Driver trapped after smashing into light pole

| 11/03/2022 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Emergency services were called out last night to yet another major single-vehicle crash on local roads after a Blue BMW 335 collided with a light pole on Walkers Road in George Town and the driver was trapped in the wreck. The smash happened at around 9:30pm Thursday at the intersection of Melmac Avenue close to Vigaro Nursery. Police said the BMW was travelling north on Walkers Road when it left the road and hit the pole, causing severe damage to both the car and the pole.

The Cayman Islands Fire Service extracted the driver, who was the only person in the BMW. He was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital by ambulance and is currently being treated for what appear to be serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

The police said the crash is currently under investigation.

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Category: Local News

Comments (6)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Shocker. Another day another 12 accidents that could be avoided by proper traffic patrols and people driving the damn speed limit.

  2. Anonymous says:

    And darn these straight bits of road that jump out in front of unsuspecting motorists

  3. Anonymous says:

    It’s time to get rid of light poles…they are just too dangerous.

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