New body to advise police on sensitive issues
(CNS): Police management has hosted the first meeting with a newly formed Independent Advisory Group, which was established by the RCIPS to complement existing community engagement, focused on sensitive areas of policing. The RCIPS said the new body, comprising representatives of segments of society dealing with violence against women and girls, child protection and hate crimes, will provide advice to, and collaborate with, the police.
Representatives from the Cayman Islands Alliance to End Domestic Violence, Sunrise Adult Training Centre, Cayman Aids Foundation, Cayman Islands Red Cross, Colours Cayman, community members and others were invited to attend the first meeting last week, which was chaired by Deputy Chief Officer Nancy Barnard, who works in the Office of the Police Commissioner.
“Our expectation of the sessions is that IAG members will provide an invaluable independent perspective and are encouraged to appropriately challenge police practice to help achieve improvements in service delivery,” said Senior Policy Advisor to the RCIPS, Simon Mason.
“As we develop new policy and practice to meet the changing demands of supporting different vulnerability groups within the Cayman Islands, we want to listen to the community and those impacted by such incidents to inform future policing methods, whilst challenging current thinking and accepted norms within the community.”
It is anticipated the IAG will meet regularly, at least quarterly, with additional members identified and added along the way as appropriate. A vice-chair is expected to be selected by members and rotated yearly. Privacy and confidentiality will be maintained in the sessions, so they will only be open to invited members. However, where necessary and appropriate, regular public updates will be provided.
“In return for their contributions, IAG members can expect a commitment to work together with the police on a progressive response that seeks to improve service provision from RCIPS,” Barnard said after the first meeting.
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- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Some folks need to really stop kissing the DG’s @$$ so much !!
Sounds like another civil service job creation scheme.
How about domestic violence against men ?
How about actually holding abusive wives/female partners accountable for their crap ?
Woman beats a man, throws stuff, scratches him etc and cops are called = man gets arrested.
There needs to be a change in both ends not just one.
01 @ 2:56 pm – Correct! Also the mental abuse that some men suffer under some women!
The reality is that abuse goes both ways.
Big up Johnny Depp!
Can someone let me know how many Independent & Special Advisory Groups exist in Cayman? Surely we hold the world record!!!
And if they actually do anything?? My experience has been … they do
. Another waste of The peoples Money.
We called DCFS. And the Police. About a girl that was 6or7 months pregnant and smoking crack . We were told there’s Nothing they could do to protect this unborn baby!!
Good grief. One might ask, shouldn’t there be a pre-emptive training course, manual, and employee contract, long before reactionary sensitivity lessons? This is the core err in mindset at the RCIPS: it’s always a day late and dollar short. Each press release further rattling stakeholders at how behind the times they actually are. We don’t have to imagine how bad they are when they tell us. We should believe them and replace this CoP.
Doesn’t a group like this already exist in our Islands….. YES its does- its called the
Multi-agency Protection Starts Here Project, a group formed 10 years ago, made up of the same if not like agencies including the police.
IAG project = RCIPS World Class Consultant Service Provider.
OR ….. They could just do their jobs. Wild, I know.
This people really need to find something productive to do and cops need to start being cops and stop all this expensive non sense.
Violence against men and boys is not mentioned, but it does happen.
Like yanking a young motor cyclist off a bike and throwing him to the ground?
The issue is with unwarranted violence. Not appropriate law enforcement following multiple requests to comply with lawful direction and endangering the lives of the general public.
Da wha he get
More people, more units, more specialists, more initiatives, more campaigns, more speeches…but the problems just gets bigger.

RCIPS reported more than 1,400 domestic abuse cases involving both adults and children during 2017.
Domestic abuse reports quadruple
The Alliance to End Domestic Violence launch: The initiative wants to bring an end to domestic violence and its working together under the patronage of Elisabeth Roper, Governor Martyn Roper’s wife. WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS INITIATIVE
RCIPS logs 1876 domestic violence reports in 9 months
Police respond to more than 1,500 domestic violence cases
Well the Alliance to End DV is specifically mentioned in the article…
I thought specially trained professionals from the UK were already added to RCIPS to deal with domestic violence, sexual abuse of children etc.
they were and they still are here Seems no one thought to talk to them or any other officer currently in service. after all what do operational police officers know about what communities need etc. etc. from from what I see and hear police decision makers and budget controllers don’t engage their own people never mind the public.
…Still are…so what they’re doing?
Police on lifetime paid vacation…..zzzzzz
Our CoP certainly seems to be coasting, pretending to be busy, mentally detached from his core responsibilities, and failing to comment and accept his leadership responsibility when it was really needed. His replacement should have been recruited months ago, triggered by both failing internal and external confidence. The fate of tens of Billions in homeowner equity hinges on that balance of that confidence. It has to at least be a passable effort.