Another patient dies as a result of COVID-19

| 11/03/2022 | 44 Comments

(CNS): UPDATED: There have now been 22 deaths in the Cayman Islands where COVID-19 was a factor after another patient died in hospital Wednesday. News of this latest death was revealed Thursday evening but there were no details about the individual’s age, pre-existing health issues, when they were admitted or their vaccination status.

Another six patients remained in hospital Friday for COVID-related causes, four of them unvaccinated, serving as a reminder that the virus still poses a threat, especially to the unvaccinated, elderly and medically vulnerable.

An additional 99 people tested positive over the previous three days the 8, 9 and 10 March, including another 14 people on Cayman Brac, Public Health reported. There are now an estimated 524 active cases of COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands and the 7-day rolling average for 11 March has fallen to just 28 cases as the overall trend continues downwards.

The public is being reminded that isolation and testing protocols remain in place for all those who are infected with COVID-19. Fully vaccinated people who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for six days, with a negative PCR test still required on day seven to exit that quarantine.

Their vaccinated primary contacts must continue to conduct daily lateral flow tests for seven days but provided they remain negative, they are not required to isolate.

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for nine days, with a negative PCR test required on day ten to exit. Their primary contacts must quarantine for ten days unless they are an unvaccinated child, who can use daily lateral flow tests for 10 days and provided their results continue to be negative they can attend school.

Anyone who has a positive LFT must still, under the law, take a confirmation PCR test at the next available designated testing site. Individuals who test positive after an isolation or quarantine exit PCR should check the isolation criteria and release form here.

With the numbers falling, the Public Health Department has revised the operating hours from today, Friday 11 March, for the positive confirmation and exit PCR testing clinics as follows:

  • Truman Bodden Sports Complex (drive thru): 8am – 10am
  • Bodden Town Civic Centre: 1pm – 2pm
  • Ed Bush Sports Complex: 1pm – 2pm

Individuals who require PCR testing for outbound travel or other optional screening may attend the PCR testing clinic at 131 Centre MacLendon Drive.  PCR tests are CI $75, paid for by the individual.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (44)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    From the UK, looking on with incredulity at the ongoing fear in Cayman. My wife and I, mid-60s, had Omicron earlier this year. The severity was like a bad cold. Now we have more robust immunity than obtained from an endless series of mRNA vaccines coded for the original Wuhan spike. The UK data, as for South Africa, shows the majority of people in hospital “with” Covid, are there for other things, and incidentally tested positive on or after admission. The masses who got boosted in December, have rapidly dwindling protection, and are now susceptible to infection. This needs to end now. The vulnerable should protect themselves, and be jabbed again if they choose. Let the rest live normal,free lives.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If you have no details about preexisting conditions, how can you definitely state they died as a result of Covid-19?

  3. Qwed says:

    The unvaccinated that die have killed themselves by stupidity.

  4. Anonymous says:

    You can tell from the number of comments that people have moved on. Only the most fearful are still banging the keyboard.

  5. Anonymous says:

    NO DETAILS about the individual’s age, pre-existing health issues, when they were admitted or their vaccination status? 👎 👎

    Well, at least, provide his/her vaccination status!

  6. John B says:

    Back in England at the moment. Tested positive, went to work as usual, went out at night, behaved as normal, broke no rules. Covid is history here. These stories seem hysterical.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s history here too. We just for some reason still have masks and spray water on your hands are supermarkets. Otherwise all regulations are gone, masks mandates ended in most work places last week. The cayman giver,ent should she followed uk but as usual we’re useless with their policy on Covid like everything else.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Yep. Death is pretty funny all right. 730 is your magic number for the UK. Up about 3% in the last week. Hospital admissions and deaths rising back up to October levels.

      Ask yourself this: Is your behaviour of treating Covid as if it is all over putting anyone at risk?

      I’m not suggesting you or anyone else do anything different, other than perhaps roll your lack of compassion up in a little ball and shove it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, testing positive and going to work and going out seems a little antisocial as well. Whether it’s breaking a rule is surely irrelevant to the fact that it is helping spread a disease that can kill the vulnerable. Removing mask mandates and restrictions in personal freedoms would have less of a personal cost for the minority if the majority showed a little empathy. Staying at home until you get a negative LFT doesn’t seem that much of a price to pay.

      • John B says:

        I have no compassion for the unvaccinated. Why should I? If they want to risk their lives and happen to be sitting next to me that is their problem not mine.

    • BS says:

      Lies, lies and damn lies you spew. Go away.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you normally go to work when you’re sick?

  7. Anonymous says:

    “As a result of COVID 19”? A result, when we don’t even know any of the other risk factors involved, co morbidities or even if they had another ailment/ There’s a reason that’s not being released, CNS, and by jumping to headlines like that you are assisting the CIG messaging without any factual basis for the assertion. All we know is that the person died with Covid 19, and the health authorities conclude that it was a contributing factor sufficient to meet their standards of reporting it as a Covid death, which includes deaths where Covid contributes but is not the primary cause of death.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am going out on a limb here- but can everyone see what is about to happen? It is as predicable as a Saturday hangover.

    Fast forward about 3 months maybe more. Then the headlines will be looking a little more dire as more and more people pass away – vaccinated folks as well. The old and sick have always succumbed for one reason or another, but now with every positive test the corona boogie-man will be heralded as the villain. And the CIG will never ease the restrictions – because “look how many died with (or from, or thought they had) COVID.

  9. Anonymous says:

    CNS, hoping you made a boo boo, or left out something. We now KNOW that unvaccinated and vaccinated folks are equally contagious, there is no reason to treat the primary contacts of vaccinated folks different from the primary contacts of unvaccinated folks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you think that’s their regulations they imposed? I didn’t realize CNS was the government here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes there is. Unvaccinated should be punished for their selfishness throughout the pandemic and have harsher rules

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        Excellent trolling. Perfectly said for optimum triggering.

        Now put on some trousers and go outside.

  10. Anonymous says:

    My 4 yr old got covid the other day..i a boosted caymanian male…she woukd sneeze..cough…right in my face..maskless…she now negative over 2 weeks..i never caught it? Dunno…maybe the pfizer vaccine protected me…i even did a pcr on.monday to confirm…nothing detected…yay! You unvaxxed…you playing russian roulette with your lives …get vaccinated!!!

  11. Tyub says:

    Unvaccinated deaths are deaths by poor lifestyle choices. We cannot shut down to protect those who refuse to protect themselves. For the vaccinated flu is now more dangerous than covid.

  12. Anonymous says:

    *Died WITH covid.
    What were the other issues that caused this death? Is Cayman the only Country still promoting covid fear?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Unmask our damn children PACT!

    • Anonymous says:

      Unmask all of us for that matter. Done with all of this nonsense now. Im fully vaxxed and boosted and I just want to get on with my life.

  14. Anonymous says:


  15. Anonymous says:

    said it before… no-one who is relatively healthy, under 70, who is vaxxed, will die from covid.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Why don’t you say it a few more times…. you know, exorcise your daemons.

      Just in case you are too young to know — nearly everyone who crosses 50 acquires at least one comorbidity. Nearly everyone who has died as a result of Covid would likely still be sucessfully managing their comorbidities; well, except those who were so young that they had none.

      • Anonymous says:

        so who in cayman under 70 has died that has been vaxxed?

        • Anonymous says:

          That is not what the post is saying, it doesn’t mention Cayman and it isn’t relevant covid has no awareness of geographical location.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeh we heard you and it is just as stupid as it ever was. It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself but don’t let facts get in the way of the false narrative you re trying to spred

      • Anonymous says:

        Ok then – rebut him with facts. How many people in Cayman under 70 without comorbidities have died from Covid? He may be unfeeling, but so far he is right.

        • Anonymous says:

          Do an FOI with Government if you want the answer. They aren’t releasing any information anymore to the public. People can be dead from Covid and we won’t hear about it until next year at the rate they are going now. Notice no press meetings so the press can’t ask anything. Late updates all of the time on Covid cases so people think everything is alright. There is no such thing as transparency. The cases they are releasing aren’t even right. Cayman Brac has had another church outbreak not to mention the schools all the time having outbreaks. Perhaps Julie can put some money on something worthwhile such as air filtration systems.

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