Driver killed in single-vehicle crash on Cayman Brac

| 08/03/2022 | 12 Comments
Car crash on Cayman Brac on Tuesday, 8 March

(CNS): The police and fire service on Cayman Brac are still at the scene of a fatal collision on South Side West Road near Bluff Road. The single-vehicle crash happened at around 2:00 Tuesday afternoon, according to the RCIPS. The driver is the fourth person to be killed on Cayman’s roads already in 2022, just over nine weeks into the year.

The road where the crash happened is currently closed while officers carry out investigations and the public is advised to avoid this area if possible and to expect delays. The RCIPS Traffic and Road Policing Unit’s accident re-constructionists have been activated and will be attending Cayman Brac from Grand Cayman to assist with the investigation.

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Comments (12)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    what you meant was dedicate an upcoming piece to him, yeah?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Damn shame. He was a great guy.

  3. daniel johns says:

    As many were there to try and help, sadly this is just a sad day for Cayman Brac. If anyone had a fire suppressant in their cars, it may have turned out differently. I ask all on these Islands, please, please, get a fire suppressant in your car, it could save a life. I have one in each now. Just a sad day…

    • Anonymous says:

      I couldn’t agree more, my wife laughed at me when I insisted that we put fire extinguishers and first aid kits in both our cars, today she sees the logic of being prepared. Remember, you might not need it, but it might save someone else’s life.
      P.S. My wife still laughs at me for plenty of other things!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Often people experience a medical emergency in single car crashes.

  5. Slow Down says:

    Far, far too many accidents and road deaths on an island with a 40mph max speed limit. Does the RCIPS have any sort of functioning traffic department over there at all?

    Clearly the self-regulation policy has been a disaster for driving on all three islands.

    • Mumbichi says:

      Understand what you mean, but you’re off-base on this one. It was just an accident. Unplanned, not drunk, just one of those things. This gentleman was one of us, a Bracker, and a more helpful person you could never find. Greatly missed by many. Very sad. Rest gently, friend. See you one day.

      • Anonymous says:

        6:48 pm, you are right this gentleman was NOT a speeder or drunk, he was a nice gentleman all sad, R I P

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop judging people on something you know nothing about. This gentleman was a safe driver and was never seen speeding. It is believed he had a health issue while driving which caused the accident.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So very sad. A real gentleman, kind and always will to help. Rest in peace my friend.

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