McRuss Groceries robbed by masked armed men
(CNS): McRuss Groceries on Party Lane in Prospect was held up at gunpoint Wednesday night at around 11pm. Four masked men entered the store and brandished firearms at the workers and demanded cash. The men then fled the scene on foot towards the rear of the premises with a quantity of cash and other items.
All the suspects wore long-sleeved hooded shirts, long pants, gloves and full face masks. One of the men was about 5’2″, of dark complexion and chubby build, another was about 5’7″ tall and of slim build. The police did not provide a description of the third suspect.
Although no images were provided by the RCIPS, the grocery store’s own CCTV footage capturing most of the stick-up was given to Cayman Marl Road and can be viewed below. It shows the armed robbers forcing the clerk to clear out the cash registers and give them the cash, before making him then load their bags with vapes and cigarettes.
The matter is currently under investigation and anyone with any information is asked to contact George Town CID at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or the website.
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Prospect has gone to the dogs.
criminals have guns, police have guns. the community has no trust in the police force.
Good thing grand father taught me how to make and use a sling shot to protect my family and business from the criminals with the guns.
There are no security guards on Cayman willing to take a bullet for $6/hr
Nor should they. What they should do — what ALL of us should do — is push our flaccid MPs into passing legislation which allows citizens to purchase and possess nonlethal means of self-defense.
That said, NO clerk or bank teller or anyone else who is working for an entity that is robbed should ever resist. Give them what they want and hope you don’t get hurt. There isn’t enough of an hourly rate to justify opposing a thief. Thieves are cowards and always attack with the upper hand via weapons and such. They are lesser beings and as such are of no social consequence. As soon as they are caught, they should be tried, convicted and discarded.
We should all have the legal means to defend ourselves and our homes. RCIPS can only react after the fact. The onus is upon us all to be safe.
Great idea but you’re all too busy and spending your energy hatin’ on the expats
What happened to the longer 10 min. video? It shows events that happened right before the thugs burst in.
Same ones running around the district threatening people with guns now exercising their immunity or impunity from prosecution cause mama connect to local big boss politician. As for the uniform carriers when there is no law order or order in the law because it is inundated with those who have little or no regard for these islands other to than to enrich themselves and their relatives and their homeland at our expense . Along with indifference of our so called political and local elite . What do you honestly expect Cayman ??
Sounds like you’re a bitter wannabe politician who didn’t make the cut.
Typical Caymanian crab in the proverbial bucket. Just out here making baseless accusations on other people. Pray your children are angels singing in the choir on Sunday’s.
This is very bad. It is also representative parallel as to what white collar expats are doing to the Cayman Islands in business.
This is one reason why I would support going cashless and accepting only cards if I were to run a business that’s open to the public like a store or a food truck especially at certain hours of the night. It maybe wouldn’t reduce the theft of items like vapes and such, but it would minimize the theft of money.
scared money dont make no money
It is valid to be scared of cowards with guns; that’s why the cowards use them.
Distinctive gloves they are all wearing . Maybe Police should visit hardware stores to see if they have sold gloves like the ones being worn and if they sold 3 pairs to a customer recently.
very good point…hope RCIPS is reading
Lol. Reading hahaha.
Nice one.
The JA police are not that smart!
looking at the amount of unsolved crime worldwide i would say police of all nationality is not that smart, including the country you came from.
The guy in the light gray hoodie is left-handed. Also, those red gloves are uncommon and probably unique to one store here.
I think you’re onto something Sherlock. Let me guess you play a lot of Clue. It was Professor Plum in the library with the candlestick. Very impressive indeed. Pass me the KFC bucket.
What other point is there to looking at the video, if not to present the public with the opportunity to provide input which otherwise might not have come to light?
I don’t think it wasn’t Professor Plum. I think it was a keyboard warrior with a shitty attitude, sitting in the dark in his underwear, illuminated only by the computer screen. Buy your own KFC, and throw the bucket in the corner with all the rest. Grow up and take responsibility for yourself, if you have the balls.
Or was he holding a gun with his right hand?
I could be wrong, but all I saw in his right hand was a bag for money. I didn’t see him holding a gun at any time in the video.
Come on our elected members, you all are here to help protect the law abiding citizens!! Implement laws that will deal with this sort of trash, once and for all!! Armed robbery, automatic 25 years, with no chance of parole!! Please, let us keep Cayman away from this sort of violence,let us be able to enjoy the tranquility of these islands without fear. These animals should not be allowed in our peaceful society!!
it doesn’t matter if they are not being caught!
WHY didn’t the RCIPS go door-to-door that night???
Come on dudes the thieves love across the street?
Until we bring back REAL police work and work with immigration enforcement; the bad guys will live amongst us??
Sabrina- this is on YOUR doorstep!
Get tough and bounce these bad guys OUT!??
Why diddle around? Carrying an illegal firearm should be punishable by the death penalty. If you don’t want to be robbed and/or possibly killed, it would really change things. When you are ready for a safer place to live, have a no illegal guns law enacted.
Those poor staff members. They don’t deserve this kind of fear.
That was stoopid! Only thing the video does is ID the clerk. Why would I be a witness for Police again?
Cant make this stuff up!
like dah jungle shootin
RCIP needs new leadership that isnt picking on staff about annual leave and other foolishness. Lots of catch and releases for headline grabbing to ease pressure.
Hmm, 4:56, I didn’t see the Jamaican flag sewn on their outfits or the bit where they flashed their passports. Could you point it out to me? Thanks.
doubt it. look like local hoodrat kids, raised by local hoodrat parents
No silent alarms installed by these owners?
FYI silent alarms create histage situations and get people killed.
It could work. But the staff need to be trained when to use it. MCRuss also released a statement that they will be implementing security measures to protect their employees and customers going forward.
If a criminal is stuck on getting in and out with stolen stuff they will be caught. If the criminal never knows a Cops was alerted, they will be caught. So it is a matter of training for both the Officers and Staff to avoid a hostage situation. Furthermore,there should be private security which are trained and licensed to handle this type of intrusion. If they are unarmed in certain locations they need to be in surveillance or conducting mobile patrol. And if they are skilled and have advantage to disarm the criminal, patrol is safe.
This type of criminal activity is very concerning. Gun-related crimes, even where no physical harm occurs, is unacceptable and theft is despicable. I’m glad that no one was injured.
Hasn’t it always been.
Slim and chubby sounds like Tupac and Biggie at it again. Think the 3rd is Puffy if he stole some twinkies and Trojans.
Welcome to PactRock.
never before has there ever been an armed robbery on this island… yes let’s blame this government. sure
The armed robberies began in the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan in 2004. At that point, the criminals realised that there was not a credible nor prompt response to their cowardly crimes.
It has only gotten worse since. I don’t blame the RCIPS; they can only response to events once they have happened. Even though we have a large police force in proportion to our population, there is not nearly enough to be everywhere at every location to prevent robberies.
RCIPS depend upon tips from the community to make a case and arrest suspects, and most of us profess a lack of confidence in the confidentiality of that information, and so nobody say nuttin’. That has to change, and THAT lack of confidence falls entirely within the RCIPS purview. imo.
After Hurricane Ivan, or the aftermath of Mac’s status grants? They happened around the same time, but the latter was much more damaging.
After Hurricane Ivan. Those criminals were already here when the Hurricane hit and the aftermath. The grants, while some were enacted around that time, didn’t affect us until months later.
That was when the shitbirds learned that the long response wasn’t a threat to them.
3 men escape Coast Guard earlier on the same day…….hmmm
They escaped Coast Guard AND RCIP and WORC AND Customs and Border Control.
Every ship in GT harbour had radar that could see their movements, but our illustrious law enforcers do not.
And the Governor grins. And the Commissioner says the crime situation is stable. And Franz says it is all world class.
The Governor is an abject failure.
What else can I say?
So is Franz
I left 4 separate voice messages in 3 different departments this week. None have been returned. Is this normal?
You all funny