5k of cocaine seized from fishing boat

| 18/11/2022 | 32 Comments
Cayman News Service
RCIPS H145 Helicopter

(CNS): Three Honduran men, aged 59, 42 and 39, were arrested on Friday, 11 November, after a midnight bust at sea by the Cayman Islands Coast Guard supported by the RCIPS helicopter. They have since been charged with the importation of cocaine and appeared in court Wednesday. According to the police, the coastguard and the RCIPS Air Operations Unit were on patrol when they came upon a commercial fishing vessel in Cayman Islands territorial waters near George Town.

The CICG team had reason to stop and search the vessel, and during the search they found five kilos of a substance suspected of being cocaine. The three men were remanded in custody following their court appearance. They are expected to return to court on 22 November to answer the charges.

Commander Robert Scotland, head of the CICG, said the operation was an example of the dedication of the police and coastguard to keeping illegal drugs from reaching Cayman streets.

“It makes me extremely proud to see the level of commitment and professionalism being displayed by our officers during these types of incidents,” he said. “The results that are being produced can reassure the public that the investment of providing the requisite training and the proper equipment creates positive returns for the Cayman Islands.”

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Category: Coast Guard, Crime, Police

Comments (32)

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  1. right now cayman is swamped with honduran fishing boats mostly owned by the cartel there here for one reason to smuggling. these boats are foreign owned and not cayman register.charles Clifford XXXX said he can do nothing to stop this what border protection. these fishing boats are unfair competition to cayman fishermen. where is our protection for our business. these things only happen in cayman. a foreign boat can’t sell fish in Honduras or the rest of the Caribbean but we are wide open to world and once again caymanians are last.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Robberies gonna go up now. Nothing to deal so no money changing hands.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I guess this article would have had more comments if it were Jamaicans……..

  4. Anonymous says:

    Who are the customers? One would think that on the island of 65k not too manypeople use drugs.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I love my country’s defence with this one:

    ā€œThe results that are being produced can reassure the public that the investment of providing the requisite training and the proper equipment creates positive returns for the Cayman Islands.ā€ – Robert Scotland

    Be ready to tell this World Goodbye in the end.
    This is refreshing news.
    May they be kept and
    protected everyday. – CaymanKind.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great Work. You are loved people.

  7. Anonymous says:

    The traffic though..

  8. Anonymous says:

    Once again its the police helicopter making the Coast Guard look good.

  9. Anonymous says:

    If they didnā€™t get so excited with the bust they may have caught the real culprits! Board the vessel , stay onboard covertly and wait for the receiver! Law enforcement needs to think outside the box sometimes.Those fishermen are just the employees, your target should be the bosses.

  10. Anonymous says:

    All good points so far.

    But at least the CG doing something for the big $$ spent on it, and the big ranks, etc., instead of just “rescuing boats” in the North Sound!

    Make em work for it.

    Franzies for all!

  11. Anonymous says:

    catch the white, allow the green

  12. Anon. says:

    ā€¦..And they say that itā€™s the ā€œJamaicanā€ canoes that bring in the drugs and guns!
    Honduras is doing the same and has been for years!
    About time they were caught! Hope CICG and RCIP will take a SERIOUS note of this and concentrate on ALL Islands and Countries not just Jamaica!!

    Ps: I am Caymanian, not involved nor married to a Jamaican, donā€™t have any children for or have any social ties to Jamaica/Jamaicans!

    Iā€™m just stating FACTS!

  13. Anonymous says:

    does not help the cost of living crisis…..

  14. Cheese Face says:

    And the 400 other boats that got through and docked in Prospect?

  15. Anonymous says:

    The ‘fish market’ on the sea front is the ideal place for these kinds of products to be moved. Too many suspicious men hanging out around there. Place should be shut down.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why wasn’t the boat tagged or tracked and we wait to see who the drugs are given to?
    Oh because it might be people with ‘connections’ in Cayman, or those who are allowed to operate and everyone turns a blind eye to it because they are family, or money from the sale of drugs goes in the right pockets.
    Great to see something being done, but it is a tiny drop in the ocean compared to the corruption and lawlessness in Cayman that is never confronted.

    • Anonymous says:

      It would be amazing if the police could think like you. The reality is that months later, Police canā€™t even arrest the Speaker w video and sworn testimony and 1000 witness statements.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Minimal returns tbh. A token 5 key bust, with no guns or ammo found. We have to imagine these snitched-out three were attempting to carve out some entry-level volume from the invincible gang bosses of Cayman. Meanwhile, no arrests in Cayman’s well-delineated criminal echelons in a generation. Small-time arrests like this should amplify public concern about the impervious power dynamic behind the curtain on the unreported volumes of guns, ammo, and drugs that consistently get through – seemingly with consent. Our Coast Guard won’t even turn on their 100nm radar. This is the third economic pillar of Cayman that nobody talks about. This is why we deserve to be on FATF lists.

    • Anonymous says:

      The local police can do speed traps in rush hour but canā€™t catch the criminals

    • Just saying says:

      Guns donā€™t floatā€¦.they were dropped into the ocean.
      Cocaine & other drugs that are wrapped, float so if they searched the area they wouldā€™ve seen these floating ā€œparcelsā€.

      Just thankful they caught them!
      Any amount not just 5k is still too muchā€¦..think of our children (or anyone you love) getting addicted to cocaine!

      And people want to hold arguments about marijuana! Jeez! You can get that prescribed in GT nowā€¦..
      Someone tell me where we can get a prescription for cocaine???

  18. Anonymous says:

    you’d think they would track these people and find who they are bringing it to.


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