McTaggart accuses Bryan of breaching ministers’ code
(CNS): Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan’s appearance in a social media video promoting his wife’s real estate business is a breach of the Ministerial Code of Conduct, Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart said in a statement released Monday. The PPM leader said he was greatly troubled by the “shocking video”, which he said was a flagrant breach of the principles of good governance and “egregious conduct”.
According to the video, as well as endorsing and promoting his wife’s business interests directly to his constituents, Bryan delivered leaflets door to door.
McTaggart noted that “this is a business from which Minister Bryan personally benefits. It is his wife’s business… In all my years, I have never seen such a deliberate and flagrant breach of the principles of good governance by a government minister.”
He further said that Bryan, “a member of Parliament and the Cabinet, has sworn an oath to serve the people of the Cayman Islands and to put the country’s interests before his own”, adding that the minister had agreed to the PACT Government’s Ministerial Code of Conduct.
McTaggart pointed to section 19 of the code, which says that a minister should not endorse commercial products or services in any media and that even in speeches it is not appropriate for a minister to explicitly promote an organisation or its products or services.
“The minister should, therefore, know that he should not use his position to benefit a family member or himself financially,” he said. “Minister Bryan may have constituents in a similar line of business and his endorsement could unfairly impact their business.”
He said this was a “serious conflict of interest” because anyone “seeking to gain favour with the minister may feel bound to choose to use the person he has endorsed and may expect to receive a benefit in return”.
In the video, Michele Bryan noted how, after helping Kenneth in his election campaigns, she had recruited him for one day to help with her business, as she sent him off to deliver the flyers. The video was removed from Bryan’s Facebook page on Monday but the video was still on his wife’s Facebook page when this article was published.
McTaggart said that Premier Wayne Panton should also take responsibility, as he has faced several challenges this year regarding the behaviour of some of his ministers, including Bryan.
“Whilst the premier may ignore the minister’s billboards across George Town, which were erected without the necessary planning permission, he cannot ignore the real problem that this latest video presents. There is a growing perception that some ministers in the PACT Government believe that the laws, rules and regulations of the Cayman Islands do not apply to them. And so they increasingly behave with impunity. For this, the premier must bear full responsibility.”
McTaggart said that Panton must demonstrate leadership and ensure that his ministers understand their roles and responsibilities.
“Ministers must conduct themselves in a manner that does not bring their office and the government into disrepute. Minister Bryan must immediately take down the videos, and he and Premier Panton should apologise to his constituents and the country for this most egregious conduct,” the opposition leader added.
CNS has contacted both Minister Bryan and the premier and we are awaiting a response.
See the Ministerial Code of Conduct in the CNS Library.
Watch Kenneth and Michele’s Facebook video here.
The audio from the Facebook video is posted below, as well as a different video made by the Bryans and supplied by the PPM, plus the opposition leader’s video message:
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Category: Business, Politics, Real Estate
Um, Kenny does nothing for the people of Cayman and everything for his pay cheque.
Cant find a bigger idiot that bryan.
Unfortunately you can…in this administration and in future ones
True, Bernie is still there..
PACT should have held a ‘Learn the Code” workshop at Inspire Cayman before choosing their ministers….
Marl Road government coming home to roost.
If this is the most egregious breach of conduct he has seen he should go for lunch with Big Mac.
I had to pick my mouth up off the ground when I saw this.
Do you mean jaw?
really? you are that concerned? Go look at gas prices and the price of a gallon of milk lol thats 10x more important for your jaw to unhinge about.
Spin zone!
How very nauseatingly tacky.
Kenny luv ya, but when I first saw this I knew it was terrible optics, apologize, learn from it and move on.
Nobody is a bigger fan of Kenneth than Kenneth himself.
With no disrespect. Maybe there are alot more MP’s government and goverment authorities employees just like Kenneth Bryan that have a business/businesses that should be giving public apologies for their conflict of interest unacceptable behaviours. But maybe because they are operating their business/business secretly or got a person/persons fronting for them and have not got made the mistake and got caught publicy with it as yet. Maybe that is the reason the public do not know. So it is not a need for them too give a public apology.
So Roy is worried about Kenny delivering his wife’s leaflets but not worried about him dancing to CITAs tune on quarantine, cruise ship tourism and now a new airline route?
But he did not benefit from it- that is the difference.
Lack of integrity.
“In all my years, I have never seen such a deliberate and flagrant breach of the principles of good governance by a government minister.”
… sure about that bro?
We have seen this before – when the UDP were in control. But wait. We have the UN-Democratic Pact in control. The UDP is back. Lord help us.
PPM is still here. Even worse than UDP and PACT.
If Minister Kenneth Bryan is in breach of something then he should face whatever consequences are applicable. That said, Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart needs to focus more attention on the very serious economic and financial issues that the people of the Cayman Islands are facing and will have to potentially deal with in the not too distant future. If interest rates continue to go up as some have predicted Kenneth Bryan handing out marketing material for his wife will be the least of our problems.
Please do not use that as a distraction.
Kenneth should be the focusing on economic and financial issues and not making the time to promote self interest on government’s gas money.
The PACT will never take any suggestion from the opposition for economic or financial benefit to the country. And this is not political talk. It’s just how the operate.
Too much concentration of power for certain MPs.
Actually Roy is in the Opposition and has made several very good suggestions that the Government has used. You should however call out the PACT Government on all of the above
he should have spoken up when they were actually in power then lmao maybe there would be a reason to have them back.
easy to talk now that youre on the other side, they can stay there though.
Yes, if PPM wanted to show concern, they should have voiced it while they were in Government for two consecutive terms. Too little too late to do so now.
What do you expect from someone who used to be the go to for whatever substance you wanted at the clubs in his early days…
I’m not a fan of Kenny’s but he did his time and is trying to make a life for himself. Good on him! It’s just too bad that he thinks he’s a good politican.
KB faced his issues and reformed his life. Perhaps sticking to this current issue would be of most substance, but not past issues that have been settled by the court.
Roy is puppet for Alden and has allowed himself to become a joke
And Kenneth is a puppet for Chris…. pot much?
Not accurate.
Roy is Alden’s puppet, but not Joey.
Time to investigate all deals and agreements signed the PPM from 2013-2021
None of them have clean hands and pure heart. They belong to the highest bidders.
Citations needed.
Look around you bobo
Let’s not forget the big carnival campaign video he did for Swanky to promote Caymas, a private organization to which he also gave government funding. And then self-proclaiming Caymas as THE Cayman Carnival in spite of other organizations present.
Only in Cayman..
Stupid mistake by Kenny looks really amateur but no different or any worse from the stuff ppm have done they have sold out cayman. Now they pretending to care about conflicts or ethics try so go sit down they should all choke on the crap they talk.
Biggest difference PACT created a code of conduct that Kenneth agreed to, PPM didn’t have a code of conduct
@4:33pm because PPM didn’t have a code of was okay for them to do as they please?
The good thing about Roy is that he is keeping fresh in our minds the whole reason we got rid of the PPM.
Poor Roy playing politics and looking more sour by the minute. Yet another low point for the progressives
Poor Roy must be bored. Put your energy into something more productive. Delivery for Meals on Wheels ……anything…….. PPM is sinking to even lower levels .
You clearly have no clue how serious this is ! It is quite concerning that a public servant is using their title and position to further their personal business interests
bit rich coming from the lodge/ppm family….
Oh you mean people like Wayne the Mason ?
shameless pan-handling….what else would you expect from a realtor?
The hypocrisy of the PPM and their desperation has no limits!
Deflection bots, activate!
cold calling….abc’s…..always be closing.
storm in a teacup….lots more important things to get annoyed about….like speaker of house being a conviceted woman beater!!!
True but two wrongs do not make it right.
PACT is well passed the two mark my friend.
*past. My bad.
It’s Wayne’s speaker. Remember the PPM would not support Bush at the election or form government with him. Mac and Jay came as a pair remember. And Wayne took them. Just sayin
Of course it came from the opposition. Unna like the kid who got put in time-out so trying to get everyone else in detention too.
Learn what integrity is.. now go to the corner and hush
At least he is showing the rest of us how politics works. Some are in for the money, the others just want to crush people to serve their dark masters.
Remind me who owns Cambridge Realty
Good. At least now I know which agency I won’t be listing my properties with.
I only ever do business with Rainbow Realty and RE/MAX. Specifically the Caymanian realtors there. Century 21 has never had much of a good reputation. Once agent in particular never answers calls or emails, no matter how many times you try to get her.
Wait, it nah a real estate sold the woman house and had u crying bro? Which side you on?
Technically it was the bank that acted on that. Yes they had an agent facilitate the sale but it was the bank selling it.
People love to blame the realtor, but it wasn’t them who repossessed the house. The bank did and the agent is selling it on their behalf. People should learn to pay their bills or stop buying things they cannot afford. Simple. Live within your means
It certainly is distasteful and unprofessional. Why don’t he grow up?
They are going to tag team the whole of Tropicana Crescent? Maybe “Cryan Bryan” should not break a sweat and just use his illegal billboards to promote his wife’s business. But, oh yes, she would have to apply for planning permission, correct?
If Kenneth was absolutely aware before hand in his mind that this was a parliamentary violation, then I’m 100% sure that he would have NEVER done this, particularly when it is specifically prohibited in his Ministerial Code of Conduct.
It was just an innocent mistake which I’m sure won’t happen again.
Roy McTaggart is right. An apology is enough. Kenneth is one of the hardest working Ministers who got the highest percentage vote of any other politician (87.1%) in last year’s general election.
Let’s just move on.
How did Marco mess up an easy crap shoot?
That was Alden’s fault, not Marco’s.
Alden always ran for GTC and Kenneth was his assistant who took care of the GTC constituents while Alden focused on being Premier.
But Kenneth was very popular in GTC with the voters and only decided to run against Alden after Alden unceremoniously fired Kenneth.
Kenneth was the first candidate to declare a whole year before the election, making a very public display that he was coming for Alden’s GTC seat.
At the very last minute and after Kenneth had campaigned a whole year in GTC, Alden switched it up and declared to run in Red Bay instead, throwing Marco into GTC with basically no advance time for Marco to meet and greet all the GTC voters.
So it wasn’t Marco’s fault. He was just following orders from his Progressive leader and Premier, Alden.
Oh but Marco’s mindset/comment was that he could win anywhere he chose to run. Kenneth did identify more closely to that constituency and he won. That was the voters choice. Don’t pin that on Alden, he could also and did run wherever he choose.
Marco was a great MP and Minister. Alden convinced Marco to run against Kenneth in GTC, because otherwise Alden would have lost to KB in GTC (instead of winning in Red Bay). It would have been better for Marco to be elected and Alden to lose.
That you Kenny? I’m sure you’d like everyone to move on but not yet, you should move on
Spin bot, go!
If I was his wife, I wouldn’t admit to it.
I think you’ll deter business rather than gain any new clients.
I would never list with her. That is for damn sure
Get a life Roy
It is right to hold government officials to account for their conduct. However, a real leader should not seek to gain political advantage at every opportunity, but should instead exercise strategic leadership by adopting (in this case) a mentoring attitude to a much younger colleague and providing the advice required to improve his leadership ethics and skills. Does he really want Bryan to succeed at his job and maybe become the national leader that the Cayman Islands can be proud of? I do not think so; rather, I think he is hoping that he will fail. McTaggart would have been a much bigger man if he had contacted Bryan privately, pointed out his breach and advised him. If Bryan failed to correct his ethical gap, only then should this become a public spat. I am amazed at how our politics keep spiraling down into the depths of partisan political tit-for-tat and sniping. McTaggart rushed to show how clean and upstanding he is whilst showing up his colleague as less than worthy, but he merely succeeded in exposing his tiny intellect.
@2:33pm..You hit the nail on the head. Roy is still trying to keep himself and the remnants of the PPM relevant and his constant stupid press releases are just continuing him to show him as weak and ineffective. These are the things that they are scraping to find to just have something to say.
Anywhere else on the planet.Bryan wouldn’t even be qualified to run a corner shop.
RIGHT? What is his education? I know about the drugs, but he did his time, he made mistakes whatever, but what education does he actually have??? From his speeches, it certainly doesn’t sound like he is well educated. I’m actually interested to know.
Maybe be he did ‘degree studies’ like foolio?
What should we expect? If we elect criminals we should not be surprised if they act like criminals.
It is unfortunate and regrettable that Members of Parliament do not in accordance with the Standards in Public Life as set out by Lord Nolan in his Reports.
I have always held the view that as public servants we should be concerned with earning the trust of those whom we represent . We betray that trust when we use abuse our privilege by representing or promoting our private family interests . The call to public office and the undertaking to represent our constituents is an obligation which informed and upright representatives hold sacred and sacrosanct. To betray such trust as in the current case speaks with an obscene eloquence .
In a proper political party, where the the leader has authority ,the six o’clock news would be ringing with the story of a fallen minister. But alas , this is the Cayman Islands where piracy is celebrated . I
I ask quite seriously ,What then can we expect?
From the get go The Premier was only interested in getting the numbers to form, his PACK. It bothered him none that they were mostly unfit for purpose. I hope it was all worth it! Chasing shiny objects!,
Perfectly stated!
You may be correct Mr. Bodden, but I do not ever recall the party you were a member of even frowning on an indiscretion done by those leaders you were a part of. So be careful throwing large stones.
Isnt this grounds for him to be removed as a Minister??? If this isnt corruption then we are screwed.
the dramatics is beyond me. They left McKeeva in there for literal years before and years to come and here you are with your underwear in a twist about this lol
sometimes to be small minded seems so easy but other days so stressful with every tiny thing stresses you out.
Sorry love
Well “love” Mac should also have been removed. However, Kenny is not Mac, well not yet, let’s NOT let him get to that level of power PLEASE!!!! Mac’s OLD and will eventually go, Kenny’s still VERY YOUNG!
Minister Bryan keeps pushing the envelope it seems. Election bill boards left up after the election. Whenever I come over to Grand and drive from the airport I just shake my head.
Pretend Crying videos and throwing his colleagues under the bus for not helping people- then making veiled threats against bankers and lawyers. Forgetting all the time that he sits in Cabinet as a Minister
And now this. Promoting his wife’s business to his constituents. Not a good look and really improper.
Get your act together Minister. And Premier please control your Ministers. You are not doing well right now.
Wayne Panton has no choice but to follow established precedent.
Kenny will have to go on two days unpaid leave after the end of Pirates Week, and Cayman Airways will be taken from his portfolio and given to Sabrina. We all know that Wayne and his PACT government are serious about these things.
*Pirates Quarter
The absurdity knows no limits
Kenneth really needs to think before he speaks or does these things.
Just the other day, in his press conference, he was offering to give to the press, a copy of the Cayman Airways business case, to operate the Lax route. Good thing Mr. Whorms was there and able to remind him that is something that you don’t want your competitors to see and is commercially sensitive and should remain private..No airline in the world would share this type of information with anyone. He is wet behind the ears and instead of erring on the side of caution he just speaks whatever comes to his mind.
I doubt the other airlines could give two shits. There is no legitimate business case for this route.
Kenny was just a bit excited because this was the first time he had ever seen a business case.
Think before he speaks? Maybe but the reality of it all is that he (Bryan), along with “poor fitting jacket Jay Ebanks” and “I need to buy a attitude Bernie Bush” are INEPT and UN-QUALIFIED to hold Ministerial seats. This is the bottom line.
The Opposition has a right to call it out- Roy didn’t do anything wrong. That is called democracy at work. All who think otherwise is clueless on the subject and will settle for anything. Most of them do not know what is proper to do or say. Our Beloved Cayman Isles are surely in a mess with these ignorant people running the government. Please do not send them off island to represent us.
Tear down those billboards Mr. Premier!
Troubles you greatly Roy? You mean like when Mac’s wife was selected as the exclusive realtor for a substantial development, and massive commissions, condo’s, changes in law, and status grants followed? You and the PPM did nothing – other than promise action. If this is improper it is only happening because you and the PPM permitted it to become acceptable and take hold, years ago.
PPM did set the precedent for bad governance.
Any doubt now why our money has been given to Portsmouth FC?
Ahhhh…shut up! You guys talking about code…ppm did wossa when in office…go pact go!
Ooooh please! What the country needs is an apology from the PPM Government on selling the country and its people out. When we get that Roy, then you and the other members can spit out your nonsense.
Here is the “pot calling the kettle black”.
This is on his time. No Law has been broken and if there is one that I am not aware of, then you guys broke them way before Kenneth has.
Why are you and the others not up in arms and truly making a difference for our people who are struggling from day to day?
That’s the million dollar question.
What a dufus! Ignorance or ego? Also Kenneth, not everyone living in tropical gardens lives in Tropicana terrace! Thanks for torpedoing your own election next time around. Some of us are wondering why we voted for you in the first place anyway.
Some of us were not that stupid to begin with.
I did say some of us, I was one who didn’t vote- I didn’t think either one running in the area was up to the task.
Where have you been. Roy McTaggart has been talking about getting help for people for months. The Government won’t listen. Look up the stories on CNS.
Roy’s views are mere political postering. Sir Alden’s puppet.