70 cases of COVID-19 on Sister Islands

| 02/11/2021 | 97 Comments
Cayman News Service
Faith Hospital, Cayman Brac

(CNS) UPDATED: The Sister Islands have gone from zero to 70 in a matter of a week in regards to the spread of COVID-19, according to the first official figures released by health officials since last Thursday. The numbers were compiled by staff at the Faith Hospital in what appears to be the new reporting system that officials claim is causing the delay in updates by the Health Services Authority.

These figures were posted on social media but they have not yet been released through any official channels. Posts yesterday and today indicate that 62 cases were recorded on 1 November and eight more added yesterday.

As of 2 November, there have been 69 community transmissions on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman to date, with one traveller testing positive following an exit test. Officials have since said that just two of the cases were on Little Cayman 44 people have symptoms of COVID-19 and there is no indication that anyone on the Sister Islands is in hospital.

No figures have been released by government in relation to Grand Cayman since last Thursday, including the number of new cases, the current number of active cases or the numbers of people in quarantine on any of the islands.

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Comments (97)

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  1. Daniel Johns says:

    As a person who lives on the Brac, I am not scared, more pi##ed off… When the Gov’t mandated shut downs, social distancing,
    etc, we the people complied. Now we have 70 cases… Cases were limited to the Big Island. All it took was 1 unvaccinated Gov’t employee to make this balloon… As well there are unvaccinated nurses, tourism folks, restaurant folks, grocery folks, who are unvaccinated as well, some on work permits, how is that possible, since anyone on a work permit is required by Gov’t to be vaccinated…

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccinated people are spreading it too, bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      No the spread in the Brac more than likely started because this genius government only required PCR from the unvaccinated and allowed the “I’m vaccinated and don’t need a mask” to roam around and bar hop Brac “South Beach” with their “lower but possible” potential to spread.
      FYI COVID isn’t formed in the bodies of the unvaccinated… it’s a communicable disease that’s spread by people that could give 2 hoots and partying like it’s 2019.

    • Anonymous says:

      That one government employee didn’t spread it, but caught it in Grand Cayman. He caused the start of testing, so we should thank him.

      More than 100 people from Grand Cayman came to the Brac a few days before and split into two parties; both parties, of course, exemplified the very letter of responsible virus mitigation.

      I am angry also. This idea that vaccinated (which I am) people can’t spread the virus is severely flawed. Recently, to come to the Brac from Grand Cayman, a person had to either get a PCR test (unvaccinated) or be vaccinated. So what do you all think was the most likely vector of contamination to the Brac?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The sample tested would have both vaccinated, and unvaccinated; this info is needed to give a truer picture.
    We cannot draw a conclusion without considering the whole.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The stats are out. About 400 new positives, 8 in hospital it sll doing fine. And 61 per cent are unvaccinated among the positives. The vaccines work. I’m just shocked that there are hundreds of unvaccinated in cayman still. And average wage is 34. No excuse,

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully this is keeping Mac out of bars.

    • Anonymous says:

      LOL – world beating speed of covid surge and of course it’s the fault of the less than 10% of unvaccinated adult population. Sorry, but the math doesn’t work. The vax isn’t 89% effective against Delta as these numbers would imply. And it’s impossible to have a surge like that among unvaccinated with 90%+ of adults and 80% of total pop being vaccinated with an 89% effective vax. That would require a Delta COVID reproduction rate (R0) of over 25 or more. It’s not even a third of that. Somebody has been cooking the books.

    • Anonymous says:

      So, 39 percent are vaccinated. Curious!

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccinated people can spread the virus too. Curious!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Time for vaccine passports. The world has shown it works. Unvaccinated must work home and not be allowed in bars, restaurants and supermarkets. Let’s get responsible.

    • Anonymous says:

      They must be fired and not allowed in bars, restaurants and supermarkets.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please can we have quarantine for the Brac still? See how it spread so fast here? There is one traveler who tested positive, that’s the same as what is happening now. Takes just 1.
      If we can’t get mandatory quarantine, can travelers please do it themselves? You home owners, please?

    • Anonymous says:

      LMAO! Being that children make up that percentage of the unvaccinated… I would hope they weren’t allowed into bars. Do you assine commenters even realize that the unvaccinated also includes children. You sit behind your keyboards and make your stupid comments of the unvaccinated discrimination. The infographic later released has no numbers for each only ‘pending’. Where are the numbers that were used to calculate the percentage? Pat yourself on the back for your choice to get vaccinated and try not to spread the virus as well, because as a vaccinated adult I got it from a vaccinated adult that got it from one of a group of 4 other vaccinated adults.

      • fddlpi@yahoo.com says:

        Exactly! People like this are responsible for the spread too. They think the vaccine is some sort of armor.

      • Ghost says:

        I have seen children sit at bars and also tables close to the bar. So, yes that could be a scenario. Th persons who works the bars and restaurants do not know the liquor laws either. No one under 18 should be sitting at the bar with parents.

    • Anonymous says:

      So what to do if the 39 percent of the vaccinated are carriers of Covid and spread it? How should we punish them? Mark of the beast, scarlet letter, flogging, stoning?

      • Anonymous says:

        Too Biblical. I think they should be the greeters — Along with our Premier — for the first tourists to arrive after the 20th. Handshaking and personal ubers for everyone!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m 28. My mother in the uk is 72. I got my second Pfizer here three months before she got her second astra. And I’ll likely get my booster before she gets hers. Thankfully we are both safe thanks to the vaccine, but still you morons complain about your situation. Grow up.

    • Anonymous says:

      If that’s your biological mother giving birth at 44 she didn’t even need the first Astra round, – any sensible virus is going to put its hand up before trying to invade that system, wowsers

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccinated people still get sick and can possibly die and can still spread the virus

      • Anonymous says:

        True, but at a much lesser rate – especially the hospitalisation and death rates. Stay unvaccinated at your own peril!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I am disappointed that our elected representatives did not do more to keep Covid out of the Brac.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Relax – PACT is following the remove all Covid suppression and let the virus rip strategy. Nothing to worry about as the UK is doing a version of this at the moment

    From today’s news – “The UK has had its highest number of daily Covid deaths reported since late February, as another 293 people have died within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test.”

  8. Anonymous says:

    Then lets go about our business and not worry about contact tracing and isolation of the healthy.

  9. Caymanian says:

    There will be no more covid reports on Cayman as PACT government stiffles cases to coverup their incompetence.

    They are scared it will show how much better PPM handled the pandemic than they did.

    They are also scared the general public will understand and for that matter the world will know how bad it is here and tourist will not come.

    What a shame!!

    • Anonymous says:

      But it’s not that bad. Have you been to Europe or the us recently? Covid is not front page news anymore. Get in the real world and learnt I love with covid

      • Anonymous says:

        Just because it’s not front page news on the media you consume, doesn’t mean it’s gone away.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or… they are waiting to report until after most of these positives are fully recovered so that they can say how well Cayman has done compared to other places because of its high vaccination rates, responsible citizens and world-class health care providers. Time will tell!

    • Anonymous says:

      Nonsense, ppm locked us down. Pact opened with an 80 per cent vax rate, no different in either case to every other major democracy in the world. It’s not economically viable to lockdown when the country is vaxed, Covid will be here in 2025 and beyond, and no one was ever going to keep it out of cayman. Alden, Seymour and their press conferences were an embarrassment to cayman,

    • PACT Man says:

      Stupid comment! It is obvious that you are only interested in making the PACT people look bad. Get lost!

  10. Anonymous says:

    This all just goes to show how lucky we are the Uk gave us free vaccines so early and how well the vaccines work. Case numbers don’t matter. Important thing is the high vaccination rate is keeping everyone well despite the high case loads, which were to be expected and nothing to panic about.

    • Anonymous says:

      3:37PM Agreed, But still we have to remember there are many that either chose not to take the vaccine, cannot take or was not recommended to take the vaccine (Like the children and sickly) that we have to worry about! Thank god so far no serious illnesses. Nothing to panic but surely to worry about still.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you might be right, but then again, you might be wrong. We’ll know in a couple of weeks whether all of these positives start ending up in the hospital.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hate to break it to you but cases do matter. The vaccines do help, a lot, but remember there are thousands of unvaccinated people. And some vaccinated people will also get seriously ill.

      Even if 2% of unvaccinated people need hospital care, that’s 20 for every 1000 people. At 200+ (reported) cases a day and probably 2x that blissfully unaware, it will only take a month for the hospital to be full. Remember there is a lag of a few weeks from infection to developing serious illness.

      You’re standing in the eye of the hurricane saying don’t panic, it’s fine. And it will be fine but we are in for a bit of a rough ride first.

  11. Anon says:

    So 70 cases out of 2,800 people in the Sister Islands means about 2.5% positive.

    71,000 people in Grand Cayman, if 2.5% were positive, that would mean about 1,775 positives.

    No wonder they aren’t telling us the numbers!

    • Anonymous says:

      With only 1049 registered voters, somehow I doubt the 2800. Still, your point is sound.

      • Anonymous says:

        12:41 pm, lots of people, don’t bother to register to vote and plenty expats residents living permanent here that can’t vote, plus lots of people on work permits. Its probably more than 2800 people on Brac on any time.

  12. AZM says:

    well ….. Another great info day

    @12:38 & 1: 13 –
    every once in a while they don’t redact the total positive cases and last I saw it was over 1,400, no breakdown of where on the islands.

    The Gov, I’m assuming, is working on the herd immunity theory, or they just don’t give a shit who is getting infected and just following the money trail, like a cocaine addict running up the mirror.

    I saw another news piece where they are taking visitors to court for coming down with positive COVID. Question, why didn’t our screening process catch that? Yet, all the community cases upsurge we are having isn’t the fault of visitors, since they are few and put in Gov quarantine… it’s the folks, Caymanians/Residents, who can do home quarantine, and then break it to do what narcissistic and selfish things they think they are entitled to.

    The cat is out of the bag, the fox in the henhouse …..

  13. Anonymous says:

    How do the islands continue to operate with that many people now in quarantine, cos you know everyone on the sister islands must have been in contact with someone who is positive.

    Instead you should just be accepting it’s going to spread (the sooner the better), only test symptomatic people and offer early interventions so they don’t get very sick and just get on with life. Pretty much what the rest of the world is now doing. You have the advantage of just being able to copy successful strategies at this point, not reverting to March 2020 style reactions.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. Everyone in these comments seems to be panicking and acting like it’s match 2020. We are 80 per cent vaccinated! And we know the vaccine is the best defense against hospitalization.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, vaccination is great, but it is not enough to make this safe. Bermuda is 70% vaccinated and almost 2% of persons with Covid have died. You go on about your day…

      • Anonymous says:

        15% of the roughly 70 people who have died in Bermuda since vaccinations began there were fully vaxxed. Many of that number had some underlying condition but that does not mean that we should all party like its 2017 the way some people are behaving!

  14. Big Bobo In West Bay says:

    You are bang on 12:31. Hate to say it but we are not a bright people.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Why on earth didn’t the government mandate months ago that all government/civil service/health workers and any Caymanian working in a people facing job must be vaccinated (like they di with WP holders). Would have greatly reduced the current spread. My office is 98% vaccinated, 100’s of people, everyone social distances and wears masks. Mix of caymanians and expats. No COVID spread/cases here. I know no one who is against the Nov 20 opening date as they are aware it will have no impact on the current case laod.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which country is your office in as I doubt it is Cayman. Even if it is, every bar and restaurant I have seen in the last 2 weeks has nobody social distancing, nobody wearing masks, and lots of people hugging eachother up. Covid spreads just as easily in that situation as in an office.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh yes, and remember Cocktail week?! Many of those testing positive now were there, despite the very obvious rise in cases.

        • Anonymous says:

          I know a bunch of peeps who went to cocktail week events and afterparties at bars, and are now all positive, blaming it on “must have been somebody at work”.

  16. Anonymous says:

    It drives me mad to keep reading people commenting saying there are more cases in vaccinated than unvaccinated. How stupid can you be? What a ridiculous comment.

    Of course more cases are vaccinated – 80% of the island have been vaccinated. If you have 1000 people, and 80% are vaccinated, if 50% of those vaccinated get COVID that’s 400 people.

    If 100% of the unvaccinated get COVID in that population that’s 200 people.

    Absolute case numbers will always be higher here in vaccinated vs unvaxed as there is such a high vax rate.

    That doesn’t stop the fact the vaccines protect you hugely and reduces chance of getting it or transmitting it vs being unvaccinated. No one in the history of COVID 19 since late 2019 ever said vaccines will stop you catching and transmitting it. It does however reduce the likelihood and prevent serious illness.

  17. Anonymous says:

    If there’s 70 over there, I reckon Grand has to be over 1,000 by now.

    • Anonymous says:

      2000 living on the Brac. 68,000 on Grand – would imply that there are about 2,000 with Covid on Grand at the moment.

  18. Anonymous says:

    So Messrs. PACT, you still talking foolishness ‘bout opening?

    Better be talking about containment instead. But I guess the money movers won’t allow that.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is not up to the Government to babysit the people that live here. They are grownups so they should act accordingly and take the proper precautions. Get vaccinated, wear your masks and stay home instead of intermingling with other people. You don’t know who has it. You have to go under the assumption that every has it so you need to be careful. All people want to do is criticize instead of taking responsibility for themselves.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I’m not angry at the inevitable spread of COVID to/on the Sister Islands. I’m embarrassed that Government can’t seem to manage to report simple numbers.

    • Caymanian says:

      It’s not that they can’t it’s that they do not want to. They are scared we see what they see.

  20. Anonymous says:

    What percentage of people on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman have been vaccinated?

    Does anyone know?

    • Anonymous says:

      It was announced recently, although I can’t remember where I saw it. I believe it was over 80% for the Brac and over 90% for Little Cayman.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Oh stop it!

  22. Anonymous says:

    “Symptomatic” my ass.

  23. Anonymous says:

    If it’s 70 in the Sister Islands, I would expect 10 times that on Grand. Level 4 here we come!

    • Anonymous says:

      Level 4 what? Who cares what level the USA put us on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Considering that more than 80% of Cayman’s tourism comes from the USA and travel agents always pass on the “Do Not Travel” warning, I say yours qualifies as the most ignorant comment of the day. Congratulations!

        • Anonymous says:

          First of all, if it reduces the number of tourists we get in the short term that’s good. We need to ease back into things as we learn to cope with covid in the community. There won’t be a lot of spare capacity in the hospital pretty shortly.

          Second, few people care about CDC warnings. They are coming from a place that is likely as as bad or worse.

          Third, travel agents! It’s amazing they still exist!

    • Anonymous says:

      Get the ventilators ready.

  24. Anonymous says:

    What did we expect from a civil service that flies unvaccinated persons between all three Islands for no good reason during a pandemic?

    • Anonymous says:

      You still think the vaccine makes a difference?

      • Anonymous says:

        I know it does.

      • Anonymous says:

        We know or does. If all these cases were unvaccinated our hospitals would be full.

      • Anonymous says:

        the facts state their own story anon, the jab doesn’t hurt that much I promise, so don’t be scared of the sting. It would hurt more having a tube shoved down your throat to help you breathe though, that I can confirm

      • Anonymous says:

        A 5 minute trip to the Centers for Disease Control website will show you that statistically, the vaccines are extremely effective worldwide. There’s a significant difference between the rate of death for vaccinated people and the rate of death for unvaccinated. And studies are also showing that vaccination is more effective than depending on immunity from having the virus one time. Thousands of people have had the virus more than once.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you think it doesn’t? If so, do you also think the earth is flat?

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