PACT needs to do more to help families, says PPM
(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has accused the Cayman Islands Government of failing to fully appreciate the impact of the rising cost of living on families and has called for a broader set of measures to help people navigate inflation. During the last meeting of Parliament, Premier Wayne Panton listed a wide range of measures that PACT has already rolled out to help all families, such as free school meals. He also announced plans for a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for civil servants and subsidies on residential power bills, among other initiatives.
Nevertheless, McTaggart said the government could and should do more and has written to Panton to ask him to roll out more measures, including extending the freeze on mandatory private sector pension payments and health insurance support for those directly affected by the pandemic, both of which are due to expire this month. He also called on Panton to extend the stipend for tourism workers, freeze the expected increase in water rates and extend the COLA for civil servants to all public sector entities.
Taking credit for forcing the premier to deliver a detailed address in Parliament about what the government is doing to help people through the current inflationary economy, McTaggart said the CIG’s actions so far were unsatisfactory because everyone agrees things will get worse over the next few months.
However, Panton had detailed a number of measures the government has already taken since coming into office and outlined a catalogue of policy measures it is rolling out, such as direct help to local farmers to improve food production and cut costs, and subsidized mortgages with the Cayman Islands Development Bank.
But McTaggart said the government was not doing enough, and in his letter he urged them to at least retain the pension freeze and health insurance support as this was going to hit people hard at the end of this month.
In a video statement posted on social media and circulated to the media, the opposition leader accused the premier of a “half-hearted attempt” at addressing the rampant inflation when “our people are struggling to cope with the reduced purchasing power of their dollars”.
McTaggart said Panton had presented only two measures that may come soon enough to help people: the COLA and the help with light bills. “We in the opposition believe there are other ways that the government should help,” the PPM leader said as he listed his suggestions.
Accusing the premier of hoping the problem away, McTaggart added that “hoping for the best is not a strategy and crossing your fingers is not a plan”. He said the people and the opposition are watching the government, which will now have to work to bring some temporary relief from the current cost of living crisis.
See McTaggart’s letter to Panton in the CNS Library.
See video statement below:
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Category: Politics
In 12 mths PACT has reduced the monthly cost of living for the average Caymanian family by at least $200 per month. And realistically they cannot be blamed for the GLOBAL rising costs.
PACT has:
1. Provided free schools meals for children (an average savings to a family of $200 per month, per child.
2. They reduced duties in some areas
3. They removed the $100 passport fee for our senior citizens
4. They have provided schools the opportunity to give more enrichment activities for kids – some activities that many families cannot afford for their children such as the karate classes at the primary schools!
5. They are looking in to more ways to assist Caymanian property owners with additional land holdings
6. They are doing more for people who do not have health insurance
For goodness sake man – what else do you people want? The ministers have to come to your house now and cook dinner for you awa?
A bunch of entitled, ungratefulness is what I am hearing and seeing. If the rising cost of living so bad look for more ways to upskill yourself and get better paying jobs or supplement income with some freelance skilled work.
This economy is the new-norm – it is what it is and the prices will keep going up. Back in the 30s gas was prob less than $1 a gallon – we have to move on and be ready for this new era
Says the man who was part of a government that did more for non-Caymanians than Caymanians and now have the nerve to say the current government needs to do better. Roy go sit the f down and be quiet.
Let Roy list his achievements as a person and as a politician, and then lets see if he’s worth listening to. Just seems like endless rhetoric and complaints from a man of small standing. Empty vessels make the most noise.
Hey Roy,
What’s the plan for CORIS etc now that Internet Explorer is being de-commissioned?
What on earth has that to do with anything??
Allow civil servants now access to their pensions!
Didn’t y’all just get another payout?
yeah because $150 goes far these days…
Maybe they should build a $300M dock and destroy 7 mile and then fight about it in court ? That would certainly help everyone …
Fix the dump roy.
People are struggling to keep their lights on and this is what we get? Pathetic! This party politics needs to! It’s not making this country better.
What McTaggart is not saying is how all of his proposed initiatives will be paid for.
Let me say something that is not popular but, from my perspective, will have the maximum positive impact on families…
The government should allow people to use their pension money to pay off their mortgages. With interest rates on the increase most people, if the have enough in their pensions, would actually benefit from paying off their mortgages using those funds. The additional interest from the increased rates will be more than anyone can earn from their pensions so this is a no-brainer. This also leaves families with more disposable income that they can use to cover increase fuel prices and other increases.
Good idea.
Though my point may not help everyone as you’re suggesting, i do believe once your mortgage is down to a certain amount you are able to withdraw from your pension to pay it off. Someone may correct me if i’m wrong. (many people may not know this)
What is that amount of mortgage which qualifies to withdraw from pension funds? Can you cite the law please?
Being that they had 8 years in power, why didn’t the PPM do more to help the regular person instead of giving all them developers crazy amounts in over hundreds of millions I. duty exemptions 🤔. Now because you on the other side, you want to make it seem that you all of a sudden care about the “people”.
The people voted them out for a reason. The PACT government has only been in power for a year. I hope that within the next 3 years, they will prove why the people put them in to begin with.
But they did lol. Pension holiday. Pension Withdraw. Tourism stipend.
They did all of this.
I’m no fan of either party, but this trend of people rewriting history (and the people who believe it) is very worrisome.
Why not ask OfReg to freeze or reduce electricity rates and fuel costs at the pumps?
Because rule of law?
Not many will get this
That would actually be asking OfReg to carry out a consumer protection function. If that happened, it would be a pleasant surprise, but don’t count on it.
How about getting some tourists back by dropping all the no longer useful restrictions? People want and need jobs!
So many ideas and concerns for locals but none when they were in power. You look and sound foolish Mactaggart.
Yes he does. Sad to see Alden lead Roy into destroying his stellar legacy. Now he will be remembered as Alden’s puppet, instead of a top notch accountant. Very sad.
First Alden and the utter nonsense about music in bars on a Sunday and now this. It’s almost as if they’re trying to stay relevant yet these are the ones that facilitated selling off the island and disregarding their own.
You hit that right on the head.
That is 100% accurate.
Oh now you worried about people.
lol always time to speak when you on the opposition.. lol ppm never uttered the words “help the public” when they were in power. lol thanks
Poor Roy..He trying so hard to be like alden and not a soul paying him any attention except for them few PPM members still hanging on to that wannabe party.
Here’s an idea. How about you and all your parliamentary cronies give back the 15% wage hike that none of you need and distribute it to your fellow Caymanians who do need it? Thought not!
It’s sad to see Roy become a puppet for Alden and their bajan political advisors.
Does he forget he was recently Minister of Finance for two terms?
Why didn’t you do these things then?
Not for two terms, just one term.
Marco Archer was the Minister of Finance between 2013 to 2017.
Roy McTaggart was Minister of Finance between 2017 to 2021.
PPM were in charge for 8 years and failed to show any concern about these issues particularly the rising costs of living but now have suggestions as if these items only have just started to impact Caymanians in the last few days.
That is the heights of hypocrisy and politricks. Caymanians need to open their eyes and realise this is pure politics. They will say or do anything to get back power in order to give away these islands and repay the special interests groups that are in bed with them.
PPM cannot be trusted that’s why they were replaced and no longer in power.
What this place needs is a proper system of social security and public affordable health care.
For 80 years we have this on most European countries, not perfect and a lot of abuse, but it is to protect the least fortunate.
McTaggart is part of the reason there is a problem….if he hadn’t supported the informal exemption of financial services from immigration regulations 10 years ago we might have decent positions….but he would rather we care for his lawn than have same opportunity in cayman that he had.
Huh? What exemption ?
ps. Roy wasn’t elected 10 years ago
He was instrumental in negotiations to avoid Community Enhancement Fee.
Hello mr Da….t….where have u been?
All good suggestions PACT please put your egos aside and listen!
2:25, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Can/could the PPM do the same?
While the ppm campaign for music on Sundays!
just more soundbites without offering ay real solutions…
and who pays in the end for all of these uncosted temproary proposals???
A luxury tax on high end homes and vehicles would be a great starting point
Why people asking what the old leader did or didn’t do ? Roy ain’t Alden, new leadership folks it’s called evolution
New voice but still useless PPM.
You really think Roy is the leader?
You need to go see Dr. Lockhart if you believe that nonsense. Sir Alden making Roy do all the work and take all the licks while he sits back with his drinks at the bar pulling all the strings and directing the next crazy idea to stay relevant.
Are you sayi that WP is leading? Apparently he can’t get much done because he has to spend his time trying to hang on!
@2:21..Dr. Lockhart is free on Monday him nah..
Not a new leader …Alden and Kurt are still in charge of the Red Party..Roy is the puppet until next election when Alden can run for Premier again, then he will be kicked to the curb..
1. Mandate and start one Health Insurance Policy for all which includes Health, Dental and Vision. Get rid of all these Health Insurance companies that are ripping people off. Also, mandate that all health insurance codes be standard and all across the board for all medical facilities in the islands.
2. Regulate all gas stations and its parent companies to sell the correct price for gas and not what they want to charge the consumer. Supermarkets could also do with regulating as well. Pleas introduce a price consumer legislation ASAP.
3. Do more for Caymanian children wither in private or public schools. Our children are our future and they should come first. That was the Government’s statement when election time came around and they should stick to it that “CAYMANIANS COME FIRST”.
4. Get rid of the multiple Pension companies and create an mandate one Pension scheme where employees can contribute any amount that they want or better yet make those funds be deposited in their bank account as a fixed deposit.
5. Have all mortgage rates be locked in across all retail banks so that Caymanians can afford to pay their mortgages.
I could go on about how the Government could help Caymanians but they really need to open their eyes and have more common sense.
Yeah, because if we make believe that Cayman is immune from global market forces that will actually make it true.
I’ll say this much, Pact has not done anything to help Caymanians. At least PPM gave me a pension withdrawal that I was able to properly invest with better returns. This government is so amateur and it shows but Roy, other than the pension withdrawal, PPM didn’t do shit either.
Here we go again..
I just don’t get it with these guys.. PPM you had 8 years, I’ll say it again 8 years…
Nothing you do or say now is going to make you look good..pack it up like the UDP/CDP did and the 5 of you stop with you foolishness and try to be helpful rather than spewing rhetoric for political gain.
Whilst I agree with McTaggart here, it is somewhat rich. Remember the PPM Government (and many of the current government either approved of it, or campaigned against it) gave the top government earners (scales A – D) a 15% raise from last Jan 2021 (eighteen months ago!) and now come up with 4.5% by end of 2022 (two years later) for those on the lower scales.
This is pure greediness and should be called out as such!
Hon. Leader of the Opposition, whilst making some very good points of substance, seems to fail to recall that, when the PPM had two successive terms, the two PPM-led Governments never responded (or even acknowledged receipt) to well articulated letters (and emails) written to them (as well as to the Hon. Attorney General) on various different issues by myself (as well as many other concerned Caymanians), where constructive criticisms were provided and workable solutions/remedies (including suggested draft amendments to legislation) were provided in an attempt to assist in the best interest of the Cayman Islands.
And, unfortunately, now the PACT Government appears to be following that same modus operandi.
Moreover, it seems that unresponsiveness to attempts to provide solutions/remedies to assist, ultimately, the Caymanian people and the Cayman Islands jurisdiction, is an unfortunate hallmark of both the PPM and the PACT Governments — that’s my personal experience, at the very least, for whatever it is worth.
We (the Caymanian people) are in this together and, albeit on different levels, are all affected by decisions and acts (including failures to act), so I truly hope that both sides of the aisle can work together for the greater good.
In any event, I still pray that God will give all decision-makers (on both sides of the aisle as well as supporting staff) the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and the courage to do what is in the best interest of the Cayman Islands and, most importantly, our precious Caymanian people and all residents.
God bless,
Orrie 🙏🏻🇰🇾
Mr McTaggart instead of calling on government to take action how about demanding unscrupulous business owners stop taking advantage of the public. Consumers face price gouging on a daily basis and there are no consequences for the perpetrators. How can a private catering company serving kids in a private primary school justify charging CI$9.00 for a hot dog and fries? It’s shameful, this same company has all sorts of contracts with government which begs an entirely different set of questions.
McTaggart and Panton are both extremely wealthy. So, when they try to relate to how average people are hurting, it is theoretically. Don’t expect McTaggart or Panton to truly understand what regular Caymanians are going through. Them may sympathize, but do not understand.
Greed is the national sport
I am no fan of the current government, I don’t like what they had to do to form it. I don’t think they’ve been very effective and I don’t think they will be effective in making many positive changes for the benefit of the people of these Islands.
As someone in the financial services industry, I’ve always thought that the PPM, despite their flaws, understood the need for a strong financial services industry which I believe is essential and will have positive effects for other industries and provide substantial revenue and benefit all Caymanians. Frankly I believe it is far more important to the economic success of these Islands than tourism is and can ever be.
This belief somehow allowed me to look the other way at what I view as the three major failures of the last government, namely inaction on the dump, the cruise piers, and the late submission which resulted in an automatic EU blacklisting.
All this to say that McTaggart’s suggestion to simply extend the pension holiday and extend the tourism stipend shows me that he is no better than the current government and in fact has no better ideas other than to keep paying people’s bills. Now who is crossing their fingers and hoping it will go away?? This isn’t a plan. This is government by handouts. Where are the reforms to try to keep costs lower for all residents while at the same time figuring out how to maximise our revenue? These guys have a windfall and instead of investing it wisely are pissing it away by cutting cheques to pay for bills that, at least in part, are too high because of their own policies!
Truly truly, these guys are all the same. Sorry PPM, you’ve finally lost a long time supporter.
Pension freeze helps business owners by allowing them to legally cut employee compensation. If the CIG don’t understand the purpose of the (PPM!) Pension Law, then they should disband the construct and give adults their own money to self-direct.
What compensation? My pension has lost money that could have been well spent. So when I am 65 and i have 100000 in my pension, but i can only get maybe 1200 month? Yep that makes so much sense.
1:33, I believe its called a Ponzi scheme in investment circles?
Yes…they give the BS that it was for employees but if it was for employees give the the choice instead of employers.
We no need no pension, we need all our money as it is so expensive. Please stop pension and health insurance.
And this, ladies and gentlemen is what we consider an “evolution” in politics in Cayman. The old government, having lost power, now engages the public more regularly than it has in its history, in hopes of securing the next election. The overriding question is, where was this interest when the PPM was in power? Cost of living has always been high, to some degree. It is only now topical, as are these discussions, as a “show of involvement”. The same PPM sat on their high horse, heads too high to see our suffering. From the same horse, they now reach out a helping hand, making sure the media is there to record that they did so.
As a young Caymanian, I am disgusted with the mockery we will inherit. I pray that we continue to deviate from traditional voting patterns in coming elections. Politics of this calibre needs to be phased out. The Caymanian public is not a “side piece”, to be engaged when it is beneficial. We deserve the same attention and advocacy consistently. Anything else is smoke and mirrors.
Young foot, your enthusiasm is wonderful and I hope it continues. However, please understand the role of the opposition is exactly that. To challenge, to discuss, to muse.
They’re doing exactly what they ought to be
Thank you as well.
The opposition role to challenge, discuss, and muse is understood. The contention presented here is that it is “YouTube Charity” given by a party, opposition or not, that was far less concerned during it’s 8 years of running the country. When the PPM were in office, there was very little demonstration of the concern shown here of late. So yes, the opposition has it’s place, but this is not it. This is political maneuvering through the use of issues that strike the heart of a lot of Caymanians. Had the concern been genuine, I wouldn’t have shared my sentiments. Two terms and no traction? Didn’t seem concerned at all, but that’s just me.
YoungFoot, when PPM were in office during a pandemic, they did quite a lot to relieve the pressure.
Alas, this was all a little early, and now we’re reeping what we’ve sewn with the col going up
They were so concerned about the people that they gave themselves and the highest civil service earners a 16% increase in salary before elections. N.B 16% increase, not 4.5% increase. They did it under cover and expect that we will forget that. Dem could gwan wid dat. Empty vessels making a lot of noise.
I think the end of the pension holiday is going to spell doom for a lot of people who have been holding on by a thread (I include myself as a middle earner here)
A tinder box
freeze the water rates for sure 100%!!!
They already get to bill us for the increased cost of fuel and that should be enough. Both WAC and Cayman Water make plenty of money off of us they should not make a penny more!
Well spoken oh wise one. But just what did Sir Alden and your other associates do for us while you characters were running the show?
Some of your past associates are now part.of the PACT team so are they carrying your old policies forward?
But they’re not in charge now bobo, and it’s the now that counts sir.
Yeah the wise one that said our public service pension is fine on cash basis…..this guy will say anything to get attention.