Over 4,500 people in COVID-19 isolation
(CNS): Almost 6.5% of the population was in quarantine or self-isolating as of 8am Tuesday morning. Despite indications from Public Health officials yesterday that the number was 2,785, the latest release from government stated that yesterday morning there were 4,574 people locked down because of the pandemic.
This includes the 2,185 people who are currently COVID-positive, their contacts who are unvaccinated, and travellers. The figures indicate the need to control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 and the importance of the lateral flow testing, since this allows households where people are vaccinated to continue going to work or school if they are not all infected.
According to figures released late Tuesday night, there were an additional 69 community positive cases from 1,259 PCR tests and four more positive travellers. Fourteen people are currently in hospital with symptoms of COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS‐CoV‐2. There were 82 active cases in the Sister Islands, four of which were new positive cases detected in the previous 24 hours.
As of 8am Tuesday, 57,105 people (80% of the population) had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 54,857 individuals (77%) had completed the two-dose course. So far 9% of the total population has received a booster, which is available to front-line and health workers, the clinically vulnerable and people over 40 who had their second vaccine shot at least six months ago..
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Category: Health, Medical Health
this is what we need to do follow Austria
I’m not in quarantine but our family basically quarantine ourselves and have our 5 yo out of school.
Soon take a trip to US to get 5 yo vaccinated.
But I rarely go out on the road anyways, I on the meta verse now and it’s much greener and cheaper just to stay home. I can be bothered with getting dressed our leaving my house. The world has changed!
Due to the risk of myocarditis, Britain’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) recommended against COVID-9 injections for healthy 12- to 15-year-olds.
Meanwhile, the U.S. FDA not only gave the green light to teens but also OK’d the Pfizer shot to children aged 5 to 11, despite strong objections from qualified doctors and scientists.
You are severely depressed, get help for your mental state will affect your child for life.
You might want to have a quick read of the latest study on the mortality rate for children (under 18) that’s come out of the UK. Out of 3,100 children who died last year from illness, accident etc. 25 died as a result of Covid, with only 6 who had no underlying conditions. There are 12 million children in the UK, which puts the odds of a) catching it and b) dying from it at about 1 in 480,000.
Totally pointless to lock down the vaccinated. Delta is going to run through the community, like it or not. If you are vulnerable, and/or an anti vaxer you need to be vigilant. Because you are the most likely to suffer ill effects.
It’s actually a cunning scheme to reduce traffic congestion, increase the flow of mostly asymptomatic covid and decrease the the number of road users.
Yes, the “deadly pandemic” that wiped out 5 million people out of a population of 8 billion. Do the math it is statistically irrelevant. Can we please free these people from prison and go back to some type of normalcy.
that 5 million don’t mean nothing to you until it’s someone you love that die. people have lost multiple love ones in months. you can at least try to pretend you’re a decent human being.
At least traffic is better due less vehicles on road!
A lady told me a hospital worker told her to attend the hospital to pick up a negative test slip. Come to find out, she was positive. Something isn’t right. There are serious factors that are contributing to our surge. It is almost PLANNED!
Would you people stop with the planned conspiracy? Here is the proof it is not planned. The fist clue is the use of the word “Plan”. If this was planned it would require astute decision making and proper execution. Now what are the odds? In stark contrast to your theory, I suggest it is simply utter incompetence. Over to you.
They don’t hand out slips with your results- they email them! What a joke whoever believes this rubbish story!
If they keep this up, how much of the labor force is going to be in isolation? You can not keep this up and expect it to not negatively impact the economy. I hate hearing this is all for our good and safety, even when the majority is fully vaxed. This is now simply for keeping up appearances and being able to remove responsibility if anything does happen.
What if public health doesn’t bother contacting you in quarantine, how long are we meant to wait?
What do you mean they don’t bother. They have not forgotten about you, they will get to you as soon as they can, stop spreading panic.
Why are they not staffed and ready? They said they were, and we let Covid in and/or spread based on their promise.
We cannot “control the spread” any longer. That misguided approach led to isolation, depression and financial uncertainty for the country and its people. What we need now is to continue testing and to continue to prepare for sick people. The extremely high vaccination rates for residents over 60 will mean far fewer ICU beds used or deaths suffered than other islands. We are good to go, let’s keep it up!
Is it true they are turning people away at lions centre, seeking boosters, due to lack of vaccine supply?! WTF
Why haven’t we got the flu shots yet? No announcement on when they are coming so we are risking those who need them BEFORE the borders open. People in the U.K. have been receiving their flu shots for 6 weeks. We always get them in October.
Please Mr Governor what the heck is happening??
Don’t you mean flu vaccine?
Don’t be so pedantic.
Flu shot = flu vaccine= flu jab
All one & the same. Just different terminology used interchangeably.
Funny how the irony was lost on some people. Good comment.
Just heard today that they are not doing anymore more Booster shots until the next batch of vaccines arrive either this weekend or next week – they are only doing unvaccinated people. Is this true?
Yeah, this is entirely sustainable isn’t it? Go to work, catch it, isolate, come to work, catch it, isolate.
Seriously, where are the folk steering this ship? Not a word.
Thanks PACT !
Lets see, so far on the board we have 2 deaths listed. An old Italian gentleman that had a heart attack and nice Jamaican woman who had late stage cancer. Both died with covid, not from covid. Everyone else, vaccinated and unvaccinated have gotten through it.
Multiple heart attacks
I’m sorry but could you please explain to be in your professional medical opinion, what is the difference between dying from COVID and dying with it?
How can you, some random person know for a fact that COVID played no part in exacerbating their conditions? Are you a medical professional? Did you have access to their medical history and coroner reports? I doubt it but somehow you know for a fact that COVID had absolutely nothing to do with their deaths right.
That means if a person was not tested for covid, experienced no covid symptoms and was hospitalized for other reasons, THEN tested for COVID, then died. He/She died being COVID positive, probably exhibiting no COVID symptoms.
CNS: This is made up bullshit. To be recorded as a covid death, covid must be listed on the death certificate as one of the causes. Here are the figures in the UK.
Thank you CNS!!!!
All so we can have tourists (who are not coming anyway) stay in hotels we do not own, that do not employ us, and that generate less revenue then we pay to promote the industry?
And this is just the start.
Who is “we”? Speak for yourself. I am caymanian and own a business in the tourism industry that has struggled for the last 2 years.
My family is coming down. I wish I knew your business as we would surely visit and give you some business.
No more free COVID treatment for unvaccinated people.
Why should the rest of us have to pick up the tab for the chronically stupid.
We can learn from others. Just look at Singapore and how they have dealt with the unvaccinated.
The fact of the matter, is that I got vaccinated to give myself the best protection against Covid, and to protect others. It’s my decision and mine only.
If others choose to not vaccinate, that’s entirely their choice, as long as they continue to mask and social distance.
The danger here is that the public are equating unvaccinated people, with uneducated fools who listen to social media and think that covid is a hoax, and this just isn’t the case.
There are some dickheads of course, who don’t believe in covid and believe everything social media tells them, but the majority of those who remain unvaccinated are making a choice “for them”, but remain hyper-vigilant with their social distancing and mask.
Do we call people that eat at Popeyes/KFC/BK, who drink alcohol, who don’t make conscious healthy decisions every day chronically stupid? No, of course we don’t, even though lifestyle choices are contributing to deaths far quicker than Covid is!
Yes, these are chronically stupid. Nothing to argue about that. Obesity is a disease of choice. The miniscule minority, who suffers a true metabolic disorder that leads to obesity, is the exception these days.
Stop this nonsense now. Mandatory vaccines for all CIG civil servants and health care workers. NOW NOW
No way we can open up later this month in this situation.
How much funds do you plan to allocate for Needs Assistment?
Oooooops. Ran out. Now it’s not their fault they are not vaccinated (or so they will say).
Where are the 5-11 year old vaccines? Are we really going to wait for the UK?
Now have the junior anti vax crowd at work.
You probably should, as it’s the UK taxpayer footing the bill.
Trust me there is NOT 4,500 people in isolation. I’ve seen a number of positive people out and about shopping at supermarkets, in the bank, at restaurants dining etc. Some are still at work and afraid to disclose their positive result because they can’t risk not getting paid. They come to work and infect other people. I ran in to a positive friend last week in Kirk Home Center who told me she’s positive but needed something and had to get it. There is no actual monitoring and a lot of people no longer care (especially since the vaccine)My neighbors all had it and were out and about by their own admission. Having covid is now like a badge of honor to many people and they describe it as just a flu and no big deal, hence the nonchalant attitude. There used to be some level of shame in having it and keeping it anonymous now people are proudly admitting to having it.
The HSA takes to long to assist people, and that is why many have to take matters in their own hand. The HSA need more staff! Simple!
And that, 11:49 is why there is community spread. Has absolutely nothing to do with the reopening. Has nothing to do with the government. Has nothing to do with tourists.
This can’t be right, haven’t you read it’s the infected tourists and the 5 day quarantine to blame? Not those flouting isolation/quarantine?
The selfishness and pursuit of the dollar is a global pestilence. These sheeple that think the vaccine is some sort of armor of invincibility that are positive for Covid and feel free to move about and infect their fellow people are evil and a threat to society
Thank God we don’t open till the 20th. We’d be lynching tourists as we always need to blame outsiders for our shortfalls.
Just The foreign drug dealers and the locals that meet them on the beach and the foreigners that are supposed to be enforcing our laws, including against quarantine breaches.
It would be extremely helpful if CIG followed the science on COVID positivity and simply required 10 days isolation for positive cases, longer only if the person is symptomatic and needs additional time for symptoms to resolve. It is well known that a positive person can continue to test positive for months but they are well past being contagious and there is no basis for keeping them in isolation and continually testing. Many countries allow travellers to enter with a positive test that is more than 14 days old but less than six months old precisely for this reason – the traveller cannot always produce a negative test but poses no risk. Too many are being kept in isolation here for too long, and the lack of certainty around this is discouraging some from properly isolating at all. Removing the need for exit testing would also allow Public Health, who are clearly currently overwhelmed, to use its limited time and resources on things like supporting and guiding those who are isolated instead of driving around the island putting swabs up the noses of people needlessly.
This comment – 100%! Best comment on this.
Agreed. A sensible approach. But this government?
Exactly. It might have made more sense when we didn’t have any cases but now the risk of people after ten days is far less than the risk of people not testing at all because they don’t want to end up in quarantine for a month.
less traffic
Sorry, but nobody can control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2. Many countries and territories have tried…
Rubbish. Countries with governments that follow the science rather than the whims of developers and hotel owners have successfully slowed and/or stopped the spread of Covid. Singapore is an example.
That requires putting people’s health over profit though and the cabal will not allow that.
Singapore reported over 3000 cases and 17 deaths today. They have also de idea that it is no longer realistic to keep their borders closed.
Those that decline a fully-approved and locally available vaccine, already rolled out successfully to Billions with little side effect, against a deadly pandemic of the unvaccinated, should expect to have their access and movements restricted, in a proportionate manner, in the best interest of themselves, hospital capacity, business productivity, tourism, and greater societal public health. Involving the responsible population in their infection and primary contact quarantining experiment shouldn’t be happening. Give them one day a week to go shopping without a QR code and matching ID, and let private employees decide whether they can still be paid to come to work with their healthy colleagues. PACT need to demonstrate a willingness to flatten this curve by making these tough-love calls. That is also part of “living with the virus” thesis. Mass contamination herd immunity is not a strategy, it’s complete surrender predicated on misplaced allegiance and interest group expedience. We are owed better than that.
So basically 6.5% of the population is back in a lockdown but this time with a 24 hour 7 days a week curfew. Ya this is going well.
4,500!!!!! LOL, why won’t you go into a lockdown for 6 months or so. Pure madness that achieves exactly nothing.
I haven’t figured out quite where this fits in but I have no doubt it applies somehow,
‘Sometimes you just have to play the role of a fool, to fool the fool who thinks they’re fooling you’
peace PACT
Totally unsustainable.
I have 2 perfectly healthy employees in isolation because of “supposed” positive tests. It came as a shock to both of them because they are not even sick.
Don’t give me any bullshit about asymptomatic carriers. In my opinion, this is just a made up lie to destroy people’s lives.
I am so tired of this criminal behaviour by Big Pharma telling the governments of the world what to do.
It also seems that we have no shortage of health care “professionals” who are willing to prostitute their oaths for money.
There are 600 new billionaires in the UK post COVID and millions are on the breadline.
Wake up people, the government is not here to help.
They are building a special facility in East End for people who think like you do.
At least I think unlike you who obviously cannot.
“Wake up people”
I can’t imagine the mental effort it took for you to not write “sheeple.” Your sacrifice is appreciated
Yet the daily positives are decreasing and no one has died! What an embarrassing little village! I know, even though I’m Caymanian, I will let the door hit me on the way out. Going to Florida where it’s much safer! At least I don’t see Floridians ridiculing and laughing at our politics / situation. I just have to go before they ban flights from here based on Covid statistics.
Prison island, what a mess.
This number is likely much higher, as you are required to perform a LFT for 10-days minimum. AND continue to test EVERYDAY you leave the house until the positive house-member is cleared by public health.
With the limited availability of LFT’s and the cost of them, many households are either completely in isolation or in non-compliance if they cannot source or fund LFT’s.
This is a consequence of PACT’s decision not to implement any of the measures that sane governments use to slow the spread of Covid. Anything to please their ‘open at any cost’ masters – the cabal if you want.
You need the government to tell you to wear a mask, social distance and to stay away from large gatherings? How old are you?
The steep decline in new cases on Monday (69 as opposed to the weekend average of 230) might indicate that have seen the worst of the delta wave of infection, and it is trending downward.
Keep up the protection measures and self isolation if sick so we can bring this under control.
Likely means there was a pause in processing tests. Anyway we should be finding out today’s results soon enough.
the number of people seriously ill is the only releavent number.
we have no one on a ventilator.
99% of at risk groups are fully vaccinated, so not much more we can do……except bring in social restrictions for the unvaxxed …to protect them and protect our health service.
Need to do what the rest of the world is doing and show vaccination card to enter establishments and keep the unvaxxed at home where they belong. For their safety of course.
If you look at the hospitalisation rates here.
12 Unvaxed 2 Vaxed
Assuming an approx. 90% vax rate in adults.
There are 9x as many vaxed people as unvaxed in Cayman and there are 6x fewer vaxed in hospital than unvaxed. Roughly you are 54x less likely to need hospital treatment if you are vaxed. #compelling
retain your personal choice to remain unvaxed at your peril
Or at home. Hopefully the unvaxxed don’t clog up the hospital to the point that they are turning away people with other illnesses.
PACT traffic calming plan working well.