COVID-19 claims life of an elderly patient

| 05/05/2022 | 41 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): An elderly patient with severe comorbidities who was positive for COVID-19 has died, Public Health officials confirmed Thursday. This brings the total deaths in the Cayman Islands related to the virus to 28. Another six people remain in the hospital, three of whom have been vaccinated. Over the last two days 191 people have officially reported a positive test for SARS-CoV-2, including another 16 cases on the Sister Islands, pushing up the seven-day rolling average case number to 97. There are around 1,302 active cases of the virus in the community.

With the virus here to stay, the Department of Environmental Health has been conducting a training course on COVID-19 ventilation requirements in buildings for its officers, engineers, laboratory staff and other relevant government employees.

“For the last two years, we have been facing the battle to prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19,” said DEH Director Richard Simms. “Ventilation and air quality are crucial aspects of the work we carried out at the Department. As science is continuously evolving DEH continues to provide opportunities for our staff as well as other agencies to continue learning and remain current and effective.”

Ruth Otero and Armando Chamorro, environmental consultants from CIH Environmental Solutions Inc., introduced techniques to evaluate proper ventilation in public and private buildings, specifically dilution ventilation related to COVID-19. They also focused on the operation of HVAC systems to minimise the potential for SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission.  

The course dealt with ventilation fundamentals, so DEH staff will be able to recognise and anticipate problems relating to COVID-19 and formulate mitigation measures. The invitation to the training was extended to colleagues within the CIG who have responsibilities related to building control and maintenance and/or Public and Environmental Health.

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Comments (41)

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  1. Martin Keeley says:

    So DEH has just figured out (2 years later!) that building a/c filters maybe need to be changed and/or substantially cleaned frequently? Well, DUH!

  2. Michel Lemay says:

    Our toughts and prayers are with the family of the deceased.

  3. Anonymous says:

    said it before… no-one who is relatively healthy, under 70, who is vaxxed, will die from covid.

  4. Cmon says:

    “For the last two years, we have been facing the battle to prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19,” show the outdated mindset driving pointless restrictions on travel and mask mandates. Omicron post vaccines cannot be subject to the same approach as covid variants in 2020. Spread cannot be “prevented’ it can at most be deferred, and deferral per se serves no public benefit to merit restrictions – hospitals resources will not be at risk of being swamped and those wanting vaccination have had it. Unmask the kids.

    • Anonymous says:

      Brilliant post Cmon!!!

      I’d like to add that the Supreme Court of the country of India found that unvaxxed individuals do not spread covid more than vaxxed individuals. Please look this up on google if you doubt my truthfulness.

      Cayman must stop requiring and coercing individuals to get vaxxed as there is absolutely NO scientific justification for it. If people want to get jabbed multiple times, that is their choice and if someone chooses not to get jabbed, that is their choice. Respect.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t think anyone with any sense doubts the truthfulness of your first statement, and I think many sensible people are fine with your last statement.

        You might find some allies on the “must stop requiring and coercing individuals to get vaxxed but you fall down on the “NO scientific justification”. You’re wrong. There is a good reason to get vaccinated.

        Do you challenge the evidence that vaccinated people suffer less severe illness and death than unvaccinated people? If so, what is your source to prove that this is a lie?

        • Anonymous says:

          I challenge it. The all cause mortality in the vaccinated cohort is through the roof across the globe excluding covid. Check the many available analysis of the latest uk data and see for yourself.

          • Notsofastbuddy says:

            But the only people spewing that are the ignorant types who cut and paste nonsense they receive from zealots on social media. You are clearly in that camp with the wording you have used. Unthinking idiots like you kill people.

            Vaccination is most prevalent in the older, more ill age groups. You point, if you understood it, is that older, ill people are more likely to die than younger, healthy people. Once one adjusts for relative mortality, there is a clear improvement in mortality outcomes for all age groups of adults, and in particular the over 40s and up.

            Check the data and see for yourself. The link below explains the data and provides links to the primary sources.


            • Anonymous says:

              If that’s the case, then why is the all cause mortality rate in children aged 10-14 higher in the vaccinated cohort compared to the unvaccinated cohort?

              Scroll down to the data set.

              Table 6.
              Unvaccinated person years 2,481,551
              Vaccinated person years 217,326
              Unvaccinated person years outnumber vaccinated by 11.4 to 1.
              Vaccinated deaths in this cohort is 25×11.4=285 (or is it that these particular 25 were super duper special?)
              Unvaccinated deaths 133.
              Seems being in the vaccinated cohort for some reason more than doubles your chance of dying if you are 10-14 years old, but let’s not ask why and certainly not ask from anyone impartial.

              Maybe reuters, the fountain of uncompromising and non-conflicted truth can help you sort it out. Let me know.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Public Health should include in their announcements if the person was vaccinated or if their health issues prevented them from taking the vaccine.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why? There exists global statistics across billions of people as to the rate of bad outcomes for unvaccinated/vaccinated/boosted/co-morbidities/age.

      What is this one single additional local data point going to add to your knowledge??

    • Anonymous says:

      There seems to be a trend, when the person is vaccinated they don’t mention it, when they’re unvaccinated it’s mentioned.
      The most accurate info can be found in the weekly government reports, this week you will find that 60% of hospitalizations were vaccinated:—4-may

      • Bert says:

        Given 91% vaccination rate, a 60/40 split shows the massive reduction in hospitalisation that follows from vaccination, particularly when one factors in that the prevalence of vaccination is far higher among the most at risk groups.

      • Anonymous says:

        The 60% is a statistical outlier. The trend over time is evidence in the chart lower on the same page entitled “Figure 4: Current hospitalisations (since 8 September 2021 to 30 April 2022)” That chart clearly shows that–over the time period reported–hospitalisations and deaths are higher among the non-vaxed.

    • Anonymous says:

      No amount of vaccines would have saved this person unfortunately.

  6. Orrie Merren says:

    Sincerest condolences to the family and loved ones of the patient who passed.

    Praying for strength and comfort to all family and loved ones.

    God bless,
    Orrie 🙏🏻🇰🇾

  7. Anonymous says:

    So sad. Thoughts and prayers are with the deceased family during this difficult time.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hardly news. Ditch the pointless masks and travel restrictions.

  9. Anonymous says:

    God rest his/her soul.

    As for the ventilation requirements great, but what still remains very effective is social distancing and hygiene which has all been abandoned. Return to offices with no social distancing and even more socialising, parties everywhere cruise shippers in close proximity etc. I visited two public authorities this week, not a mask in sight anywhere, not that I am totally convinced that masks do anything, but social distancing and hygiene do.

  10. Anonymous says:

    So covid-19 doesn’t actually claim the life – absolute garbage.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Sounds fully vaccinated. That’sthe only reason they disnt mention it.

    • Anonymous says:

      And don’t forget the highlighting of severe comorbidities. A designation only given to the vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      It doesn’t matter if they were fully vaccinated. If they have comorbidities, it’s already been proven that they’ll have a harder time.


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