Stormy weather ahead serves as timely reminder

| 13/05/2022 | 34 Comments
Cayman News Service
PWD staff check out hurricane shutters (file photo)

(CNS): With the start of the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season just over two weeks away and some severe weather expected in Cayman next week, possibly even the first official storm of the season, residents are reminded to use this Discovery Day holiday weekend to get their preparations completed. Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) and the Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS) are encouraging the public to be prepared, have a plan, and monitor official sources for updates.

“The inclement weather forecasts circulating on social media are a timely reminder of the need to be prepared ahead of hurricane season,” said HMCI Director Danielle Coleman. “Now is the time to stock up on emergency supplies and items for securing your home, make a plan for your family or business, and stay tuned to radio and local television for the latest official notices from Hazard Management and the National Weather Service.”

Weather Service Director John Tibbetts said the models are forecasting severe weather beginning on or around 20 May but advised the public to continue monitoring official sources for more accurate forecasts in the coming days. “It’s important to continue to monitor the National Weather Service, and verify updates shared on social media against official sources,” he said. “A lot can happen in a week.”

Some forecasters are suggesting the first tropical system of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season could take shape next week in our region. On Friday Accuweather meteorologists were looking closely at the western Caribbean and a potential disturbance, given that we have some of the warmest water in the entire Atlantic basin at the moment.

Premier Wayne Panton pointed out that global climate change increases the need for the Cayman Islands community to be prepared for severe weather events.

“More frequent and intense storms are one impact of increased global temperatures that is particularly relevant to our country,” Panton said. “Being prepared is one of the most important things we can do as individuals, as families, businesses and communities to minimise the impacts of severe weather events,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Weather Service is also still working to complete repairs to the Doppler radar, which have been hampered by supply chain issues. While one part necessary to fix the backup generator has arrived on-island and is expected to be installed later this month, the Weather Service continues to wait on an additional part for the weather radar.

“Earlier in the year, we were hopeful the part would arrive well ahead of the 2022 hurricane season but the order is still in progress and an updated arrival date has not been provided,” Tibbetts explained. “We continue to follow up with the radar manufacturer on the status of our order and are making every effort to get the radar up and running as soon as possible.”

Although the radar is out of action, the weather director said the team continues to deliver accurate, timely forecasts, advisories and warnings using the other tools and services.

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (34)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    My biggest concern with the doppler radar not working is the data/forecast for the aviation.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It makes a big difference where that eyewall is exactly. Too bad we won’t know.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Unless you were born after year 2000 or only moved to the CIs in the 2000’s you wouldn’t appreciate this, but the long weekend in May has forever been the start of our rainy season. Ask FLOW ( C&W) who tried for years in the 90’s to host a long weekend of cricket on discovery day. After several attempts decided not worth trying due to down pour every year on the said weekend. It’s nothing new.

  4. neverwannabeaweatherforecaster says:

    Is there only one (useless) supplier in the world that can supply this elusive part?.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Is the part from Russia?

  6. anonymous says:

    Go to the website “Tropical Tidbit European model”. Everything you need in a forecast, plus satellite pictures are there. One can track the hurricane hunter planes and access near real time data.
    Forecasters at the National Hurricane Centre and other agencies would love to have the radar up and running to provide them with better information for more accurate forecast. No more excuses for the radar being out for such a long time.

    • Weather Nerd says:

      Roght. Best not rely on the local service. No radar and questionable accuracy. Recall last season when they failed to call a Cat 1 but NOAA NHC did?

    • watcher says:

      Levi did an amazing job on Wunderground, and continues to this day. He’s very intelligent, insightful and has a sensible ego, imo.

      Between Levi, Crown Weather and CIMSS, all the resources we might need are there. It’s a genuine shame that our radar is still down.

      I believe our Weather Services have kept current with info when we have tropical cyclones. There have been occasions in the past where the information reported on the radio has been several hours old. I think it is the responsibility of the various radio personnel to remember than some people rely entirely upon the radio for critical information; they must always ensure that the information disseminated is absolutely current.

  7. Anonymous says:

    My guess, the manufacturer no longer supports this system. Said another way your radar is obsolete and you’ll need to upgrade. Another freebie from the EU.

    • jeff says:

      Anon 0903 that would mean all radar in the region save Trinidad and jamaica would be shut down as they are the only radar on par with the cayman radar.

  8. Dale says:

    Pwrfect storm. Warmer than usual seas, weakening of trade winds, and a robust El Nina.

    Inflationary pricing prohibits stocking up beyond the necessary groceries, leaving thousands with no provisions as climate change moves the official start of hurricane season up again.

    May 15 could be the kickoff of what could be the highest number of named storms in history.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Geo engineering is real. Look it up friends.

    • Anonymous says:

      Citations needed.

      Buy more tinfoil.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why don’t you get off your lazy arse and do your own research? Tired of your repeated call for others to do your research for you. It’s not difficult my young son. 🙂

  10. Anonymous says:

    1 1/2 years of maintenance, still not working?

    • Anonymous says:

      Reminds me of one of Bluto’s lines from Animal House. “7 years of college down the drain.”

  11. Anonymous says:

    Did they order this part from China?

  12. Anonymous says:

    You know what would be a big help? A working radar.

    Instead, for a weather station, the NWS has an old Weststar pole with an anemometer on top opposite Jose’s.

    • Anonymous says:

      10 million later.

    • Anonymous says:

      This site is not like the local radar, but you can set the loop in motion and also zoom into the Cayman Islands to get a fairly good idea of the weather in our area. People could look at that until the local radar is fixed.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Although the radar is out of action, the weather director said the team continues to deliver accurate, timely forecasts, advisories and warnings using the other tools and services.”


    • Anonymous says:

      That anemometer is for wind speed and direction used by aircraft landing and taking off, you moron.

      When your criticising something get your facts correct.

  13. David says:

    Huum, part won’t be installed until late this month? Must be tied up in Customs!!

    • Anonymous says:

      One good lightning strike and it will be down again. That’s what we get for skimping on antenna grounding and equipment protection. This has always happened with CIG comms equipment but they never learn.

    • jeff says:

      Anon 0548 we have to wait for a local company to install the part.

  14. Anonymous says:

    #fixthedamnradar. #ohandthedumptoo


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