Wanted man escapes after threatening police

| 18/11/2021 | 28 Comments
Cayman News Service
Photo by Dennie Warren Jr

(CNS): RCIPS firearms officers conducting proactive patrols in George Town on Thursday spotted a wanted man near the Government Administration Building on Elgin Avenue, but the unidentified fugitive managed to escape the armed officers. Police said that as the officers approached him, the man brandished a knife and threatened them. Although they drew their tasers and instructed the man to drop the knife, he fled on foot before he could be detained. 

The officers reportedly chased him but lost sight of him near the passport office. No one was injured during the incident and no members of the public were placed in danger by the man, and the officers did not discharge any weapons. Police said they are still trying to locate the wanted man but are not publicly circulating his identity at this time.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    On a different note, why are felons caught in possession of a firearm released back on the street on bail? The same day they were caught? Shouldn’t a judge be involved in this decision? Shouldn’t there be real restrictions imposed and not just a release on their promise to be good?

  2. Anonymous says:

    You should have been at Matrix nightclub back in the day when 2weeks of mace training was put into action.

    Nobody had considered spraying it into the wind.

  3. Junior says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Embarassing and incompetent, etc, etc, etc. Why don’t we officially drop the RCIP misnomer and name them something more suitable…….. like The Keystone Kops!

  4. Al Catraz says:

    Why would anyone want a man like that?

  5. Anonymous says:

    So many things wrong here. No name, photo or description. Armed officers did not discharge their tasers against an armed assailant who is wanted. Could not pursue a man across the street. The Commissioner owes the Island, the Government and the Governor an explanation. But none of those things will happen. Absolutely absurd. It’s a good thing the criminals here are some combination of lazy and incompetent. Otherwise we would be in real trouble.

    • Anonymous says:

      The issue is that the vehicles and weapons used by the FRU are not up to standard. We need one of those armored assault vehicles with a water cannon and tear gas. Let’s be fair the guy had a knife.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Where is police headquarters again?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Where is the Police Chief? He hasn’t had anything to say about anything for quite a while. Meanwhile crime marches on.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Typical RCIPS.

    Please help us identifying an armed and dangerous man who threatened police with a weapon. He is a human, he has 2 legs, 2 arms and was born on earth.

    If you know anyone like this, please call the RCIPS and tell us.

  9. Anonymous says:

    So there’s a wanted man on the loose, clearly armed and violent, but the general public doesn’t need to know who he is so he can be reported and avoided. got it.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Police must of been running late, curry goat at Welly’s in much more important.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Lost sight of him near the passport office – you mean, as soon as he crossed the road? How fast were these officers running?

  12. Anonymous says:

    So they lost sight of him pretty much immediately. Nice, they really must’ve wanted to catch this one.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Uh, oh spaghettios.

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