Changes to COVID rules under consideration

| 17/01/2022 | 147 Comments

(CNS): Government has extended the current regulations and restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic but only for one more week. Officials said the Control and Management of Covid-19 Regulations, 2022 and Control of Covid-19 (Travel) Regulations, 2022 are now under review while Cabinet contemplates moving to Phase 5 of the border reopening plan and looks at concerns surrounding the isolation and quarantine periods, especially for children.

With more than 5% of the population currently infected with the coronavirus, mostly the Omicron variant, hundreds of positive unvaccinated children are being kept out of school and locked down for two weeks at a time, causing significant problems for families.

“Work is ongoing on an updated regulatory framework,” officials said, noting that changing the rules to allow children to be considered to have the same vaccination status as their parents would at least cut the isolation period to ten days.

For travelling families, government is considering permitting the same pre-arrival and post-arrival testing regime for children aged five to eleven as adults, with no tests for kids under four. New testing and reporting procedures for travellers are also under consideration.

“We are well aware of the many and varied concerns expressed by the business sector and the community about the reopening process,” said Premier Wayne Panton. “Our goal is to address these concerns while ensuring that changes are implemented safely and that we are all prepared for any scenario that may arise. We ask the public’s patience while this work continues.”

Panton said this additional week remaining in Phase 4 would allow government time to engage all stakeholders and provide opportunities for feedback. There are no plans to allow cruise ships “at this time”, he said, but this would be under continued evaluation.

Following the decision to cancel a cruise ship visit on 28 December, the Ministry of Tourism has given no indication about if and when another ship will be allowed to call on Grand Cayman as a “test run” for the return of cruise tourism to the island.

Meanwhile, although parts of the local business community and the Cayman Islands Tourism Association continues to lobby government to reopen the borders with no quarantine requirements or mass testing, other employers and the local community have concerns about the long quarantine periods for people who are positive and the inability of Public Health to mange the current complex testing regime.

Social gathering limits remain and, except for Friday nights, bars and nightclubs are all still required to close at midnight.

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Category: Business, Health, Local News, Medical Health, Tourism, Travel

Comments (147)

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  1. Hadley Dane says:

    I own a condo in Grand Cayman and have not been able to return since I left March 2020 when they closed the airport. I have a 12 year old unvaccinated son. He just had covid and it was as if he had a mild cold. Why would I take the risk of going to get him vaccinated at this point if he has natural immunity? If they only expand unvaccinated kids to 12 – why does that make sense? Hey is a 12 year old unvaccinated kid with natural immunity going to spread a virus more than an 11 year old who only had a vaccine? Also, the idea of reopening under the current conditions is ridiculous! Who wants to take time out of their vacation that they spent thousand of dollars for to go get tested every two days? The airlines are canceling flights because no one wants to go. American Airlines canceled my spring break flight to get to the island. But under the current conditions I can’t bring my thousands of dollars I usually spend and my unvaccinated 12 year old with natural immunity. Grand Cayman – your people have it wrong!

    • Hadley Dane says:

      Oh and by the way! If at least 5% of the population have covid, you could go to the island get it from someone down there while you are on vacation and than test positive! And even if you are double vaccinated and boosted you can still get the virus. The rules make no sense!

    • Anonymous says:

      @ Hadley Dane 9:21am

      While I do understand and agree with what you have said I just want to make a slight correction to your ending where you stated: “Grand Cayman-your people have it wrong”!….that should say “Grand Cayman-your Government has it wrong”!

      The people do not make the decisions.

  2. Dan says:

    still no word on the changes to be effective 24 Jan? No thought to people trying to plan their lives or our tourism industry.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Is the Cayman Islands Government compiling and/or investigating deaths from blood clots/strokes/heart attacks/failure etc. within two weeks from a Covid vaccine to rule that these deaths were not vaccine adverse events?

    In addition, has there been an increase in heart related issues/deaths since the vaccine program was implemented in the Cayman Islands?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please change now! I have been locked up for 2 weeks. Not everyone can work from home, this is a nightmare. Stuck in my room for 2 weeks with nothing to do, this is like being in prison. Lot of people in the community with it and don’t say anything. I am being punished for following the rules.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quarantine is nothing like being in prison. Nothing at all. Thousands have done 14 day quarantines. Get over it.

  5. tom says:

    Good news! i don’t know anyone with cancer, so we can check those off the list as well. Do you know anyone who has been killed in a car crash? I would like to know that issue is solved too

  6. Anonymous says:

    So hereis the reality of the situation. A construction worker wakes up feeling ill, take a LFT and tests positive. He lives in a house with several other workers, he either stands in line at the South Sound PCR and risk losing money or goes to work. He is getting paid not by the hour but by the work he completes, so if he’s not there they will need to find someone to do his work as ALL construction jobs are on such aggressive schedules. Hence why we have so many cases. The government has no idea what is happening out there and is running a complete shit show.

    • Anonymous says:

      Same for retailers and restaurant workers because the let it rip honor policy of testing and reporting is a half measure attempt to return to normal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Same thing is happening in offices all over the island.

  7. Pastor Alfredo says:

    A colleague of mine took his family to the states for Christmas and returned on boxing Day to Cayman having jumped through the hoop of trying to locate and pass a covid test on Christmas day. When he got back to cayman, because his children were unvaccinated, they all had to quarantine for two weeks, even the triple jabbed parents. None of them had covid throughout the trip or the house arrest.

    Now the kids are back to school and my colleague is back at work. One of his kids tested positive for covid today. And tomorrow he will be coming into the office if he has a negative lateral flow test.

    So he’s been locked up for two weeks because his kids are unvaccinated. But now that one of them actually has covid, he can still go to work and the grocery store.

    Perhaps someone from the media can ask someone from the ministry of health, public health, the governors office or some other official outlet if they can explain the logic.


    Pastor Alfredo

    • Anonymous says:

      You make some really good points.

    • Sheriff says:

      Logic? Is there any logic in any of CIG’s Covid policies?

      • Anonymous says:

        When the business community wags the tail of the dog, bad things always happens, usually to the people

        • Anonymous says:

          Ironically, the business community is being smothered and choked-out despite the racks of LFTs we have on hand that could sniff out the community asymptomatic transmitters and get a handle on this in minutes and improve all our lives.

          We remain at a Level 4 AVOID TRAVEL caution rating as a consequence of foolhardy letting ‘er RIP policy. This is not good for business. Infecting your employees and letting your customers get sick/quarantine/die is also *quel surprise* not good for repeat business.

          Political pursuit of herd immunity fantasy in 2022, knowing what has been known for months, will only lead to inquests, class actions, and crimes against humanity trials in years to come. It’s a super dangerous policy choice. Bolsonaro already being accused of genocide at ICC.

          • Anonymous says:

            Imagine how many people with Covid are working in the stores, restaurants, bars, and offices and gathering in churches, or how many kids with Covid are being sent to school, and there are valid reports from Israel that the 4th dose is proving ineffective now.

            Let it rip is a poor plan.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, they are too busy worried about who is going to get cannabis ‘rights’ to monopolize locally here that’s all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why not get your kids vaccinated while off island like everyone else so you avoid quarantine on your return?

    • J|) says:

      This is the one time I’ve ever agreed with you fully, Alfredo. Cheers.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Police now blocking South Church Street to Walkers Road junction due to the chaos at South Sound Community Centre. This is how to manage a Covid testing center foot & vehicular traffic.You add on a Police road block to alleviate congestion, by adding to the congestion.

    • Anonymous says:

      Even a f***ing moron could see that South Sound Community Centre is totally inadequate for this purpose.

      From this we can deduce that PACT have a combined intellect lower than a f***ing moron.

      • Anonymous says:

        The South Sound Community Centre is just fine and adequate for this purpose. They just need to open it for 8 hours a day not just one..

        • Anonymous says:

          Why not use the Lions Centre? Much larger and easier to distance with more parking and not on a narrow residential road

          • Anonymous says:


          • Anonymous says:

            And open air to reduce the risk of transmission of different strains! If you didn’t have Omicron when you arrived at South Sound for testing, the prospects are that you have it by the time you left!

    • Anonymous says:

      In any other place, this would be alarming. Just another day here.

  9. Anonymous says:

    “Omicron exacerbates chronic illnesses such as CVD, CKD, COPD, cancer etc. In cardiology, we have seen increased heart attacks in those with COVID-19 that can present weeks later. So, let’s stop with incidental COVID-19 narrative already.

    Also, the incidental narrative ignores why we’re seeing a surge in hospitalizations. Patients with congestive heart failure, asthma attacks, acute kidney failure etc. that test positive are likely there due to omicron, which causes COVID-19 an inflammatory disease.”

    Bernard Ashby MD, MPP, FACC
    Vascular Cardiologist

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for your comment. Those of us who have listened to the science, and have continued to educate ourselves about COVID (unlike so many in these comments), appreciate you presenting the science.

  10. Anonymous says:

    We read on CNS some days ago about Cayman Brac land owners who are pretty much ignoring planning regulations and clearing land however they want without proper permissions. It seems that the Planning Department on the Brac is sadly lacking in regard to enforcing the law and the modern day pirates are pillaging the environment and raping the land at will. We have read that Cayman’s COVID-19 amended regulations published in the Cayman Islands Gazette in December, 2021 contain rules regard to social distancing that are applicable to certain establishments:
    For churches and businesses, the amended rules say that arrangements must be made so that, at any one time, each customer or congregant is able to distance himself or herself at least six feet from any other person.
    I am shocked to see more than one shop on Cayman Brac where the check stands are placed so close to the shelves and aisles that it makes social distancing totally impossible. One particular retailer has the lone check stand right at the end of an aisle such that when there are more than three people in the line you cannot shop that part of the aisle without getting almost in the faces of those in line because the people in the checkout line block the shelves. During busy times I have seen the line take up half or more the length of the aisle, which is only a bit more than 3 feet wide. To negotiate the aisle you often have to literally rub shoulders with those waiting in line. It seems that the Planning Department on the Brac is not the only one allowing the law to be broken. Is there not a DEH officer or public health officer on Cayman Brac? Police? What do they do? Just ignore all the law breakng chit? Seems so. How can we expect to mitigate the risk of Covid when we have laws but no meaningful enforcement? Before the GIG makes any more regulations, they need to enforce the ones on the books! To whom do we report violations? Have any business been charged with violations? Or do they just pick on travelers and those in quarantine? Answers needed.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I think it is very polite of COVID to restrict its activity until after the nightclubs close.
    Can anyone else please see the futility here. PLEASE!! Open your eyes!

  12. Anonymous says:

    The more the virus spreads is the more we relax the controls that are in place to limit the spread of the virus. This must be the guidance we are getting for our world class health care experts.

    • Anonymous says:

      Playing with fire. Everyone here surely knows thousands aren’t reporting positive tests or even using the LFT kits to avoid quarantine

  13. Anonymous says:

    These rules are causing long term harm to children. Being inside for several weeks and not in a classroom with their friends is harmful.

    • Anonymous says:

      We don’t need to wait for any new guidance to be LFTing our households at any interval we decide makes sense. We need to know we need to do it. We need to screen out the asymptomatic vectors that are out there fueling new infections. Until we take that minimal task seriously, this goes on forever. Ignoring the reliable tool we have in our hands is the dumbest observable so far of this saga.

      • Anonymous says:

        How about …WE DON’T NEED TO DO ANYTHING, other than simply living our lives?

        They say: Give a man enough rope and he ‘ll hang himself. 🤪😉

        Send a fool to open shutters, he will open them throughout the city.

        • Anonymous says:

          Do we apply that same care free “living our lives” criteria to the common cold, seasonal flu, mono, chickenpox, measles, cholera, herpes? No we don’t. We don’t deliberately super-spread those. At some point, when we know we’re positive, or in breakout, society understands we should probably stay home in the public/corporate good of other citizens/employees. The full retail cost of three LFTs is under $20. Wholesale cost under $3 each. This cost and 5 minute inconvenience is laughably minimal as compared to daily interruption cost of being a level 4 travel destination.

          • Anonymous says:

            The let it rip cabal is growing by the day, gaining members from both the pro and anti vax community. They are downplaying the virus as a mild cold and they do not want the people to think about the long term health effects from Covid on the human body.

            • Anonymous says:

              Vaccination status at this point is somewhat fleeting, and at best, a personal survival strategy, whereas community LFTing for asymptomatic positives is in EVERYONE’s best interest right now, as the pathway to normalcy and full productivity. Unlike the rest of the world, we have quantity, and are frozen with inaction even as we hold the necessary tool in our hand. It’s mind-blowing.

              • Anonymous says:

                The current strategy of letting it rip means every office, restaurant, bar, church, literally every workplace likely has Covid positive people working and interacting with many people daily. It’s insane.

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re asking a lot from people who can’t or simply refuse to use roundabouts correctly, park appropriately, indicate turns and lane changes, obey speed limits, or dispose of rubbish in containers

        • Anonymous says:

          “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
          Martin Luther King, Jr.

      • Anonymous says:

        We don’t need to do any of that because it’s just a bad cold now.

        • Anonymous says:

          Before 2020, would your boss allow staff to come to work hacking with a bad cold, to infect the frontline? No. He/she’d send your ass home, with the message to not come back until you’re better. Hugs and kisses and best of luck.

          It should be the same with COVID, only we also need to test those that feel 100% fine. 5% of population are in quarantine. It feels like if the COVID-resigned dummies get their way, we’ll need to hit 20% absenteeism before we start large scale political knee-jerk LFTing…or we can individually start right now, voluntarily, knowing it’s the responsible thing to do.

          • Anonymous says:

            Maybe for foreigners yeah. Caymanians get called lazy, weak…etc if we don’t show up ‘hacking’ like you described. Count yourself LUCKY mista foruiner.

            • Anonymous says:

              People don’t say that about good, hard-working people of any nationality in any country. It’s those who think it is somehow a right to call in sick to extend vacation days or seem to only be sick on Mondays, Fridays, or days before holidays – even when short staffed at work. A good employee is a good employee anywhere.

            • Anonymous says:

              Well, a lot of you do tend to be sick more often…

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s just a bad cold, right?

          “Omicron exacerbates chronic illnesses such as CVD, CKD, COPD, cancer etc. In cardiology, we have seen increased heart attacks in those with COVID-19 that can present weeks later. So, let’s stop with incidental COVID-19 narrative already.

          Also, the incidental narrative ignores why we’re seeing a surge in hospitalizations. Patients with congestive heart failure, asthma attacks, acute kidney failure etc. that test positive are likely there due to omicron, which causes COVID-19 an inflammatory disease.”

          Bernard Ashby MD, MPP, FACC
          Vascular Cardiologist

  14. Anonymous says:

    Imagine 200,000 lived in Cayman, not 50,000. 🙈

  15. Anonymous says:

    Just follow Florida. Period. This mess they got themselves into will never end.

    • Anonymous says:

      Florida is the only sane place on earth right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Indeed! I’m in FL and nobody even talks about COVID since like mid 2020.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s not that hard when they’re all dying…

        • Anonymous says:

          You must be in the MAGA sector of the state

        • Sarasota Steve says:

          I was in Florida the last week of December. Everybody was trying to get tests but none were available while one million tests were wasted and expired.

          The situation was a mess in South West Florida.

          Guess you are deep in the swamp.

        • Orlando Bob says:

          2:01, You must be sick. Today Florida passed 5 million COVID cases and 2 weeks ago they had 4 million cases.

          Guess the only ones talking about COVID are the 5 million plus who have it now.

          Of course, if you believe crazy man DeSantis there is not a problem just hope you don’t require elective surgery in a hospital this week.

        • Anonymous says:

          2:01, Obviously you have not been in a hospital in Florida for a long time.

      • Miami Dave says:

        You are obviously insane if you think that.

      • Hubert says:

        Got back from Florida yesterday. Florida’s COVID cases and hospitalizations are surging though the death rates are now dropping.

        They are a long way from getting out of the woods.

        • Anonymous says:

          Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all up, across the USA but not in the same fixed ratios as previous variants. ie cases up 100% in last 2 weeks, and deaths only up 50%. This is no decline in any category, except perhaps as a proportionate ratio from previous metrics.

      • Anonymous says:

        From Bernard Ashby MD, MPP, FACC, Vascular Cardiologist in Florida:

        Omicron exacerbates chronic illnesses such as CVD, CKD, COPD, cancer etc. In cardiology, we have seen increased heart attacks in those with COVID-19 that can present weeks later. So, let’s stop with incidental COVID-19 narrative already.

    • Anon says:

      I’m in Florida at the moment. There is no “mess” as you call it. Life is going on as normal!

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, in the post-truth, Trump/DeSantos, blinders-on, and fingers jammed in ears sense of normal.

      • Anonymous says:

        The mess is in the 🇫🇰 Cayman Islands, not Florida- that is what, I think, the post about

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m actually at a restaurant in Miami, Florida right now. There is no hysteria here. Great Cuban coffee and sanity.

      • STX says:

        Sane in Texas. No mess. Just living like normal society.

        • Anonymous says:

          MAGA states Florida and Texas. No covid, all good, Hart Guard and bleach available to everyone. If that doesn’t work for you, drink your own urine. Why worry about counting deaths, Grandma was old, she was going to die anyway. It’s just a small amount of people dying, who cares.

          Oh forgot Trump and DeSantis going head to head now about which one should run in the next election..Trump worried that his protege is upstaging him. Got my popcorn out, can’t wait to watch these two imbeciles go after each other.

          • STX says:

            We aren’t walling healthy uninfected people up in their homes. And you still have the virus surging. You may be very good at controlling people but no better at controlling a virus.

            • Miss Kathy says:

              Yes, we are walling healthy uninfected healthy people up. That is the problem with these silly mandates. My right to freedom should not be trampled upon for anyone. I can decide what is best for me as long as my decision doesn’t hurt you. If I am negative it doesn’t hurt you or anyone else.

    • Anonymous says:

      I was there for a month last year December and a month this past August.
      Was like normal ordinary everyday life except for wearing masks.
      Nobody I know there has tested positive nor have felt sick.
      All good.

  16. Disappointed says:

    “We are well aware of the many and varied concerns expressed by the business sector and the community about the reopening process,” said Premier Wayne Panton.

    I find this statement laughable. If the government is aware then they truly lack the competence to act. The multiple conflicting and nonsensical policies have exposed this government’s inability to read and react appropriately.

    This pandemic and its related policies impact every aspect of life in this country and should be the number 1 priority of the government. Their slowness is quite disappointing.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Quarantining makes no sense, although it’s safer than being out in the community!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Since the very beginning, asymptomatic positives continue to be the drivers of transmission for COVID. Today, the simple 5 minute solution is that we can cheaply screen those out of the community with LFTs. We could self-report the entire population in days and know with high confidence we were clean. Short-term use of reliable chain of custody Public LFT Passport would be the shortest and cheapest path to normal life and business operations without any restrictions, and a return to 100% productivity. In fact, deployed at scale, all restrictions could be lifted in a matter of a week or two, for all residents and tourists alike. Knowing there is no herd immunity possible, and that vaccine efficacy wanes, why would we choose to “live with COVID”, or wait? Let’s get ahead of this instead of chasing behind with hindsight-driven policy. CITA and DoT should sponsor and order the correct quantity of tests that get us there. If there are government and lobby groups that are anti-LFT, they need to have their heads examined.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares? The important part of the population is vaccinated. Let’s stop the nonsense.

      • Anonymous says:

        If blindly following fake science makes you important, then yes, I agree.

      • Anonymous says:

        Because even vaccinated healthy people can still catch COVID and die. (In relatively small numbers) And there are still basic & simple things that can be done – 6 ft distancing, sanitation, masks – to reduce transmission of OVID, reducing infections. So leaving aside who we think needs to be protected, lets just protect everyone as much as is practical. (So no lockdowns.) – In short, we should care about trying to find the best way to COVID in Cayman. Not caring is not a humane option.

      • Anonymous says:

        What exactly do you mean by “the important part of the population”?

      • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

        1:02, Darwin’s theory at work here in the Cayman Islands. Working well so far.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re correct in saying that someone needs their head examined, just not sure if you are thinking of the right person.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is going to shock you, but testing healthy people is not sustainable. Add to it the fact that LFT’s are only effective catching an infection if a person becomes symptomatic: “In some reported cases of people spreading the virus after a negative LFT, they may have been genuinely negative at the time of testing and turned infectious a few hours later. “It is always possible to test negative and then go to positive,””

      Just vaccination status alone should be enough. Tests should only be needed if a person becomes symptomatic. Can we actually start following the science instead of spreading fear? There is no reason at all for an otherwise healthy, asymptomatic person to be testing regularly.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, the LFTs are for asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic people only. Once symptomatic. people need a PCR to confirm infection. We should embrace routine testing for the medium term to get us out of this mess.

      • Anonymous says:

        Testing people that think they are healthy is how you sniff out asymptomatic positive COVID transmitters. Learn how this works please.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, time for long comments trying to convince people that what YOU SAY IS THE ONLY WAY, is over. Nobody trusts scientists, doctors, politicians, numbers, statistics, charts and graphs.

      And usually those who recommend others to examine their heads need to start with examining their own heads.

      Sorry, your comment is garbage.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah right. Nobody trusts doctors, until they start vomiting blood and then they hasten to the doctor-filled ER. Nobody trusts scientists, except every manufactured item you use involved scientists in the development, engineering or manufacturing process. Nobody trusts numbers. So why have scales, measuring tapes, thermometers etc around the house?
        Nobody trusts politicians. So why bother having elections? Just let them choose among themselves, right? Nobody trusts charts, graphs and statistics, so lets take them out of engineers’ offices and let them guess next time they design an airplane or bridge. We good now?

  19. Anonymous says:

    CITA. Congratulations. You have succeeded in closing down the rest of the economy and damaging businesses that had been able to pivot and adapt. The USA and Canada are never going to allow Covid positive persons to re-enter their countries. Us letting children in without quarantine is not going to mitigate that issue. You decided it was safe to let Covid rip through Cayman. You decided that we were ready. You were wrong on both counts. I am really not sure we should even have a tourism industry. Not if this seeming callous disregard for what is right for Cayman is to continue.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why were they wrong? They should have opened up sooner.

    • Anonymous says:

      @12:01 hopefully you do realize that it only takes one person to spread the virus. Short of isolating Cayman from the rest of the world indefinitely, Covid and all its variances would reach our shores, so please stop spouting nonsense.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps science and common sense will finally prevail and end this insanity.

  21. Anonymous says:

    It’s time to shame the people who are still hysterical about COVID.

    They are the ones who allow politicians to continue these insane, illogical rules which do nothing but harm.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Great news, finally sanity and humanity is being restored.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Rest assured that if the business and real estate community and CITA have their way, the mutating virus will spread unchecked for the profits.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Get vaccinated. If your still unvacinated. Thats your problem. I want my life back. I want to travel, see friends and family. I want tourists back, I can’t believe I said I want tourist back. Im fed up. Stop all restrictions and go on with your lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Amen….but I am okay if I never see a cruise ship again

      • Anonymous says:

        Agreed. We don’t need cruise ships. If you worked in a job as a result of those tourists, you’ve been unemployed long to find a tourism job elsewhere.

    • Boaby Broon says:

      Why ? There is no difference between, the clinical trial volunteers, and the smart people. Both can catch ,spread and die from the disease. Restrictions will all stop very soon, as the real truth emerges.

  25. Anonymous says:

    It’s time to move on. We need forward thinking.

  26. A Nonymous says:

    This is terribly reported.

    Under Phase 5 of the proposed regulations, Children who are unvaccinated would be able to enter the Cayman Islands without any quarantine restrictions provided that their parents were fully vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      But would be required to test on days 2, 5 & 10.

      Which is totally irrational and pointless. PACT seem don’t seem to understand that covid is here. Omicron is here. You are as likely (if not more likely) to catch it here as overseas, therefore arrival testing is utterly, utterly pointless, futile, stupid and expensive.

      You might as well issue every visitor with a slice of 2 week old snapper on arrival – it would be just as effective in addressing covid related risk and would be a whole lot cheaper.

      But no. For PACT, 2+2=asjdfhlaoehrp9**#er89t6qt3.

      They are dumb as rocks. Dumb. As. Rocks. Half of them cannot even read. Sure know how to find the trough though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sound plan. Children can’t possibly spread Covid.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tell that to my son who got it from his baby. Children are a bigger danger to adults who have health issues even if they are minor issues.

  27. anonymous says:

    “the inability of Public Health to manage the current complex testing regime” unfortunately is a feature of this government and not a “bug”. When creating policies, the easiest facet should have been to anticipate the demand these protocols would create. The failure to adequately manage and meet the demand even as it clearly continues, is very disappointing and adding to the burden to the community.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. Stop the madness. Open the borders

      • Anonymous says:

        And risk long term negative health effects from Covid for profits!

        “Omicron exacerbates chronic illnesses such as CVD, CKD, COPD, cancer etc. In cardiology, we have seen increased heart attacks in those with COVID-19 that can present weeks later. So, let’s stop with incidental COVID-19 narrative already.

        Also, the incidental narrative ignores why we’re seeing a surge in hospitalizations. Patients with congestive heart failure, asthma attacks, acute kidney failure etc. that test positive are likely there due to omicron, which causes COVID-19 an inflammatory disease.”

        Bernard Ashby MD, MPP, FACC
        Vascular Cardiologist

    • Anonymous says:

      Correct. They have no imagination.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I just received my credit card statement from my holiday trip to CI. I received foreign transaction fees on each of the testing. My fault. Never gave it a thought and never had a choice, but add a $10 fee on top of each already pricey test. Will never return until all those protocols are gone. The testing on island and before, the medical insurance (which was outrageous), plus the expensive airfare…..added up to the most expensive trip I have ever taken and I did not stay at the Ritz.

    • Anonymous says:

      Imagine having to live here like the rest of us! This place is ridiculously expensive. I make a very good wage here and still feel quite poor.

      • Anonymous says:

        I blame Dart. Before him, there were some reasonable places on the island to eat and drink. Everything he touches, the price increases x 3.

      • Anonymous says:

        The cost of living here is outrageous for the average person and no one is addressing it in government.

        Rent, real estate, groceries, medicine, clothing, fuel and utility pricing have been rapidly increasing with no ceiling in sight, as wages aren’t keeping pace with the inflation. Soon, dining out will become a rare luxury for everyone but the wealthy financial service expats.

        Wealth inequality is an endemic issue that will only get worse without real systemic change.

        • Anonymous says:

          Give us your plan 4:41. Share with us with some meaningful detail how we can effectively address the high cost of living and curb wealth inequality.
          “Real systemic change”: all too often the catch words used by those with nary the faintest inkling of how to go about achieving this “systemic change”.

      • Anonymous says:

        WElcome to my world anonymous @11:30! That is how we live! Wish I had taken advantage of my EU passport and left with my pension when I retired ten years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would you have a foreign transaction fee on a test but not other charges like dinner? Suggest you dispute those fees.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are much nicer destinations in the Caribbean without the feeling of being in a construction zone

    • Anonymous says:

      Imagine being stupid enough to holiday in the Cayman Islands. Living here is fine, take as much out of the place as you can, send it home, contribute nothing but walking the dogs hoping for PR because you can’t make it back in Canada or the UK, South Africans hoping for a way into the UK, Jamrocks and Pinoys hoping for a way to avoid going home and everyone judging and hating each other.

      Then combine it with underdelivered and overpromised and it’s like Wonderland. Except it’s not.

      Go to Miami, save yourself the disappointment.

      • Anonymous says:

        Within a decade, this island will become so gentrified that it will only be haven for the wealthy and a hell for the service class. There will be no middle class.

        And, if you don’t believe that, take a drive around the island and note what sort of buildings are under construction.

      • Anonymous says:

        This used to be wonderful place with clear views of the seas, great natural beaches for everyone, and kind people.

        It’s still being sold this way, but those days are long gone. It’s just a high end real estate island now.

  29. Anonymous says:

    It is time to free ourselves.

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