COVID-19 hospital numbers climb to 17

| 18/12/2021 | 64 Comments

(CNS): The number of patients in hospital with COVID-19 has increased from 14 at the beginning of the week to 17, as of midnight on 16 December, even as the number of positive cases is currently stable. There were by that time four confirmed cases of the Omicron variant and another seven suspected cases, according to government officials.

Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton reported that 760 PCR tests were carried out yesterday with 4.6% of the results coming up positive. Of the 35 new cases, three were in travellers and 32 people in the community, including one in the Sister islands.

The number of active cases of COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands is now 3,428, and the total number of cases recorded since the start of the pandemic is now 8,097. This figure includes the total positive lateral flow tests since the introduction of the LFT programme in the Cayman Islands, which is 2,120. 

However, the Public Health Department has once again stopped reporting the number of people currently in quarantine and isolation, despite the implications for the economy due to people unable to go to work.

On Thursday, 16 December, 58,591 people (82% of the estimated population of 71,106) had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 56,891 (80%) had completed the two-dose course. Another 15,126 people (21%) had received a booster shot.

Public Health has confirmed that it has amended the epidemiological day, so that figures are reported from midnight to midnight. This allows them to present findings for complete days, which will be reported on the evening of the following day.

CIG COVID-19 information and resources

Other help and hotlines

Report positive lateral flow test results

See current vaccine and testing schedule

An Isolation Support Line is available to help by delivering groceries or other essential supplies for people required to isolate suddenly, and who do not have other resources and support.

For Isolation Support call 946-3530 or 1-800-534-3530 or email

Operational hours 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am-1pm on Saturday.

For mental health support, the Mental Health Helpline can be reached on
1-800-534-6463(MIND) from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

If you have flu symptoms contact the 24-hour Flu Hotline at 1-800-534-8600 or 947-3077
or email

If you are having difficulty breathing, call 911

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (64)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No, they didn’t start the wars. Learn your history. They aren’t talking about Afghanistan. They’re talking WWII.

  2. Bendy says:

    How many of these 17 are in hospital for covid and how many are in hospital and happen to have covid? In the UK data a huge chunk of “hospitalisations” are in the latter category.

    • Anonymous says:

      It has already been admitted by the CMO that most of those admitted to hospital here have no real business being there at all.

  3. Anonymous says:

    cayman came through one of the highest rates of delta community transmission in the world with little pressure on our health service?
    and now we are panicing about omicron(aka a mild cold)???
    cayman has 10 times the amount of hosp beds compared to most other developed countires???…plus we have one of the highest vax rates in the world….
    where is the prespective from government?

  4. ppm Distress Signal says:

    Totally unnecessary Cayman all our Government whom we elected had to do was keep quarantine rules in place and we wouldn’t be in this mess. The have failed us Cayman no if and buts about that. If appears now the unimaginable is happening where those who are making all these terrible decisions are directly benefiting from this crisis created from this Covid 19 situation here in Cayman.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m done with this bullshit, everyday is covid covid covid. Everyone’s life is now wasted with this nonsense, wearing masks and keeping 6 foot away from someone. Who TF is dropping down dead from covid? Cancer has killed millions more people and no one gives a toss, and god knows what drugs your governments are injecting into you, and your children. Like a drug company wants you to be healthy and buy nothing from them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quote “Cancer has killed millions more people and no one gives a toss”

      I know, I never heard of Cancer research, the fight against Cancer, Movember, Breast Cancer awareness, smear tests, mamograms

      None gives a toss about cancer, lol

      More people have died from Covid than cancer in 2021, there is a whole world outside of Cayman.

      And you do know that COVID takes 3-4 weeks from positive test to serious illness. Omicron has been confirmed here less that 1 week ago.

      How many patients are diagnosed with cancer then die with in 3 days of the diagnosis? to you that must mean Cancer is harmless.

      So who is dropping dead from COVID? both of my parents and my uncle are dead from it and an aunt in the ICU and a sister housebound for the last 20 months with Long COVID.

      Just because you’ve been lucky enough to avoid losing loved ones so far, doesn’t mean others have.

      But everything should be seen from your perspective and how uncomfortable it is to wear a mask, that must be so difficult for you, having to wear a mask.

      Poor old you, sniff, sniff, such a sacrifice to protect the generation that actually fought in wars for your freedom. To have to wear mask in the store is way to much to ask.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Omicron is airborne and it only takes a small number of viral particles to infect a person whether they are double vaccinated or not. When is government going to do something about putting proper Hepafilters in the air con system in public building and require that businesses that can accommodate more than 10 clients at a time do the same?

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      HEPA filter devices will indeed filter beyond the virus level, however it’s not nearly as easy as your post infers; it’s not merely installing a HEPA filter in existing A/C systems. It is much more complex than that. To properly utilise an HEPA filter, it must include a negative air machine, which either draws air through it filtering it, or forces air, and captures the particles. It’s not something that we could buy at ALT and have people install over the weekend.

      That’s not to say that it’s not doable, but understand that you are talking about tens of millions of dollars to purchase, import and install equipment, and another tens of millions to maintain that equipment.

      The answer to your question is: Government will install HEPA filter equipment when it has cornered the 100 million or so and gained the votes to install them.

      Here is another thing: It is extraordinarily difficult to measure the cost/benefit of such an action. Viruses are spread with mostly close contact, and contact through common surfaces. There are few studies that support the filtration of public indoor air in order to mitigate viral transmission.

      I would guess that the real and measured answer to your question is “never”. Be safe.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:58, More important is when will CIG require all health care workers and civil servants be vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is another much cheaper solution than HEPA filters. If you replace your a/c filter with a piece of plywood, the virus cannot pass through the plywood and everyone is safe. Now perhaps you are thinking that makes no sense, the a/c wouldn’t be able to blow any air at all if I just replaced the paper filter with a piece of plywood. Very true. Hopefully it has now dawned upon you that replacing a paper filter with something of much higher resistance to air flow doesn’t work without other major modifications to the a/c system.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Our elected nitwits will do nothing meaningful to slow Omicron until it is way too late. Protect yourself and hope that you don’t have to use any health services in the next month or two because Omicron is going to crush our health care system the way things are going.

    • Anonymous says:

      Other than a complete lockdown, how does the Government stop the spread of Omicron? Only us using a little bit of common sense can.

      Constantly preaching to the simple things like washing hands, social distancing wearing masks and reporting if you have test positive seems to be nothing more than a joke to most people now.

      I have a family in GT Hospital right now with covid who got by going to a friends house party and not wearing a mask. People drunk, dancing up next to each other, screaming and saliva spitting everywhere. When I saw the video I was in total shock. Some people just don’t have any concern for theirs or other people’s lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccinated with the booster is your best protection. Unfortunately, the UK has yet to approve the 5 to 11 years old to be vaccinated, so they are the most vulnerable. This has become a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        No it isn’t

      • Anonymous says:

        What a load of nonsense. 5-11 year olds are the least vulnerable.

        Adults with 2 shots and a booster are more vulnerable than unvaccinated kids. There is no need to vaccinate kids under 12.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Shutting down the Rub a Dub opportunity for mass transmission of Omicron was the right move. Now lets see someone do the same thing with the floating petri dish scheduled to spread Omicron here in a few days.

    • Anonymous says:

      The right move would have been to make firm decisions early and communicate clearly. The wishy washy bad imPACT government are a disaster in most ways. Well intended perhaps but well out of their depth as well. God help us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Time to haul the cannons back to Fort George. Man the ramparts mi harties, let’s give ‘em a pirates welcome and sink ‘em over the drop off.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Everyone needs to re-think the masks they ought to be wearing. Loose fitting masks and bandanas are virtually useless against Omicron. For people interested there is a discussion here

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Fishman is somewhat wrong in that the definition of a “respirator” is a device that can be fit-tested. However, I agree that we should be wearing masks that conform to the face and provide good filtration.

      The surgical-type masks that are common are designed to protect a patient from the wearer; they are not designed to protect the person wearing it from the world. This is the reason that many places are against cloth masks, because the interstices between the fibers are actually quite large and allow passing of virus in both directions.

      I look around me and I think that many people are just going through the motions — wearing any kind of face covering, not really keeping apart from people, and ignoring the guidelines when they party. That, I believe, is your personal choices. If, imo, you want to contribute toward decreasing viral transmission, you will wear a quality mask, KN95, N95 etc.

      We will get through this. The measure of how well we do so will be dependent upon how we take care of all of us, and that we stick together without so much rancor.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Has the population number been reduced yet to be inline with the census findings? If not, we’re at better than 82% and 80% vaccinated.

    • Hubert says:

      How many of the people in hospital are unvaccinated?

      Why is this a state secret?

      Stop catering to the minority who live on this island who are unvaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        How are they being catered to?

        To be clear, I think they are making a bad choice by not getting vaccinated, but I have a hard time trying to force people to take something which doesn’t necessarily work that effectively.

        The vaccine worked magic against OG covid, still well against Delta, and apparently, barely at all against Omicron. Given that (unfortunate) reality, I don’t see how you can force people to lose their livelihoods or agency over their own bodies. Our society, for better or for worse, is based on individual freedom. You take that away at your peril. It’s a slippery slope.

        • Anonymous says:

          If you’re unvaccinated, your choice but don’t complain that government is doing nothing or panic about Covid-19/ Omicron spreading.

        • Anonymous says:

          That isn’t what the data shows at all. 80% effective against severe illness from omicron.

    • Anonymous says:

      And another 4 or 5 thousand with natural immunity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh FFS, here we go again. “Natural immunity” = people who haven’t caught it yet.

        • Anonymous says:

          11.49 – Seems Biology hurts your feelings.

        • Anonymous says:

          No they mean people who have had it and not got sick who will now have a level of natural immunity.

          • Anonymous says:

            but are still at over 20x the greater risk of reinfection of the virus that even having the vaccine without boosters
            The whole point in a pandemic is not to catch the virus.
            over 10m people dead that went for the natural immunity route, easy to forget that

        • Anonymous says:

          There are thousands that are/were asymptomatic. Maybe not natural immunity but damn near as good as.

        • Anonymous says:

          Think poster was referring to people who have already had it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Natural immunity is the way to go.

        Can we gather all the unvaccinated put them in the Lions center with an omicron infected patient.

        Lock the doors for 6 weeks, then let out any survivors, who will now have “natural Immunity”

        That is a great idea, can we start a petition?

        Natural immunity is the way to go, lol

    • Anonymous says:

      One person told me that it was 4 people stayig at a 4 complex apartnent, they only came and did census on one person there, didn’t do the census on the other 3 people living there. So it will probably be more correct to add 15 to 20 % more to the census taken

    • Anonymous says:

      Does 2% really matter?

    • Anonymous says:

      Then census findings are wrong. They intentionally do not count thousands of residents, including more than 4,000 persons on temporary work permits and their families. The ESO knows this and should be making it clear.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Do we now have to pay 25$ for a lft to enter a hospital ?
    Who has 750$ to visit a sick family member every day for a month.
    The test cost only 2$.
    I am soooo disappointed in the people I voted to care for me .
    I am disgusted.
    All about money….

    • Anonymous says:

      Do it yourself. $6 at any pharmacy.

      • Anonymous says:

        That is what the tourists should be able to do. Raking them over the coals for 25CI is really pretty steep on a test you can get anywhere for $6.

    • Anonymous says:

      You misread the requirements. You can either have an LFT done by authorized provider or you can take your own LFT to the facility and do the test there – I guess in front of the security guard. You should be grateful that CIG and HSA are taking precautions to protect the vulnerable.

  12. Anonymous says:

    For “unvaccinated” replace “selfish”…Other than those who cannot be vaccinated for age or medical reasons.
    The rights of the minority who choose not to be vaccinated, damages the rights of the majority who choose to safeguard their health.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are choosing a different journey, with Omicron coming for all of us. Let’s hope we all make it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remove the medical negligence waiver and I’ll take it.

    • Anonymous says:

      The government is taking your rights, not the unvaccinated. Presumably you are vaccinated and therefore can expect no greater protection from other vaccinated or unvaccinated people. Screw your head on straight.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully the reporting gets better.

    We will all see how this works out in a couple of weeks.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The percentage of vaccinated persons with Covid is ?

    (Why did they stop giving us the data) how strange

  15. Anonymous says:

    The percentage of unvaccinated persons will come down one way or another. Up to them which way.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      That will be true of all of us, son, vaccinated or not. I hope you can look back on this time five years hence, and feel that you were just in your actions and judgements.

      • Anonymous says:

        I sleep real good at night and will continue to do so for many more than five years.

      • Anonymous says:

        5 months or 5 years from now, another variant will pop up out of nowhere, just like Omicron. 30 days ago who even knew the word Omicron.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rolls eyes

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t understand why people have to talk like this.

      We all gonna die one day, vaccinated or unvaccinated, up to you to figure out how we gonna treat people who have different choices..

    • Anonymous says:

      You excluded the vaccinated I noted. Vaccinated are dying too, not as many, but they are not immune.

      • Anonymous says:

        people who wear seatbelts can still die in accidents, they are just a lot more likely to survive that someone not wearing a seat belt.

        does that mean we should not wear seat belts full stop, as if people can still die when wearing a seatbelt, then what’s the point?

        • Anonymous says:

          Of course it doesn’t mean that you moron, it just means what it says, no argument for or against (and no mention of seatbelts either). So once again before I get the crayons out to explain. Vaccinated people die from covid – fact. Not just the unvaccinated.

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