Daily COVID-19 case average falls to 34
(CNS): Just over a month after the Cayman Islands was logging record-breaking daily numbers of positive COVID-19 cases, the daily average has fallen to just 34, officials have said. Over the last three days, 80 positive cases were reported to the Public Health Department.
However, there are still eight patients in the hospital as a result of SARS-CoV-2, five of whom are vaccinated. The small population of Sister Islands still has a comparatively high number of new cases, with another 19 recorded since Friday morning.
The estimated number of active cases is 639, suggesting that the number of people in isolation is also dropping.
Despite the clear downward trend in the number of people being infected with coronavirus and the decline in community transmission, the government has not yet lifted mask mandates or the requirement to socially distance inside.
Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton is urging people to get vaccinated or boosted as, despite the high number of people who have had the virus, she said the vaccination remains more protective than the antibodies acquired through infection.
“Allowing the results of antibody testing to prescribe the need for vaccination, including booster, for any given individual, would go against best practice and evidence,” she said. “In the Cayman Islands, the government is determined to follow recommendations based on best practice and evidence.
“As such, it believes that the best and most effective way to protect the health of all residents is through vaccination, including the booster, regardless of immunity status, as may be described by any existing antibody testing at the individual level.”
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Do people still wear face masks?
Not correctly, never have.
Pandemic is over. Nobody cares anymore. Get rid of the restrictions.
Masks do nothing at this point and are totally meaningless.
The rest of the world has moved on.
The Pandemic is in fact, not over, no matter how badly we all want it to be. Variant BA2 is infecting hundreds of thousands in heavily vaccinated South Korea, and the effects of the new variant are not yet known.
South Korea reports 342,446 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record. South Korea’s population is 51.3 million people so 1 out of every 150 were reported infected today.
Australia’s pandemic record for COVID cases was 150,702 on January 13, 2022. Australia’s population is 26 million people so 1 out of every 172 were reported infected on that day.
The pandemic is global and the new variant will soon come as we fling open our doors to the world again.
Australian is in 2020….because they locked them selves away.
Move on.
Put an end to Travel Cayman Certificates – is there any other country in the world that requires a special Certicate for it’s nationals every time they return to their own country!
It’s unconstitutional!
NO MORE MASKS!!! Especially in schools. Poor kids.
For parents of a class at school, I would just set up a WhatApp group and all agree that your kids will show up without masks. Not going to suspend the whole class.
Enough is enough.
Good example you’re teaching
Yes it is. Teaching them to stand up for their rights.
lol I knew someone would spin it like that
Start em early with the lessons of selfishness and denial of science!
Denial of science? What are you on about. Kids aren’t and never have been at risk from COVID. They are at less risk from COVID than they are from the seasonal flu, thats the science. I don’t see anyone marching around demanding we mask kids for the flu.
If your stance is they should be masking to protect others, we’re way past that. The community doesn’t mask to go to restaurants or bars etc so kids definitely should not be masked to be in schools. Putting this on kids is absurd at this stage.
Whether we like it or not, whether COVID is done or not, on March 21, there are 2,700 unmasked, untested, questionably-vaccinated cruise ship tourists disembarking here, with more booked to arrive every day after. PACT have just these last 2 weeks to unwind all of the Travel Time and COVID public health regulations before that date.
Either drop Travel Time certificate mandate entirely , or make the 2,700 cruise shippers provide them on arrival.
Unmask the kids and let me buy groceries without a diaper on my face!
Agreed. Mask are a good measure if using THE CORRECT TYPE N95, and correctly, but at this point we need to go back to some normality!
N95 oh shut up. What are you protected from, Paint stripper?
You’re a horrible human. What difference does it make to you if someone wears a mask?
The mask is worn as a courtesy to others – to protect them, from your potential asymptomatic viral droplets. It really is amazing that there are dunces that missed all the main teachables of the last 2 years. Good grief.
Yeah but it’s irrelevant at this point. Most people are vaccinated, so are protected from serious illness. Anyone not vaxxed has made their choice. Time for masks to go.
The “diaper” brigade, a tragic lot. Masks were the single most effective public health response to covid in terms of R number impact. The time has passed for masks now, at least until a more dangerous variant from the alpha or delta line appears, but calling them “diapers” shows you to be a real Fox News type.
Office of over 200. No one is wearing masks. No one is “socially distancing”. Everyone is congregating together.
Everyone is through with this already. Get rid of the remaining COVID theater at grocery stores, restaurant and gym entrances etc.
but they still can’t email your exit pcr results taken at 7am until 7pm that night.
Go live somewhere else if you don’t like mandates. Unruly muppets!
You mean with the rest of the world that has moved on?
The rest of the world HAD to move on because you idiots refused to wear masks and stay home.
Lol. Fool
Variant BA2 soon come
YOU go live elsewhere you government puppet!
But our restrictions should not be inconsistent with others. I hope you wouldnt support illogical restrictions.
Just spent two weeks off island, no masks, no social distance, eating out, shopping etc. Tested negative coming back. Remove the mask mandates, especially at school.
Who cares
Move on. Get vaxxed. Live life.
I was with you until “Get Vaxxed”. Certainly not now that the FDA trial data is released.
Does anyone believe the statistics released by the PHD anymore? The retreat to weekly then even longer periods between detailed numbers, and the obvious issue with non reporting by those infected make the credibility laughable. And with it any credence attached to advice put out by either the Minister or the CMO. Final nail in the coffin for me was when the CMO was simultaneously saying we need to be vigilant against a new spike and had to maintain restrictions, whilst at the same time saying it was A OK to let thousands of cruise shippers on island with apparently any restrictions at all; certainly not a pre disembarkation test. Once you lose trust, its gone.
Everyone is so over this.
The gig is up. Unmask our children PACT!
Unmask us all!
Sick of this mask business. I miss the days when you were arrested to enter a Bank with a mask on! Now you are required to wear a mask lol.
And still greeted with some miserable faced bank employees, maybe would give a bank robber better customer service.
But pull it down in scotiabank for the camera lol.
What a load of BS
Same with CNB. Make it make sense!
In the latest study prior infection conferred 100% immunity to death and 88% immunity to severe infection with Omicron and even higher rates with previous variants.
I’d like to know what evidence the doctor is referring to but nobody asks them and they certainly won’t debate it.
Hearing about covid these days is like constantly remembering an ex you wish you could forget about. I am soooo over it, and i’ve been pro-mask/vax since the beginning.
Unmask our kids at school!
End the mask mandates !