UK naval ship heading for Cayman Brac

| 25/09/2022 | 33 Comments
Crew on the HMS Medway

(CNS): The Royal Navy ship HMS Medway was on its way to Cayman Brac Sunday evening, where it will take shelter until Tropical Storm (or more likely Hurricane) Ian passes Grand Cayman. Governor Martyn Roper said he had spoken to the commander of the vessel and confirmed that the naval personnel will come ashore to support the relief effort in the aftermath of the storm once it is safe to do so. With Tropical Storm Ian shifting slightly east and forecast to rapidly intensify as it approaches, Grand Cayman could be in need of assistance.

“We can’t afford to be complacent,” Roper said in a statement. “The impact from Storm Grace last year is a reminder of what could be in store. With some uncertainty about the track Storm Ian will take, we should continue to prepare for the worst, just in case.”

The National Emergency Operations Centre was activated Sunday afternoon and is meeting regularly until after the storm has passed and the all-clear has been given. The UK MOD team and Medway will be fully plugged in to ensure the efforts are coordinated, Roper said.

“We have our RCIPS helicopter to assess damage after the storm has passed and the helicopter in TCI will shortly be en route back to Cayman,” he added.

The NEOC call line is now open and will remain open until the all-clear on 1(345) 949 6555. In an emergency please call 911. Another useful number is the Mental Health Helpline: 1 800 534 6463.

Category: Local News

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  1. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    The Cayman Islands government has rejected calls for military help to quell looting after Hurricane Ivan. Reports say recovery is difficult because of looting on the largest island, Grand Cayman.16 Sept 2004

    BBC news

    I remember this well. It’s a shame that in 2022 the same total incompetence and inability remains amongst Caymanians.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Roper, any chance you can divert this boat where it’s needed? Protecting Dover from the 1000 a day illegals

  3. Anonymous says:

    A military base in the Cayman Islands is a great asset to the British!

  4. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    All paid for by BRITISH TAX PAYERS

    Caymans fiscal contribution? NOTHING

    Time I think for the British tax payer to rid itself of this rock

    • Unhappy Caymanian says:

      21 dislikes

      That the standard disrespect from Caymanians to the British tax payer


    • Anonymous says:

      If you have so much to complain about being here, I’m sure you remember where the airport is. Please go back, the country is better off without people of your mindset

  5. Anonymous says:

    Direct rule coming. Thank god.

  6. Blow Hard says:

    Whooopie dooo nothing going on here a little bad weather !All this drama and hemorrhage of our money for absolutely Nothing.Could be at work earning $$$$$ .

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why they were useless during ivan

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully they have learned. After Ivan they were worse than useless. They actually refused to help provide much needed security. Worried about one of them shooting a looter. Had they come ashore much fear and loss could have been avoided. Mind you, if our own law enforcers had shown up for work in numbers, many issues would have been controlled, or even avoided.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s not true. The UK offered to help with looting and Marshall Law, but then LOGB Bush declined. Didn’t want any of his gangster constituents shot.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not true. Mac was not in charge. The Governor was, under the state of emergency. And NO. The UK did not help directly regarding the looting, despite being asked.

      • Anonymous says:

        Our own Caymanian Police Commissioner, the first ever, went AWOL and had to eventually be retired. A terrible embarrassment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quite right. They failed to divert that storm, so there’s no reason to think they can do so with this one.

    • Anonymous says:

      A simple Thank you would have done.

    • Moi says:

      They weren’t permitted to come. Cayman Gov refused their assistance!

      • Anonymous says:

        Nonsense. They had nothing to offer as their supplies were used helping Grenada. It was embarrassing to say the least.

      • Anonymous says:

        Very true. CIG also refused to allow a civilian-chartered relief plane to unload its donated goods.

        Claimed that such responsed would “damage the perception of our tourism model” or some such tripe. As I recall, that was an action made by our first Premier.

      • Anonymous says:

        Finally the truth. Cayman Government refused help. Guess who exactly did it? There was a media blackout as well. We were like China.

      • Anonymous says:

        A made up fairytale.

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly. We were offered blankets and water purification tablets – neither of any use in a seawater and sewerage covered 90 degree wasteland. The one thing that we desperately needed, and they had in droves, was security. They refused to provide it. It was disgusting.


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