Bush finally resigns as police fold up inquiry
(CNS): McKeeva Bush has finally announced his resignation from the position of speaker of the House of Parliament, which will come into effect on 30 November. Police Commissioner Derek Byrne has also announced that the RCIPS investigation into the allegations against him for sexual harassment is nearing completion.
Bush made the announcement on Radio Cayman’s 6:00pm news on Wednesday, and shortly afterwards the police issued a short statement indicating that the case file would be passed to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
In his announcement on Radio Cayman, Bush said that even though some people said he should remain in office, he had given the matter a great deal of thought and, in the interest of all parties given the political nature the situation “had taken on”, he had decided to resign. He said he had written a letter to the premier on Monday tendering his resignation and that it would go to the clerk on Wednesday. However, Bush will now remain in office for a further eight weeks.
Immediately after the resignation announcement, the RCIPS stated, “The Commissioner of Police confirms that the investigation file on the incident involving a senior politician on Tuesday, 13 September, is nearing completion, and will be submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions.”
The news comes shortly after Deputy Speaker Katherine Ebanks-Wilks refused to accept the opposition’s no-confidence motion against the speaker.
Listen to Bush announce his resignation:
- Fascinated 311%
- Happy 621%
- Sad 311%
- Angry 1450%
- Bored 14%
- Afraid 14%
Category: Politics
What sort of message does this send out to the law abiding people of the Cayman Islands and beyond (if they care)
The man is a serial abusive gambling degenerate yet rather than someone showing some real leadership, he’s allowed to leave at a date of his choosing. Just makes a mockery of everything.
So here’s what most seem to be missing. Mac isn’t leaving Parliament. As of 30 Nov, he will be a fully functioning, voting member of the Parliament. He was somewhat neutralised as Speaker, certainly a lofty role he did not deserve, but now he will be able to unleash his full parliamentary privilege on the House and on all of us.
Bush is quite right when he said he “help put PACT” together and shame on Wayne and every single member of spineless group who continue to let this embarrassing situation perpetuate and escalate. The political immaturity of this group is simply astonishing.
Please call an early election. This administration has done nothing of note to date and we need the House of Cards to come down so we can try to right the last 18 months. Put in a government that we know from before we cast our vote who they plan to work with, card carrying members of a party or an open, public declaration of their teammates – BEFORE the vote.
And DS, stay the hell out of it from now on please and stop puppeteering behind the scenes.
He doesn’t get to decide the tune and tempo once arrested and charged. He goes to HM Northward in the back of a car with no door handles.
That is not going to happen; tomorrow the RCIPs will state he has not been charged. GUARANTEED.
About time he found his shame! The only book he should consider publishing should be titled “Old Wife’s Tales: Everything you MUSTN’T do to embarrass a country”
Great idea but He wouldn’t know what to write in it.
How do we go about pushing through a constitutional amendment to disenfranchise the voters of West Bay West? They clearly cannot be trusted to vote responsibly.
Just 24 voters swung it from Mario to Bush.
It would only have taken 15 voters to vote for Mario,instead of Mac. However, those hard core Mckeeva-ites will never, ever vote against him. He has looked after them in little ways for over three decades and they cannot see that they are no better off as the generations go by. Add in the ones who benefited enormously (just check out the list of the “nation building fund)” and have a guess at whose children got the most expensive scholarships – their votes are bought and paid for; sadly by all of us.
The people who really disgust me are the people who do not go out and vote, (even though they may not like Mac being in charge), are the ones I really blame here.
Yes, voting is a great privilege and we do have the choice whether we vote or not . but no one has the right to complain about the situation our country is in, if they didn’t go out and vote, particularly if they could have voted against the dishonourable McKeeva Bush.
So, what are you saying, the constitution should be amended to dilute democratic values?
Macs announcement that he is leaving 30 November is equivalent to him asking someone to “hold his beer”.
I believe we will be getting a few fireworks shows in the coming weeks.
Soon Come Bobo.
Can someone who has knowledge on what is in the constitution on this issue. Does the deputy speaker have jfhe right to Circumvent the process of the legislature? Attorney general, Steve mcfield, Gilbert McLean can you enlighten us on whether she is breaking the laws to benefit her compatriot? Can she also be removed? this is of the iutmost importance.
She must now resign herself or be removed. I move a motion of no-confidence in the Deputy Speaker.
Why? Because she can count how many business days lie between 2 Fridays and Roy can’t?
Umm, if you had bothered to look up the parliamentary usage of the terms you would have known that ‘clear days’ has nothing to do with ‘business days’ – either she can’t count or worse
Mac resigned, so no confidence motion became moot. This is not a court case.
Turks awash in murder, BVIs PM in jail for drug trafficking, and political and environmental meltdown in Cayman. Don’t stop the carnival in the BOTs!
All facilitated by weak and inept good governance oversight.
Sounds eerily familiar.
Voters just made the wrong choice at the polls.
PPM is now irrelevant and PACT is inept.
Time to vote for a real alternative next election.
These fools need to stop playing games with Cayman’s reputation and democracy. They are making a mockery! Not a single one of them is fit to hold office. I had to laugh when Bush said “he gave it a lot of thought”. He can think????? Who knew?????
If they are making a mockery and not a single one of them is fit to hold office, then it follows that the ones who voted them into office have made the mockery and not a single one of them is fit to vote. We seem to lose sight of the fact that Cayman’s politicians did not put themselves into office, Caymanian voters put them in office.
This is so true, thank you for posting.
In the real world, I don’t think you get to select your departure date from the calendar when you try to resign just ahead of being fired for cause. You might get a box and 10 minutes to pack up your effects as someone senior hovers to escort you from the building. Why isn’t that happening?
It is not quite that simple. Bush is not a hireling who can be fired.
It would do people well to study our Constitution and the precedents and protocols of Parliamentary government.
One part of the reason that the Cayman Islands has such poor leaders is because we have such poorly informed citizens who are breathtakingly ignorant of their own government works. George Carlin summed it up well. Read his famous quote about how America ends up with such incompetent leadership and you should get the picture. It applies very well to the Cayman Islands as well: “Where do these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from our families, our homes, our schools, our churches, our universities and our businesses. They are elected by our citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders”. Well put, George. Well put!
I assure you, Bush, like the other 18 in LA, is a public servant who must abide the Nolan Principles. He is a public employee of the people and can be fired for cause. It’s not hard to understand. The MPs do not get to vote on whether those Principles will apply from one day to the next, depending on who it is, and who or what projects they are affiliated with. It’s the LA that need the lesson in fiduciary behaviour and compliance. But, if we’re being honest, all of that is a sideshow to the snailscape of RCIPS investigation and DPP prosecutorial role. Why does Bush still have passports to travel? These are the questions voters should be asking.
Think you will find the Constitution trumps the Nolan Principles. Which in any event are ignored wholesale by public officials. And the Constitution clearly sets out the basis on which the Speaker can be removed, or for that matter an MP. Can be fired for cause my hat – can ONLY be fired under the provisions of the constitution. Going to need a vote if no confidence or the governor dissolving Parliament to get rid of him as Speaker, and dissolving Parliament or a successful criminal prosecution for an offence carrying more than 12 months in jail to get rid of him as an MP.
Holy Lord!
Even after being spoon fed the foundation of truth in an earlier comment in regard to firing Bush, you go on to “assure” us of total rubbish! ONE more time for the s-l-o-w class: Neither Bush nor his MP colleagues are hirelings who can be fired. From the parliament.uk web site: “Members of Parliament (MPs) are not employed in any legal sense of the word. MPs are elected to their position by the electorate after putting themselves up as a candidate.” In this matter, what applies in the UK, applies here in the Cayman Islands. MP’s are certainly NOT “public employees”. It would do you well to study our Constitution and the laws, precedents and protocols that underpin our Parliamentary government. The Constitution lays out the process under which a Speaker and any Member of Parliament may be removed from office. Declaring “You are fired!” (for any cause) is not there. In answer to your other question, Why does Bush still have passports to travel?”, the simple answer is “due process”. Mac has not yet been charged in relation to the alleged sexual harassment, and, the terms of his alternative sentence did not mandate surrender of his travel documents.
And your point is…
And your point is?
True but I don’t entirely agree. I suspect that some of them probably started off with good intentions but were swept up in the general greed having seen the rest with their faces deep in the trough.
Well said George Carlin!
He needs to resign as an MP too, otherwise he can now vote so he’ll still be out there scheming.
I agree, but good luck with that one…
Let’s hope the Police proceed with their arrest for breach of his suspended sentence conditions.
He is a repeat offender. NObody else would get away with serial public drunkenness and disgraceful behavior.
And when are the police going to so much as investigate numerous other serious offenses that have be alleged dating back 30 years?
Valid point. There is no time limit on criminal.
What breach? Nothing in there about drinking or behaviour. You want to play the suspended sentence card the a) have to have him convicted – not charged- of another offence within the 2 year period and b) remember the suspended part of the sentence was only 40 days ( and he got to serve the first 20 at home).
Bush is a wiley old fox of a politician. He has something up his sleeve. Watch this space. . .
Big Mac says 30th November, but did he say which year?
Would some MP please bring a no confidence motion regarding the Speaker immediately. Allowing him to stay is a travesty and sends a horrible message to the women of Cayman.
Bush should go now and the no confidence motion should proceed.
Parliament is not sitting and according to all reports at the time the Patsy from WB refused to accept the no confidence motion;
the Speaker was not absent and the Speaker had not resigned or formally recused himself.
Hopefully Roy will note that the Deputy Speaker had no lawful authority to refuse the no confidence motion.
You’re not Grown until you know how to communicate, apologize, be truthful and accept accountability without blaming someone else..
If that is the case, the Cayman Islands does not have a single grownup in Parliament. Infants all of them.
Would one of the MPs please put forward to end the use of the wig and gown by the Speaker. It probably should be burned the day Bush actually goes to mark the end of a very bad era.
Stupid UK style wig. Do away with it now.
In the UK the Speaker does not wear a wig and gown other than at the opening. The only reason Mac wears one is vanity and his belief it makes him more important.
Makes him look more clownish!
Given that Bush’s resignation is not in effect until the end of November and he can withdraw it at any time before that my guess is that the coup to replace Wayne will be in the next few weeks. Bush will then return with Saunders and Bryan to officially turn Cayman into a parish of Jamaica.
Bush has engineered a temporary exit with more grace attached to it than he ever extended to his victims.
The people of Cayman deserve to know which MPs support Bush and ignore his actions. Please proceed with the no confidence motion.
It seems ALL of the UDPact support him…blindly, to keep their inflated salaries.
It should never have got to this. Had we had a parliamentary code of conduct excluding people with convictions from entering parliament in the first place….
Is that code similar to the one used by the Miss Cayman committee allowing what is going on with their winner now? Guess they all serve the same useless position.
I thought that it WAS in effect!
Roy – I hope that you proceed with the no confidence vote for the sake of what remains of democracy and decency in our islands. No person with an iota of morality can stomach Bush staying in place until the end of November.
Roy, I hope you just will sit down and shut up instead of being Alden’s messenger boy. All you guys are trying to do is get back power for yourselves, disgusting.
If Wayne and other PACT members refuse to address the issue then who else should?
It’s his job …idiot !
Dear Wayne
The speakership is an appointment and requires no notice period. Agreeing to Mac “staying on” until Nov 30th is a travesty and direct disrespect to the Parliament. You are both making a mockery of our Democracy and it is now truly a Banana Republic. Nowhere else in the democratic world would a speaker be allowed to dictate to the Parliament and Government that under the current circumstances he is remaining in post for two months. You are weak and an embarrassment. You created this mess, please fix it now!
Former MLA
Firmer MLA you are part of the problem we have today. For the likes of you and others who have come after you have sll been duplicitous, had no knowledge of parliamentary processes in fact no knowledge of anything and if not for the attractiveness of these islands and if left to your ingenuity and morality or lack thereof the Cayman Islands would have remained the Islands that time forgot. So former MLA go back in ya ya crab hole . Go sit down!
He just needed to let everyone know that he of course takes no responsibility for any of his actions and this is all some one else’s fault. The police will of course find him not responsible cause that is what they do here and he will find some way for CIG to continue to fund his lifestyle and ego. In other worlds full Caymanian style. Who expects any different this time?
Ding dong the witch is dead… Or IS he?

Pathetic state of affairs politically. Countries never been more poorly run.
resigns but could still hold balance of power.
both pact and ppm should be in agreement that neither can rely on him for support to form a government.
he needs to be removed as an mla asap.
Please! Effective when ya say? Mac is going nowhere and Wayne don’t need to be thinking he in control of this train!
Wrong !!! He is going to HELL….. I just don’t know when!
If you cannot get rid of those who govern you, you do not live in a democracy.
Tina Turner simply the best will forever align with my memory of dear Big Mack
Shaggy’s “It Wasn’t Me” is a much better fit.
“Eight weeks”
Sometime you have to give them enough rope to hang themselves.
For what is worth I am not the least bit upset that he actually resigned instead of being removed by a vote of no confidence brought by the PPM..They were hoping to one up the PACT Government and got shot down once again. They had 12 years to remove Mac and instead called an election to save him and them and in hopes of retaining their power. It all backfired on them and since then they have been doing any and everything to try to take over the Government. It is time for the PPM to accept their losses and wait until the next election and then try to take back their power which is highly unlikely.
I’m no fan of PPM but this shambolic PACT is the worst period of governance in these islands in my lifetime.
Guess Kenny isn’t coming back for Friday’s meeting. Bush needs him now!
It’s about time!
Can’t wait to hearing Roy and Alden crying about how Kathy didn’t tell them anything and went and removed their motion..
Tek dat PPM..Da wa unna get!!
Now I hope the PPM will sit down, accept their loss and do something productive rather than finding ways to disrupt the Government..tired of them now.
Boy, I would love to be a fly on the wall at South Coast Bar tonight…
Go Now
History will show that you are a lucky SOB who got away with way more that you should have.
No remorse, zero accountability – POS
If Wayne had any balls he’d reject his resignation, have him removed and then tender his own.
Mac has given notice to resign in 7 weeks. That is not a true resignation in accordance with the rules and custom of Parliament. Perhaps the deal is not yet complete and this is a play for time. The PPM are right to reject it. Utter nonsense.
If Wayne had any balls he would say “We do not accept your resignation, you will be removed from office in a vote of no confidence, and the reasons for your removal will forever remain in the Hansards of the Cayman Islands Parliament”.
He needs to go now!
What will all the ignorant Bushits do without their tribal leader? How will they live?
Governor – why did he even have a choice? How low are the standards around here?
pigs do fly!
And this particular pig, wants to keep his snout in the trough for another 8 weeks.
Probably the deal he made in return for resignation….plus not allowing any opposition motion during that time.
and the old saying is.. “if pigs could fly, he’d be a squadron leader”
All over West Bay.
Never underestimate the collect power of the Civil Service.
Sociopath…absolutely no remorse. How is it that you’re still in government for 8 more weeks? This should be effective immediately.
Guess he wants 2 more big pay checks
Not in government. Speaker of the House.
But he wanted to strike a deal and see what he could get from them if he resigned and helped them out of actually recording a vote
He shouldn’t be allowed to remain until November 30th. Stall tactics for what? If he is charged then the resignation should take immediate effect and a by election triggered. Anything less than that is not satisfactory.
8 more weeks of Speaker’s salary. Also control over Parliament’s agenda between now and then. Use common sense.
I have news for you – he is resigning as Speaker not as an MP, so he’ll still be there in December. And even if the DPP prosecute him AND win, unless they charge him with an offence that carries a sentence of greater than 12 months in jail, he will STILL be there even after conviction. And all those blogging about his suspended sentence – well, it was for 60 days of which he has already served 20 – and on house arrest. He is the political equivalent of herpes.
Has to be sentenced 24+ months before disqualification from acting as MP.
Read the Constitution. Section 62(e). Any offence involving dishonesty, or a sentence exceeding 12 months. Which raises the ludicrous possibility that you can be an MP and be sent to Northward and still not removed!
Let the door hit you on the way out!
Now regressives can hopefully STFU and go back to their masters for more instructions on how to try and destabilize the current government.
Masonic Lodge has probably already sent instructions to Alden, Moses, Roy and Joey.
David and Barbara have probably been told by Alden what they have to do too.
PPM = regressives
The current government does not need help shooting itself in the foot. It has been doing that just fine on its own.
In business, when someone tenders a resignation and provides 8 weeks notice, the business can accept the resignation, provide pay for the notice period and the employee is not required to come to work anymore.
Does anyone have the political will to say just stay home?
Not when Mac knows where all the dead bodies are buried. Many have dirty little secrets.
Go home and stay home Busha !
Well done Premier Panton and PACT For riding out this storm.
The response from the PPM will be riveting given their flair for the dramatics.
A lot can happen in two months. Should stay on track with no confidence motion. And for heaven’s sake don’t let the deputy have it.