Sustainability activist to chair National Trust
(CNS): Melanie Carmichael has been elected as the new chairperson of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands along with a new board during the Annual General Meeting of members. Carmichael, who is well known for her local activism and campaigning on environmental and sustainability issues, takes over the board just as Frank Roulstone was appointed as the new CEO.
The change in leadership ushers in a new era for the non-profit organisation that is likely to see it pushing much harder for investment in and awareness of the need for more conservation and protection across the islands for the country’s natural resources and built heritage.
Carmichael was a founding member of both the Cruise Port Referendum campaign and Sustainable Cayman and has a keen appreciation for the consequences of the climate emergency for the Cayman Islands.
Around 120 members attended in person and another 200 voted by proxy. Members elected nine new General Council Members from a list of 18 candidates. Gregory McTaggart (Vice-Chairman) and Dan Peterson (Treasurer) continued on for the second year of their two-year term. Peter Davey was elected as Secretary and General Council Members include Patricia Bradley, Fred Burton, Lauren Dombowsky, Ellen Lazzari, Chris Luijten, Arthurlyn Pedley, Laura Powery Egglishaw, Olivia Scott-Ramirez and Sonya van de Wouw.
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Category: Local News, Science & Nature
Let’s see if this new Chairperson puts all her efforts into raising funds to further the mission of the Trust or if she focuses on advocacy.
lol. why not both.
My issue is the path the NT is taking which is looking to be backing ESG fully and I find ESG to be very biased and one-sided as in not allowing businesses to make investments unless they are beholding to the UN2030 and WEF Great Reset agendas which are both very dangerous ideals that are based too similarly to the CCP social credit governance.
NT,ESG,UN2030,WEF,CCP,….and don’t forget WD40.
Just because you’re oblivious to or don’t understand something does not mean it doesn’t exist.
Having said that, its probably not a good time for you to clue in this late in the game if you havent joined the dots on all the world events going on right now….. Best you stay in your bubble because ignorance really is bliss.
“here is a bunch of word salad that right wing media funded by oil oligarchs has told me to think”
Typical answer from a cultist that wants to remove freedom and Rights from citizens to feed and provide for themselves. Look at Sri Lanka and Holland and witness the horror of ESG enforcement.
The Trust has honourable goals but has no teeth.
Developers and the CPA do not listen to the Trust, DoE or the general public sentiment.
Dartbots cry now
I’m not sure whether it’s desperately tragic or hilariously funny that you think the National Trust has any influence, authority or relevance to anything that Dart and other developers do and will continue to do.
Either way, you should find a hobby or at least something worthwhile to do with your time.
They killed Dart’s personal bike trail plans in NS.
You are so woefully ill informed. He rides on his bike trails whenever he wants.
delicious dart bot tears.
Rather strange and disturbing obsession you have. Did you miss out on a contract? Didn’t get that job you were so sure you were entitled to? Seek help.
Every time someone makes an anti Dart comment, you throw in this comment. Just because you work for and rely on income from them doesnt mean others want to. In fact, there are a lot of businesses and individuals here that refuse to even submit a bid or resume to Dart. Get over yourself.
Classic deflection. Why not answer the question? Which one was it that caused that problem erection of yours?
1 like = 1 dartbot crying
Excellent choice for Chair. Congrats Melanie.
Presumably the Council is opposed to the redevelopment plans for Lacovia?
The Trust , which produces nothing, has no business interfering in business.
The trust has a statutory obligation to protect Cayman’s environment and heritage. If that conflicts with developers making a buck, tough
Will redeveloping Lacovia affect Cayman’s heritage or damage the environment?
Presumably not, however current economic conditions make it highly unlikely that Bronte’s redevelopment plans move forward.
Absolutely will damage the environment. So ask yourself why they are not opposing it.
Ps. I already know the answer.
Wholly unsustainable.
Why? The development is approved already.
Hoping the Trust can now focus on damage to the marine environment caused by all the tender boats…
Ouch ouch, but on target 12.05.
Great idea- let’s get rid of all commercial passenger vessels operating in Cayman waters starting with those stingray tours terrifying the poor stingrays and starfish.
Happy to note also that the real estate agents – and their wives – were kept off of this board by the voting membership. Well done my fellow voters!
And Dart people.
Shame the government can’t keep the developers off their boards. #staywoke
but developers were not
Yawn, all while the environment is still being destroyed for profit, Minor and Major Development companies and individuals are still getting DCB and CPA/Planning approvals out of style, No revised Development Plan implemented as yet and these headlines are supposed to evoke confidence?
its a start. what are you doing about all those things?
First priority must be to remove all those homes built in what was previously mangrove along South Sound.
Nah, first priority says Ian is removing homes on 7-mile beach bobo.
Oh boy… what a board.
You are polluting the environment with your cynicism. This board will fix you real good.
Sadly the Trust is now led by someone who is only there to push their own personal agenda. It remains to be seen if the reasonable minds on the council, and the very able Mr Roulstone, can prevent the battered ship from sinking.
What is wrong with agenda of environment? I voted this lady. She good and help me.
Every member is there to push their own personal agenda.
At least they cleaned some house by riding NT of the previous CEO and Chair Person.
The previous Chair Mr Olson Anderson resigned before his term ended to move off island with his family. The previous General Manager resigned before the AGM to pursue other career opportunities.
Must admit it’s still strange driving past the vacant lot that was Fish Shack…
So, what is her “personal” agenda?
Great Team! A true sign that the people in Cayman love and wish to preserve these Islands. The National Trust has been protecting Cayman for 35 years with future generations in mind. Now it is more critical than ever to support the National Trust.
I sincerely hope that this lovely lady does not get frustrated by the machinations of endemic corruption.
She is a great choice. Go Melanie!
Wow. That looks like a breath of fresh air. Finally some decent news here in Cayman.
Congratulations, there are many behind you.
That’s sad news for the trust. She really doesn’t have any credible experience or any track record. She will only make the trust weaker than it already is.
than you dont know anything about her:)
ok dartbot
It will be an interesting year watching the battles between the Trust vs CPA
The Trust is guided by a mandate supported by a National Trust law enacted 35 years ago. They own and manage their own environmental programs for preservation and conservation.
It will be an interesting year watching the battles within the Trust. A House divided cannot stand…
There goes all the Trust’s funding. Ah well.
there goes alot of darts influence. ah well.
OMG thank goodness for Mr Roulstone. Hopefully he will instill some genuine knowledge and common sense into the incoming Chair.
Not going to go well for these islands with activists in control, of such an important Trust.
We’d be bankrupted with a pier if we didn’t. Go home.
So the Trust shouldn’t be ‘active’? Since when did ‘activist’ become a bad word? Maybe you would care to discuss policies? What do you think the Trust should be doing? (That an ‘activist’ will not?)
cry more dartbot
Developers will be plotting extra hard to undermine the national trust now with this board.
If developers follow the regulations, the Trust paranoia cannot consider that as being undermined, but they will, just for the heck of it.
Great choice by the NT membership. Congrats Melanie wishing you and the new board all best going forward.
Best regards
Johann Moxam