Bryan hunting for overseas tourism investors

| 16/11/2022 | 48 Comments
Cayman News Service
(L-R) Moderator John Lancet, Joseph Boschulte (US Virgin Islands), Ruisandro Cijntje (Curacao), Kenneth Bryan and Jaqueline Mora (Dominican Republic)

(CNS): Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan was on the road again last week, this time to the Dominican Republic for the Caribbean Hotel and Investment Conference & Operations Summit (CHICOS), where he was rubbing shoulders with regional and international investors, leading decision-makers, governmental representatives, developers, tourism officials, hotel brand executives and others in the hospitality sector, according to a ministry press release.

Cayman News Service
(L-R) Minister Cijntje from Curacao, CHICOS organiser Parris Jordan, and Minister Bryan

During the event, Minister Bryan took part in a Government Leaders panel discussion, which focused on investment and development opportunities in the Caribbean post-COVID.

“Attending the conference provided the opportunity to highlight the Cayman Islands’ many attributes as one of the best locations in the Caribbean for investors to consider for new tourism developments,” Bryan said. “CHICOS is also a great networking opportunity for shared insights on investment trends within the region, specifically spa hotels, golf resorts, business and convention centres, all-inclusive, casinos and sporting facilities.

“We heard about some of the other new tourism developments coming on-stream around the region which solidifies our strategy to diversify our tourism product,” he added.

Minister Bryan was accompanied by Parliamentary Secretary Dwayne Seymour and Chief Officer Stran Bodden.

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Category: Business, Tourism

Comments (48)

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  1. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    “Tourism investors.” Colour me stupid, but I really don’t get this. Mr. Bryant has travelled to other islands/countries who are in competition with us for the very same tourists.

    Are we expected to believe that other islands/countries will be so impressed that they actually tout the benefits of travelling to the Cayman Islands?? If so, it is beyond belief. It would be like Ministers from the UK travelling to other European countries in an effort to draw tourists to the UK.

    Am I missing something?

    What is this costing us? Is there any possibility of measurable results?*

    *survey says NO!

    • Anonymous says:

      On the surface it looks like a big waste of money, but you have to look at the alternative. He could be home in Cayman making important ‘decisions’.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Will the shameful Tourism Minimum Wage ever be increased from $4.50/hr?
    With a pack of lettuce near $15!
    He said on radio recently that the committee may get around to revisit next year.
    You go Santa.
    We can wait!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don’t let Duhwayne ‘The Brain’ drive the car!!!

  4. Joe says:

    why the genius here dont run for office? Fools!

  5. Anonymous says:

    It would be nice if there were some laws in place that you actually have to finish what you start in terms of development.

    We will be awash in dead projects by the end of next year.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth and jon jon together? Can it get anymore embarrassing then that. I dont think so

  7. Anonymous says:

    “Diversify our tourism product”. Nice words. I heard something like that a few years ago. . . something about “. . .a third arm to the cayman economy”. . . Oh, that’s right medical toursim. That went well! What’s next? Let me guess. . . brighly coloured designed handbag outlets. Tish, tish.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps sponsoring another Rinky- dink football team. By the way shouldn’t they have come over to play against our national team by now?

  8. Anonymous says:

    What an idiotic waste of money. Fortunately they will achieve absolutely nothing. ALL Cayman needs for a booming tourist industry is a clean 7mb, no crime and good diving. Those are literally the ONLY reasons the tourists I know come here. They can get everything else better for less elsewhere. If they don’t stamp out this crime wave, real or perceived, it’s all over.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Somebody has to buy all that Century 21 inventory I suppose.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon is the very last person that should be representing these islands overseas. Cannot manage a complete sentence. Not to mention his physical stature.

  11. Say it like it is says:

    How many days has the Minister actually spent in Cayman since he was appointed?. All these freebies seem to have gone to his head.Can we have a listing of all the dates he has been galavanting along with the costs to include all his cohorts,and a summary of the dollar benefits that have accrued to our country?.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Kenny, the house is on fire 🔥 in Cayman. No airlift to LC due to CAL broken planes and the SMB clown 🤡 show. Quit farting around withDwayne the Brain and get your ass back home and fix he problems.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Kenny Beach is looking great I must say.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Honduras, Panama, DR … Seems like a common 3rd world theme here somewhere. Cuba next? I’m surprised the Cubans or Chinese haven’t come courting Chris Saunders yet. Wait for it.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The only thing that made Cayman stand out from other Caribbean jurisdictions was safety. Definitely not mountains, waterfalls and all kinds of natural wonders. Now safety, or illusion of it at least, is gone. Don’t know how they are going to attract anyone here since it’s not safe any more. Not only crime, road safety as well are a constant headache. This is what they desperately need to address, but those problems are way less appealing than overseas trips.

    • Anonymous says:

      We have a’lot more than safety to offer, our kind Cayman heritage and beautiful landscapes appeal to anyone that knows how to truly enjoy those aspects. the many beaches on island offer a tranquil place to relax and unwind. exploring the eastern side of the island will cure anyone’s wanderlusts. There are many things on these islands for people to enjoy.

      While we do have a spike in these armed robberies it is far less significant than other places. I would go ahead and say it was a’lot more safer than a ‘lot of place’s. People will complain about anything if you do not want to visit here you don’t need to rant online about how much of a bad place it is, simply just do not come. we dont need mountains, or waterfalls. if you can’t appreciate the island for what it is we are definitely better off without people like you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Typical angry rant without actually reading closely. Noone is saying it is a bad place, please chill. There are endless opportunities all around the world to visit with tranquil beaches and robust cultures, and many many more other things to offer. Safety has always been one thing that put Cayman in a better position than most Caribbean destinations. If that becomes no longer the case, the islands will price themselves out of the competition. Argue all you want, but competition is high, with a lot of other options tourists can travel to. So safety must remain a matter of no concern or people go elsewhere cheaper.

      • Anonymous says:

        Beautiful landscapes? I guess you haven’t travelled much. Hey I love it here but that’s plain delusional. There’s only one great beach in Cayman, the rest are covered in trash and rightly or wrongly most tourists couldn’t care less about Caymanian heritage, whatever that is. Many things to enjoy? Like what? There really aren’t. Fortunately tranquility, safety, good restaurants, nice beach, easy diving pretty much covers what most wealthy travellers seem to want.

    • Anonymous says:

      100% agree and have spoken to a few regular Ritz/Kimpton tourists who have said exactly the same. They come here with their kids who they can leave to their own devices at the beach and pool both when they were younger and now when they are older teens. IMO it still is very safe here compared to just about everywhere else but at the prices “we” charge god help us if it keeps getting worse than now!

      • Anonymous says:

        Not true. 20 years ago we thought nothing of walking the length of West Bay road at night to have dinner and stop at a few night spots. Now, I won’t do it during the day.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Be vewy vewy quiet…

  17. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth does a decent job representing the Cayman Islands on a international stage.

    It is, however, risky bringing Jon Jon, who is funny to laugh at locally when he says idiotic things, but not a good idea to give him any opportunities to potentially embarrass the Cayman Islands internationally.

    From COVID lockdown times, when Jon Jon was Minister of Health and the world was focused on Cayman, Jon Jon embarrassed the Cayman Islands so bad internationally that we’re still bouncing back from Dwayne “The Brain” comments from back then.

    Jon Jon, as you told us all in various languages during COVID, “Stay home”. Don’t embarrass yourself or Cayman, Jon Jon.

  18. Anon says:

    Glad these high end meeting weren’t in Little Cayman as nobody would have been able to turn up !
    Rather than living the high life around the Caribbean
    How about you go and buy a third plane for the Little island ?
    You have had disgruntled tourists and residents for years .
    Being ferried by boats , rescued by police helicopter , having to charterer their own planes ?
    You have done nothing for Little cayman which I’m surprised as your Boss owns a place their !

    • Anonymous says:

      Little Cayman needs a ferry service from the Brac to supplement the present airlift. Other places in the world with such low populations don’t even have “normal” air services yet alone 3 aircraft.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Hope he took them each a purse. That would do the trick.

  20. Anonymous says:

    What do we need more investors for? More hotels? Good grief! What a damn mess we are going to be in, oops, we are there now

  21. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon gets all the best assignments, I bet he doesnt attend one single official event, but attends every social event imaginible in the DR….

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep, the booze, food, accommodation, flights , all free.
      Duhwayne and Kenneth never lived so high, and all at our expense.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Wait, so I’m an overseas investor and the first CI government officials I meet are Kenny and Dwayne? You can’t make this up.

  23. Anonymous says:

    The party never stops for Kenneth!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Lower the hotel prices and airfare and Cayman may be as competitive as some of the other islands. Other islands offered specials after covid, Cayman did not. Other islands prices are more reasonable for families and single professionals to fly and stay. Cayman is not affordable any longer to the average traveler. 7MB is down to 4 MB. Nothing to do unless you go to stingray city or dive. Too much construction, too much traffic and crime is on the rise.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve said it before and I strongly hold firm that tourism in Cayman went to hell when the then government allowed the old Holiday Inn and Galleon to close down. They were the last reasonable priced hotels in Cayman that had a lot of rooms for the type of tourist that are more beneficial than the US$1,800 a night stayers at Kimpton that benefits only Dart.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Why would we need/want sketchy third world hotel operators in the Cayman Islands? Or is this a smokescreen for another 3 amigos booty trip?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Really?? With all the development going on he feels we need more investors??
    Hopefully, if any more do come in, they will NOT be offered any concessions.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Nobody cares about what he does.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Weren’t we concerned about too many hotels exceeding capacity of beach? Let’s pretend to go looking for more?

  29. Anonymous says:

    Boys Trip!! Whoop Whoop!


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