2000+ released from isolation under new rules
(CNS): Public Health has estimated that there are now around 4,000 people in isolation as a result of an officially recorded positive COVID-19 result after new guidelines allowing those with CT levels of 32 or above to be released from quarantine. Given that the last active case number released by the Public Health Department was over 6,000 and international websites were recording well over 7,000 cases here at the weekend, around 2,000 people appear to have been released over the last few days.
The PHD said that there are currently 5,336 active cases logged in the Public Health database but recent guidelines have allowed people with a CT level higher than 32 to release themselves based on vaccination status and time spent in isolation.
Over the past 15 days there have been around 4,000 new positive cases, and Public Health said that this figure is a good approximation for the number of people in isolation, given the issues that cause significant lags in the database.
Officials said that going forward, the number of new positives will be used as the more reliable representation and reported daily, with the caveat that the number will be lower as many individuals clear the virus in under 15 days.
According to the latest test results, between Friday and Sunday, 4-6 February, another 535 people tested positive for the coronavirus, including seven people on the Sister Islands.
The daily tally of positive cases still appears to be dropping from the recent highs of around 400 and the isolation numbers also appear to be falling, indicating a decline in the negative impact of the pandemic, and in particular its devastating effect on staffing levels throughout the business community and the public sector. As a result, there are hopes the situation will begin to improve in the coming days and weeks.
Hospital figures have not been released for over a week but there has been no indication of a surge of patients admitted due to COVID-19.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Why do public health need to estimate the number in official isolation? They know the number that officially tested positive. They know the number that have been told to isolate – which should be the same ! – and they know how many people they have released. So why do they have to estimate the number left? Understand they can’t know how many people are self testing, not reporting and isolating, but they are trying to ignore them anyway. Can no one at public health add three numbers together? I knew our education system was flawed but really.
UNITED STATES: 7,779 DEATHS PER DAY FROM ALL CAUSES vs. 742 DEATHS PER DAY FROM COVID. 350 deaths last year in Cayman with 19 total from Covid. Meanwhile everyone is still pretending they are not going to die at all except from Covid. Chances of dying from Covid is small but chances of dying is 100%. Think for yourself. Live your life or spend it preparing to die. Your choice.
People are sick of this. We have followed the rules. The majority are triple vaccinated. And we are over the bs, you think the positive rates are going down. Nope only going up, people are just sick of being trapped for over an ridiculous amount of time after testing negative and hsa aren’t getting back to people. So no reporting
Sorry but it’s the truth.
Well technically only 29% are triple vaccinated. So definitely not a majority.
I don’t know about killing us from Covid, but this certified LFT just to travel between the islands is killing the Sister islands ECONOMY and people pockets for sure! Stop all this testing for domestic travel. We need to move on!
Just make sure you get boosted after you get infected with Omicron. That’s sure going to help you maintain immunity for longer – NOT. But govs don’t give a hoot about what works anymore, as long as you’re an obedient muppet it’s all good…
“From day 14 to day 291, more than 75% of the samples were positive for NAbs (n = 87/110, 79.1%). Interestingly, 6 months post symptoms onset, the majority of the samples (N = 44/52, 84.6%) were still positive for NAbs.
This is in sharp contrast with the results we obtained 6 months post-vaccination in our cohort of healthcare workers who received the two-dose regimens of BNT162b2 [6].
In this cohort of vaccinated subjects, 43% (n = 25/58) of the participants no longer exhibit NAbs activity 180 days after the administration of the first dose of BNT162b2 [6]. This is a very interesting observation since even those who were seropositive at baseline, i.e., a documented previous infection to SARS-CoV-2, seemed to lose their neutralizing capacity (n = 7/18, 39%) [6]. (Figure 3B) The comparison between the results obtained in COVID-19 patients and those obtained in vaccinated individuals with or without previous COVID-19 infection is presented in Figure 4.”
What is going to happen when you keep your immune system “on steroids” for months? Autoimmunity is only one possible scenario. You can just suddenly die, for no apparent reasons. Protecting yourself to death?
Absolutely correct. The wheels are falling off the narrative and the consequences will be severe for those promoting this scam for personal profit.
Sorry CNS, Can’t donate via c/card..still being forced to use PayPal in the end. Now that GoFundMe discredited itself, not going to use it ever. Wish it wasn’t that complicated.
Somebody in a position of power appears to have invested in the test-kits which must be sold, until then restrictions and ridiculous testing won’t be lifted. Money first, then people.
They better be following the Canada Freedom Convoy development. Alaska Convoy for Freedom took place last weekend, France has joined today. Elite vs. ‘We the people”.
It was just a matter of time. The charade is almost over.
Go back to Canada if that’s what you support.
Hoping that the ridiculous testing regime will be removed by the summer, or we may go somewhere else for our 3 week trip. We don’t go on holiday to get up at 8 am and queue for a test which is free in the UK, yet somehow costs $25 in Cayman!
Ahh yes, Boris’ post-truth UK, where, apparently, LFTs grow on trees.
It’s free in the U.K. because you pay income tax to fund the NHS. We pay high prices for everything, due to the import taxes (charged on the cost of goods PLUS shipping). Those taxes (& others) pay the government salaries, their projects & our grossly inflated civil service.
They’ve bought these tests & have to use them some how. LFT testing will stop when kit supplies are low, but be warned, friends of government are Lining their pockets importing them & selling them
The day 2, 5, 7 CI$25 arrival LFT tests for visitors and returning residents is just a money making scam. Same as the now cancelled airport parking and no drop off was just to make money. No scientific reason for having these testing requirements and travel restrictions any more for triple jabbed people as they are no threat to hospital space. From start to finish under Alden and PACT Cayman has been an embarrassment with their covid response and rules.
The current reality is that nobody can check in for a commercial aircraft flight without a negative test of some kind. Arrival and departure ends. Our 15 mins and $75 is less time and buckshot than entry to many G7. That’s the risk of travel. In fact, travelers must attest that they accept those risks and costs before grant of a travel letter. Speaking of BS, your heroes the PPM didn’t want any travel, like that would be any better!
Oh well, my traffic-free commute to and from work was good while it lasted.
UK likely joining Denmark and Sweden. Cayman needs to follow suit, and save mitigation strategies for a time when we might need it, say going into next winter. (Masks optional indoors at grocery stores, no Day 2, 5 and 7 LFT arrival tests).
“Boris Johnson will unveil plan to scrap ALL Covid laws including self-isolation in just day”
Drop the LFT arrival, that’s laughable. It’s a money making machine at this point. $75 per arrival. Doubt that’ll get rid of it even if the virus miraculously disappeared over night.
Why would any of the countries that you have referenced have any bearing on the decisions being made in the Cayman Islands about the Cayman Islands?
Exactly, why would we listen to anything other than what we’re told to listen to?
Exactly. Why should we be following the same science? I mean….oops
The world is watching. Stay Strong Canada!
We leave from Barkers at dawn on Saturday, bring your trucks!
Are Honda Fits and CRVs allowed to join?
#freedom convoy
Demanding their freedom while denying the Ottawa living common folk’s freedom, by blocking them all in, waving Nazi flags.
# hypocites
# rightwing “pink” snowflakes
Probably ‘Proud Boy’ supporters too. Ooooohhh…Shut that door
Larry Grayson
Like you are there?
Time to end all testing and rules. The UK has ended passenger locator forms, pre deparure and arrival tets, and announced now that every single restriction/self isolation if positive etc. is to be scrapped. Time we followed suit – if you are triple jabbed and healthy, COVID is no longer a threat with the weakness of Omicron and its sub variants. There is no way the government can justify these ridiculous rules anymore.
PACT is afraid of it’s own shadow.
No, they have invested in test kits directly or indirectly.
Vampires have no shadow.
I would like to know which PACT members and cronies have financial interests in local testing and PPE companies?
Prepare to be shocked.
PLFs haven’t been ended, just modified. The testing has gone though, thankfully.
I’m vaccinated and boosted with multiple comorbidities. I’ve complied with all the mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. I support anyone who chooses to self-isolate and avoid the draconian measures of this government. Living in a free society has the price of reduced safety versus authoritarian rule.
the longer this covid nonsense goes on….the less likely people will follow medical/scientific advice for next pandemic.
Yes! Agreed. We are not in public health emergency now.
End all COVID regulations now. Save them to when we might actually need them again, say, if a new wave of a more concerning variant emerges in the fall.
Also the less likely any sensible person would even contemplate actually booking a trip to come to Cayman for a visit.
Come on cayman, scrap everything and declare victory.
Thankfully, these more reasonable exit parameters were put into effect for over a week ago. PCR turnaround was same day for us. HSA’s COVID positive recovery travel certificate has already proven useful on a subsequent G7 border crossing, avoiding a strict 3-4 day quarantine that would have otherwise been necessary for turnaround on their domestic negative PCR entry test. I’d say that’s freedom in these times. Thanks HSA.
I’m vaccinated, but I sincerely hope that anyone forced to endure extended lockup based on vaccination status files a lawsuit and receives punitive damages. There is not a single shred of scientific evidence to use as a basis to discriminate between vaccinated and unvaccinated. If anything, what we are seeing is a negative efficacy in the vaccinated cohort where infection is concerned. There needs to be serious penalties imposed on those who have implemented this unscientific and purely discriminatory policy.
So American, sue, lawsuits – millions in the world have gone through much worse – – gonna get paid from the new proposed government Bond?
Move on!
I’m astonished the Human Rights Commission have not got involved in this past 2 years…who runs it? Where is he/she? Quarantine for 2 years?!
HRC rubber stamped everything.
I have asked the same question few times in my comments in the last 2 years.
Let’s not forget companies that also forced/coerced employees and adopted draconian policies. I’m disgusted especially by one local bank that is openly discriminating against its employees by making the unjabbed take their vacation days rather than sick days for having to isolate. meanwhile, the jabbed are getting it and passing it to everyone but they get to take their sick days and full pay. The management (I won’t call it leadership) should be ashamed of themselves!
Canada has just demonstrated a better solution , the people have responded .
Can someone explain to me what all this quarantining is meant to achieve? Given the virus is now endemic in the Cayman community, what purpose does quarantine serve, beyond untold economic, social and mental harm?
Powers that be have economic interests in the mandated testing / hotel lock up etc.
Oppression of the people is an important first step when trying to exert power.
International websites were reporting the numbers HSA provided them.
Last week they were only informed of new cases, not new recovered or active cases. So they just added the new cases to the active cases.
A visitor might look at the international site and see that with 7365 active cases we are too dangerous a place to risk a visit.
Lets get this reporting in order!
No way we’ll be reporting. Two consecutive negative LFT’s and off we go. Life goes on.
To 8.33am. FOLKS right there is the reason that the virus has overtaken the community. Selfish individuals thinking only of themselves.
How is it selfish to stay home and isolate until you test LFT negative twice?
Another point, there are many not reporting lateral flow tests, because they cannot afford to isolate, or they do not want to. Everyone knows this. We really do need to move on
We really need to move on, as the UK announced today to remove quarantine and testing requirements. 7,000 in isolation last week, and FIFTEEN in hospital, and hardly any serious issues. This needs to have people manage like the flu, if you are sick, stay home (as most people do), if not, get on. Scrap the testing on arrival (2 days etc), and allow vaccinated people into the Islands. This will allow the tourism product to recover quicker. And why the hell do we still have out door gathering restrictions, let alone in door. Come on people, lets move on
Hoping it soon better much better
Are these recent guidelines that have allowed so many people to be released from quarantine based on updated scientific data? What CT levels allow for the transmission of the virus and has the science around those numbers changed in recent times?
Move on!