1 in 18 people in Cayman infected with coronavirus
(CNS): The number of people in the Cayman Islands currently infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus has reached a new high of 4,047, which is one in eighteen people, much higher than in the UK, where it was estimated last week that one in 60 people were infected. It is evident that the measures being deployed to curb the spread are not having much effect, though because of the high vaccination rate, most infected people are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms.
However, there are now 23 people in hospital with COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, which means that over 41% of the beds set aside for COVID patients are occupied and at least one person is on a ventilator.
There are currently 4,115 people in the Cayman Islands in isolation and unable to go to work or school.
With the borders opening on Saturday government has launched a new public awareness campaign about living with COVID-19. Officials said the aim officials is to promote best practices surrounding the risks associated with COVID-19, the latest policies, regulations and official updates.
“Returning to what we call a ‘normal life’ requires a daily commitment to practice the safety measures which have been in place since the start of the pandemic and adjusting how we engage in our chosen activities,” said Premier Wayne Panton as the campaign was launched.
“This campaign will provide helpful information that will reiterate the best ways for us to stay informed and stay healthy. I encourage the Cayman Islands community to stay informed with official information, and please be responsible citizens and residents of this country by adhering to the safety measures in place,” he added.
Despite efforts to urge people to take precautions against spreading the virus, over the weekend another 559 positive cases were recorded from the 3,005 tests carried out between 8am Friday and 8am Monday. Six of these positives were in travellers who were due to exit isolation and not any of the new arrivals, who took their first lateral flow tests yesterday.
The total number of cases recorded since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 is now 6,091, and over 5,300 of which were recorded in the last eleven weeks. During that time four COVID-19 positive patients have died.
As of 8am on Monday, the situation on Cayman Brac was considerably improved. According to reports from Faith Hospital, there are now just 21 active cases of the virus there, with just one COVID-positive individual identified in the previous 24 hours. To date, there have been 107 total cases recorded in the Sister Islands, with 86 having recovered. Out of the total number of cases in the Sister Islands, 55 were fully vaccinated, six were partially vaccinated and 46 were unvaccinated.
So far, 57,779 people (93% of those over the age of 12 and 81% of the total population) have now had at least one dose of the vaccine, while 55,611 individuals (90% of those over the age of 12 and 78% of the population) had completed the two-dose course.
Boosters are still being taken up by medically vulnerable people, front-line workers and anyone over 40 who finished the vaccine course at least six months ago, bringing the triple vaccinated up to 9,334 people, or 13% of the total population.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
Total deaths from covid among the vaccinated in this wave remains at zero.
Total deaths from covid among the unvaccinated in this wave remains at zero.
The exit PCR test at 40 CT is too sensitive.
We need a way to get folks that have had the virus but have a very low chance of being contagious out of quarantine faster.
Agreed. CDC, NHS are both promoting that after 10 days a person is no longer contagious. Equally – both these agencies acknowledge that a person can test positive on a PCR beyond this duration due to benign shedding.
Canada is saying to PCR for 180 days after infection.
1,382 cases on Tuesday. Only 1 was a traveler. Says it all, but let’s keep testing those tourists 3 x a holiday.
Wondering how much of our cases are related to that BA flight? ever thought about it?
Let’s only test people who have symptoms- this is all a big waste of time now.
1 in 18 is probably more like 4 in 18. The former quoted figure only includes those who have actually tested positive, or have been honest about their situation.
I bet there are some people who know they are positive, but choose to be at work, for fear of losing out on a pay cheque.
Mask up/sanitise/social distance….best defence.
When I got it, I just stayed home for a couple of weeks just like you should whenever you are under the weather.
The thing with the comparison between Cayman’s one in 18 and the UK’s one in 60, isn’t probably a fair comparison to make. Firstly, the UK was a lot more open than Cayman was and so more of the population may have had it and now no longer on the statistics. As well, as it will take longer to spread in a larger population.
First Pines resident has been transferred to the hospital and now it is “really worrying” to Dr. Lee that a lot of the individuals in the hospital are elderly.
Who did he think would get sick when he wasn’t introducing additional public health measures in September and October as this got away from them? 30 year old tri-athletes? Vaccinated teenagers?
For those not old enough to watch TV in the 1970s, this is what a Gong Show looks like!
The Pines residents should have all been vaccinated! 6 out of the 10 cases there are unvaccinated persons. Without the vaccine, you are FAR more likely to end up severely ill.
So of the approximately 7500 eligible but as yet unvaccinated (or not yet fully vaccinated) persons in the Cayman Islands, 25 are in hospital then?
If none of the nearly 2000 additional partially vaccinated persons are hospitalized then of course that figure becomes even more grim.
Only the flip side, 4 of the 55,611 fully vaccinated persons are in hospital.
Sure looks like my family and I are on the right team. Are you?
Well jolly good for you you conceited asshat.
Clinics are open all week, vaccines are free. You should go.
Already did, but I am not broadcasting my invincibility
@6:11 People like you are putting strain now on the hospitals. Looks like you are the asshat.
May be conceited but he and his are going to survive Covid. You – not so sure.
99% sure
Sounds like someone that lost a life changing bet. Think we all know the asshat-in-the-room here….
Hospitals dealing with multiple respiratory virus patients, some near critical, in november?
Never! Just a quick browse thru the interweb shows the same thing happens nearly every year, everywhere.
I’ll make a bet – less than 1% of those infected end up dying. Just like happens near every year with flu/pneumonia.
next you’ll tell me that smoking causes cancer
Stop watching CNN and calm down. Stop eating Burger King for breakfast. Go for a daily walk at least. Drink less alcohol. Try not to snort as much powder in the &MB bar bathrooms (its not good for your immune system).
Wash your hands. Be cool
What Donald Trump Fox news denier you sound like. Let mr guess: we should take ivermectin too right?!
Learn to use the spell check feature
Why can tourists, who have them, not bring and undertake their own LFT’s and upload the results themselves. Having looked at where you can undertake these tests there are only 3 that are outside GT or WB. Do people want to be spending their hard earned holidays waiting at testing centres?
Actually, it would be cheaper for the tourist to bring their own LFT test to the island. It would be less time consuming to have them try to find a clinic, que in line with hundreds of others, be supervised to take the same test they could do themselves. It would be easier for the tourist to send the information to a general portal than for all these different clinics to do the paperwork. Put the onus on the tourist to do the right thing. THEN, if they don’t, that is when you ticket/fine them. Easier/cheaper on the tourist. Less hassle /aggravation for the tourist. Less staff involved. Less possible covid risk. Onus on tourist to do the right thing.
What is your doctorate in – stating the bleeding obvious? GTFOH with your rational talk, Pact don’t need no thinkers.
Because if you didn’t want to ruin your expensive vacation, you could just drip the liquid on without swabbing for a guaranteed negative result while positive.
Unethical but happens.
It’s not about ruining an expensive holiday, which a visit to Cayman certainly is even having a property there, it’s about the excessive testing, when you’ve been doubled jabbed and have also received your booster jab plus the lack of testing sites outside GT and WB.
Which would be caught a day later on the exit test, genius.
Residents taking the tests at home w/ covid positive people in their household. The tourist is double vaccinated w/ negative PCR.
Seems like not trusting the wrong group.
the only number that should be reported is the number in hospital along with their vax status.
with only 1 person on ventilator…not much to be converned about.
doctors and medical professionals are not panicing so why should anyone else?
will say it again though….bring in vax passport for social settings…the unvaxxed are a danger to themselves, other people and to the health service.
I’ll say it again then also; we are early in our wave, and other countries/territories who have done as we did with similar vaccination densities experienced deaths and hospitalisations weeks after the beginning of the wave.
I hope you are right, however it’s a bit soon to crow. I will very much enjoy being wrong about being concerned. Let’s just wait a bit before declaring a slam dunk, or electing to persecute any segment of the population.
25 unvaccinated, 4 vaccinated. #science
God are you dumb and toxic.
Lots of natural immunity building up.
and lots of Long Covid as well no doubt.
Hey now, the Reopen and denial cabals don’t want the people to know this. Shhhh
It’s in the newspaper therefore it’s on the internet.
My favorite kind.
How many are flooding in hospital beds because they are sick? Do we still need to FLATTEN THE CURVE?
The hot spots seem to be the schools and the children under 12 who cannot be vaccinated, spreading to other family members and others. The country needs to vaccinate the under 12 age groups like the US and other sensible countries are doing and the spread will decrease and the severity should as well. It would be unacceptable to have children severely ill or die or have leftover issues that linger and negatively affect their quality of life. The decisionmakers seem to have ignored this group altogether. Its not acceptable to say children dont get sick, they can and some do. it would be better to have the vaccine for all not select groups in the commuity.
Please point me to anywhere in the world with dead children from COVID. Based on the world stats, Cayman would experience 1 death every 145 years of a child from COVID. Relax on the vaccinations for this age group….
Maybe check your assumptions. We had an infant go into our own HSA ICU last week. Half of global hospitalized from Delta seem to be under 40, and there are kids involved.
From COVID or with COVID. Big difference.
Full stop, please. This denial cult trope is tired
total nonsense, under 40s don’t even account for a fifth of hospitalized with covid in any country. Most people under 30 who got covid didn’t even know they had it.
Are the children in schools wearing masks and are the desks social distanced? We have very little covid in the school where I teach, but everyone wears a mask and the desks are social distanced by 6 ft. All staff and the older students are vaccinated. The younger students are getting vaccinated now. BTW- masks are very possible in classes, the students adapted easily and this is a special ed/ behavior school.
If you’d got through this (inevitable) stage sooner, you might have saved the winter tourist season.
Because sickness and deaths would be better in the summer for the tourist industry, right? Gotta get those dollars, right?
Man you are a bag of ca-ca
Oh no!!! Will someone think of the tourist season?!!!
HOLY CRAP! – the border has only been open less than a week and this has happened!!!
CIG must now mandate daily tests (in triplicate, to be sure) at registered testing centres, for all visitors, on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or until such time as they leave!!!
It is the only way to stop this SPREADING!
Yours sincerely
Wayne Pantsdown.
I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
I’ll call Branson, you call the other guy.
Its why the Aliens have left , gone to another Galaxy.
But how do we know you don’t have a Covid growing inside of you?
Such nonsense. This spread started way before the border opening and is 99 per cent not related to incoming travellers
Thank you, doctor. When will you hold your first press conference?
The case numbers of covid here are nothing to do with the border being open for just one week. Only c. 5 travellers per day are testing positive for Covid.
The positive cases are due to community transmission.
Must. Add. Sarcasm. Button.
@12:56 pm – Ummm the border reopening didn’t cause this. It’s locals not doing what they are supposed to do, correct masking, testing, isolation, etc that seems to be the issue. Not tourists. The truth is visitors are the ones at the highest risk of catching covid from locals, not the other way around.
Time for a major lockdown.
Nope. The vaccine works. 23 of 5000 cases only in hospital, and mainly they are unvaxed. Get vaccinated or pay the consequences
No fool … this proves all the death-talk against the unvax wasn’t true. Over a thousand are recovering.
Da we yuh get, if you are to stupid to not get vaccinated
Why? People aren’t dying the streets. Let us live our lives. This is why we got vaccinated. Why is everyone so quick to want to be locked down again? What problem are we trying to solve? Positive tests? Why does that even matter? Focus should be on deaths. Sounds harsh, but its true. We don’t lock down every time the stomach bug goes around. How is this different if we focus on what’s important – number of deaths
Covid Is not a stomach bug or a minor flu. It’s a highly infectious disease that has already shown its ability to mutate into vaccine resistant strains. It killed more, waaay more people than the flu in the last two years. Why would you not want measures in place to help reduce the spread thus reducing the chance of more virulent strains emerging?
If you don’t have expertise in this area why not just keep quiet and gather information from people that spend their life learning about these things? Just a little a humility maybe? Maybe you don’t have the answers, maybe you don’t know what you are talking about? Maybe you could recognize these facts and that might allow you to listen to people who actually know what they are talking about and have the years of experience to prove it.
How did we get to this point where people with NO expertise think they are experts, don’t want to listen to people who actually have expertise? It’s sad. You can’t learn anything if you think you already know it all.
In case you haven’t noticed or choose to ignore facts, this pandemic is not even remotely close to a seasonal flu.
lock yourself down. its all about personal responsibility from here on.
Which means we’re doomed. A few hours of driving here will show you how effective personal responsibility actually isn’t
Should lockdown PACT.
Would probably be a significant improvement and certainly would not make things any worse.
Correct, of the unvaccinated.
OMG. Who cares! First of all, the numbers of those with COVID are WAYYYY higher as a significant number of people who get a positive LFT are not reporting it due to the draconian exit PCR testing policy and the issues with Cayman running the machine at a much higher sensitivity level than anywhere else in the world.
Second of all, so what? All these people have COVID but so what? All this panic, all this anxiety over what? Some coughing, sniffles, fever, etc. THIS IS WHY WE ALL GOT VACCINATED!!! SO WE DON’T HAVE TO HAVE ALL THIS DRAMA OVER PEOPLE GETTING COVID. It’s incredibly frustrating to see people reacting to positive cases (ahem – cases does not equal death for goodness sakes) like its March 2020.
The people in hospital and their relatives care. Viruses mutate and we are creating the environment for that to happen, viruses can ‘break through’ the more cases we have, the greater the chance. People like you who ‘don’t care’ contribute to spread. The vaccine doesn’t make you invincible. Look at what is happening in Gibraltar. Be responsible and care like you are unvaccinated, that is the scientific advice.
What is happening in Gibraltar?
It looks like they peaked at a 7-day average of 64 cases on November 18, 2021 and had a single death back on October 15th!
Maybe because they reacted to increasing case numbers with renewed public health measures.
That is what you are meant to do. 723 active cases and 1 hospitalization due to the high vaccination rate.
They have 2.1% of the population infected while we are over 5.5%.
If only we could be in the same position.
The 86% unvaccinated hospital admissions get no sympathy.
You are probably one of those people that walks by a homeless person and says ‘get a job’.
Correct, a job and a jab.
2.13pm They are taking up nearly all the beds and this will continue until no more beds are available.
Sorry what do you mean what is happening in Gibraltar. Here you go as at today after borders being opened since July. Stats from today. 630 active cases. 700 in isolation. 2 in the covid ward. Non in ICU. No mask wearing unless in retail shops, public areas. Open border with Spain, 10,000 cross everyday. 4/5 flights per day from UK. LFT reqd just on arrival by travelkers. No self isolation for close contacts if vaccinated, just wear a mask for 10 days or if symptons develop then PCR. No exit PCR test as persons can still show positive after recovery and not infectious.
Exactly this

There is NO WAY should anyone in my family get sick that I will allow them to test.
They will stay home for 10 days and then back to life.
This is what the rest of the world does.
The CIG needs to realise that the PCR test does not indicate a current infection and that people can test positive on a PCR for 3 months easily after having covid.
Exit tests are not right.
Canada even says it is 180 days before you need to PCR again unless you have symptoms USA is 90 Days….Wake up Cayman do NOT allow the government to lock you uo like this!
Completely agree. Imagine a visitor / tourist visiting and was unlucky to get infected while on holiday. After 11 days still positive, after 15 days still positive. Crazy!! Isolating indefinetly !!!
If you can live with yourself for being so selfish and dishonest then go for it. I’m a big believer in Karma so that won’t be my path.
I can live with my self 100% BECAUSE sciance says that after 10 days of onset of symptoms you are not infection any more as long as you have past your fever.
I will live with my self just fine and FREE!
If i text positive on an LFT, 100% i will stay isolated. If i get no symptoms, after 5 days i will test again. If its negative three days in a row, i am back to work with my mask on. Not a chance i am taking a PCR and getting into a system that has no clear exit.
This is eminently sensible, but not legal.
Having said that, the law can be an ass, and this is most certainly one of those occasions.
Then you should be willing to voluntarily pay the fine to get on with it
They’ll never catch me.
Yeah, the majority of total cases here have now occurred in the last 5 weeks. It is much worse than 2020, no matter how you spin the narrative
Yikes, that’s an impressive hot mess.
6 more in hospital. There are now 29 in hospital so more than half of the 55 beds set aside for COVID patients are filled.
86% of these 29 are unvaccinated.
13 are using supplemental oxygen. One in a ventilator and one using an oxygen mask.
Only 7% of Cayman’s over 12s are unvaccinated yet they account for 86% of the hospitalizations.
So – if you’re an unvaccinated and over 12 in Cayman, you have an 81x greater probability of hospitalization than a vaccinated 12+ person.
HURRY UP AND GET VACCINATED (and boosted if eligible). Wear your mask, stay out of shared indoor spaces if you don’t have to go inside, clean your hands and take a lateral flow test before you visit Nana.
25 unvaccinated and 4 vaccinated. I like my chances.
You are part of the problem, with your sense of invincibility
99% of people in Gibraltar are vaccinated and look what is happening there!
One person hospitalized. What is happening is there is called science.
Its actually 90%. 630 active cases. 700 in isolation. 2 in the covid ward. Non in ICU. No mask wearing unless in retail shops, public areas. Open border with Spain, 10,000 cross everyday. 4/5 flights per day from UK. LFT reqd just on arrival. No self isolation for close contacts if vaccinated, just wear a mask for 10 days or if symptons develop then PCR. No exit PCR test as persons can still show positive ileven if not infectious after 10 days. So Gibraltar not doing too bad considering all the above.
And 98 deaths, 99% vaccination rate, 40,000 population
Just help round out the stats, not to mention the significant border traffic with Spain, albeit a country with a high vaccination rate.
Gibraltar is doing very well. I don’t Understand your comment?
Total mismanagement by Govt. In fact no management at all. Quite disgraceful really.
Shambles. And embarrassing on a national level.
So, we’re running at 7% stupid. Sounds about right.
But 97% over 12 are vaccinated!
Question: If someone recently had covid and fully recovers, why do they still need to quarantine if they travel?
They are no threat to spread covid as they have already had it and recovered from it.
Most countries (England, Canada, U.S. among others) have exemptions in place for covid-recovered people.
Why not Cayman?
Because you can catch covid multiple times. The vaccine is much better and stronger protection and antibodies than natural antibodies from being unvaccinated and recovered from covid
Its more the fact that natural immunity varies from person to person. It depends how well the body fares to the infection while unvaccinated. Vaccination is more consistent.
“These findings suggest that among persons with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, full vaccination provides additional protection against reinfection. Among previously infected Kentucky residents, those who were not vaccinated were more than twice as likely to be reinfected compared with those with full vaccination. All eligible persons should be offered vaccination, including those with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, to reduce their risk for future infection.”
BS. You can catch Covid multiple times after being vaccinated. What is your point?
The point is you are less likely to catch it if you are vaccinated.
You are less likely to transmit if you are vaccinated.
You are less likely to have severe symptoms and die if you are vaccinated.
Natural immunity does not provide you with the same degree of protection as fully vaccinated immunity.
The only real questions from my understanding is what is considered fully vaccinated, how long that coverage lasts and how to minimize the disparity in distribution of the vaccine so there aren’t large pockets of unvaccinated people mucking up the goal to innoculate globally.
The more people that remain unvaccinated, the more chance there is that another vaccine resistant strain will appear making it harder to achieve full vaccination globally.
What is so hard to understand about that? These aren’t complicated concepts.
So get this. I just spoke to someone whose secretary has been home for a month because she keeps testing positive.
She is asymptomatic and has never been sick from it. But her tests keep showing up positive.
And to top it off, she is not vaccinated. Further, he thinks if she gets vaccinated she will magically test negative???
Is she yanking his chain?
Genuine question on this!
Has anyone else heard anything like this?
Sounds like someone is taking a holiday and not telling the truth..It’s happening a lot now.
Yes. Worked with a person who got covid and tested positive in PCR tests for almost a month. True case.
People just don’t care,on the Brac, i see people working in stores stacking shelves with their mask on their chins, breathing and maybe sneezing on the items they stacking. In the Deli cooking without face masks , can they be fined with the new tickets of 250 to 1,000 $ ?? Does anyone know the fines are also for Store/Deli workers/cook’s too or not for them ?
So all they are going to do is a public awareness campaign. Even though 1 in 18 people here have covid. People know what to do but they are just not doing it – public awareness isn’t going to change that. It seems incredibly negligent of the government not to bring in some sort of restrictions. It really feels like we are heading for some sort of lockdown just in time for Christmas.
All this focus on LFTs for tourists is just a distraction. They need to focus on the out of control spread already here.
They just need to let it happen. Get vaxxed and protect yourself.
“They” HAVE been letting it happen.
Focus on the community and leave the tourists alone to enjoy their holiday. They came down negative covid. Let them stay that way instead of sending them into covid infected clinics to mingle with hundreds/thousands of people in a line.
In no way do I believe that the uptake is that high.
This just puts pressure on those who do not want to be involved making them out to be in more of a minority than they actually are.
But the government said it, so it must be true, right?
This is almost becoming a broken record, and watching Cayman go from abject terror about Covid to seeming not to care anymore is giving me whiplash. I am shaking my head at the cries of “Government needs to do something” – what do you want them to do? They can’t check that everyone is wearing their mask properly or washing their hands, or not throwing their positive LFT in the bin as if it didn’t happen. Short of an all out ban on most activities, they can’t force people to keep their distance from each other. Any resident who has spent time off island can tell you how poorly Cayman overall has grasped the importance of these things compared to other places. It won’t prevent spread completely, but will prevent it for some and slow spread to a manageable level – remember flattening the curve? It comes down to personal responsibility – take precautions and take them seriously. Maybe wear your mask over your nose as well as your mouth and don’t go to a crowded indoor bar this weekend. And please, if you have vulnerable people in your life, take the extra steps to protect them and help them protect themselves. If you aren’t prepared to do your part, stop asking others to do it for you.
It seems like a bit of a cop out to put all the blame on people. Just as people should take personal responsibility for things like wearing a mask properly, CIG should take some responsibility too. If it’s not a good idea for people to be going to crowded bars right now, then why is CIG allowing them to operate as normal? Why didn’t they limit their capacity or require people to be vaccinated as they did gyms? You can’t blame people for doing what they are allowed to do.
Same as always — we want them to enforce the laws and regulations and policies which they create. Otherwise, it’s just a suggestion. We can see that people don’t take the laws seriously, and why should they? Any prosecutions?
Does the figure for the number of positives take into account people who previously tested positive, and are trying to see if they are now clear? Or are they newly identified infections?
Stop the hysterical nonsensical panic driven testing and everything will be just fine.
No surprise at all.
Lets see who Cayman can blame now.
Nasty tourists, nasty returning Caymanians and residents.
Or just maybe a good look at ourselves to find the answer.
The number of currently infected people in Cayman is MUCH higher than 4,047. That number is just active infections that have been formally confirmed by a test (and reported to HSA).
You would have to multiply that number by 2 or 3 to estimate the actual number of currently infected people.
Correct. Although Generally the high level of testing here probably picks up around 60% maybe of actual active cases. Just proves how well the vaccine works
I know someone who arrived Saturday had all kind of trouble getting her certificate to fly and now cant get the results of her LFT. With no requirement to quarantine she could be out spreading covid. No wonder we are in this mess
I don’t think it’s her you need to be bothered about
She must be vaccinated and will have had a PCR test before travel, so less of a risk than most residents?!
Totally fake news. The LFT result is given to you on location 15 minutes after your test. They don’t let you leave with your stamp until your result is done. Stop spreading fake news.- from someone that has actually done an LFT post-travel on Monday (day 2)