PACT and PPM offer backing to new UK PM
(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton and Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart both offered congratulations to the new British prime minister this week on behalf of the PACT Government and the Progressives respectively. Describing her appointment as “well deserved”, Panton noted that Liz Truss, the UK’s third female prime minister, has already held several high offices, including Britain’s first female lord chancellor and the second female foreign secretary.
“On behalf of the Cayman Islands Government, I wish to congratulate Prime Minister Liz Truss on her well-deserved recent appointment,” Panton said. “We have full confidence in the Rt Hon Truss to serve her country as the third female Prime Minister with distinction. The Government and the people of the Cayman Islands wish her well in every endeavour as she leads the United Kingdom in these challenging times.”
McTaggart highlighted those challenges as he spoke on behalf of the Progressives.
“My colleagues in the Opposition and I congratulate Prime Minister Liz Truss on her election as Head of the Conservative Party and subsequently becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,” he said. “The Prime Minister takes the helm at a crucial time for the United Kingdom and the British People, with a cost of living crisis, an energy crisis, and war in Ukraine as three significant challenges. We wish Prime Minister Truss and her Government every success and best wishes.”
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Category: Politics
The real reason Rishi Sunak lost is that UK is not ready for a brown-skinned PM. Simple and true!
What a load of absolute rubbish.
Given the number of certain responses on here, I’m going to start up a Cayman branch of the Champagne Socialist Society. Who’s in?
Absolutely not.
Let’s not forget the real reason Rishi lost…and you all know what I’m talking about. The tories have really done nothing for the country and it’s surprising to me that they’ve kept control for this long.
Because he wanted to raise taxes for people already struggling with the cost of living? Or was it because he printed money like it was going out of fashion?
The overall sense I am getting in Britain is of a massive sense of fatalism bordering on despair from erratically very part of the political spectrum because Britain is facing enormous economic problems, enormous social problems and I’ve not seen one person who seriously believes that Liz Truss is going to be the person who could get on top of these problems.
And of course she is making comparisons between herself and Margaret Thatcher and of course that’s always a dangerous thing to do, because Margaret Thatcher was a towering figure and Liz Truss is not and of course they gave her first big interview on British television just before she became Prime Minister and I’m afraid she bombed.
I think most people who watched it came away with the impression she didn’t do very well, she came away as evasive, she doesn’t seem to have much idea of what to do, she’s coming up with all dusted plans left over from the late Thatcher era years, you know cutting taxes, she’s even brought back one of the Margaret Thatcher’s advisors, man called Patrick Minford an economist, but he must be pretty elderly by now and overall unless, she has hidden abilities, of which no one can see, this has been an extremely bad choice putting it mildly and one which is going to darken, continue to darken the general mood.
correction: from 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 every part
10:32 Do you even know what ‘nonce’ means?
Yes, you.
She also admitted shes a warhawk and is an advocate for nuclear weapons.
This is the woman who said Ukraine was on the Baltic, couldn’t find the exit to one of her speaking venues during the hustings and said she was in Derbyshire when she was actually addressing a meeting in Gloucestershire. She’s the MP for the area where some of my friends live in the UK. They’ve met her and describe her as a ‘vacuous’, self-centred individual with no interest in her constituents’ problems. Their bet is she won’t last six months.
She said she would be willing to press the nuclear button, even if it meant “global annihilation”
I would give here no more than a 50-1 shot of success given the challenges presented by the UK’s post-Brexit economy. Maybe Brexit works out for the UK in the long run (another long shot in my opinion) but she will be long gone before the benefits are realized.
The only useful Tory is a lavatory.
I was hoping Rishi would win, but as they say, “the majority rules”. I wish her well and hope she will be able to serve out her term. Recently hey all start it well then everything goes awry.
You know exactly why he didn’t win. He was more qualified, still it would’ve made no difference.
The problem I have is that we’ve come to a time in our history where people can come out of the top schools with top grades and top honors and not seem to know much. How degraded our intellectual political class is.
The problem I have is that we’ve come to a time in our history where the western political system has run its course. The world leaders are not restrained and calm, unable to carry out cold rational analysis, they don’t understand objectively the reality because they don’t employ strategic empathy, they are historically illiterate, and they are bad at functional economics and politics.
Rule of law and ownership out of the window. Procedure, which is the essence of law, the most important part of the legal process is out of the window. If procedure is corrupted, no outcome can possibly be fair.
G7 is en empty organization with no substance. These are not even the largest worlds economies
We live in times when nations deliberately and maliciously antagonize and provoke each other. I have never felt such despair in my life.
He had a lot to do with the last few years of terrible governance. That’s why he didn’t win!
that too, however the main reason is the same why Anwar Bakht Choudhury was recalled. Simply because who he is.
I know, too much melanin!
Caymankind is right. Sunak was a money-printing idiot who thought the way to help people struggling with the rising cost of living was to raise taxes. That’s why he didn’t get in.
Well she plans to reduce taxes for the wealthy- who do you think will have to fill in the gaps?
If you have any basic understanding of economics you know that taxing the wealthy more does not help the economy. Businesses will often take their business elsewhere (often to another state or country that has more favorable tax policies). Or if taxed higher they push the cost of their goods up to compensate which affects the consumer in the end.
Going for broke by design. The system is addicted to growth, even a modest decline can have a considerable impact, this coming catastrophe is going to change everything in the coming decade.
Worst version of Theresa May.
More Thatcher than May but the end result will be the same.
You have lost your mind.
The worst
Personally can’t stand either Sunak or Truss. Both useless. I like Kemi Badenoch. A very down-to-earth woman who actually believes and upholds conservative views and morals. Very based women. Shame she didn’t make it through. She has more grit than Rishy and Truss have in one finger.
I like the fact that she has appointed several minorities to major Cabinet posts already! Shows she is a bit “different”
I’d prefer competence over box ticking personally. I don’t care where someone is from as long as they can do their job and care about the country they are to represent. Too much focus on ‘representation’ these days often at the cost of actually getting the job properly done.
doesnt matter what colour they are, they are all greedy tories
PACT and PPM offer backing to new UK PM. Oh that will make Liz Truss sleep at night. All good then.
Do they have any other choice?