OfReg rules in C3 access row with Flow

| 30/06/2022 | 9 Comments

(CNS): A long-running dispute between local broadband service providers Flow and C3 has been resolved following arbitration proceedings mediated by OfReg, the utilities regulator said in a press release. In a complex row lasting well over three years, C3 had complained about problems relating to infrastructure-sharing with Flow, which it claimed was breaching its licence requirements to provide access.

The regulator has largely found in C3’s favour, especially in relation to the rates Flow was charging, and C3 should now be able to provide a better service to its customers. However, it also sided with Flow on a number of technical aspects.

OfReg said it had conducted an extensive investigation and consultation process with both companies to establish the facts of the dispute, which ranged from slow or uncompleted work, appropriate pricing, technical issues on sub-duct sizes and access to install equipment at the MAYA-1 cable landing station.

It has now made a number of determinations on the various issues fuelling the dispute, and a redacted version of the report has now been made public on the OfReg website.

Executive Director for Information Communication and Technology at OfReg, Sonji Myles, said, “Two of OfReg’s principal functions in the ICT sector are to promote and maintain an efficient, economic and harmonised utilisation of our ICT infrastructure, and to resolve disputes on the sharing of ICT infrastructure between service or network providers.”

He said this ensures a level playing field for licensees, protects the interests of the public and promotes competition and choice for consumers.

“In this case, intervention was required to resolve a number of issues that we are satisfied now means both licensees are compliant with the terms of their licenses and can equally provide consumers with more choice and better services in the future,” he added.

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Category: Business, ICT

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Can someone tell C3 to stop advertising on YouTube. I’m already a subscriber to your terrible customer service oriented efforts, and the last thing I need is a reminder lasting over 10 seconds every time I play a video. Likewise appliance doctor… I’m never going to call you ever, ever, ever!

  2. Anonymous says:

    After reading this article I still believe that OfReg is one of the unnecessary bunches of freeloaders in the Cayman Islands government.

  3. anonymous says:

    Why all of a sudden are they doing something – perhaps it has something to do with who the major shareholder of C3 is?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Did OffReg find that Flow was engaging in Anti-Competitive activity? Where is the fine?

  5. Anonymous says:

    More like “constant public criticism of OfReg and then we get some action” Don’t kid yourself about the civil servant in charge – other than perhaps he reads public commentary!

  6. Anonymous says:

    They did the same to digicel after ivan.

  7. Anonymous says:

    C3 ownership may have something to do

  8. Anonymous says:

    First time offREG has done anything.. like at all…besides the hush payout from rubis for destroying the environment/reef/sealife.

  9. Merith says:

    Put a civil servant in charge of offreg and bam we get some action. Finally some good news.


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