Cuban migrants isolated with chickenpox

| 07/06/2022 | 16 Comments
Cayman Islands Immigration Detention Centre

(CNS): Nine migrants who were being held at the Customs and Border Control Detention Centre were transferred to the Breakers Civic Centre on Sunday after at least two of them were diagnosed with chickenpox. Officials said that Public Health was monitoring the situation and the migrants were being treated.

CBC officials said that there was heightened tension with the other migrants at the centre on Saturday night due to “the situation”, presumedly when some migrants showed symptoms of the disease. However, they said the tension had since eased and arrangements had been made for sanitization of the detention centre to help prevent further spread of the virus.

While officials said that “more than one migrant” was diagnosed with chickenpox, it was not clear why nine migrants were moved or if they were all part of a group that arrived together.

The Breakers Civic Center is one of four Civic Centers listed in the Mass Migration Contingency Plan as alternative migrant accommodation and the migrants will remain there until fully recovered.

The CBC is currently holding 186 Cuban migrants at various locations.

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Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If your household is looking for Varicella or Shingrix doses, no hope any time soon at Public Health vaccination line. You can leave a message for them, and they may call you back to sanctimoniously relay they are taking limited appointments for October as if their routine child/adult vaccination capacity shortfall is something to be proud of. It’s not. Nobody needs a 45 minute appointment slot to get a 20 second informed-consent booster applied into an arm (that includes putting on the bandaid), and maybe another 20 seconds to transcribe particulars into vaccination booklet. So painfully inefficient that October is the nearest booking window.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Need to do like U S does,take them back to Cuba right away

  3. Anonymous says:

    So they are receiving free healthcare and accommodation but our own seniors have to pay extortionate health insurance and living expenses and never received any assistance during pandemic. Who is paying for their purchases from Priced Right and Fosters, who is providing the transport? All for humane and fair treatment- shouldn’t something now be done to provide over 65’s fair treatment, at least healthcare!

    • Anonymous says:

      100% agree. Shame on the government when illegal immigrants are better off than our own retired citizens. Free healthcare for all 65 and over. Even better, aged 60 and over if not working.

    • Anonymous says:

      Common! Don’t count money in someone’s pocket!
      Whoever is helping them is not your business if you’re are not contributing. CIG is obligated to provide basic assistance as well.
      Seeing Cubans buying food and some other things should make you feel good. Yet, you seem upset that they are able to eat properly may be for the first time in years.
      If CIG is not feeding seniors, it’s not Cubans fault. Address it directly. Better yet join Meals on Wheels and other charities that feed the less fortunate.

    • Anonymous says:

      You seem upset that sick get medical help
      You seem upset that hungry get food
      You seem upset that someone gives them a ride
      Be grateful you weren’t born in Somalia or Afghanistan, you might not be so lucky in your next reincarnation.
      Don’t mix two different problems. In fact cook a dinner and take to a hungry senior..

      My sister delivers home-made meals to an elderly woman twice a week and shops for groceries. The elderly woman is a complete stranger to her. The old lady had tried one day to get to a store on her own, but fell down, my sister happened to be nearby. She helped her to get back home, bought her groceries and is helping her ever since. When she is busy, her husband and son bring the food to this Lady.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Strange, why would adults get chicken pox? Kids usually get it. If a child was not vaccinated, he would certainly get chicken pox before he reaches an adulthood.

    • Anonymous says:

      Statistically, 30% of US adults over 50, whether or not vaccinated with Varicella, or recovered from childhood, will get extremely painful cases of Shingles, the adult form of Chickenpox. Like Chickenpox only on the inside. Adults over 50 should get 2 dose course of Shingrix to prevent or minimise agony. You might expect Public Health to be stocking up, and marketing clinics, if there were an active Chickenpox outbreak underway…but that reasonable assumption would be incorrect. Royal Gongs all around.

  5. Anonymous says:

    186! There is no way that many can possibly be in the CIIDC, so a large must be out in the community in rented accomodation. How much is that costing? Is there no way to expedite the processing of their asylum applications, so that they are either returned or granted asylum – and expected to pay their own way.


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