First Cuban migrants in 2021 arrive in East End

| 27/11/2021 | 10 Comments

(CNS): A vessel carrying five Cuban migrants arrived in East End Friday, the Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control Service has said. In a very short release, officials said the agency is working with the necessary partners. The migrants are being managed in accordance with the established COVID-19 protocols and processing procedures, and they will be placed in mandatory quarantine in a government facility. These are the first new migrants from Cuba to appear in local waters since last December.

A group of migrants was returned to Cayman in April after a stand-off aboard a cargo vessel. However, they had all landed here previously and had applied for asylum, before they left on a boat from West Bay in another failed effort to continue their journey to Central America.

Cuba’s borders have been closed throughout this year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, so there have been no repatriations at all in 2021. But the authorities in Havana finally opened the country’s borders this week.

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Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately these migrants are economic refugees. Years ago they were political refugees but the present day ones are seeking the “American dream. I know for a fact that all Cubans think that Cayman is a ‘gold mine. Little do they know our struggles and what some people do to keep what they have here in Cayman.

    My advice to the Cuba folks – “the grass is not greener on the other side.” Stay where you at. Health Care and Education free. Appreciate what you have; however little or much it maybe. Budget your money and live within your means. Stop with the “chasing waterfalls.”

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is in deep shit with the Virus, don’t need any boat people coming and staying, send them on ther way . Remember they left in their boat, that was their choice, we didn’t give them that boat to leave in.

  3. Elvis says:

    This is the first cruise ship?

  4. Anonymous says:

    There is a joke there about how “Havana finally opened the country’s borders this week” and “first new migrants from Cuba to appear in local waters since last December”, but just to remind us who sad the whole situation with Cuba & refugees is.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Perfect, passengers for the GCM-HAV flight, and not a moment too soon.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I saw the boat on the beach, they are very lucky to have made it

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