Over 5,100 people locked down due to COVID
(CNS): As of 8am on Friday morning 5,119 people in the Cayman Islands were in isolation and quarantine as a result of the ongoing widespread community transmission of the virus. Another 170 residents and no travellers tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 over the previous 24 hours, bringing the total number of active cases of the virus to 3,675.
Although the number of people who are symptomatic is no longer being reported, officials said that there were 21 people in hospital, though no details were offered regarding their condition. There have now been a total of 5,532 cases of the coronavirus in the Cayman Islands, with more than 4,800 of those being recorded since 8 September, when the virus re-entered the community after more than year with no community spread.
As Cayman moves to lift the quarantine requirements for full verifiably vaccinated visitors and returning residents on Saturday, the country is experiencing its highest ever number of active cases and the most hospital transmissions to date.
In Cayman Brac, Faith Hospital confirmed there were just 39 active cases in the Sister Islands, after another day passed with no new cases on the Brac or Little Cayman, suggesting that the virus may now be contained there. To date, there have been 106 total cases recorded in the Sister Islands, with 67 having recovered. Out of the total number of cases in the Sister Islands, 55 were fully vaccinated, six were partially vaccinated and 45 were unvaccinated.
The booster vaccination programme continues to move apace with 12% of the population now having had a third shot of the vaccine after 12,000 more doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrived last weekend and the vaccine clinics reopened Tuesday.
81% of the estimated population has had at least one dose and 78% has completed the two-dose course, which is just 1,500 people short of the government’s original target to get 80% of the country fully vaccinated before allowing visitors to return to Cayman without having to quarantine.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Where is the outrage and the protests now? Us Caymanians love to let things happen to them and this PACT government are too scared to make the right decisions. Wayne said he would follow science, said his government is a kinder government. Yet the actions of his government never live up to the words. Look at what they are subjecting our children to and every time we meet the expectation they move the goal post because they are scared. We’ve done the sacrifice, gotten the vaccinations, wearing the masks yet they still feel the need to hold us hostage. Had months to put the field hospital back in place.
It’s beyond reasoning why grocery stores are not being seen as the super-spreader locations that they are; everything you touch is possibly contaminated, people stand right by the food talking, and these are the items taken right into your home. Remember:
1. Those who are vaccinated spread Covid as easily and quickly as the non-vaccinated, and boosters are needed since the vaccination wears off.
2. Masks do not stop the microscopic virus from entering the nosehole, and it could EASILY be on every surface (clothes, cars, chairs, food-especially in a restaurant or delivery since people are handling it… remember the mask doesn’t stop microscopic viruses?), all of this is depending on how often the item’s surface is disinfected.
On the flipside, we all know that fresh air (and lots of it), makes for a healthy person. This is still true. So masks hmm.
3. Healthy practices can help save lives:
a. Washing hands often
b. Eating healthy
c. Taking Zinc and Vit. D3 to promote the immune system.
d. Taking off your shoes as soon as you get inside your home, people hawk-n-spit all over the place.
e. Not touching things that are used by others: Cash/Coins – use Credit/Debit Cards, Door handles, Toilet handles, Gas pump handles, food items at the grocery stores…
Things that can lower your immunity – Source WebMd.com:
Lack of sleep, Anxiety, Low Vit D, Certian Medications, Lack of fruits, Marijuana, High Fat Diet, Too little time outdoors, Smoking, Alcohol, Grief, Too little exercise, No sex, Stress.
And we could all eat better, meditate and exercise more often. Also, clean surfaces before disinfecting them, otherwise you are just pushing the germs around.
Your first point: “Those who are vaccinated spread Covid as easily and quickly as the non-vaccinated” is simply false.
Vaccinated people have significantly less viral load. Think of it as having less bullets to shoot out of your mouth – physically less likely to take out more people.
Get back under your rock.
UK study finds vaccinated people easily transmit Delta variant in households
However, studies show they [vaccines] are less effective against preventing transmission of the Delta variant – and more research is needed to study effects in the long term. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-coronavirus-vaccines/fact-check-what-do-we-know-about-covid-19-vaccines-and-transmission-idUSL1N2SA1FZ
Early evidence suggests infections in fully vaccinated persons caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 may be transmissible to others https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html#:~:text=Early%20evidence%20suggests%20infections%20in,cause%20of%20continued%20spread.
False statement. Latest update from CDC “ there is no significant difference in viral shedding between vaccinated and unvaccinated”. So many other studies proved it as well but I guess it’s just easier to believe what your government tells you to push their narrative.
CNS: Yes, people who are unvaccinated who get infected and people who are vaccinated who get infected have the same viral load, BUT people who are vaccinated are less likely to get infected. See full explanation here.
Get vaccinated. It’s free and easy. The best thing that you can do for yourself and your community.
Actually, practicing social distancing, using masks properly, avoiding public places like the restaurants and bars and grocery stores as much as possible, while thinking for yourself and making your own personal health decisions is the best anyone can do now, regardless of vaccination status. The vaccine isn’t a license to abandon safety protocols.
More people have died of Covid in 2021 than in 2020. Why are we being led to believe things are back to normal?
@11:36…if we could trust people this would work..there were breaches of quarantine that caused the outbreak. The Police are incapable of putting together any cases that are not thrown out in court and many people even announce it on social media that they don’t intend to stay in quarantine and are out spreading the virus around. It’s crazy, the only how it worked before was because people actually gave a damn now they couldn’t care less if killed someone by their actions.
Very scientic and reasonable comments are coming based on other countries. But neither CMO nor Govt considering them.
This is so stupid. No healthy adults nor children are at serious risk. We are overreacting. We are destroying our economy and our children’s future for optics.
I cannot, as a middle class Caymanian, afford to bring my child home for Christmas. Two years now. I am so done with this government. They can go F@@@ themselves.
Been saying it for months. There’s no stopping it. It will run its course through the entire population of the island. The faster the better. Getting the vaccine is best. If not , you’ve made your choice. If you get sick stay home, isolate, fluids, rest, and Tylenol. No need to run to the hospital, especially by 911, because unless you are having respiratory problems there is no magic cure. Stay Home.
The faster it may kill someone, the better, right? Let’s abandon scientifically proven precautions to stop the spread of the pandemic so we can get back to ballin’ and dancin’, right? Sorry, but I and thousands of empathetic and reasonable people aren’t interested in joining your death cult
Not true, there are lots of easily applied and available cures for COVID19. But, if people chose to remain ignorant and fearful, then they are free to do so.
Hello politicians. Stop the bullshit. There is no containing this duh. This current policy is STUPID 2.0
Better to have a campaign about weight loss and general health. People who are dying are presenting with existing ailments. How about we encourage people to eat some vegetables each day. I have many family members who never eat anything but fast food. They eat nothing but carbs and cheese. No wonder they are sick.
Kids don’t get this virus seriously, so let’s focus on those that do get ill, and assist them. Instead of making everything a mess. Jeez, it is not that complicated.
Kids do get the virus. Most of schools have had been impacted by students with Covid – Where have you been living?
Can someone please explain the logic in the following:
A friend (vaccine by HSA locally and PCR tested before arrival) arrived from the UK on Friday Nov. 19 and has to quarantine for 5 days. Yet, on Saturday Nov. 20 the islands opened with no quarantine for vaxxed and tested arrivals, including Tom, Dick, Harry, Larry, Curly, Moe, Scary, Baby, Posh, Sporty, Ginger, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, etc., etc….
So…I don’t get why my friend has to stay isolated in North Side until next week. Anyone, please??
While I agree with your sentiment, a date had to be set. Your grumbling is just that; you knew the answer.
oh its so unfair. Its just stupid policy along with no quarantine in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Idiots. Should have had quarantine for another year. Better virus care and probably a weaker strain.
Science and pandemic history agrees, but selfishness and greed rule the day here
You missed out Dopey, Dumbo, Bobo and Wayne.
Your friend should have traveled on the 20th or after. That simple.
They just picked the wrong day, the regs changed on the 20th.
Damn, that virus is smart.
They could have waited a day and come when the new procedures were in place. Do you go to the store and demand yesterdays sale prices when you missed it? Or tomorrows before they are in place. No. There were rules in place and the option existed to travel under the old or the new. End of story.
Not a hard question to answer..The law is not retroactive…reopening was scheduled for November 20 not Nov 19. The people that arrived on the 18th are doing quarantine too.
It’s kind of like getting caught driving 50mph in a 25 mph zone and telling the judge you shouldn’t have to pay the fine because the law changed the next day to 50mph.
Should have flown 24 hours later…
Because the place opened on the 10th… while it is annoying.. Your friend should have looked at the date that has been advertised for months and booked a way smarter flight perhaps on or after the 20th of November
sounds like user error to me 
Seems like plenty of people were able to explain the logic, just you and your friend struggling with it.
Law is cumbersome and best attributed to long term issues.
Policy is medium term that doesn’t rely on a change in legislation, which would be good but if the law says prior to November 20, you have to follow the law.
Can anyone please help with a link to the location of the approved testing centres for incoming travellers to take lateral flow tests, I can’t find the list of facilities anywhere!
The exploregov.ky website is not properly updated. And yes, this info is not to be found there. I would suggest emailing/calling TravelCayman or HSA.
it’s there, you haven’t looked very hard
Should you have to?
I’m a simple person. I need plain and simple explanations.
it is not easy to find, give us a clue.
I just read them on another site (can’t remember the name)- not from Cayman, but they look like they are all medical facilities and not hotels which I was reading that they would be. It also does not say if we need to make an appointment. That would be nice to know.
Booking this trip has been very difficult and I am not sure worth it at all.
If I’m Police Commissioner Derek Byrne, I’m never going to say anything but I’m secretly a little pleased about this, – just think of all those crime statistics that have been swung in the RCIP’s favour. A job well done PACT even if not fully intentioned, ‘in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.”
Are you suggesting criminals are abiding by the restrictions governing Covid? Reporting, quarentining etc.
If I’m a criminal and I’m aware that approx 10% of the population might be at home who otherwise wouldn’t, it might just be the criminals who are abiding by the restrictions until their prospects look better, – yikes that’s scary, I’m thinking like a criminal.
And yet Panton and his clown ministers still say the risk is from visitors or returning residents, who must LFT at a registered healthcare provider.
Not only are they lying and misleading the public, they are denying the reality in front of their own eyes. Dumb as rocks and obstinate to boot.
I think the risk is from the community…There are too many of us that just don’t give a damn whether the spread it to their Mama, their Papa, their Auntie or anyone else.
When I see people on social media bragging about this it makes me wonder what the hell has happened to us as a people.
One lady was boasting about how she was unvaccinated and threw away the LFT’s the Government gave her for her because of cases in his class and school. The irresponsibility is frightening.
We need to forget about blaming the Government. They can only tell us what to do based on what they are informed by Public Health. If we choose not to follow those guidelines and just keep on being irresponsible then this covid will just keep re-circulating throughout the community.
So you mean socialism is a great idea?
As compared to crony capitalism that crushes the poor and enriches the wealthy while consuming and destroying the earth’s resources?
1201pm the truth maybe offensive to some but it ain’t no sin! The ministers statement demonstrates just how ignorant our officials are about this Covid 19 virus those posing a threat now are anyone coming here from countries where new variants are constantly emerging who seem to think because they took the vaccine so they are immune to Covid they should not quarantine to protect others or wear mask or do any safety measures to stop spreading it around who foolishly believe it’s a hoax are rioting and protesting in their own countries because it’s inconvenient and they have little our no regard for others lives . Who the cap fit let them wear it and finally our government who appears will listen to any hocus pocus theory put forward by them who double speak about saving the planet yet their appetite for destruction of its environment is only match by their Greed! The next couple of weeks will know doubt test their fool fool theory !
Just let people go about their business 10 days after testing positive. That’s how it would be if we were truly following U.K. protocol Dr Lee.
Whos says Dr Lee is making the decisions?
I’m here as of today to spread the virus like the uneducated predict. Yes I’m fully vaccinated and had a PCR test yesterday, but I’m here to infect the population. Don’t listen to anyone else…you have clearly done everything right so far. It is me, not the nightclubs, not the dominoes in quarantine, not the unvaccinated spreading to their children and the schools, not the anti maskers, not the people ignoring the common good in favour of some ridiculous sense of entitlement…no, it’s me – beware!!
We’ve known about you for quite a while. We have no choice but to hope karma paints us all equally.
You misunderstand the risk you pose to us. Covid is everywhere here, so if you visit you are very likely to get infected on your vacation. We aren’t worried about catching it from you. Then when you come to leave you will test positive and not be able to board your plane home. If you get very sick you will take up one of our precious and very limited hospital beds. Now multiply that situation by 20,000 tourists and our medical services will quickly be overrun and there will be no beds left if any of our residents need them. That’s why we don’t want thousands of tourists here right now.
Sad that the Reopen coalition and their bootlickers refuse to acknowledge this truth. That ridiculous celebration at the airport was as if they declared the pandemic over
this is such a pointless exercise now. Stop counting and take care of people as they need care. Stop fear mongering.
What an asinine take. Tracking the number of infected is a public health action done globally for decades.
Stop counting? That’s just stupid. If numbers scare you then stop looking. Some of us appreciate being able to monitor the stats. Also look up the definition of fear mongering. Collecting and sharing data to the public is not it. Respectfully.
Count the numbers then. Thousands of other humans died today from fully preventable deaths, sometimes just a few $ could have saved a life. That’s what we should be focused on.
Stop the exit testing. Put more resources on caring for the sick.
Stop the LFT testing. Especially with vaccinated tourists. Waste of time for people who are on island less than a week to test the 3x.
Very soon to be 10,000 then 15,000 and then 20,000.
Then what?
30,000? 40,000, 80,000 – we are doomed aye doomed
What a stupid comment – your numbers even in a worst case scenerio simply is overinflated.
Yes, suspect you said the same thing when the numbers were under 1,000
Perhaps you don’t get the irony of the post.
Hint: it relates to isolation policy, not to the numbers which are used as illustration
Another hint: 1000 to 5000 is 500% but guess what 5,000 to 10,000 would be as a percentage
@7.28 then maybe a lot of us will realize how dangerous it is and will start doing what is necessary to protect ourselves. Refusing to stay home when you know you are positive is simply wrong.
People know it is wrong, but they do not care. This is humanity in 2021. Selfish, greedy, and lacking empathy
Understanding realities and constraints is not fear, it’s something risk controllers apply as data-based causal rationale. Later politicians will point to these numbers to demonstrate they were managing human and public health risks. Deciding on an acceptable number of dead citizens and social cost of lifetime-injured is a political stats game, that will likely result in some of today’s politicians facing future tribunals. There will be a whole generation of litigators logging “crimes against humanity” and “wrongful death” class actions when the dust settles. ICC is already logging their first cases.
Sure, don’t count the 10 positive in Pines, cause why would that matter…dumbass.
On a moron would turn themselves in if they are vaccinated.
I assume you meant “only a moron”. So, if you are vaccinated, and test positive — meaning that you are now capable of spreading the virus — you wouldn’t turn yourself in? You would just go merrily about the island, spreading virus come-what-may, because, hey, YOU are safe and so screw everyone else.
You, Sir (and I know you are a man), are a contemptable human being, and I use the latter term loosely, like your morals.
People have had plenty of time to become vaccinated. If they have not that is their choice.
And that’s the problem that is already happening. People know they are positive and do not isolate and don’t declare they are positive.
19:29 pm, you are right. Heard a restuarant on the Brac one of the cooks was postive, but they never shut down for deep cleaning and testing all workers.
This is why my family has stopped dining out.
Corona is probably the least of your worries of all the things you might catch from that restaurant.
From being in a bubble for two years, to quarantining the entire territory…true genies run the Cayman Islands.
Aussie slang!
“geniuses”? “genii”? typo? Idiots in disguise?
if you ask me, yes I think that’s right, the spelling err is with ‘bubble’
‘genies’ can’t spell or count months
11:31pm. Shop the bull about the word genius, move on about important things
@2:53…Quarantining the entire territory? Exaggerate much? so did you think in the world of covid that we would never have another case here? How stupid!
This is unsustainable and is causing major disruptions and financial losses for individuals and businesses. If this is part of the plan then the plan sucks.
On a positive note, the drive to GT in the morning is better than normal.
Apparently we needed to open up and ‘learn to live with covid’ for the sake of the economy. I call BS on that. Our economy for the most part was thriving. Sure, some businesses that cater to the cattle that come in on cruise ships wouldn’t be doing well but Cayman never really wanted those sort of businesses anyway. In modern times you don’t have a job for life anymore. People need to be flexible and work where the demand is. There are plenty of jobs in Cayman for those willing to do them. Introducing covid into the islands has been a disaster that has benefited no one except those selling the overpriced tests.
Many more opportunities than jobs.
Possibly the most selfish ignorant naive comment I have read…. Thriving economy? Like Rum Point? The Wharf? Presumably you were not worried about the money the government were paying out on stipend either? You imagine that was a never ending pot of money? What about the rising prices for food and power? What about hedge fund managers teetering on leaving due to lack of confidence if staying closed? Folks who haven’t seen the family in 2 years? You must be a very simple sole with such a simplistic approach to a complex problem. Jobs are easy to come by is a quite ridiculous statement.
For all the businesses you list as having a hard time, there are equal if not more that are indeed thriving. The rising costs for food and power are felt worldwide and is not special to Cayman. People ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS threaten to leave in the best of times, so that actually means nothing!
Again a simple solution for a complex problem. Although you have identified one issue correctly that some issue are worldwide and we can’t hide from them. Hence ‘for the sake of the economy’ is a complex issue requiring a little more thought process than – lock us up! 14 day quarantine! Who cares about some people’s livelihood. I only highlighted a few of the issues that are part of a complex equation of dealing with a pandemic. You dismiss them out of hand. Your attitude of ‘well tough luck on them, others are doing well’ is asinine and fails entirely do empathise with those who rely on such businesses for their livelihood.
With this pandemic spreading, it would be prudent to mandate 14 day isolations for travelers with PCR tests 72 hours prior to flying and a PCR test upon arrival with monitored wristbands and phones, and a PCR test to be released on the 15th day. However, our greed and selfishness won’t allow such proven methods to protect the people, so we will just abandon that in lieu of the “let’s throw caution to the wind” method. Makes zero sense until you realize it’s all about money and selfishness
It’s not travellers spreading the virus, read the article!
The virus is sprucing itself. I am not joking. We think we can control it, good luck with that.
That article is based on a a guess as to what will happen. History proves the previous quarantine program worked.
52 quarantine breaches in August
No more quarantine!
No more common sense!
did it? why has there been widespread community transmission while the “previous program worked”.
@11:36…if we could trust people this would work..there were breaches of quarantine that caused the outbreak. The Police are incapable of putting together any cases that are not thrown out in court and many people even announce it on social media that they don’t intend to stay in quarantine and are out spreading the virus around. It’s crazy, the only how it worked before was because people actually gave a damn now they couldn’t care less if killed someone by their actions.
Right up to the point when it didn’t. With the index case coming out of Northside from someone with no contact with air travellers.
Community spread!!!!!!!!!
Put the blame in the right place!
Read the article, it’s not travellers spreading the virus!
The article is pure speculation. Covid was well under control here with the previous 14 day monitored quarantine and yet, we all grew restless and allowed the business and landlord community to make us forget how well that worked in pursuit of profitability.
Hear hear. We let it in- no doubt profit and greed are to blame.
And this was sustainable indefinitely? Govt could keep paying millions $ to people for ever? Dream land is where you must live.
What a sad commentary on humanity. History is filled with examples of how to control the spread of pandemics, and people like you choose to ignore it in pursuit of a return to a normal that is no longer available
It’s the vaccinated.
You do realise that a PCR test does not mean you are infectious?
In Canada, USA and many others ANYONE that has a previous positive goes not need a new PCR test for 90 to 180 days.
CDC guidelines say 10 days after a positive test or symptoms.
There are cases of people testing positive for months and months.
As for your traveler moment……IT IS LOCALS spreading the virus!
Dumbass, the virus didn’t develop here on island it was brought in by travelers.
Caymankindness right there ….dumbass… nothing to do with locals flouting quarantine/isolation rules as has been proven?
You mean the black market importation of a vegetation? Bypassing all community health protocols that the sprung to a superspreading event at a school?
Selfish much?
Why stop there? Why don’t we insist on travellers quarantining for 21 days …. PCR test everyday in quarantine then once every hour when released. Also don’t allow them in restaurants or bars or on boats. I mean the good people of Cayman are doing all they can’t to prevent spread like being entirely honest about LFT tests and not flouting isolation requirements. It’s these pesky travellers just thinking about coming here that’s caused this outbreak, not the angelic people of Cayman. Maybe people will come here on their vacation quite happy to spend it all in quarantine, maybe we can give them a beach view and say ‘here’s where you could have been’ but we are keeping it clean for the rule obeying law abiding locals ya filthy animal.