Number of COVID-19 patients in hospital drops
(CNS): There are now just five people in hospital due to COVID-19, Public Health officials confirmed Tuesday as they released the latest statistics. The drop in the number of patients reflects the decline in community transmission and the decrease in new cases each day.
Public Health said the seven-day average has fallen to 33 after just 56 new cases, including two in the Sister Islands, were reported over the last two days. The number of estimated active cases of COVID-19 has also fallen to 631, the lowest number since the end of October.
While there is a clear decline in the spread of coronavirus here, more than six million people worldwide have died as a result of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. However, the number of deaths is stabilizing around the world and the case numbers declining in most countries, except in Asia.
Here in Cayman, 18 lives have been lost to the virus, while another 230 people became very ill and were treated in hospital. Many more suffered through the more virulent strains of the virus at home, and doctors here have also seen several cases of long COVID. To date, Cayman has recorded just under 20,000 cases of the virus since March 2020.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Hopefully the mask mandates for all travel ports, planes, trains and other public transport will remain indefinitely!
Here is a quick observation.
Test less = less cases
This is called the Trump rule. “Stop testing and you will get less cases”
Its not that ACTUAL cases are not falling just not as fast as we are showing. Test is dropping off by 1,000+ per period so OBVIOUSLY positives will go down.
What you say is partially true but they’re also dropping off because 1) a large chunk of the population have already had the latest variant of covid and 2) people have no symptoms so they have no reason to test.
True and this is why I say cases are actually dropping. 1. More people are vaccinated 2. More people have had the virus some more than once.
Lets not stop or slow testing because we can become complacent just when we are exposing ourselves the most. Especially when opening to Cruise Tourism.
“Bittersweet announcement but after an amazing two years as an infectious disease expert I am moving on. I am now an expert in no-fly zones and Eastern European affairs. Excited to make the most of this new opportunity.”
None of our political health and economic agencies have bothered to update or correct the case number stats being published for the Cayman Islands.
No accident
Masking is no big deal. I often forget I have it on at this point. Would it be great to not need to wear them? Of course it would, but it’s just not a big deal at all!
Speak for yourself. Yes, it is tolerable but none of us should be okay with continuing on indefinitely wearing them when COVID is basically 0% risk at this point and almost the entire rest of the world has moved on. Madness. Especially keeping the kids masked.
After 2 years of this shit, yes it is a big deal, especially when no longer needed
That’s your preference. You can use it forever if you want, but you can’t infer how other people feel about them after 2 years (I won’t even mention kids) based on your choice. Plus they are bad for our health and basically did not prevent the peak of pandemic here or anywhere.
Actually it is a very big deal. Forcing compliance for anything is a big deal. It’s an even bigger deal when it’s used or extended for political theatre. And that’s the problem, because you don’t mind wearing it or you have unquestioned and unwavering compliance you expect everyone else to fall in line. On the other side, nobody will tell you that you can’t wear a mask.
Masks and lock downs were a worldwide exercise in public conformity, outside of that, it did jack.
Apart from materially reducing the prevailing effect R number. Apart from achieving a brake on exponential growth, they achieved nothing.
Except they didn’t. The only thing that flattened the curve was lockdown. Even then it mostly just moved the curve to the right. The vaccine has been the only effective thing. The rest was just political theater.
Yes, apart from a 53% drop in infection rate, masks did nothing.
Can I just marvel at the ignorance and not say how stupid the comment is?
Ok. Listen here bobo, if people not wear mask more gonna catch de covid ting and more gonna get sic n die okay. Now go use that head for sumtin smarter. Go buck concrete.
Your post ranks highest on the BS meter and reaks of idiocy.
Do expand. I’ll be waiting.
scary number of likes…
the mandates were unfortunatly required when we awaited vaccines….
but right now they are a waste of time and achieve nothing
On 20th January, 2022, per SL5 2022, The Control and Management of Covid-19 Regulations, 2022 were amended in regulation 25 “Expiry” by deleting the words “24th January, 2022” and substituting the words “15th April, 2022”.
But now. unless there is an escalating threat or ongoing emergency someone can point to, it’s past time for the Cabinet to sound the all-clear whistle and repeal the exercise of all powers conferred by section 34 of the Public Health Act (2021 Revision).
Cabinet has already announced that cruise visitors arrive in less than 2 weeks, disregarding its own guidance under the Regulations, 25 days before they are scheduled to expire. It’s become just a farce at this point, and not really protecting anyone if we’re padlocking the door for some, while broadcasting that we intend to wedge it open for others. Pick.
Covid-19 is DONE, now it’s all about the money

What money? The lack of it due to commercial paralysis maybe?
Just start pulling your mask down as soon as you enter places. You are technically wearing a mask. Nobody will tell you to put it back up. If they do then leave, or do it and pull it back down again a few minutes later. Everyone will get the idea.
Nobody has so far told me to put my mask on properly. If they do, I’ll leave.
Yes. But silly rules get silly responses. Bottom line is no one even believes in the benefit of the rule so notional compliance is socially acceptable.
Only the smart and considerate ones do
Not “due to Covid-19, but “with Covid-19”
We have all missed the “with not of cult”. Welcome back!
Unmask our children Wayne!
Unmask us all – NOW!
Free people don’t have to ask permission.
Wait a week of so to see assess the spike in cases following the cruise ship assault.
They are at risk from you..
how? the cruise ship infection rate will be alot less than the cayman community transmission rate.
btw…does your logic not also apply to plane loads of tourists?
News from New York Times tonight: “Hawaii became the 50th and final state to announce it will drop its indoor mask mandate, as the U.S. attempts to move on from the Omicron wave.”
South Korea reports 342,446 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record.
South Korea’s population is 51.3 million people so 1 out of every 150 were reported infected today.
Australia’s pandemic record for COVID cases was 150,702 on January 13, 2022.
Australia’s population is 26 million people so 1 out of every 172 were reported infected on that day.
BA2 is boring, right?
Pretty much.
Dude, BA2 has already been here. Came and went, when we had 1 in 5! Unless there is something else, time to adapt to reality.
Why do CASES matter? Honestly. Stop the fear mongering. It literally doesn’t matter how many people have the mild cold/flu that COVID now is for 99.999% of the people. Why do you want to live like this still?
OK, end the mandatory masking at certain indoor places. People can voluntarily wear N95 masks if they want.
We are no longer in a public health emergency.
Mask mandates have been lifted almost everywhere.
End the mandates everywhere. Why are we still complying?
I never have complied and you all spit on me. History will show I was was on the side of right.
It won’t. But you do you cause you don’t care about others.
I hear you. I “avoided” and a LOT of businesses, especially restaurants, lost a LOT of money from me and my family even though it was not their fault. End the mask mandate immediately as everyone will see a real boost in the local economy.
“history will show i was on the side of right”
Because you went against public health recommendations? Are you dumb? Get over yourself.