Exit testing drive-thru clinic at TB Sports Co

| 20/01/2022 | 21 Comments
HSA drive-thru testing

(CNS): In response to regulation changes announced today, the HSA will be holding a special exit testing drive-through clinic offering certified lateral flow tests (LFTs) at Truman Bodden Sports Complex parking lot on Friday, 21 January, from 7am to 10am. This is only for people eligible to exit quarantine.

Under the new regulations, unvaccinated children of residents and visitors may to enter the islands with their vaccinated parents without the need to quarantine.

HSA officials said that anyone opting for this service must register and pay in advance through the HSA’s new COVID testing online platform, which they said is secure and convenient. This allows people to utilize the more efficient drive-through process and for tests to be administered from the comfort of their vehicle.

It requires the use of a credit or debit card and results are emailed in approximately 1 hour. The cost is CI$25 per test.

People attending the drive-through must bring their photo ID along with the QR code that will be provided in the email as proof of payment. 

Anyone paying cash can visit the clinic at 131 MacLendon Drive location between 7:30am and 12pm, as the drive-through location is for pre-paid customers only.

The minimum age for the certified LFT exit testing is five years; children under five are not required to be tested.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is just for negative isolating parents with kids who never tested positive. You can’t pay online 25 for a quick result pcr for normal exit quarantine test.

  2. Anon says:

    Are they open for testing over the long weekend? Surely hundreds of people will be wanting their quarantine release.

  3. Anonymous says:

    So does that mean if you don’t pay the $25 that you won’t get same day results? I’m asking because several people I know are not getting their end of quarantine PCR results sent to them in a timely fashion.

  4. Anonymous says:

    So you can now exit quarantine with a LFT rather than a PCR?

    • Anonymous says:

      This is just for negative isolating parents with kids who never tested positive. You can’t pay online 25 for a quick result pcr for normal exit quarantine test.

    • Anonymous says:

      No – this is traveller quarantine (unvaccinated people) who can get out with LFT. Those of us who bothered to get vaccinated need PCR to get out of ‘isolation’ which feels more like prison.
      Our rules are crazy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Cayman’s “bespoke” process is to ignore the available solution of community LFT screening, which would reduce our community asymptomatic positives in days. PACT government seems to want OMICRON to “wash over the community”, and retain our Level 4 travel ban for as long as this wave continues, betting all-in on discredited herd immunity. They simultaneously want to been seen to be bending to special corporate interest and the Tourism Minister, offering fast lanes for vacationers, while stigmatising the honest citizens that responsibly screen themselves, and report their positive LFTs, putting them into a “criminalised” reporting lane with PCR confirmation and exit tests. Doubling down on threats of prosecution yesterday, when the RCIPS aren’t even handing out $500 tickets for super-spreading breaches at nearly every restaurant and store. >5% of our population has submitted for that lane voluntarily and honestly, with many others opting out of subjecting their household to current misfiring policy. A positive LFT should be sufficient to self-impose quarantine, emailing/calling-in to record the date for the official count, and a clear LFT for exit on all scores. Everyone should be LFTing regularly, without making a big deal out of it. The objective should be to reduce the community transmission to nearly zero with the tool we have. If we aren’t doing that, the Minister of Health can’t wag her jewelled fingers pretending they are trying to protect anyone.

  6. Anon says:

    I wonder if they know that their Recapcha isn’t working, and thus the appointment booking service online is inoperable. So typical of them to rush it and not test it.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Good news, but why no drive through PCR testing by HSA? Why are they continuing the super spreader events for everyone with a positive LFT?

    • Anonymous says:

      Nobody in their right mind would report a positive LFT

      • Anonymous says:

        I would gave disagreed with you s few weeks ago, but the more I hear of triple vaccinated not being able to get out of isolation for weeks, due to supposedly high viral loads (dead virus probably) I will not report if I get a positive LFT. I will keep quiet & work from home/stay at home until I get 2 negative LFT (the U.K. reg before they dropped all rules).

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s not true. I know people who had low levels on PCR testing and got out.

          • Anonymous says:

            After how many days? Of the 6 people I know close to me who were positive & got tested recently 2 got out after 15 days, then rule changed from 14 to 10 days & one got out after day 11. Then 2 people after 16 days (3 exit tests to get low enough viral load) & the other is on day 18 & still testing too high. When sick leave only gives you 10 days paid leave, people are now taking their vacation & it’s only January!

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