Grouper Moon spawning to be live-streamed

| 12/01/2022 | 10 Comments
Spawning Nassau groupers (file photo)

(CNS): The annual Nassau grouper spawning is expected to begin with the full moon next week and members of the public will be able to watch this incredible phenomenon as it happens, as it will be live-streamed while marine scientists conduct live educational sessions. The video will be broadcast in real time from the spawning aggregation site (SPAG) off the western tip of Little Cayman, one of the largest and last known sites in the world.

Scientists have been studying this grouper hole for more than 20 years in a collaboration between the Cayman Islands Department of Environment, the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) and other members of the regional marine science community.

The conservation project and strict fishing ban at the site has played a key role in the successful recovery of Nassau grouper populations in the Cayman Islands.

The live-stream of the spawning event will be happening between 18 and 20 January at 10:30am each day.

Watch the live stream and see past streams on the Grouper Moon YouTube channel.

Visit the REEF website for more information and education resources.

See an educator’s blog here and access lesson plans here.

Watch a PBS documentary, made ten years ago, about the project here.

Watch a 2019 updated documentary by the Guy Harvey Foundation and a workshop on the project and how the live stream component works below:

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Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (10)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    12:38. Agreed, apart from the opinion that ‘managers’ are clueless. I would assert that the top row of ‘managers’ in the enforcement department are actually negligent in administering and implementing their public duty. For too long this area of environmental conservation has been ‘managed’ and in some cases, implemented by self interest and self protection instead of for the public good. Time for an emptying of the swamp.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you to our world class civil service for this amazing opportunity to see grouper spawning. We are so fortunate to have this opportunity.

    If you don’t believe they are any marine enforcement have a look at the Court cause list.

    Poor 12:38 they are woefully ill-informed. Just down load the DOE App.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The sad truth is that all this research maybe for nought if the grouper aren’t properly protected. Yes, the very department, (DOE) who are desperately and laudably trying to inform and educate the wider public, cannot actually protect this wonderful natural event, or any critically endangered marine life or terrestrial flora and fauna because of the failure of enforcement in the Cayman Islands.
    How does anyone, especially researchers and particularly DOE management, expect an offshore event such as grouper moon to be protected by enforcement officers without appropriate and serviceable patrol vessels capable of fulfilling the task in a safe and professional manner?
    The same applies to the new Marine Park Regulations recently gazetted and now actionable on the islands. How can officers patrol the offshore zones without adequate and appropriate marine craft, and how is the public meant to understand new rules unless they are openly published and available to all who take to the water? Amongst many failings, the MPR signage hasn’t been fully replaced with the new rules and as a consequence cannot be fully enforced due to out of date information being readily available at public access sites.
    In fact the question needs to be asked of the enforcement department, ‘exactly what are you doing to protect our environment?’. Where is the ‘new’ boat that was sunk by an incompetent officer two years ago, it’s certainly not been seen by anyone I know since then, this is a public asset and it’s loss or otherwise should be accountable.
    But the list goes on. For example, why are enforcement staff allowed to run sideline businesses during work hours, at public expense? Why are there shiny new trucks, burning dirty diesel, driving in circles and actually impotent against waterborne poaching, but no new watercraft actually capable of protecting Cayman waters?
    All of these issues, and many more, are indicative of management failure from the top. It’s about time the protection of Caymans valuable natural resources was taken out of the hands of clueless ‘managers’ and handed over to professional law enforcement, such as the RCIPS or CICG and given the resources needed to ensure grouper moon is protected for generations to come.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s your opinion. The facts speak differently –

      • Anonymous says:

        You naive fool. Don’t you think boats are out poaching every night, and often during the day. Get off the Internet and check out the facts by sitting at EE and watching the grouper spawning areas.
        Oh, how about just talking to local ‘fishermen’. Whilst you’re there, lookout for the total lack of government enforcement vessels.
        The truth is that enforcement is woefully inadequate for all marine violations because of reasons given. Anyone who knows this department also knows it’s serious shortcomings.
        So quote as many reports as you like, the facts in regard to enforcement/poaching speak for themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      All of that is immaterial when JuJu is on record as saying she would like her constituents to eventually go back to the days of fishing for grouper during the spawning season.

      • Anonymous says:

        Their unborn babies are delicious to be fair.

        • Jah love these Islands says:

          Oh-oh, you gonna send them Cayman expats into a crazy diddly warpath frenzy with that comment. Watch out now! And yes, quite delicious if I may add, yummy-yum:)

      • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

        JuJu is a sad reflection of our Cayman society when it comes to the environment.

    • Guido Marsupio says:

      I hope Wayne will read your well written message and take it to heart (and to PACT cabinet for some long-overdue action). Wayne was a good steward of the environment in his last political position, and hopefully still has a backbone.

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