44 cases of Omicron waiting confirmation
(CNS): Government has said that in addition to the four confirmed cases of the Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus there are now another 44 suspected cases that are still waiting to be confirmed through genome sequencing. These probable cases have been accumulating since Thursday and are in travellers and from community spread.
However, officials have not given the details as to the numbers in the community, as Public Health goes through another phase of challenges regarding the information it is releasing. According to the virus related statistics, as of midnight Monday, there were 29 new cases, five of which were in travellers.
Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Autilia Newton did not reveal how many tests Public Health carried out over the last 24 hours, so it is not possible to say whether this lower number of positive cases reflects a genuine decrease in community transmission, especially since a significant percentage of the COVID-19 cases that have merged since the end of last week appear to be Omicron.
The number of active cases as of 12:01am Tuesday was 3,503. Just ten people are now in the hospital being treated for the virus and there were no new cases in the Sister Islands.
The figure released by officials regarding the number of people in isolation was incorrect. CNS has requested the accurate figure and we are awaiting a response.
The number of people who have had three shots of the vaccine has now reached 15,666 people, representing 22% of the total estimated population of 71,106. So far 80% of people have had two shots and 82% at least one.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
The Science has come through with some good news on Omicron -for a change
Although it is vastly more infectious than anything before, EARLY indications show it is looking less likely to make you seriously ill. Though the data is based mainly young people, so its still a little early to predict the effect on the elderly.
However it does come with a warning. This is going to hit hard and fast after Christmas and still has the potential to put many of our healthcare staff in isolation, which could put our healthcare seriously at risk. The cases on Cayman will rise relentlessly, particularly as many people are avoiding testing and about to socialise. To keep Cayman safe. Limit close contact, stay outside when meeting people, use masks,and above all get fully vaccinated as soon as you can.
Hope for the best.
Prepare for the worst.
and have a happy Christmas and a SAFER new year.
Omicron has claimed 14 lives in the UK in the past few days according to the BBC –
Also 70% less likely to end up in hospital if you catch it:
Omicron less likely to put you in the hospital, studies say
Will the Omicron wave collapse like THIS in Britain too? Covid cases in South Africa super-mutant ground zero Gauteng are rapidly falling just a month into its outbreak
Excellent news that the Omicron ship is not coming. They must have been reading CNS.
Where did you hear this? Sounds like fake news
See for yourself – Holland America has changed the itinerary and is no longer coming to Cayman!
Poor lickle Ken Ken got his knuckles wrapped and told by Big Daddie Kane he cant have his idiotic cruise idea land on these shores. Which was a very stupid idea in the first place.Best go back to CITA and find out if they can land them by Canoe and smuggle them across the North Sound !! Straight to the Ritz and Camana Bay ? Can’t keep a good man down always looking like Clown!
Yes but Turtle Farm II is a go!
Oh my goodness look at the latest news from the BBC.
All statistics show lower hospitalizations than previous variants. I say again and again FEAR drives people more than the science does. Who profits from fear? Big Pharma.
End of story.
Want a link to that news , find it yourselves.
Never forget just because you see a sign on the road that says 30 mph speed limit doesn’t actually mean it can be enforced by law. Same as many of these Covid protocols from PACT. Jus the cause they say you will be fined doesn’t hold any water in many cases.
Deep breaths everybody……and enjoy a great holiday season with your family and friends, where we won’t see anyone collapsing in the streets like we did in the early Covid video clips from China.
Humans will believe anything if it’s constantly repeated.
Where did the narrative originate for the “learn to live with it” come from? Why do so many here push it? The answer is found here.
Omicron is being felt. Cases are going up and 2 more people died today as a result of Covid.
Is anyone monitoring the cruise ship industry? ANother cruise ship outbreak reported this morning. Kudos to Curacao and Aruba for taking action and preventing the ship from calling. Will our government have the guts to do the same?
In a second coronavirus outbreak in less than a week, 55 fully vaccinated crew members and passengers on Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey of the Seas ship that set sail Saturday from Fort Lauderdale have contracted the pandemic disease, the cruise line confirmed late Wednesday. The ship was denied entry to the island nations of Curacao and Aruba. It will remain at sea until its planned return Dec. 26 to Fort Lauderdale, a Royal Caribbean spokesperson said.
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article256803847.html#storylink=cpy
Not to diminish their deaths in any way, but they died WITH Covid, not FROM Covid.
They had severe comorbidities, as detailed in an article by the Compass:
“The update notes that two people of the 11 were fully vaccinated and those two cases are described as having had “severe comorbidities”.”
The WITH and FROM user has logged on!
2 unvaxxed, already sick, people died with covid.
try harder with your nonsense
Meanwhile, back in the real world, latest data confirms Omicron is less dangerous than the Delta variant – with those infected being 40% less likely to require hospital treatment.
But hey, let’s just shut down Cayman anyway. I mean it’s only peoples’ livelihoods, eh?
The Hillsdale College and Koch Brothers follower has logged on
Why don’t you try to refufe what the poster is saying with facts instead of calling them a shill?
Why are you so certan that you’re correct and they’re wrong? Look in the mirror. Your post adds nothing to the discussion. Even if you are right. Learn to argue a point or get a new hobby. Your posts are a waste of bytes.
They are not shutting down because of Covid(Omicron, Delta, etc.) They are shutting down because of their fear of it. There is no vaccine for that. Prepare for a lot more disappointment in the private sector. Civil servants and Government officials are of course exempt.
Hopefully this medication will be available in Cayman early in 2022. With basic public health measures, vaccination, these medications and lateral flow testing we should be able to almost completely eliminate severe Covid in the vast majority of the population:
“Health regulators in the United States have cleared use of a Covid-19 pill from Pfizer, the first drug that newly-infected patients can now take at home to stay out of the hospital.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an emergency use authorisation for Pfizer’s Paxlovid for the treatment of mild-to-moderate coronavirus disease in adults and patients aged 12 or older.
Paxlovid is available by prescription only and should be initiated as soon as possible after diagnosis and within five days of symptom onset.”
Wait, if we start using these early treatments that reduce mortality down to at least the same level as a vaccine then how are we supposed to keep blaming the unvaccinated? This is highly unacceptable. You must be a Trumper and foxnews fan.
So anti-vaxxers are ok with this drug but not the vaccine?
The Pfizer antiviral efficacy surprised even the scientists at Pfizer.
It will rescue many people.
Very supply constrained though.
but this is still the very good news.
How will the anti vaxxers reconcile taking a drug but not a vaccine?
Bizarre anti vaxxers.
Wales is taking sensible steps to limit the impact of Omicron –
“Rule of six to apply in pubs, cinemas and restaurants in Wales from 26 December
A maximum of six people will be allowed to meet in pubs, cinemas and restaurants in Wales from 6am on 26 December, the first minister has announced.
Licensed premises will have to offer table service only, face masks will have to be worn and contact tracing details collected.”
give it a rest…maybe you would be happier in wales.
cayman is not wales.
Correct. Wales actually wants to stop the spread of Covid to protect its people.
if hes doing the right thing then why wait until December 26 ? why not do it right away ?
you could also move to wales !!
The socialist principality of Wales is in no way representative of the reality of Omicron.
They are imposing the most damaging of regulations on businesses and families within the U.K. at the moment with absolutely no real-world proof that Omicron will devastate the country.
London is the epicentre of this variant and isn’t falling apart.
If Omicron is here, and the smart money says it is, it’s far too late to start panicking over a much milder infection.
However, if you’re not vaccinated and boostered, good luck because it’s coming regardless of lockdowns.
Socialism is so scary in those European countries with free healthcare, social safety nets, excellent infrastructure and an excellent quality of life! The horror!!!
Once again everyone will get covid once or twice. Deal with it.
Masks, limit time at bars ect does not help.
Govt wake up
Total nonsense. These measures have been proven to work across the world. Wake up!
Sure. Infections go up, then they go down. Rinse repeat. Measures only delay the inevitable, at best.
Just like flu
The Koch brothers appreciate your support!
IDK…one would think most people would actually know they’re seated at the baseball stadium without having to catch a foul ball to the face, even with all the replays on the supertron. Chances are lower than COVID, but most folks know to pay attention, or even bring a glove if seated behind home plate. Others learn the hard way and are carried out by medical staff. Getting hit twice isn’t unlucky. That’s something else.
Have yourself a omicrony Christmas…
Noooooooooo, so the
South African’s were telling the truth all along! And why did they need a study? South Africa was living proof. South Africa haven’t locked down or cancelled anything
The New York Times reports that emergency services in the UK are facing staff shortages due to the virus. The “it’s mild” mantra is solid. What could possibly go wrong?
Firing front line workers who suffered through this virus from the beginning was a great idea.
correct… south african never had a spike in hospitisations.
True, but SA is somewhat unique… their median age is only 27, and they had just emerged from a massive Delta wave and had already gone through a geographically-specific earlier Beta variant wave, with fresh variant-antibody community advantages conferred from each.
Until we know for sure, it seems to be exceedingly dumb to deliberately encourage the mutation a fully-vaccine resistant variant Pi or Rho via cavalier disinterest in containment policy.
They also are not nearly as fat/obese as Cayman and the U.S.
This will likely be mild for most of us, but for the double un’s – Unvaxed & Underlying Conditions this could be very bad.
Both the obese and the unvaccinated should be excluded from death figures as their issues are self-harm not covid.
The fat shamer has logged on. Welcome!
I don’t get why omicron is spreading, the government closed bars and restaurants at midnight. Is there another variant that didn’t get the govt memo?
Curfew 1200AM to 500AM please for at least 2 weeks. Limit Indoor crowds to 50 and outdoors at 75. Revert to designated shopping days for same 2 week period.
lockdown yourself….i’m one of the treble vaxxxed who has doen everything i am asked so far. limit the social interactions of the unvaxxed…they are the ones who are putting our health service at risk.
Das a gooood boy. So you’ve done all that you are willing to to benefit the people you live around? Got it.
You can give yourself a curfew between 12 and 5, and you can avoid indoor crowds greater that 50 and you can designate your own letter day if you are scared to go to the grocery store.
GET VACCINATED AND BOOSTED. Stop this lock down/control nonsense.
Thumbs down from all the Home Alone burglars!
Well of course there will be staff shortages with a mandatory 10 day isolation period, (now reduced to 7 following 5-6 day negative results).
That doesn’t mean people are seriously ill or dying, no more than a bad flu year.
It’s simply because we are using the sledgehammer approach adopted last year for a deadly infection, against a much milder form.
The U.K. are now reporting that data is backing up the SA reports. This is not a danger unless you are vulnerable or stupid.
Get vaccinated and stop hiding, it’s coming anyway, learn to live with it.
The Koch Brothers agenda is being spread quite easily thanks to people like you
these numbers are a joke and backs up what many are saying:: cayman is at low risk from omicron due to huge vaccination and huge level of aquired immunity.
so when are we opening back up to normal social activities???
Good to know Cayman is totally unique and isolated from the unprecedented spread of the virus that literally every other country and large city with large numbers of vaccinated people is facing. The Wakandan force field is impressive.
it is unique. name me another 60k populated island with this level of vaccination along with this number of available hospital beds…that has also went through record breaking level of delta transmission in recent times???
will wait for your answer.
Other than a mean average of lower temperatures and different flora, Bermuda is quite comparable to our situation. Although Singapore’s population is nearly 100 times ours, their vaccine uptake (Pfizer) is very close to ours. Both opened, locked down, opened again and were struggling to hold their own even against the Delta variant.
how do they not know how many tests were carried out?
this is abysmal stuff from the new cmo…as we now know nothing of the incidence rate of infection.
we do know hospitalisations are going down….
but this obviously does not suit the ‘lock-down’ narrative…
time to march and protest….and i’m treble vaxxed.
Do keep up. Large cities and countries with large numbers of vaccinated people are facing rapid escalations of infections, but you and your ilk do not want to mention this.
And you and your ilk can’t get your heads around the fact that vaccinated and boostered individuals are only presenting mild symptoms, if any.
As for large cities. Well that’s the same old problem when you have populations that believe in racial conspiracy theories, JuJu medicine and plain ignorance.
London for example, the epicentre of the U.K. outbreak is the lowest vaccinated city in the country. Anyone whose been there knows why, yet they still aren’t going into meltdown.
Do keep up.
What is it to like and give a thumb ups about a death in Texas.
This isn’t a competition.
Wow what a sad way of thinking. Small mentality people.
No Jay, it is not a competition but people dying today of COVID who refused to get vaccinated are not going to get sympathy from most people in society.
It is the unvaccinated minority that are making my life hell because if their stupidity.
Large numbers of vaccinated persons are being infected globally. The unvaccinated aren’t your enemy
they aren’t your friend
So true 10:51. The Cayman Islands and America on a per capita basis have some of the highest obesity rates in the world.
South Africans generally are not an obese people which explains a lot.
Did a fat person sit on you when you were a child? Why do never mention the rampant alcohol abuse in CI? Bottom line: Being near a fat person won’t make you fat. Being near a COVID-positive person could give you COVID. Now go eat some kale.
Infection isn’t illness or death.
No one is making your life ‘hell’. Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?
As hospitalizations continue to fall.
No, hospitalizations in America are not falling in America with the unvaccinated with Omnicron.
You are not reading the data correctly.
You might want to double check the name of the website you are on again there brah.
Hospitalizations are way up the past week in Florida.
Because they have a fat and elderly population. Oh, and ignorant anti-vaxxers.
See above
Neither are they in the UK. It’s as if some people here think events happening outside of the country do not matter.
Pure, Plain and Simple. CIG is hiding what they know. They know where the tests are coming from, they know if they are community or travellers. They know much more that they want to reveal. So… the question is why?
Commerce, paid-off to conceal, self-interest for $$$.. Who knows. BUT, it is certain, the CIG is a corrupt agency looking out for it own self-interests vs the Populace’s interests.
We voted them in… We need to take responsibility for this travesty. We need a third party who is for the populace…
Within a week you can assume the vast majority of infections are Omicron. It is the dominant variant in the US and Europe. I’d rather have no COVID in Cayman, but better off with Omi than Del!
Rubbish. The new strain’s effects aren’t fully known yet, and news out of Germany yesterday for new mutations being discovered means we should not let out guards down now!
Refusing to disclose the total number of tests conducted is a precursor to hiding more important information.
I doubt many people who are self testing positive are reporting the positive, especially with no or little symptoms. They will just self manage if the alternative is 14 days lockdown of you and your household for two week over the holiday period, and you have no control to get out of quarantine.
why would you do anything different with a symptoms of a head cold?
Same ratio of people who continue to drive while disqualified. Most!
The US just had its first death from Omnicron despite it being 70% of the cases. The death was an unvaccinated man from Texas with underlying conditions. Many unknowns but we should also have some perspective.
There is a distinction between death “from” Omicron and death “with” Omicron.
It is counted an “Omicron” death if a person dies of natural causes and was diagnosed with COVID within 28 days of death. Everyone that is admitted to a hospital these days is tested for COVID, even if admission is to give birth.
In the UK so far, the few “Omicron” deaths were in patients that were admitted for other reasons. So far, none of these deaths were of, for example, COVID pneumonia.
If you are admitted to hospital for cancer complications, and you test positive for COVID, and subsequently pass away, it is impossible to determine whether COVID hastened death, or had no effect. By this would be counted as a COVID death as it may have contributed.
“From-With” – dat boat don’t float as it is full of crap.
Thumbs down all you like. Poster speaks the truth. Look at Dr Lees explanation of how the stats work if you don’t believe the poster – but just because you want to believe something else doesn’t make this less true.
Absolutely correct. And the lack of distinction is showing higher numbers than we should, and spreading fear.
Perspective? Surely you mean panic! I mean we have to learn to panic ooops sorry live with the disease and it’s many variants.
The UK reported the death of a vaccinated celebrity dying too, so what is your point. Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated again?
It is the unvaccinated who are going to suffer the most because of Omnicron however, many vaccinated are going to be collateral damage with cold symptoms and fatigue, but not hospitalized.
New strains of the virus discovered in Germany this week, but it’s all good, right?
Another self proclaimed CNS virologist