a highway.


  12. Cheese Face says:

    We really need to start putting these f******s away for a long time, enough with the half assed sentences. Lock em up, throw away the key.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Jamaica is here to stay.

    • Anonymous says:

      You better don’t let certain newbie Ministers catch you saying stuff like this. Remember the dancehall session they had at the Lions Centre for Jamaica’s independence celebrating all things Jamaica? This might be hard for some of the countrymen /women to digest but they all have an option, they can leave and go back home. As for us “real Caymanians” we have no other place to lay our heads. We are paying the COP and his officers maga salaries and we really should demand much more for our dollars

  14. Anonymous says:

    Imagine being stupid enough to use a gun to rob a sandwich store???

    The deli meat in a 6 inch sub probably has more brains.

    • substandard says:

      At least he was bright enough not to take one of their awful sandwiches.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, what do you think would be appropriate?

      • Anonymous says:

        I mean sure, you disagree, but you want to add another 5 to 10 years to your sentence, go ahead. A staff member in Subway would probably just hand over cash anyhow. The gun now brings a whole heap of heat onto them. Of course, they could walk into a liquor store and steal an expensive bottle of scotch or champagne and make more cash, minus any threats, but that’s just me.

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