Education ministry boss moves to DG’s office
(CNS): Chief Officer Cetonya Cacho is moving to a new job in the deputy governor’s office, which was described as a strategic operations position, where she will start in the area of developing policies and strategies to ensure the effective operations of the Child Safeguarding Board. She will also be charged with identifying and coordinating activities across the civil service that “drive innovation, collaboration and delivery of government’s priorities”, officials said.
Cacho will also lead efforts to improve the timeliness and quality of responses to key governance and management recommendations from the Office of the Auditor General and the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.
“As our strategic operations officer, Ms Cacho will be joining a busy and high-performing team,” said DG Franz Manderson in a press release about the transfer. “Her skills, competencies and experience gained as a chief officer will enhance the capacity of my office, and ultimately help our team deliver a variety of key strategic projects and services across the civil service.”
The release said that earlier this year, Cacho had expressed a desire to work beyond the scope of education and to use her skills, knowledge and experience in projects across the broader civil service.
Cacho said her entire Civil Service career has been dedicated to education and over the past two years had invested much personal time in the ministry.
“This was in an effort to help ensure that our children were safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, learning loss was minimised, and our students could make significant progress when they returned to in-class learning. I am proud of the education response during the height of the pandemic and as we continue to manage COVID in our community,” she said
Cacho’s transfer takes effect on Friday, 1 July, and Deputy Chief Officer Lyneth Monteith will act as chief officer for the Ministry of Education.
See the full press release here.
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Category: Government Administration, Politics
I am not surprised by her move to Franz’s pool of incapable failures that needed to be taken out of the job to become strategists. In my opinion, Cacho failed at every level and instead of performance managing her they kept promoting her to get her out of the schools. If you counted the number of days she actually worked you would be angry – leave after leave, after excuse! Go back and watch the update that her and the minister did doing COVID lockdown. It was by far the saddest thing for our kids that i have every seen.
My crystal ball tells me they will hire another Chief and pay them $150K while she continues to enjoy strategizing with Mary R for the next 3 years. Very Sad Indeed!! Good going PACT you are “really making positive strides in education” nothing but meaningless sound bites at our expense.
We always seem to set our people up to fail. Why?
Is it because we are so envious of one another that we do not support them as required. We do not win with such practices, so for the love of country and our interdependent future let us stop making it easier for others who do not tear their own down.
what about Mary Rodriquez? what’s she doing now Christen Suckoo and Jenifer ahearn Are they strategists to for DG? rolling my eyes what the heel is DG playing at. When was the post advertised……
In the Civil Service, this is the equivalent of being put out to pasture. A well paid pasture mind you but a pasture all the same.
So we will soon have a sister join her brother in the DG’s Chief Officer’s team. Does anyone consider where non generational have their true allegiance?
We still have an education ministry? And a department? And a council?
Yet some wonder why nothing changes and nothing gets done.
More Franzie World Class Nonsense.
The world-class Civil Service is constantly shuffling people around – outside their trained abilities. If they’re not performing well in their trained areas..terminate or retire them!
Franz’ “brilliance” in action!
world class waffle and management speak from franzie…..
just another day in wonderland….zzzzzzzzzzz
This numbnut has a junkyard filled of “strategist”.
He could not even organise a piss-up in a brewery much less run an organisation that directly affects the lives of 65,000+ people.
Does she even know how to manage a 5k?
Let’s pitch sense from nonsense people.
1) There was no advertising of this post that Ms. Cacho is moving in to. The PSMA REQUIRES that all post be advertised and a recruitment process be done. It wasn’t.
2) Given the above, it speaks volumes to me that this wasn’t just the normal “time to try something new” run of the mill. This was a quick fix to address some underlying issue. What that was, I don’t know but this stinks to high heaven.
Another violation of a Law by Franz.
But the Auditor General will probably say nothing because it is seen as a waste of time. His buddy the Governor will find a way to justify the unlawful move.
Lawless Caymanas goes on.
Just like when they advertised the post for DEH Director. It was advertised internally only, knowing very well that no one in the service had the required qualifications for it. Coincidence would have it that the then Acting Director (who didn’t have the prerequisites for the post either) was the only person that came close. Simply because he had “experience” from acting in the post.
There is always a workaround, is what I’m saying.
She is just another casualty of political interference an a agenda that puts others first that’s all! I have known the Deputy Governor for over 34+ years my respect and confidence in him as a leader and a half decent civil servant is gone. He certainly doesn’t not have Cayman or Caymanians at heart.
“As our strategic operations officer, Ms. Cacho will be joining a busy and high-performing team,”
High performing? the DG is delusional. They all spout word salad with catchy throws-ins like “strategic”, “initiatives” and “collaboration” (all well known Blob speak for not doing anything at all whilst sounding like you are) and believe their own press and then achieve nothing thereby getting in the way of any meaningly positive changes.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
The merry-go-round of civil servants on Cayman is a wondrous thing to behold.
The one sure way of moving up the ladder in education is to fail as a school principal. John Gray to Ministry. Bodden Town Primary to Ministry. Who is next? There are a number of obvious candidates to choose from. Once you move in this direction there is no going back.
Speaking of.. Anyone know what Vickie Frederick is getting paid for these days? Angela McLaughlin? All the others?
And Mary Rodriguez – what is she doing?
Nothing, 11:43. Strategizing.
3.00pm More like Stargazing
Well with half our children leaving public schools functionally illiterate and innumerate, she brings a hell of a record of achievement with her …
I’m not buying it! Something happened between her and the minister and she lost
Unmask our children immediately.
They should put at least 1 plant in each classroom across the island, to provide clean air to breathe. Wearing masks for long periods of time is not good for anyone, much less children with developing immune systems. They are still growing.
Many people have since developed respiratory issues and this is a direct response to wearing a mask for prolonged periods of time.
new ventilation system
… an effort to help ensure that our children were safe during the COVID-19 pandemic…
What exactly does this mean? “Safe” can have few meaning. In this context I don’t understand what exactly she is talking about. Safe from what?
… I am proud of the education response during the height of the pandemic…
Again, what is she talking about?
With all due respect, it is like listening to Kamala Harris and having no idea what she is talking about. Is it done intentionally? I mean speaking about something, yet nobody can understand what exactly she is speaking about.
The way things look, there is absolutely nothing to be proud about, yet high-performing team is busy and proud.
Why do they always self-praise?
Why bring Kamala into this? The two have nothing in common.
but she speaks like her, meaning no one can make sense of what being said
They lower the bar and still fail. To convince us that nothing is wrong they ‘pepper’ the schools with meaningless signs (pure BS) that suggest the opposite.
Take CHHS as an example. The sign at the junction of Frank Sound Road suggests that our children are receiving a “world class education”. I was not aware that the standard across the rest of the world was so low.
Fail at your job and be rewarded with a non-position of equal stature and same or more salary I bet. The world class civil disservice. SMH
Wow, that office has more Chief Officers than Ugland House has Companies.
The press release announcing this move contains some of the worst b.s. ever to appear in such releases and that is saying something. When in doubt, fling in the word “strategic”. First Mary Rodrigues from Education, strategizing for Franz, then Christin from Education, strategizing for Ofreg and now Cetonya from Education, strategizing for Franz. No wonder we have such a terrific civil service with all this strategizing going on in the DG’s office.
Wow! We cannot win! Private sector pay out hush money and tells us to keep our mouths shut- public sector forces us to write some mumbo- jumbo that makes us sound stupid.
Who the cap fit…
I hope she is more successful in her new position. I read that 50% of the students graduate without being able to meet the minimum qualifications.
You ask someone for thier high school transcripts that is applying for a job. They never are able to provide them (or so they say). They vanish after that. Sad.
11.59 Check your spelling and grammar please!
Standard Civil Service. Screw up public education for a few years, manufacture a move to a nothing position.
To her credit, she’s by far the youngest to have been successful in this much sought after career path.
Another unicorn. Can’t fire her so make her more useless. Hooefully.
It was just her time to ‘Go!’.