ACC refers North Side ‘soil scandal’ to prosecutors

| 11/07/2022
Cayman News Service
Topsoil and fill on the Ebanks family farm

(CNS): The Anti-Corruption Commission has referred a file to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in relation to the National Housing Development Trust, the ACC said in a release. The ACC became involved in the ‘soil scandal’ when residents in North Side raised concerns that topsoil and fill cleared from crown land earmarked for affordable housing had ended up on land owned by NHDT Board Chair Geoffry Ebanks, as well as on his father’s farm.

Following an investigation, the ACC said it has handed over the file for prosecutors to consider charges under the Anti-Corruption Act (Revised).

CNS readers contacted us in early March of this year and we sent a number of questions to the authorities. However, we did not receive any explanations and posted a report about the ‘soil scandal’.

During last month’s parliamentary meeting, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson told Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart that he could not give him any information about the allegations of misappropriation in relation to the soil because the issue was under investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission.

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