Hospital COVID cases continue to increase

| 13/11/2021 | 143 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton revealed Friday that there were 18 people in the hospital suffering symptoms of COVID-19, four of whom needed help breathing. While the number of COVID patients in hospital had increased by three since Thursday, officials did not say if any had been released and therefore the number of new patients admitted with COVID is unknown.

The country is currently managing the more serious cases without stressing the health system, Panton said, but with another 265 positive cases recorded over the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of active cases to 2,849, the situation could deteriorate quite quickly if the pace of local transmission continues.

Speaking on For the Record on Radio Cayman on Friday, the premier said that the local hospitals would not begin to get stressed until more than 200 people were admitted with COVID-19. But he said the field hospital that Cayman established as a potential safety net last year will be re-constructed just in case.

According to Public Health, Little Cayman was once again free of SARS-CoV-2 and that the situation had stabilized on Cayman Brac.

The official report released late Friday evening said there were 79 active cases on the Brac with just two identified in the previous 24 hours. To date, there have been 97 cases of COVID-19 in the Sister Islands, with 18 having recovered. Fifty people were fully vaccinated, eight were partially vaccinated and 39 were unvaccinated.

Late Friday evening Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported that in total across all three islands 1,708 PCR tests had been carried out between 8am Thursday and Friday morning. Of the 265 positive results, just one was in a traveller and the rest were in the community. The total number of cases recorded since the start of the pandemic is now 4,203. Almost 3,500 of them were recorded in the last just two months.

However, the number of people in isolation has started to fall from a high yesterday of 4,854 to 3,940, which may reflect the increase in exit testing efficiency with the pilot programme and more people getting access to lateral flow tests. The Public Health Department said 1,045 cases of the virus have been detected through home testing since the programme started in September.

With a long weekend ahead for the Remembrance holiday, officials urged everyone to be safe and to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission by limiting social interactions and attendance at large gatherings.

Health Minister Sabrina Turner appealed to the public to behave responsibly regarding COVID-19 safety measures. “With this welcome long weekend, please consider not having or going to large gatherings,” she said. “I know we are social beings and need human interaction. We like to let off steam with our friends and loved ones, but we can still do all of these things and be smart about it as well.

“So, socialize with small groups, avoid large indoor gatherings, spend time outside. And if the weather is bad, as it looks like it may be, then perhaps enjoy a rainy weekend at home with your family and cook one heck of a good old pot of rundown and reconnect with the family members in your immediate household.”

The minister also reminded everyone to report any positive results from self-administered lateral flow tests.

“Now I know some persons are of the view that if they test positive on the lateral flow test and they do not feel sick, they will not report it to Public Health. But let me say it is an offence to not report a positive because you are a public health risk once you are positive. So, let’s all be responsible in our actions,” she said.

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Comments (143)

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  1. Fully Vaccinated Caymanian says:

    Absolutely right MackB now we see the lockdown skeptic Pm Boris Johnson now suggesting the possibility in the UK and we here in LALa land want to lift all restrictions come the 20th for those coming off the same flights from the same UK when they with no mask no nothing should be quarantining . Those blaming all sorts of things from drug canoes to people playing dominoes when we know exactly who are clearly not complying with Covid 19 rules in this place . It’s prettty obvious who exactly is spreading this but our leadership do not have the guts to call them out for it .The unusual amount of deaths here now of Caymanians is both distressing and alarming and has largely been ignored and explained away by our donkey like Leadership.Its time to show leadership Mr Panton tell those coming from Areas with huge Out breaks they need to Quarantine not lift restrictions. How many more Caymanians will have die so some can regain their conveniences and social life . We Ain’t living with Covid 19 Cayman we are dying from it just because some who arrived here have little or no regard for Cayman . Those coming off the British Airways flights need to Quarantine for at least 7-10 days Now !!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Health minister now a weather forecaster it seems. She better keep the day job then, was a perfectly sunny breezy long weekend with not a dot of rain.

  3. MackB says:

    While many countries around the world are implementing fresh lockdowns and restrictions the leadership in the Cayman Islands is pretending that they are clueless and unable to make sound decisions.

  4. Robert Mugabe IV says:

    Guido at 4.38 pm.
    So based on Darwin’s natural selection, wouldn’t the unvaccinated who survive having Covid and gained antibodies through natural means be on top of your Darwinian pedestal? Looking down on the majority who made a different choice.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why be selective and pound your stake in at COVid for your natural selection 1:58. You do realise if left to its devices in its a purest realm throughout the ages there’s a pretty good chance you wouldn’t be here or more recently maybe even closest members of your family. Natural selection in its purest form would eradicate medicine altogether for cancer, broken limbs, all kind of infections, diseases etc. – you let me know where you want to draw the line and we’ll go from there.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, because all respected studies show Pfizer vaccines are much better than natural Immunity in preventing you catching Covid, dying from it, and obviously from suffering long Covid. Next question?

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s the Christmas panto!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    The people need to unite to end this show.

  7. Anonymous says:

    We decided to do the ‘right thing’ and report our positive lateral flow tests.
    FOUR weeks later we have been released (and we were vaccinated). We will not be making that mistake again.
    There are plenty of people out there testing positive and not reporting it because of the draconian lock up measures that make no sense

    • Anonymous says:

      If you want to join the competition for who can get the most likes for disinformation, please be more reasonable with your numbers. FOUR weeks is way to long for recovery, and you failed to tell us about government not delivering a bag of food for your dog.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why you got tested?

    • Anonymous says:

      You had any symptoms?

    • Anonymous says:

      You do realize it’s less than four weeks since the first lateral flow tests were approved for use in the Cayman Islands?

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly .. science proves after 10 days you are not contagious even if still showing a positive test .. keeping people locked up until they have a negative test is ludicrous and wrong !

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes! Other than our stupid policies, there is NO reason to even test again after a positive result. Quarantine for 10 days and move on.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Half those people supposedly in isolation are wandering the streets, in the gyms (mask less) and spreading everywhere…. Total stupidly and selfishness….
    Ashamed to be Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      This isn’t just Caymanians. The supposed educated elite are just as guilty. Be ashamed to be human right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s amazing how casually you separated Caymanians from the “educated elite.” There’s no way a person could be both, am I right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup… can’t blame the government. They did a study of 5000 people in the Uk in October and found that the reson the Uk did so well after removing all restrictions on July 19, is because people generally even though the country fully opened up, months later the vast majority of people still took it upon themselves to social distance, west a mask, so the regular hand washing, avoid too many contacts etc. it is on the public to ensure the pandemic in cayman has as fewer cases as possible. Almost 2 years into a global pandemic we should not need a government to impose restrictions, especially when 80 per cent are vaccinated. The idiots ruin things for the sensible.

      • Anonymous says:

        We should get rid of the mask and social distance.

        • Anonymous says:

          You’re an idiot.

          Unfortunately, there ae other idiots out there who just might be influenced by your gobble-de-gook and they may end up dying because of your ill-informed, uneducated, spewing of stupidity.

      • Anonymous says:

        They did NOT “do so well”! The UK, while enjoying a high vaccine density, has the one of the highest infection and death rate since this began.

    • Anonymous says:

      and some people on here lost rubbish blaming a cabal and tourists that haven’t even come yet. Vaccinated negative PCR tourists who will likely be sensible pose no threat when the border opens. The cause is the people of cayman being stupid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Some people can’t find or can’t afford the LFTs so they are just going out anyway even though they have positives in their households because they tested negative on one PCR test or don’t have symptoms.

    • UCS - Unvax Covid Survivor :) says:

      It’s good that the virus is being spread. Enough fear mongering.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Complete shambles. National embarrassment.
    All the blind PACT supporters and everyone else needs to wake up to what is total mismanagement by Govt.
    From best to worst in two months.
    Keep your heads in the sand if u like but it doesn’t change the deplorable mess we are in.

  10. Annoyed says:

    Why isn’t Government bringing in the 500k LFTs ordered from Blue Water for flipping $2.55 each. I have no love for the Merrens, trust me. But this would be hugely beneficial to the country to have a large supply of low cost tests! Instead I have to pay 4 to 7 times as much? This is disturbing. Think the real issue is who benefits. And my guess is someone’s cousins, or side business.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes but the same Bluewater Medical was advertising the very same LFTs for $15.00 KYD each. Local businesses put orders in for them at that price. Serious price gouging so I have no sympathy. At least we now know what their mark up is.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Cases doesn’t matter, focus on hospitalization. Then Information as to why they are there, would be useful. We do not count flu cases, then why are we counting the covid cases.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Speaking of the flu. When are flu shots available?

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree! This is crazy. We always get the flu shots in October. Why the delay this year?!?

      • Anonymous says:

        And there is a big flu outbreak in Michigan. Good thing we aren’t allowing in tourists without quarantine – until Saturday!

  13. Anonymous says:

    There’s been many firsts for Cayman, there was Owen Roberts, the first to land his PBY Catalina on a partially built runway.

    Another notable, Jim Bodden. The first National Hero regarded ‘as a visionary
    who helped to politically lead Cayman into an era of progress through modernization.’

    Then there was Mary Evelyn Wood, ‘Miss Evie, as she was known, was the first woman ever elected to the Cayman Islands Legislature’

    And now we have The Cayman Islands Premier Hon Wayne Panton, JP, about to be the first world leader to open a countries border at the height of their pandemic, – I’m all for bucking a trend Mr Premier but, well, I guess we’ll see.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne is on the right track, we need to help each other and the country.

    • Anonymous says:

      12.00 First national hero regarded as a visionary by who? He introduced dirty American style politics to Cayman and should never have been nominated. Thanks Mac.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile, Boris to hold 5pm press conference TODAY amid fury at China and India for torpedoing COP26: Alok Sharma warns Xi and Modi that they will have to ‘justify’ scheming that forced nations to accept ‘watered down’ deal over coal use. So much for CAYMAN , a mere dot on the world map trying to do its part in saving mankind and our planet.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well if Wayne had stayed over there instead of rushing back he might have been able to stop this…

    • Anonymous says:

      China and India are a disgrace. Very topical and well made post by you. Climate change will never stop but Xi has secured a change in China which means his totalitarian dictatorship will keep hi in power until he dies.

    • UCS - Unvax Covid Survivor :) says:

      There are alot of factors that influence the weather and causes global warming, why must China and India follow western/european “selected” scientists?

      • Anonymous says:

        🙋🏼‍♀️oh! oh! oh!, please Miss, I know – is it maybe because of suppression and besides the internationally recognised IPCC which China is a member of ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow! You are not only the world’s leading expert on viruses, you are also the world’s leading expert on climate! I imagine you are also the world’s leading expert on crime, religion, politics, marine conservation, solid waste management and dominoes. And to think, we are so lucky to have you posting on CNS. You should be premier for life!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Imagine if there were therapeutics that cut hospitilizations for infected persons by 85% vaccinated or not….

  16. Anonymous says:

    though all people coming cayman from foreign had to be vaccined an tested Covid negative before board plane . Can someone up date on this , thanks.

  17. Anonymous says:

    You know that substitute teacher we had at school who was bad and the one we can’t remember their name, that’s not Sabrina Turner

    You know that substitute teacher we had at school who was infamously bad and we still can recall their name years later and now feel guilty for how we behaved, that’s Hon Sabrina Turner MP

  18. Anonymous says:

    How many unvaccinated?

    • Anonymous says:

      About 80 to 90 per cent. They only have themselves to blame.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or they could be children…

        • Anonymous says:

          Children are not at risk. Only 6 healthy children died from covid in the whole of the Uk, which is why now they’ve accepted closing the schools firing lockdown was unnecessary and they should have kept them open.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s great. But not the point I’m trying to make. People are making a big deal about what percentage are vaccinated and the commenter above saying they only have themselves to blame. They should report of the unvaccinated how many are children (ie not able to be vaccinated)

    • Anonymous says:

      The Brac and Little could been Covid free if the Government had made it mandatory that all people travelling there had to be vaccine AND tested negative 48 hours before travelling, HAD TO BE BOTH NOT JUST ONE OF THE TWO.

    • Anonymous says:

      How many vaccinated?

    • Anonymous says:

      Please, in the interests of truth. How many vaccinated?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are all under vaccinated and with each passing day losing more protection from the jabs.

      Good things come to those who can wait and got the last available jabs. 😀 But I don’t blame you for rushing in in January, little did we know about Pfizer long term effectiveness, for nobody knew including Pfizer. That is why the trial continues.

  19. Say it like it is. says:

    The authorities need to be more forthcoming regarding patients admitted to hospital. We are still completely in the dark as to whether any have been released, also I believe it was reported a while ago that one patient was on a ventilator. Now Mr Panton tells us four “need assistance with breathing”, I understand this to be provision of supplemental oxygen, but not involving a ventilator, so was the original patient removed from the ventilator?. I see no reason for this secrecy/vagueness when we are merely talking numbers.

  20. Bob says:

    Total death toll in this wave among the vaccinated has risen to zero.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Even in flu season we get a case here and there admitted for breathing problems.
    It is good to know although many are tested positive not severely sick. Vaccine working

    • Anonymous says:

      I can’t understand why some people can’t get/acknowledge that one key point: vaccines are working! Instead they bombard us with inane conspiracy theories! To what end FFS!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Report a positive lateral flow to the shit show HSA and risk being locked up six weeks or more because of their incompetence? Turner is havvin a laugh.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Do we have the ability to produce Hoslital quality oxygen as yet ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Oxygen is oxygen, same as rum. If you can only get 80 proof instead of 150 proof you just drink more of it. Just measure the patients oxygen level and turn the flow up or down.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not true 10:06, look it up. Would you drink your rum from a galvanised bucket if it was stored there for weeks on end

  24. Anonymous says:

    It’s all going to plan. The CDC level 4 won’t affect anything. The 2,849 are really 2,831 cases of sniffles and 18 cases of ignorance. The field hospital will be ready for more cases of ignorance. Stay over tourists coming next week and cruise shippers in March. We will be perfectly normal again in 4 months.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perfectly normal. Apart from all those people who are suffering from long covid, or from the after effects of being on a ventilator.

      • UCS - Unvax Covid Survivor :) says:

        Just like Looooong flu, Looooong covid depends upon you, buddy. Are you in for a complete recovery?

  25. Anonymous says:

    What I can’t understand is why people think it is okay now if you test positive to still go out in the public and spread it? Why are so many all of a sudden complaining about having to quarantine? Is it because we thought these days would never come and they only people that would have to quarantine would be travellers?

    Isn’t it strange how now the travellers testing positive are in the low digits and the community spread is in the thousands? One would think that we would use a little common sense and do what we are supposed to do to keep ourselves safe. Wash our hands, social distance, isolate and quarantine when we are positive. It is just mind boggling.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those “people” you are referring to in your article have a category. They are called the Vaccinated. Somehow they have elevated themselves to godlike status because they took the “jab” and the rules no longer apply to them.

  26. Anonymous says:

    We locked up Skyler, who didn’t have Covid, because she was a health risk. Now Sabrina is saying if one tests positive and doesn’t report it, it’s an offence because once positive one is a health risk. Who says that person can’t isolate privately? I’m really getting tired of our local government incompetence! Aren’t the unvaccinated, who the government protected, really the true health risk? Aren’t they the ones in hospital? Does she not know this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated? Yet we are still locking up travelers who treat negative. Sabrina has everything bass ackwards! I’m not in the least bit surprised!

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m unvaccinated I’ve gotten COVID and it felt like a regular flu was over in 3 to 4 days take DayQuil and you’re vitamins.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m glad you got better. Your immune system will remember to ward off again. Well done. 🙂 🙏🏽

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t want to be vitamins, so I got vaccinated.

        • Anonymous says:

          I saw a YouTube video that said vitamins contain nanobots that turn you into Borg-like creatures known as Sheeple. The only cure is taking high doses of a miracle drug used to cure toenail fungus. I have ordered 2,750 doses of this medicine, which I am taking to the cave where I intend to wait out the 10 days of darkness and chaos that will happen when Trump takes over as the world’s only legitimate leader. So… I have that going for me, which is nice.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hopefully you didn’t spread to someone who is now in the hospital.

        • Anonymous says:

          Someone who was vaccinated gave it to me and they had far worse symptoms than me. But hey take the vaccine that’s your choice I respect it and I hope you never get sick.

      • Anonymous says:

        9.18am – didn’t help your spelling.

      • Anonymous says:

        ..and perhaps uneducated. Learn to write English, properly.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Report a positive LFT? Sabrina lost her tiny little mind.

  28. Anonymous says:

    ‘Cook one hell of a pot of rundown’? How about just be normal and don’t interact with others and get your booster. What kind of advice is this? What is rundown?

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:54pm – you are not local or have/interact with Caymanian/locals if you don’t know what rundown is.

      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t get my point. Rundown should not be in official health advisories. It’s like Matt Hancock saying stay home and cook a good roast beef. It’s stupid.

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:54pm – it’s a local stew made with coconut milk and breadkind, and usually fish or salt beef. You should try it. It’s good.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you don’t know what rundown is, you haven’t been listening.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s a tacky production that we pay a couple 250k + a year to produce.

  29. Anonymous says:

    To the minister if health: not reporting a positive LFT is an offence ?
    How about willingly putting the health of 70,000 people at risk by reducing the quarantine time to 5 days and then blaming an occasional breach ?
    I call that a disgrace and misleading the people you work for.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Everyone in hospital in trouble or in ICU is unvaccinated from what I hear. That is their fault if unvaccinated. Not the governments fault.

  31. MackB says:

    I have to wonder if some of these politicians were born yesterday. This appeal for people to behave responsibly is being done against the backdrop of many instances and examples where the system of trust has failed. They can’t be that naive.

  32. Guido Marsupio says:

    This is a good example of Darwin’s natural selection in action. Those who do not take the vaccine BY CHOICE will be judged by mother nature. If she judges them wrong in their choice, there will be fewer of them to reproduce in future, continuing the slow process of evolution in our species, favoring survival of the fittest (mentally as well as physically). It’s a free country, you make your choice as best you can. Me, I’m sticking with science.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Be grateful. Keep wearing masks, keep your distance and stay away from large gatherings.

  34. Anonymous says:

    That is because Early treatments that prevent hospitalization are not offered in Cayman. The window of opportunity is 1-3 days from onset of Covid19 symptoms. If you’re in a high risk group, don’t wait, start treatment at home on day 1. All supplements are available OTC. If you don’t know about the protocols, talk to Alternative Health Clinic practitioners. You could be triple vaxxed, but there’s no vaccine against comorbidities.

    I blame HSA for hospitalizations, for they are not prepared and made you to believe that vaccines and paracetamol are the only options.

  35. Anonymous says:

    So out of 3000 covid cases, only 4 people had some issues breathing?

    • Anonymous says:

      When people start having respiratory issues, that means they have missed the opportunity to stop Covid19 progression. I am not sure why cayman alternative health clinic doctors not actively educating about early treatments.

      • Anonymous says:

        @9:18am – I’m very happy that you just suffered what felt like a flu. Would you mind saying if you have any lingering symptoms, “long term COVID”?

        I’m vaccinated, because although I feel that if I had caught COVID, chances were that it would probably be no more of a bad flu. I am worried about the possible long term effects of COVID. That is the main reason I got vaccinated? I am 53, no underlying conditions, but I am overweight.

        • Anonymous says:

          Don’t worry. If you die, the Covid deniers will simply say you died with Covid, not from Covid, because you are overweight. So, you see, you have absolutely nothing to fear from Covid because it won’t be what kills you. Regardless, smart choice in getting the vaccine! You will be fine.

        • STX says:

          I am not the original poster but I will share what happened to me and my family.

          We were infected in the middle of July in 2021. All of us were unvaccinated (Please feel to pour in your hateful comments but we are not antivax we are just more concerned about the vaccine safety than the illness).

          As of this time – the younger 20 year olds are all 100% but sometimes say they can’t taste certain things or smell certain things. The 50 year olds- we are 100% with the exception that the smell and taste thing is the same as the younger ones. Crazy as it sounds – it is usually things that stink really bad that I can’t smell.

          The only other effects is that the length of the illness was very long (20 year olds was about 6 to 12 days) – the 50 year olds about 2 weeks of feeling bad and about 2 weeks later to feel human again. The main issue is that it required another 4 weeks to gain one’s strength back along with the lingering fatigue that was always present. Now, I love to run and work-out so my metric is higher than most – I would state I am still recovering and my gym work-out continues to improve but I have not tried to run yet as I get winded very easily – whether this is from not running in a long time or from the virus itself is debatable.
          I would state that had I know how bad it was going to be I would have probably chosen to get vaccinated.
          Noting the hundred or more people I know who were infected if you are in the 30 or younger group – the illness is very mild. 40 year olds more severe but nothing to worry about. 50 year olds – I would bet that is the age were Corona is a real problem.
          I this answered your question.

          • Anonymous says:

            @STX – thank you very much for your thoughtful and detailed reply. I sincerely hope that you and your family stay healthy and you’re back to running and your usual workouts.

          • Anonymous says:

            Why are u concerned about the vaccine safety? Just be smart and look at all the scientific evidence and don’t believe the nonsense on Facebook.

            • STX says:

              Read what the typical testing time is for the previous vaccines that we currently have – this vaccine has no where near the scale of testing. This vaccine is a not the same as the older vaccines that would use a weaken or dead virus – this is something all together new. I have gotten plenty of vaccines – my last one was for rabies. Why would I get that vaccine and not the CV one? Well, rabies is 99.99% fatal and CV is about the opposite.
              Now, I have looked at the scientific evidence and I have further contact with medical doctors in my family along with other medical doctors. Most will tell me that there is no easy answer – make your choice and live with it. But go look and see just how many FDA approvals get revoked, see that the average time for revoked medicines is 4.2 years – we haven’t had enough time to tell as of yet.

          • Anonymous says:

            . So why aren’t you vaccinated you idiots?

      • UCS - Unvax Covid Survivor :) says:

        I have been saying that for donkey ages. Little talk on building immune system, blocking folk from gymns! Its not until last minute in November they are allowing other vaccines too. Whats wrong with our government?!

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder what kind of people or person give dislikes to this comment. Seriously.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not exactly, no. Many more were sick enough to go to hospital, more than 30 so far. Some have been treated and released. But 4 people need help breathing currently. That’s 4 people who would be dead so far if hospital support wasn’t available to help them breathe. Please don’t make light of these people’s suffering just because it wasn’t someone you care about.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, as has been reported.

      Not sure how many are suffering without reporting.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re missing the point. As more unvaccinated and vulnerable get exposed, this number will rise. People will die. This is just starting now, wait a couple more weeks and you’ll see.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh geez. Really? You want every one not breathing? Stop trivializing this.

      Why don’t government put more restrictions on gatherings?

    • Anonymous says:

      This goes to demonstrate the enormous success of the vaccine, which is obviously reducing the severity of the illness.

    • Anonymous says:

      No surprise here. This virus kills mostly the old and average age of infected in Cayman is low.

    • Anonymous says:

      there is a 2 week delay in a surge in cases and their hospitalizations.

      2 weeks ago the active cases were just over 300, from that we have 4 people on Oxygen.

      So if we are now at 3,000 cases, expect there to be atleast 40 people needing oxygen in 2 weeks time.

      I hope this is not the case, but it does not matter what I hope happens

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