Local sample under investigation for monkeypox
(CNS): The Public Health Department has said that it is investigating a potential monkeypox case in a young patient with a rash and fever that has been diagnosed as chickenpox. A sample from the patient has been sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), “out of an abundance of caution”, to check for the monkeypox virus, which has recently been confirmed as circulating in non-endemic countries and has symptoms similar to chickenpox.
CARPHA is expected to process the sample within one to two weeks. Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton said chickenpox is an infectious disease so the patient has already been isolated and contact tracing has been carried out.
“Other instances of chickenpox were found among close contacts of this case, and infection control measures were put in place to prevent spread,” Dr Newton said. “We want to further reassure the public that they can prevent the spread of the chickenpox and monkeypox virus by practising good hand hygiene, wearing masks, and avoiding contact with the lesions of any person who has a new rash and raised temperature.”
Anyone who suspects they have either virus should seek medical attention if they experience these symptoms.
Health Minister Sabrina Turner said her ministry will share the outcome of the testing with the public and noted that health updates are available from local media houses and on the government website.
“Our Public Health Department is blessed with highly trained and highly experienced surveillance experts known for their effectiveness,” said Turner. “This case is a successful example of the system at work. It allowed us to quickly identify a potential case, assess and deal with the matter locally, but also to send a sample to CARPHA for ease of mind, given the current spread of monkeypox. I am confident we will be able to deal with any scenario.”
Monkeypox is caused by the monkeypox virus, which is closely related to the viruses that cause cowpox and smallpox. While symptoms resemble chickenpox, the fluid-filled lesions are larger and accompanied by high fever and swollen glands.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
No testing is done on persons coming to the Cayman Islands on a 3 month work permit! At the moment visitors only have to get tested for Covid-19!
So stop lying about anyone coming to Cayman has to be tested for monkey pox, hepatitis, Aids and other sexual transmitted diseases.STOP LYING!
VDRL and HUV are both blood tests that MUST be submitted for work permit applications. Also a chest xray and in-person medical exam. Perhaps if you think people are abusing this system, the Immigration Department may have to randomly inspect the medical submissions??
See clear medical form here: http://www.immigration.gov.ky/portal/pls/portal/docs/1/12062108.PDF
This only applies when applying for a permit longer than 3 months.
I would also like to know if this person was recently are is vaccinated.
ITS claim Monkeypox existed in the 1950’s but I am just curious of the reemerge of it althoigh I am 68 and I have never heard of such a pox.
Did you grow up in Africa?
@9:35 a.m
No I did not grow up in Africa. But I still heard of Ebola.
We have a tent.
Jesus Christ.
Well your recollections versus data. Which do I use to base my life decisions?
Dr Newton said. “We want to further reassure the public that they can prevent the spread of the chickenpox and monkeypox virus by practising good hand hygiene, wearing masks, and avoiding contact with the lesions of any person who has a new rash and raised temperature.”
Got it. The onus is upon US to prevent the spread of any virulent diseases, NOT the Public Health Department, or any of its currently nonexistent screening processes.
…where have you been for the last 2+ years?
Right here, same as it ever was.
I get your point; I just wanted everyone else to realise that we are, and have been, on our own.
FlaTeN tHe CurVe. WeAR a MaSk.
Wear your sheath folks!
Dear Lord – Sabrina will have us locked down again until the moon falls from the sky
But she’s ok to go to her hair dresser and pretend to work on her laptop while getting her hair blow dried at 11 am. Get your lazy butt back to work!
Did they say to wear a mask ? Omg man
It will be condoms this round.
2 weeks? still? after the ongoing pandemic, we can’t get a local testing office here?
Anyone coming to the Cayman Islands must be tested for monkey pox, hepatitis, Aids and any other sexually transmitted disease. If they are positive then they will be banned from coming here, simple.
and for mental disease such as yours which is called “phobia”
Yes, that’s a sensible policy for a tourist destination.
Cruise ship passengers ?
Obviously not them. We must make it tough on locals and stay over big spender tourism.
They are immune to disease, according to Kenny.
That’s it. No sex with monkeys for two weeks to flatten the curve.
It is tragic. Having had to wait nearly three years since our last monkey orgy, we were so excited and then this happened.