Ebanks appointed as first woman chair of CUC

| 12/05/2022 | 20 Comments
Sheree Ebanks

(CNS): More than 55 years since the company was founded, Caribbean Utilities Company has appointed its first woman board chair. Following a meeting of shareholders on Tuesday, Sheree L. Ebanks was confirmed as the head of the board of directors, replacing David Ritch, who retired after 33 years of service as a board director at CUC. Ebanks was elected to the CUC board in 2014 and has been chair of the Audit Committee since 2020.

Ebanks is the chief executive officer of the Cayman Islands Institute of Professional Accountants (CIIPA) and chair of the Cayman Islands Public Service Pensions Board. She is also a member of the board of the RBC Royal Bank.

Speaking about her appointment, she said she was honoured to be the first female board chair, as she acknowledged what she said was the great work Ritch had done. Saying she was looking forward to working with the directors and the executive team, Ebanks said, “I am proud of the work the company has undertaken in the area of diversity, both on the board and within the company itself.”

CUC’s President and CEO Richard Hew welcomed Ebanks to the senior post. “She has a wealth of knowledge and experience with the Company and enjoys the full support of fellow directors and management as she leads the board into a new era. Our company continues to make strides in the area of diversity and we are proud of the fact that we have a number of knowledgeable and talented women serving on our Board of Directors,” Hew said.

Eleven individuals were elected to the CUC Board at the meeting, including six female directors. Peter A Thomson, who served as executive director, president and CEO of CUC for 19 years and as a non-executive director for a further 18 years, also retired from the board.

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Category: Business, utilities

Comments (20)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How can this possibility be a bad thing?


  2. 345 Mafia says:

    Same old same old this has the significance of a hill of beans doesn’t change a thing for the consumer at CUC. looking good for Sheree Ebanks no doubt. Profits are up CUC bills are paid for directors and their siblings prefer shareholders at Fortis still getting their huge guaranteed dividends, Air Canada still flying them back and forth Aye!

  3. Anonymous says:

    It remains to be seen whether this appointment to the private for-profit utility company introduces diversity of thought on that moth-balled board, already top heavy with exploitive monopolistic ambitions, and deep political and petro bias.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Great, now let’s see more women in the construction industry.

  5. Fed up with high electricity bills ! says:

    Can someone tell me how this helps the average Cayman resident with their utilities?? This feel good moment for the so called Cayman elite means absolutely nothing has she made some statement or some policy to benefit customers or lower rates ?? Sounds like good PR and marketing ploy for CUC. still going cut off your electricity whether she is there or not I you don’t pay the highest electricity bill in the Caribbean! A fact that Sherrie what ever name is not going to do a damn thing about it .

    • Anonymous says:

      Her job is to make the company more money.

    • Anonymous says:

      Prices are going up all over the world. This Russia Ukraine war is going to put us all in poverty.

    • Anonymous says:

      2;29 am, you think Grand electric bill is high,check Cayman Brac, Brac is the highest in the whole world and only because of one man

      • Anonymous says:

        Yep. Trump

        • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          6:49 am, you got to be the most foolish,stupidest person in the world to blame Trump. When Trump was President gas prices in USA was half the price of what it is now. He did not stop the Canadan pipe line, the Alaska drilling etc. Do you know who did ? How it’s possible for humans to be so foolish ?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Sheree!

  7. Anonymous says:

    2022. Cool I guess.

  8. Sandra says:

    Many congrats Sheree!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Being a woman is no more a qualification than being Caymanian.


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