Travel Cayman shut down as restrictions lifted

| 20/08/2022 | 100 Comments
Cayman News Service
Premier Wayne Panton at the press briefing

(CNS): On Wednesday, 24 August, the remaining travel restrictions related to COVID-19 will be lifted, Premier Wayne Panton revealed Friday. No one will need to be vaccinated to enter the Cayman Islands and therefore Travel Cayman, the government department created to deal with the pandemic restrictions, will be disbanded. From next week, declarations or certificates will no longer be required for travelling to or from the Cayman Islands, and unvaccinated people will not need to quarantine unless they are infected with the coronavirus.

The only people now required to be vaccinated are those coming into Cayman on a work permit. Speaking at a press briefing to announce the new regulations, Panton said the government is not yet ready to consider lifting that requirement, noting that it is Cayman’s very high vaccination rate among residents that has kept people safe and the death toll from COVID-19 very low.

The premier said he was aware that the pace of change regarding the regulations has “not been as rapid” as some would like, but lives have been saved. He said that retaining a high vaccination rate remained critical, as he encouraged people to get their shots and continue good hygiene practices.

With the end of Travel Cayman, around a third of the remaining 87 staff members have already been placed on secondment with other government agencies, and the ministry is helping the others find places across the public sector or move to the private sector before their contracts expire on 30 September.

Wesley Howell, the chief officer in the Ministry of Border Control and Labour, said provisions would be in place to help all of the staff, as he thanked them for their work over the last two and a half years.

“We are now actively working to place the remaining staff members on secondment opportunities with the hopes that they’ll continue on with long-term employment within other government agencies or even in the private sector,” he said. “The agencies that have received the Travel Cayman teams love them. They are polished with customer service and they have technology skills that are really transferable. We look forward to having them gainfully employed elsewhere.”

He said that border control staff who were focused on the additional pandemic checks can now focus on their usual duties, as air arrivals are expected to increase in the coming months now the borders are completely open and the restrictions lifted.

However, COVID-19 remains a notifiable disease for those who are infected. People who get a positive home test are required to take a PCR rest and it is still mandatory to isolate for seven days. But no one needs to test in order to exit after the seven days, and family members who are not positive do not need to isolate, regardless of their vaccine status, provided they test negative.

All restrictions on public gathering numbers have been lifted, as well as those on diving, snorkelling and boating. Even the ban on hookah pipes has been lifted, and face masks will only be required in medical institutions, care homes and prisons, though people can choose to wear masks in any public place.

According to the latest figures, between 7 and 14 August, just 255 new cases were reported. But the number of patients needing treatment for COVID-19 at the hospital increased by 45% (from eleven to 16), indicating that the prevalence of the virus in the community is still greater than the numbers being caught through PCR testing.

Nevertheless, Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton said it was safe to lift the restrictions because the virus is declining worldwide and Cayman has a high level of vaccination. Although 16 people were treated for the virus in hospital last week and there were eight new admissions, She said this was still low, and while the virus was still around, it was being treated like other respiratory viruses that are always around us.

Dr Newton said that the Public Health Department would be able to keep an eye on any potential surges in the virus through screening tests at health institutions and reports made by doctors treating people for respiratory infections, despite the decline in people complying with mandatory testing requirements. She said the department was working to strengthen the surveillance of all respiratory infections.

See the full briefing on CIGTV below:

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Category: Health, Local News, Medical Health, Travel

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  1. Anonimous says:

    The introduction of the HIV Aids to our island during the late 1960″s and early 1970’s was not detected and did surface in our community as common knowledge until wide scale sexual misconduct begin to become a household discussion

    When those discussions started to take place in our homes, our Public Health Department was established into a department to monitor, track and record sexual transmitted deseases

    The statics of these diseases was deemed confidential and only available to the Health Services Public Health Department staff and the number of affected cases revealing just the number of persons affected, published or available to persons making inquiring

    Today, we find less interest and little or no effort from our Health Services Public Health Department to research, test and publish these statistics, meaning that we as a country have no idea what the state of our country’s public health really looks like, except for the number of covid related illnesses

    I call on our government and the Minister of Health to invest in self testing HIV Aids Kits to offer the public to get a handle on the true picture of our country’s health

    I also call on our government to be pro-active and to stop being re-active to our countries state of health by encouraging HIV Aids and Sexual Transmitted Disease Testing and Research and to keep the public properly informed with these Statistics

  2. Anonymous says:

    About time that got canceled. Better late than never!

  3. Anonymous says:

    As predicted, the biggest hysterical and destructive overreaction in history.

    Thank you leftists

  4. Anonymous says:

    The only thing I wish they hadn’t removed was the vaccination for visitors..Now we are going to be flooded with MAGA and Conspiracy Theorists again trying to demean us and talk about how bad it is to live here and how we should live by their rules and follow their orange leader.

    • Caymankind says:

      You do realize that Cayman caters to the MAGA type?

      *It was the republicans who defended Cayman when Obama pointed out Ugland house and the money laundering happening on these shores.

      Or do you think democrats are the ones visiting and spending?

      *I have traveled up and down this great globe and I am always hit with the tax haven statement when I mention where I am from. Others have not even heard of these islands

      Point is, you lot are thick, and will be your own destruction in the end.

  5. Anonymous says:

    If covid “vaccines” are still required for permit holders, shouldn’t they also be required to be up to date on boosters as well? Follow the science, right? I mean if you are going to play dumb and demand worthless injections meant for a virus strain that no longer exists you may as well go all in on idiocy.

    Meanwhile in places like Alberta Canada, unknown cause of death has become the leading cause of death. Nobody can figure out what’s causing all of these deaths.
    2019 522
    2021 3362

    Could it be…Nah, couldn’t be that.

    • Caymankind says:

      There are many social media groups reporting and collecting data on vaccine users who are now suffering from said vaccines.

      A buddy of mine is suffering from chronic shivers up his arm, and my mother in laws immune system has been compromised to the point that she breaks out in rashes over and over.

      But they must all be right-wing bigots as all the flower power mouthpiece leftists are quiet on the matter.

      Nothing to see here folks….

    • Anonymous says:

      Interesting stat. However, the idea that the vaccine might be killing people sits rather awkwardly alongside the fact that taking out Covid, the number of deaths is now lower than it was in 2019 when unknown causes of death was first added to the statistics. If the vaccine is killing people as you suggest, why isn’t the overall death rate higher when compared with pre Covid? For that matter, why don’t we see the same pattern in more urbanised parts of Canada with better medical facilities, like Ontario?
      Fact that Covid is only attributed as the cause of death when the virus is positively identified, and Alberta’s medical facilities for testing for the virus in autopsies outside the major cities is extremely limited might just be the answer. Wont suit your conspiracy theory I know – facts can be awkward things.

    • Anonymous says:

      @8:12pm.. I was wondering where all of the Conspiracy Theorists. Thanks for keeping the legacy alive. 🙂

      Seriously, one small place in Canada, and that is representative of the world..Geeesh..

      Maybe you should move to the USA and join the MAGA group..They are needing all the reinforcements they can get right now in terms of conspiracies to help out their spiritual leader.

  6. Gaga says:

    The only upside of the restrictions by this stage was the vaccination requirement did keep many of the more basic MAGA types from coming.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Every update from this PACT Government has been about COVID. Talk about something else, like the freaking cost of living, and wtf you’re going to do to aid Caymanians in that regard.

  8. Ima Speak says:

    I wish they would’ve treated the common cold and flu like they did cv19. I was tired of seeing sick ppl in the workplace either forced to come to work and perform regardless of how they were feeling because it didn’t matter that they felt like they were dying or those who simply wanted to brag that they were real work-horses who never took a day off sick to gain the upper hand on the others for that top position, meanwhile others were infected since these sick persons were never told to stay at home until they were better…cv19 came and taught a lot of ppl sickness is for everyone and sick days were implemented for the very reason it should be used for. I pray for everyone a safe and happy life now that the restrictions are lifted and cv19 is “being treated like other respiratory viruses that are always around us”, as quoted by the CMO Dr Newton. Now, I would love to see everyone be kind to all people, slow down w/ the speeding on the roads, stop drinking and driving and hating on their fellow man, regardless of who they are and where they come from. Life is just too short and uncertain, and once you are gone you will be remembered for only a short time after you pass away and everyone goes back to living as normal!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Travel Cayman was the epitome of Cayman regulation. Lots of complex rules, manned by a large team of people, heavy penalties promised for breach, but with with poor enforcement. How many people went to jail for breaching quarantine, exactly? What happened to the young man that breached quarantine not once but twice? When I had to undergo quarantine after arriving, the smart phone wrist band system stopped working after 2 days – the phone just kept alarming even when right next to the wrist band. Rang Travel Cayman and they said they would send someone around. No one came. Got a call 3 days later saying that I was out of range of the phone and where was I. Explained – no one came to check that I hadn’t just disabled the wrist band or was even at home. Not surprising so few breachers got caught with that level of “customer service and … technology skills”.

  10. Anonymous says:

    good…now can they please explain what travel cayman achieved over the last 6 months when covid has been endemic in the cayman islands?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth ‘Sweetheart’ Bryan our derogatory minister, disgusting

    • Anonymous says:

      Give the man a break! yes, he spoke at the conference but he wasn’t even mentioned in this article. smh.

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s becoming just like McKeeva as someone stated once.
      SO Disrespectful and unbecoming of someone in his position.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I left Cayman because of your mandates and restrictions. $20,000 a month spent in another economy

    • Anonymous says:

      I didn’t miss you.

    • Anonymous says:

      i think we will be just fine without you

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, sure you did.

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact that you are still commenting on Cayman related matters says all that needs to be said.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your choice bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      I also left due to this. My spend was much less, at around 7K per month though. I still make the same, just goes so much further where I live now. I loved my years in Grand, but so much has changed so quickly. It makes no sense to live there now unless you have mega bucks.

      • Anonymous says:

        @2:58pm..Great! one down, several to go.. Don’t stay where you feel you are not wanted and it’s too expensive..MAGA Land awaits you, ENJOY!

      • Anonymous says:

        yup at only 7k it’s a tough ride in Cayman for sure.

    • Anonymous says:

      You haven’t missed much. It’s a great big world out there with a lot less crime, corruption and violence.
      I hope you are fully rehabilitated from your time on “Fantasy Island”?
      I know it is not easy, but just get out and about and take in a little culture.
      I wonder if there is any truth to the rumour that the powers that be were considering twinning Cayman with Alcatraz or Devil’s Island?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Mr Bryan, – the concept of reducing impact on the environment and diversifying the tourists but still keeping the Caymanian operators employed is lost on me. If you remove volume from area to another all you’ve done is having been selective in who remains earning and where, someone will still be missing out. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  14. Anonymous says:

    Travel Cayman now Mario must be Happy.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Vs omicron the vaccinated have a higher reinfection rate AND shed the infectious virus for several days longer (have a harder time clearing the infection). With BA5 vaccination provides zero benefit in reducing hospitalization and death. Surprise, surprise a vaccine developed almost three years ago doesn’t work against a fast mutating virus.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t even figure out that the vaccine was developed 2 years ago, so why should I believe anything else you say?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Is it me being beckoned into the fold of negative Nancy or does the MOT’s sermon seem to be nudging at the edge of a slight over PACTs previous COVid decisions ? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  17. Anonymous says:

    Travel Cayman was a temporary thing. Those employed most certainly knew it was a temporary thing. So what is the news story here????

    • Anonymous says:

      Except its not a temporary thing, is it? They are all being transitioned into full time CS jobs – that is, the ones that haven’t already been placed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can bet you that those employed with Travel Cayman, the majority complaining about end of contract are new Caymanians and they will complain, blame it on being from another country, color of skin, income level etc etc and our MPs will fall for it and get them permanent jobs in central government.

      It would be great to have journalists to follow the persons whose contracts came to an end and look at other Caymanians facing same type of situation in private and public sector, then compare who gets most favorable treatment.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Good news but poor Wayne, as usual looking like a wreck and taking forever to express himself. He needs to retire or get some training on his presentation and delivery skills. Just sayin …

    • CSF says:

      I’d take substance over form as preferable to the alternative, any day.

      • Anonymous says:

        @7:19am Yep, we all miss Alden telling us what we to hear..(sic)

        A little honesty in politics is most welcomed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I watched the full video – your comments are innacurate! Please do not impose your unsubstantiated ‘feelings’ as facts. His presentation was very respectful; you may disagree with him, but DO NOT lie!

  19. S. Smith says:

    Someone please tell the Premier to take a vacation!! He is looking tired to the point of exhaustion!!!

  20. Anonymous says:

    “The only people now required to be vaccinated are those coming into Cayman on a work permit.” 🙊

  21. Concerned says:

    Does anyone knows or have any idea when will the USA lift restrictions for the unvaccinated travellers?

  22. Neverwannabeacivilservant says:

    Of course, absolutely not a problem for the Civil Service to absorb the 87 Travel Cayman workers, a drop in the ocean for Mr Manderson’s army.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Only 9 month late…… better late than never. Wayne you need to keep your boy Kenny in check he is babbling to much rubbish!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    When the next wave comes, can Travel Cayman be reactivated or will Public Health be tasked with it?

  25. Anonymous says:

    Where has Elio been relocated to?

  26. Anonymous says:

    87 remaining staff- at one time they had hundreds. Have they all been transferr to other government departments. Yet more mouths for the civil service to feed – that’s got to the at least $4 million pa of additional staff cost for a service no longer required, but for forbid the civil service should economize, eh?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Long overdue. Travel cayman was serving no purpose at all.

  28. Anonymous says:

    About time they shut the circus down. Any apologies for the economic destruction caused? Did you save Caymanian Lives? Is Sabrina going to be prosecuted?

  29. Anonymous says:

    Bravo and thank you to Travel Cayman! Yes, they frustrated and confused travelers at times. They are a part of CIG after all! Of course, they never ever satisfied the covid-deniers!

    However, having been created ‘on the fly’, for a purpose which no living person had ever experienced (a pandemic which shut down the world), and learning/changing it’s roles as the covid landscape evolved, Travel Cayman did a wonderful job! We must appreciate this!

    Kudos also to the PPM Government whose policies kept us generally safe and to PACT for it’s cautious approach to re-opening and “normalizing” life.

    I’m a very vulnerable senior citizen and I accept this time has come. It’s for people in my situation to accept that the general population has moved on from covid and do all we can to protect ourselves. Personally, I will continue to wear my masks anywhere indoors, perhaps for the rest of my life.

    I, for one, appreciate ALL the actions by the powers that be….overall, Cayman’s covid policies were solid and generally successful!

    Glad that I can commend the Governments & Civil Service for something!!

    • Anonymous says:

      87 remaining staff members. Doing what?

    • Anonymous says:

      Travel cayman staff were absolutely terrific in assisting last minute with a recent international conference.

      I cannot speak highly enough of how they clearly went way beyond the call of duty to assist.

      Bravo. They will be excellent customer service staff wherever they go.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree. I had to contact them a few times and each time, they were prompt, and extremely helpful.

    • You obviously have never read any of the latest data , that’s being quietly released.

      • watcher says:

        Cite it, or don’t say it. You have a habit of referring to real or imagined evidence. That is a logical fallacy, called the “Hasty Generalization” fallacy.

        We all have opinions. If a person tries to state their opinion as fact, they should provide at least one citation to support their view.

        So tell us, o sayer of sooth, what is the super-secret data that isn’t being overtly released which is contrary to this person’s opinion?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are a fool to believe anything other than this being abuse of a public health law. No truly democratic nation needs to ‘authorise’ it’s citizens to travel. There already exists mechanisms for immigration such as visas, vaccinations etc. There was never any need for travel cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman is not special in this regard, in fact , as much as I hate to say it , Cayman pales by comparison , when compared to how New Zealand & Australia treated its citizens , just as two examples the world over since the pandemics beginning.
        Anytime you give Government officials & Politicians the ability to interpret their own rules when applied to a constitution of said country or territory, peoples rights go down the toilet.

      • Anonymous says:

        @6:45am..How was the Public Health Lww being abused? Thank God we have a Public Health Law otherwise we would have had a very bad outcome.

        If the lawless anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and Trump supporters had there way, Cayman would be in a sad state today.

        I am grateful that both the PPM and the PACT Governments that came into effect after the election did what was necessary to keep us safe and not allow those lunatics run the show.

  30. Anonymous says:

    “Nevertheless, Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton said it was safe to lift the restrictions because the virus is declining worldwide and Cayman has a high level of vaccination.”

    Japan reported 261,029 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase so far, with 279 deaths August 18th.

    I suppose Japan has been relocated off world

    • Anonymous says:

      Declining does not mean non existent, and do try and remember the size of the population in Japan and the relative scale of deaths from Covid versus other causes. Whilst you are about it, look at the relative numbers of deaths in the last 12 months in Cayman from Covid versus vehicle accidents, shooting, and Type 2 diabetes related problems, and tell me where you think the government should be spending millions of dollars.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fair enough. As we follow the U.S. on most everything, let’s check in on the states.

        14K estimated flu deaths in the 2021-2022 flu season.

        42K automobile deaths in 2021.

        49K gun deaths in 2021.

        …10K COVID deaths in the first 19 days of this month.

      • Anonymous says:

        So visitors can come with no vaccine yet a work permit holder has to have. WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE?

        • Anonymous says:

          Did someone say it had to make sense?

        • Anonymous says:


          Visitors have always had less restrictions then work permit holders as it should be. One of the things that has always been in place has been vaccines for these types of diseases and that should never, ever change. If you want to live and work full time on this island then you must follow the rules and regulations set out in your work permit. Work permit holders are a dime a dozen. For those that refuse to get vaccinated, don’t come. There are more that would love to come to the Land of Milk and Honey and are more than willing to be vaccinated or already vaccinated.

          The only change I want to see for work permit holders is higher fees so that it is not so easy to get one..

        • Anonymous says:

          Any regulations to keep out crazy anti-vaxxers out is WELCOME news.

    • Anonymous says:

      Japan has an incredibly low vaccination rate. Japan is therefore not at all relevant or comparable to cayman which has a very high vaccination rate, if you are triple vaccinated you are very unlikely to get seriously ill.

    • Anonymous says:

      Peters Cave is currently unoccupied

    • Anonymous says:

      Looking backwards.


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