COVID-19 cases fluctuate after 8% increase

| 17/06/2022 | 74 Comments

(CNS): There are an estimated 936 active cases of COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands, the Public Heath Department reported Thursday. Eight people are currently in hospital for COVID-related causes, three of whom are unvaccinated. The seven-day rolling average yesterday stood at 62, a decrease from the daily average of 67 between 5 and 11 June, the period covered by the latest public health report. Officials said that last week there was an 8% increase in cases, even with a drop in the number of PCR tests conducted.

A spike in cases reported on 7 June probably reflected a delay in reporting over the holiday weekend. In general, the figures are fluctuating as the virus is still circulating and the decline in the current wave of infection has stalled. Most indicators increased last week, including hospitalisations, the most important of all metrics.

Ten new admissions were registered during the week covered by the report, an increase on the previous week when seven new admissions were reported. Of the ten new admissions, seven were specifically caused by COVID-19 morbidity, with only three patients detected on screening. A total of 12 patients required inpatient treatment.

“Vigilance of preventative measures and continuation of testing is required to ensure community transmission decreases,” officials said.

Nevertheless, many in the community are hoping that the government will soon begin lifting mask and other mandates when the current regulations end on 30 June. Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan recently hinted that this might be the case

Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, the Cayman Islands has officially recorded more than 27,000 Covid cases and 28 deaths. A total of 257 people have been hospitalized.

Meanwhile, there are still no known cases of monkeypox virus in the Cayman Islands. The Public Health Department is still awaiting the result from a sample sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), last month. However, Cayman now has the capacity to diagnose monkeypox at the Public Health Laboratory.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (74)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    While acute Covid infections may be trending downward, Covid is a gift that keeps on giving. Although the odds of developing from Long Covid are 20% to 50% lower with Omicron than Delta, leading researchers in the UK are reminding people that even in the face of declining numbers, the issue of Long Covid is far from over. “We still need to keep providing support for people with Long Covid while we try to understand why it occurs and how we can treat it,” said lead researcher Claire Steves, a senior clinical lecturer at Kings College London. The UK has devoted a sizable sum to Long Covid and has dedicated clinics for post-Covid patients.

    Long Covid can present with a variety of symptoms and last for weeks, months or, potentially, years, affecting a person’s quality of life, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The odds of developing long Covid are dependent on a patient’s age and time since vaccination.
    Sometimes post-Covid symptoms can go away and then come back. Because Covid is still not well understood, the time frame in which Long Covid symptoms might last or recur is not yet fully known.
    The most common symptoms of Long Covid include fatigue, fever, malaise, trouble breathing, cough, chest pain, heart palpitations, and dizziness, mental fog and difficulty concentrating, depression, anxiety, headaches, sleep problems, loss of smell and taste, diarrhea, stomach pain, muscle ache, rash, and changes in the menstrual cycle. Symptoms can range from mild to incapacitating. It can even be fatal. According to health officials here we have had at least one death attributable to Long Covid.
    Infectious disease expert Dr. Marc Siegel, a clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, said Long Covid is probably more common than realized. Statistics tell us that the numbers of Long Covid victims in the Cayman Islands should exceed 2,000 and possibly well over that. Every health care professional that I know well enough to candidly discuss the issue tells me that Long Covid is certainly present in the Cayman Islands. Yet the horribly careless Panton-PACTless Clown Car will not openly discuss the full impacts of Long Covid in the Cayman Islands. Because we have an irresponsible and PACTless govenment, there are no statistics on Long Covid for the Cayman Islands. Why?
    The U.S. Congress allocated over $1 billion (yes BILLION) to address Long Covid. How much has our Clown Car allocated? Zilch, zero, nada. They do not even talk about it.
    David Putrino, a neurophysiologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, called Long Covid “a national crisis.” Going on to say that, “This does not deserve to be somebody’s second or third job.” For the irresponsible and uncaring PACTless Clown Car, people suffering from prolonged Covid sequelae are not even on their job list at all, until they die of Long Covid. Shameful lot they are!

    • Anonymous says:

      CITA and the cabal will never allow Long Covid to be discussed much less addressed in a meaningful way

    • Anonymous says:

      OMG. Enough already with your long COVID comments.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why? At least somwone here is trying to warn us

        • Anonymous says:

          There’s nothing that can be done about it, that’s why. We know it exists. It can’t really influence policy. It’s basically impossible to live a normal life and not get covid eventually. Some lucky people will have sufficient immunity to never catch it. Other lucky people will never have a symptom. Some unlucky people will get seriously ill. Some really unlucky people will die.

          There are vaccines available to mitigate risk. Some people will take them, others will not. That may or may not be a wise decision but that’s for them to make.

          As a society, we would be wise to direct research dollars to new and better vaccines, studies and treatments for covid and long covid.

          That’s pretty much the end of the discussion. We have a new endemic disease now. Anyone advocating for giving government more power to restrict our freedoms for no good reason is not actually helping us. They are hurting us.

          That’s e

          • Anonymous says:

            Your statement “There’s nothing that can be done about it” is profoundly benighted. Later in your comment you yourself go on to refute your statement.
            There is plenty being done about Long Covid in countries with responsible governments and not clowns in charge. It certainly has influenced policy in such countries:
            The U.S. Congress allocated over $1 billion (yes BILLION) to address Long Covid.
            The UK likewise has allocated and plans to continue to allocated substantial sums and resources to address Long Covid. The UK even set up specialty Long Covid clinics all across the country. They have allocated money and resources to research and treatment and raising awareness.
            The WHO is actively addressing the issue and is increasing awareness of the issue. But here in Cayman: crickets.
            You seem a bit confused:
            In one instance you assert that “We know it exists. It can’t really influence policy”. And later go on to say that “As a society, we would be wise to direct research dollars to new and better vaccines, studies and treatments for covid and long covid.” Does not your latter suggestion require a very substantial change of policy? Your latter statement about what we should be doing is in full agreement with what I have been trying to get across and I am happy that you agree with me: indeed, we SHOULD be directing dollars and attention to the issue of, and treatment of, Long Covid. But you certainly must also agree that cannot happen until the Panton-PACTless government admits to the existence of, and admits to the extent of, Long Covid in the Cayman Islands.
            Thank you for agreeing with me that our government should be pro-active in dealing with Long Covid and should be dedicating resources to address the issue.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why? Long Covid is real. It exists in the Cayman Islands and only irresponsible cretins (including our Panton-PACTless Clown Car) would want to cover it up and act like it does not exist. Just this week we got a message that a child of someone they know has recurring fevers that result in bouts of seizures to the point of unconsciousness. Docs attribute this to post Covid sequela or Long Covid. I have family members and friends suffering from what docs attribute to post Covid sequela or Long Covid. Healthcare officials here attribute at least one death to post Covid sequela or Long Covid. They came clean only because they could not cover that one up. Seems that in spite of your whinging, Covid has not yet had “enough already” with the health and lives of Cayman people. Cast all the shade you want, BoBo, I do not answer to you.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I thought the UK government was a bunch of clowns, but:
    Apparently this is the situation if you are flying to Cayman on BA.
    People flying to Nassau, not tested for Covid.
    People flying to Cayman, tested.
    Everyone has to wear the mask outbound (there are going to be some very unhappy people travelling to Nassau when they find this out)
    On the return – everyone has to wear a mask from Cayman to Nassau. From Nassau, nobody has to wear a mask.
    Does any of this make sense to anyone?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I would just love to see the government allow non-vaccinated people with high level on a Lab Anitibody test. I have older teens that would love to travel and spend money in CI but are not allowed because they are protected naturally, rather than a shot (that they don’t need to be protected). They feel the shot is not needed and could negatively affect their general heart health.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bahamas has dropped covid testing and mask mandate for travel. On flight BA253 today passengers en route to Cayman need a negative test and a mask. Passengers disembarking at Nassau don’t. I can’t think of anything more ridiculous right now …

  5. Anonymous says:

    A year past announcement of Dr Lee’s notice of departure, we still have an acting CMO, who appears to be responsible for recruiting her own replacement, and now threatens resignation while clinging to mostly obsolete suppression measures, that where they exist, are having no impact on manageable caseloads under 2% of population. Let’s let her go if she wants to go. We need a CMO that can better balance risk and personal liberty. For now at least, the emergency phase thankfully appears to have passed, and those protocols should be commensurately retired.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nor do we have Franz’s report in Dr Lee and Doctors Express….

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh we are never going to see that. If you ask you will just be told that an investigation was carried out, valuable lessons were learned, and that will be that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just say you agree with Kenny and Duane

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you know she’s the one holding us back? Kenny commented about not disbanding travel time yet because it’s not the right time. So….

      • Anonymous says:

        1000% Kenny wanted that story leaked so it would look to some stakeholders like he is trying to do something, when, conveniently nothing has yet been done.

        Where are these other mystery MPs who seem to want to continue the restrictions?

        Whatever you say about Alden’s government at least they had press conferences and sort of answered questions about their covid policy decisions.

        These guys are complete cowards.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’d rather take the advice of a cmo than uncle Kenny and full moon seymour

  6. Anonymous says:

    Travel Time Cayman should adopt CDC’s online precheck COVID attestation questionnaire and scrap the unnecessary LFT testing layer. Most of the free world is demonstrating that mask mandate lifting has had no material impact on Omicron+ caseload and mortality. If we aren’t willing to be guided by the changing data, then we might ask, what information source are our health “experts” relying on to guide policy and balance against personal liberty?

  7. Anonymous says:

    The people have had enough of the tyranny. End all restrictions immediately or resign your posts!

  8. Annie says:

    Y’all this is over. Guess someone in government has a container of masks they still need to unload.

    • Anonymous says:

      People need to stop and realize the SARS-CoV-2 virus is our enemy. We all need to band together and fight this virus not each other or the virus will continue to circulate and win! Masks, clean indoor air, vaccines all help us in this battle. Mis/dis-information works against us.

      • Anonymous says:

        Us being who exactly? Chinese lockup consultants? With less than 2% of pop active, it’s time to let the other 98% choose their own adventure and enjoy low risk personal liberties.

        • Anonymous says:

          Q Anon, Cayman style.

          • Anonymous says:

            It’s not actually anymore. Yes the idiot trumpers helped facilitate covid deaths by being clowns in the first place. But now that the vaccine is available just try to mind your own business and move on.

      • Anonymous says:

        The virus will continue to circulate unless really extreme measures are taken, such as a return to being confined to home 5 days a week and not allowed to socially mingle. And quarantine for everyone entering the islands. Oh, and have all school work done remotely. Is that the price you are prepared to pay to “win”? Your quality of ife and the whole economy will be shot,but you will have the comfort of knowing that you wont catch a disease that now kills a fraction of 1% of those infected.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look to the skies and count the number of air arrivals daily from countries in which newer variants of the virus is spreading.

      Covid is not over and our open borders require continued diligence.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Bahamas has now dropped mask mandate and testing for travel, so presumably those sharing the plane en route to GCM will get their own separate air to breathe (through their masks)?

  10. Aninymous says:

    Why are we still having to wear masks in the supermarket and gas stations when the hotels, company offices and everywhere else ended masks 3 months ago and no one even thinks about Covid anymore?

  11. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been walking around in a space suit since March 2020 and i’ve not yet died from Covid so i’d strongly suggest that correlation is causation and you should all buy spacesuits.

    • Anonymous says:

      Same for me in my mankini. Mankini’s for all!

    • Anonymous says:

      All the people who have walked around in space suits in the Cayman Islands have been found to suffer from brain damage. So I shall strongly suggest that correlation is causation and you should all be cautious about taking advice from people who walk around in space suits in the Cayman Islands. (It is possible that this phenomenon is caused by the space suit wearers importing the space suits without the vital oxygen supply packs. Hypoxia is a known cause of brain damage.)

  12. Anonymous says:

    OMG. Enough already. This is seriously like reporting on the number of sniffles on island. End all mandates NOW. No one cares anymore.

  13. Anonymous says:

    We are always going to have some low-level spread so we might as well move on like most of the world and end the restrictions.

    There will likely be a bit of a wave come mid-fall when the weather cools in North America and Europe, and people are back in school and offices after summer vacations.

    In order of priority to drop:

    1. End Travel Cayman. This has become pointless.

    2. End pre-arrival test requirement. Gone from US, UK, Canada etc. It is pointless, because both departure countries (US, UK etc) and arrival country (Cayman) have spread. So an arrivee in Cayman isnt bringing in something that is already here. No required masks on inward planes.

    3. End masks for restaurants, gyms and most indoor places. Individuals voluntarily enter these places, and the requirement is becoming mostly ignored anyway.

    4. End masks for other indoor places such as grocery stores, pharmacies etc. I am willing to accept if the government wants to hold on to this last leg if wanted to be cautious (but would prefer not), as people necessarily have to regularly enter these places as part of basic living.

    5. KEEP the magic spray that is spritzed on my one hand as I enter Fosters each week. Thousands of lives have been saved from COVID in Cayman by this.

  14. Anonymous says:

    2 persons have died on our roads since May 10th. Not one single person has died either from or with Covid in the same timeframe.

  15. Anonymous says:


  16. Anonymous says:

    Who in their right mind would willing report covid anymore?

    • Anonymous says:

      Lazy civil servants looking for another free vacation….

      • Anonymous says:

        Vaccinate & Properly Sanitize: Public spaces, personal spaces, thoroughly wash your hands👌 AND continue wearing your mask😷

    • Anonymous says:

      There’s a public health risk when you don’t vaccinate & follow public health safety guidelines. We should all be sensible, responsible adults in a public health/global pandemic.

      • Anonymous says:

        In an ideal world, yes, but with a population that leaves rubbish on beaches and the roadsides, there is no hope for personal responsibility.

      • Anonymous says:

        There isn’t really a public health risk if you choose not to vaccinate. You may be slightly increasing your own chances of a bad outcome. If someone wants to make that decision it’s their own problem.

        The vaccinate yourself to protect others thing doesn’t fly anymore now that the vaccine does little to stop the spread of Omicron.

  17. Leroy Jenkins! says:

    Its clear that CITA and the Chamber are the tails wagging the dogs, so might as well pull a LEROY JENKINS!!! and give them what they want.

    • Anonymous says:

      NO, the dog IS 95% of the people of Cayman. The tails ARE a handful of politicians and a few paranoid, impractical members of the public. (If my thesis is wrong, why do we only have about 1% of the public double boosted? Because 95% of us arent worried anymore after 27 months.).

      Who is even thinking about this anymore? Time to end this.

      MOVE ON already (you last 5%).

      • Anonymous says:

        CMR reporting that our CMO faced threatening and accusatory statements from Bryan and seymour as of she has some sort of agenda is mad!

        CITA and tbe business community, is tbis what you want? MPs openly accusing the CMO?!

        You consiparacy theorists and Covid denying greed bots should be overjoyed with this Trumpian type carnival.


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